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#13984 by Starfish Scott
Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:16 pm
I was just curious. There is a certain someone I have been seeing a lot of lately on this forum and it is bugging me to no end. I find their entire theme and music both tired and pathetic.

Now if I was in person, I would deliver a quick, yet fatal blow to the ego. AS that's what I do, I always preface it with "it is my opinion". It is better to be honest, but yet I don't want to make anyone cry.

And yet I am trying to be fair and keep it on the up and up.

Anyone else feel this way? And how did you/what did you do?

I guess what I am asking, is if someones' music really makes you sick to your stomach, do you say so?

If I don't figure out a reasonable way to handle this, I am going to really write a post that drops someone and I think I want to avoid this, if only to save their feelings and not make me look like an ogre.

On the other hand, I want to drop the bomb and hammer the point home, as I am starting to simmer.

( head in hands )

Suggestions? Comments?

#13985 by jimmydanger
Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:25 pm
My momma told me not to say anything if you don't have anything nice to say. The internet has changed how we communicate and many things said on this medium would never be said in person. I try to keep my comments no worse than if I was actually in the same room as the person. But if it really bugs you, then I say to let your opinion fly. Just be prepared when the bombs fly your way. Good luck.

#13987 by Franny
Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:41 pm
I have to question what your motive is torturing yourself with their music?
If you don't like it don't listen to it...simple really.
You have gotten my curiousity as to who it is and what it is.

Just remember a harsh point blank post could very well backfire and leave you being the one looking like an ass.

#13988 by Starfish Scott
Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:16 pm
Why do you think I solicit the crowds' opinion? (you don't really think I care what people as a whole think, do you?) lol

Come on now, you have to be smarter than this. Franny, are you hearing the beat>? lol (I am a beast, but not an intentional monster) ( well ok, sometimes) lol

PS: I can't tell you, as the only way I could would be to post it here and I sincerely doubt that would be a good idea.

And I only heard the music one time, it was enough to make me cringe.
The point is I keep seeing the posts and I am reminded.

And yes, i know the adage about not saying anything if you have nothing to positive to say. Believe me if we were face to face, that person would be crying. It wouldn't be hard and I don't think it would bring me any joy.

In with the good air, out with the bad.. (whoosh) lol
#13989 by singersongwriter1
Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:21 pm
sounds more like you have a problem with their religion which you so call theme.

Just becuase you don't like ones'' theme'' doesn't mean it isn't for another person style wise.

Every one likes different styles of music. The old saying is so true


If you don't like something STOP LISTENING TO IT.
Unless you find yourself just drawn to it then I have to question how much you really can't stand it.

#13990 by Irminsul
Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:23 pm
You can tell someone you don't like their music without being a monster about it. Cap'n you have a fine command of words. I'm sure you can find a way.

Positive criticism is a good thing. I wouldn't be able to stick my head out of the door if I didn't have the thickness of skin to deal with criticism. See that's not your problem, but the problem of the one getting the critique. When you stick your music out there (or your writing, or your art, or anything else you produce) there is an inherent sort of reflexive law you must understand that you are asking for feedback...of ANY kind.

#13991 by Koolin82
Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:02 pm
As Irminsul said a good critique should enrich the critiquee with possibilities of making it better. A good critiquer needs to be able to separate personal feelings and opinions from technical issues. "You hit a big clinker at the start of the second verse" "Buy a better microphone" or "It's probably better to record when the babies are at the sitter or asleep" are technical issues and providing the person giving them has the experience to back them up you really can't ignore them. "I don't like the subject" I hate the beat" and "It Sucks!!!!!" are all opinions and can be disregarded at will. A good critique should contain both and the person on the other end of it needs to understand the difference and use the good and ignore the bad.

As far as making them cry, well that says a lot more about the person doing it than the person receiving it.

#13994 by Franny
Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:12 pm
Yes Capt, i am quite smarter than that, i just seen that you needed reminding. :wink:

I'd suggest diplomacy over "guns blazing" in your approach to this quagmire; that is, unless you like making people cry. (how is that even possible over an internet forum?)

#13996 by Starfish Scott
Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:40 am

I had a funny feeling you would jump right on in, if you had a clue you'd have tread lightly. Instead you felt as if you had to contribute, funny I knew you couldn't stand to be quiet.

EDIT : I do not want your advice, as i feel as if you are not even close to credible.

Here's a little slap, "get a new mic", "get a new profession", "get a new life", "get a new anything but leave me totally and utterly alone" as I consider you lower than low and your "holier than thou" attitude makes me ill.

PS: Have you listened to your uploads? If you weren't sure about them, you should have asked a friend.

For the rest of you, I do apologize. For the special one who thinks it's part of the job to comment, you better keep that warpaint wearing head down or you are going to lose it.

I am saving a really harsh slap for the next time you utter so much as a burp in my general direction, you faux pas musician.


#13998 by Koolin82
Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:55 am
Eh, here we go again. What is it about this forum that brings out the hate & rage in people. :roll:

#14000 by Irminsul
Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:28 am
Uhm....on an unrelated's good to see another participant here from Utah, Koolin. I was beginning to wonder if I were howling from the Western Wilds all by myself.

#14001 by Koolin82
Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:31 am
Yep, I'm another ex mormon boy gone bad. 8)

#14002 by Craig Maxim
Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:41 am
If you don't like someones' music, should you say so?

Not unless it is solicited. If someone wants your opinion you should be willing to provide an honest assessment. But in most cases, whatever skill they may be lacking can be improved through practice and dedication, so it is usually best to couch the criticism in encouragment, without being unrealistic.

One difference for me, is if that person makes it clear that they are seeking a career in music. Bullshitting them, does not serve them at all, merely because you are afraid of hurting someone's feelings. This is a harsh business, and a professional MUST be able to handle criticism, even severe criticism, because as they progress in this business, the powers that be, will NOT pull any punches. If they need someone to hold their hand, they are in the wrong line of work.

I grew up in this business, so I learned early on, not just to "accept" criticism, but to welcome it. We need to know the truth. Without an honest assessment from a qualified source, we wouldn't begin to know what to work on, what to improve.

Music, as a career, is a BUSINESS. It is not a self-help group. It is not therapeutic. You should not be a part of a profession that you do not want to excel in. And you cannot excel, without first knowing the cold hard facts. Living outside of the truth, is not living in reality. Sugar coating the facts puts the recipient outside of reality, which does a disservice to them, because I am pretty sure that most people want to succeed in REALITY, as opposed to fantasy land.

Of course, when you watch shows like American Idol, it is almost stupifying to realize that some people think they are talented, even when they are horrid, and are so in denial, that they cannot entertain even the most helpful of criticism.

Hopefully though, most people can recognize sincere criticism and use it to better themselves in their chosen craft.

#14003 by Koolin82
Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:15 am
I agree with you 100% Craig but, you knew there was gonna be a but didn't you heh heh. With the ease of being able to produce decent sounding recording and having virtual recording studios right there on the desk top for very little money there is a whole new category of musician out there now. People like me who just do it for kicks. You can't or shouldn't apply the same level of critique to amatures like me that would be beneficial to someone persueing it as a career. Sometimes a piece of music is simply a manifestation of the feeling of a person at a particular time and it is what it is. I know that in my case I love to hear from people who like my music, suggestions on improving the quality are always welcome but if they don't like it, it's not thier cup of tea, then I totally respect that but I'm not really interested in hearing a long drawn out explanation of why they don't like it.

That's just me though. 8)

#14009 by Irminsul
Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:37 am
Craig Maxim wrote:

Of course, when you watch shows like American Idol, it is almost stupifying to realize that some people think they are talented, even when they are horrid, and are so in denial, that they cannot entertain even the most helpful of criticism....<snip>

More to the point - they wouldn't HAVE a show without making a national spectacle out of humiliating people who never should have been taking a stage to begin with. I think American Idol is what they call "Train Wreck TV": You know it's going to be painful and awfull to watch but you find yourself watching anyway.

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