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#295503 by RhythmMan-2
Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:54 am
Do any musicians here use Sony Acid Music Studio ?
#295504 by RhythmMan-2
Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:21 pm
I want to upgrade an old version.
> I've edited my WAVs - balance, volume, tone, reverb, etc . . .
> Each track of a song has a WAV and a SFK.
> Sony Acid Music Studio saves those edits as *.sfk.

I'm wondering if I can use their newer software , ACID 11, and load an old song into it from ACID 7.
Does anyone here have experience with updating an older music software to a newer versions of the same software?
- Alan
#295512 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Mar 17, 2021 12:58 pm
With Reaper, there are no compatibility issues between versions. I can't imagine there would be with other DAWs, but be sure you have things like user pre-sets saved so you can reload them, as they may not migrate over to the new version.
#295515 by RhythmMan-2
Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:33 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:With Reaper, there are no compatibility issues between versions. I can't imagine there would be with other DAWs, but be sure you have things like user pre-sets saved so you can reload them, as they may not migrate over to the new version.

Yeah, Sony Acid uses Wavs & sfks to convert the recordings to mp3's.
They sold the software to Magix, but they kept the name.
I have over 60Gbytes of music backed up.
- Alan

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