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#294858 by Planetguy
Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:44 pm
Vinnski Violinski wrote:I was recently notified by the Kremlin that it is time to get to work and start the meddling in upcoming US elections.

Only NOW getting started, VV???? It would appear that like me, your notice was delayed pending investigations into to why we, among others have let BM slip away as a viable and valuable vehicle to disseminate our proper gander.

Putin says we need more Russian/Soviet music represented here on Bandmix to bend the minds of American citizens to vote the Kremlin's candidate! 8)

So to get things started here is some music of the great composer Vyacheslav Nagovitsin

So be sure to give this a good listen before you go out and vote some commie into the oval office! :D

after listening to that i'm ready to do anyone's bidding! absolutely STUNNING! each new bit was better than the last!
thanks for sharing that.

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