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#293683 by Planetguy
Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:39 pm
Mordgeld wrote:
Planetguy wrote:...zeroing in on one (or "a few" if you're like me w borderline ADD) folks in the crowd.....yeah, i was lucky enough to figure that one out early in the game. and i know it likely sounds judgmental, but using that to pull off looking "sincere" when you're in "entertainment mode"....for me, that's still.....acting,...

You actually do have to connect with the audience and perform sincerely. It is not a gimmick that you use to avoid that. This technique is just a great way for someone that is maybe not naturally an extrovert to become comfortable as an entertainer to better engage the audience and fans.

“If you're going to be a ****ing rock star, go be one. People don't want to see the guy next door on stage; they want to see a being from another planet. You want to see somebody you'd never meet in ordinary life.”

― Lemmy Kilmister

if it came off that i felt it's a gimmick only to be used to appear sincere...that was not my intent.

as i said above.......i believe hooking up w one, or a few of the audience is a great way to communicate and AVOID receding into yourself. that's not me, i'm very aware at all times "who's in the room". Who's paying attention. Who isn't. Who's been drawn in. Who MIGHT be drawn if i can lead them to water, etc.

and i definitely believe that for those who are more socially uncomfortable, i IS a great way for them to be more relaxed and real in the moment. that's a good thing methinks.

as for connecting with the audience and performing sincerely.....that's what i'm clumsily trying to address. yes i agree you need to connect w an audience.....all i'm saying is that there isn't one specific "one size fits all" moves strategy.

it is SOOOOOOO dependent on many things.... the venue, type of music, volume, and of course just how much interaction w the audience is warranted. I'd even say it comes down to who i'm playing w as it pertains to age. a bunch of old guys playing Mustang Sally because someone requested it....well, i'm not as likely to think "show" and show off my moves as in the same situation but i'm playing w youngsters.

As a working musician it's not all about playing "shows" for me. Sometimes it's a house party where everyone is sitting there quietly in semi rapt attention and all conversation in the room is with or by the musicians playing.....and then there's the corp events where it ain't about us at all, with 150 doctors and their wives making the rounds. Neither of those gigs call for a lot of "moves". That's not how you connect w either audience.
#293685 by Planetguy
Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:33 pm
“If you're going to be a ****ing rock star, go be one. People don't want to see the guy next door on stage; they want to see a being from another planet. You want to see somebody you'd never meet in ordinary life.”

― Lemmy Kilmister

being a "rock star" has never been my goal. and if it ever was anything i aspired to...that train has long left the station!

But i understand Lemmy's take, but W all all respect to him, i disagree. When i finally got to see The Kinks I was delighted to see that Ray Davies and his brother Dave COULD have been the guys next door and not from a distant galaxy. Much more relatable to me that way. viva la difference!
#293687 by Mordgeld
Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:30 pm
Planetguy wrote:...When i finally got to see The Kinks I was delighted to see that Ray Davies and his brother Dave COULD have been the guys next door and not from a distant galaxy. Much more relatable to me that way. viva la difference!

This also worked for Metallica when they started out. The Lemmy quote is with respect to being an entertainer above and beyond just playing the music. If you are going to put on an act, go all in or it ends up being fake. You have to believe you can be whatever it is you are presenting before the audience will accept it. (assuming existing talent and practice) But, yeah, apples for some, oranges for others.
#293690 by DainNobody
Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:41 am
An entertainer not only a ... 6703683796
#293701 by Ancient Vegan
Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:45 pm
I guess you'd give it to me about Mr Haley like you gave it to Glenn? :lol:

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