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#293868 by Cajundaddy
Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:31 pm
We were in South Africa last year and wanted to check out the local music scene in Johannesburg. We were tipped to a jazz club and some hot local band was scheduled. This was WAY downtown and hard to find but we got there, took our seats, and grabbed some local fare and a beer.

This band was very experimental and everyone had pretty monster chops. The leader was the bass player and he was clearly influenced by Jaco Pastorius and Victor Wooten in terms of skill. Everyone could really play but the music was way out Avant Garde. I would have a tough time even calling it Jazz it was so Left field. As they got about 1/2 way through the 2nd set they started singing a song about killing all the whites and taking their farms. I figured that was our cue to cut out and head back to the hotel. :shock:

This was the place:
Last edited by Cajundaddy on Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#293869 by Mordgeld
Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:37 pm
Planetguy wrote:...i do get the geometry of having that powerchord diad AE and then... adding another A to get a REAL bigass AEA...that's gotta be pretty satisfying whacking out some of those thru a loud amp...

Standard 12" speaker roll-off is around 60-75hz, so a big loud amp with multiple speakers is indeed helpful to push these frequencies without it being comprised mostly of compressed harmonics. I like to leverage the B by using 1st inversion chords, say, EAEAC#EA. Now that's big sounding.
#293870 by Planetguy
Fri Jan 25, 2019 10:04 pm
for some reason that puts me in mind of a super easy to get-to open tuning i stumbled on to one day. (nothing i INVENTED by any means....sure it's been around forever).

you just drop the D string of a six string gtr 1/2 step to C# and you have this hip sounding chord... an A7 add 9

great when you need an open chord shape for simple slide moves and one that's super quick to get to (or out of) w no fuss or muss.
#293895 by Mordgeld
Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:36 am
Was out to an open mic tonight. There was girl there that did an original that I've heard her do a couple of times called 'Foundations'. I just can't find a link to her material tho. I should have asked. She seems to really enjoy what we do too. I'll post a link to her if I can find it.

We pulled off some really good tunes this time. We did 4 Non-Blondes - What's Up. Our singer really killed it on that one. Ppl telling her they could close their eyes and it was like Linda Perry was there. Dayum. The event organizer was saying he wanted to play bass with us. (and maybe a bit too touchy feelie with our singer for her comfort) He's going to go to our link and will be in for a big surprise. The acoustic stuff is just a side thing for us. We do progressive metal/rock in similar scales to Santana. (or Yngwie) The singer is saying we need to settle for a drummer and/or bassist that can do rock n roll. I'm like, seriously, they are gonna coexist with two prog thrash guitarists in classical scales on 7 or more strings? Yeah, maybe we are scaring ppl away. Is that a bad thing? I don't want to be another classic rock cover band. Is it wrong that we are prone to mix salsa with metal? Anyway, we had more time to play. We got up a second time. We did REO Speedwagon - Take It On the Run. The sound guy put mad reverb on my lead partway thru it; almost threw me off. I had to baby the rhythm after until he dialed me back. Then we ran something we had not done before. It was ballsy, imo. Not too many ppl left to hear it if we f'd it up real bad. But, OMG, we made it thru Scorpions - Still Loving You! That is like a dream come true for me. The Scorps are what inspired me to play guitar. They make it sound easy but do yourself a favor and look at the tab/staff for this. So gratifying to play. And, of course, mad props to our singer. Klaus Meine is definitely not an easy singer to emulate. I promise I'll post up a vid of us doing this at some point.
#293899 by Planetguy
Mon Jan 28, 2019 7:40 pm
Mordgeld wrote:The singer is saying we need to settle for a drummer and/or bassist that can do rock n roll. I'm like, seriously, they are gonna coexist with two prog thrash guitarists in classical scales on 7 or more strings?

well, why not? i think it'd just be a question of finding like minded musicians w the requisite listening and playing chops, no?

Yeah, maybe we are scaring ppl away. Is that a bad thing? I don't want to be another classic rock cover band. Is it wrong that we are prone to mix salsa with metal?

not "wrong" in my book....i love cross pollination.
#293911 by Mordgeld
Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:43 am
Planetguy wrote:...well, why not? i think it'd just be a question of finding like minded musicians w the requisite listening and playing chops, no?...

like-minded - listening - playing chops

I can only have two, apparently.

Capable people come in that like the kinda stuff we like but can't be bothered to listen to our music first. They usually end up trying to get us to do their material.

We get some ppl that like what we like and listen to our music beforehand but can't keep up when they come in and try it.

Some ppl listen to our music beforehand and have the chops to play it but don't want to go down the road we're on. That is admittedly probably due to the Latin flavor stuff.

On rare occasions, a person will supposedly check all three boxes. But I can't be sure of it when they never show up.

I think by getting out and playing the acoustic stuff, we have at least proved ourselves as a viable project and may attract more interest from the other musicians we meet there. I never thought ppl would want to hear me play acoustic. Word of mouth is probably what will end up helping us.

It will probably be a couple of weeks before I can post up some new local talent here because of the Superbowl. I'll see what I can find, though, since apparently a fair number of the ppl we saw at open mics are following us on our social media.
#293919 by Planetguy
Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:17 pm
Finding "capable people" (not the ones you can simply throw a cape over.....J Brown for instance?) has always been the bane of musicians since back before they invented the wheel.

So glad to NOT be in that boat.

No seven string metal tunes in my bluegrass band but because of eclectic tastes and penchant for playing straight up bluegrass and my very UNbluegrass jazzgrass tunes, and everything in between....we spent about a yr auditioning bassplayers after our last one left.

and we'd find players who had their feet squarely in one camp or the other and really couldn't fit in w our varied songbook. Thankfully it wasn't life or death because I moved back to playing some bass and started sharing the bass duties w Sarah who's turned into a really good bassplayer. And like your situation we've started playing tunes w no bass on them because they work better w me on mando/gtr and Sarah on fiddle or playing strong rhythm gtr.

That to heart goes out to musicians who are looking to fill that piece(s) that's missing. It CAN be fun on some levels, but mostly, let's face's not.
#293949 by Ancient Vegan
Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:41 pm
Original music is where it's at Mord, otherwise your just belting out the same old tunes everybody plays.

I think most barbands don't concentrate on they're own original music, they're too busy trying to appease the crowd
with the same old dryed up rock and roll. They spend to much time on cover songs, when they should commit to their own original tunes and practice them and craft them.
What I mean is you got to practice those originals (to me over and over and over again, and then practice them some more.

I try to play only originals on my piano, except for Xmas music, and when I work out of the hymnal at church.
#293956 by Mordgeld
Thu Jan 31, 2019 7:03 pm
Ancient Vegan wrote:Original music is where it's at Mord, otherwise your just belting out the same old tunes everybody plays...

We've got a full set of originals, decent quality recordings, and the equipment to host a full on show. Time will tell if we can assemble enough talented people to start playing it out. In the meantime, we are killing it at some open mics practicing up some covers that will get us paid in wine/casino country when we have enough of them.
#294625 by Mordgeld
Tue May 28, 2019 8:24 pm
It has been a while since my last post here in the 'shout out'. Finally did a show with my current band that was not at an open mic location. It was a fundraiser for a charity at a bar/club. So...first the shout out. We had bass guitar on some songs provided by my good friend in the band Foo Tube. If you are in California and you like Foo Fighters, they are a great tribute band for that. I don't know the guy that stepped in on hand drums for our Scorpions cover but the other guitarist tells me he is from some deathmetal band. We used our acoustic set with the singer on percussion which brought us in at about an hour. We are for sure on the list when the charity has another fundraiser. The club also approached us for separate booking. Good times.

Oh, and that reminds me, I almost forgot this one from a while back. The guitarist for Foo Tube is also in Clay Dogs. I heard them out in Folsom but I don't think I posted it up here.
#295057 by Mordgeld
Thu Nov 07, 2019 8:28 pm
Finally going to debut the electric set of my act! (Veronica Lucia) The other bands on this show, Malcontent and Amongst Thieves, are local-ish. (SF Bay Area/Oakland) It has been quite a struggle for us to this point. Lost our bassist a while back so the singer now plays bass. Had a drummer but lost them due to personal issues. Found a drummer (who also teaches at a music school) to sit in for this gig. Unsure if he intends to continue with us, but did hear him talking about playing with us in clubs that his band gigs in. If any of the usual suspects are still here on BM forum, wish me luck. I'm optimistic. Apparently, many people at this show will be big fans of the band that we picked our cover song from. The bassist from Foo Tube will stand in for the cover, so my thanks to him. Many thanks to Malcontent for getting us on this show.

I will be sure and get the shout out about these other bands up here after the show so you can find and enjoy their work. (the primary purpose of this thread)

#295059 by DainNobody
Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:47 pm
Good luck!..and if anyway possible, could you do a few minutes facebook LIVE so I can enjoy your performance? newer hobby is watching facebook LIVE videos of bands far and Moonalice them average 1 or 2 times a week depending on them to LIVE stream it on facebook..Jerry Sless..Pete Sears (old bassist and keyboardist for Jefferson Starship)..Roger McNamee (billionaire entrepreneur)..and also a great drummer but firgot his name (John Molo?) And a keyboardist who just played The Tonight Show days ago but he has other bands to play in so not always with them.. :)
#295060 by Mordgeld
Thu Nov 07, 2019 11:06 pm
BestGuitarist wrote:Good luck!..and if anyway possible, could you do a few minutes facebook LIVE so I can enjoy your performance? newer hobby is watching facebook LIVE videos of bands far and Moonalice them average 1 or 2 times a week depending on them to LIVE stream it on facebook..Jerry Sless..Pete Sears (old bassist and keyboardist for Jefferson Starship)..Roger McNamee (billionaire entrepreneur)..and also a great drummer but firgot his name (John Molo?) And a keyboardist who just played The Tonight Show days ago but he has other bands to play in so not always with them.. :)

It did occur to me to broadcast it but I haven't figured out the details. I will suggest it and let you know how to go see it. Thank you for the well wishes!
#295062 by schmedidiah
Fri Nov 08, 2019 12:51 pm
awesome! keep it up man!

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