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#288842 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:45 pm
Vampier wrote:The "trolls" infantile as they are , continue to anger Glen by adding n's to his name. They illustrate their lacking of intellect and moral fiber in doing this to such a ridiculous extent. Smut is now attempting to lie and attribute words never spoken or written by others .... is he "changing" their Posts again and forging dishonest statements in yet another idiot exercise ??? The Trolls reject any attempt of reconciliation and whine, mock , forge and mispell over and over.

Seriously how can any of you expect to be taken seriously when you "act out" in such manners ? No sane person would believe anything you say now in your self-declared admissions of idiocy which you call "Posts". Grown "men" acting like little retarded children. I have no time for this now and neither does any other who takes "Life" seriously and has any "Moral Responsibility" and basic awareness of TRUTH. If you have nothing but insult then please do everyone including yourselves a favour and be silent.

What you seem to have forgotten, Vampsmear, is that 'Angryshotgun' used to go by the user name 'glenny' here.
And its particularly nice of you to be so hypocritical - calling out others because they use a name incorrectly, and then you and call Schmedd 'Smut' in your posts.

The fact is, Glenny contributes absolutely nothing of any value to this forum, merely calling people names and quoting others' posts (like he just did with yours). With an occasional fake news copy-and-paste thrown in. And bringing up the totally untrue 'Mike B censored me years ago' crapola.
#288848 by Ancient Vegan
Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:41 pm
WE shout freedom here on the 4th of July bloodsucker.

I think you guys do it there on Cinco de Mayo, I don't know I'm American.

Or is it you fled this country for percieved safety (traitor), to live in another
country your not loyal to.

I get the picture :mrgreen:
#288850 by Mordgeld
Mon Jul 09, 2018 2:55 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:
Mordgeld wrote:
Vampier wrote:...The "trolls" infantile as they are, continue to anger Glen by adding n's to his name...

...Seriously how can any of you expect to be taken seriously when you "act out" in such manners ?

Quick, someone childishly act out and add an 'N' to my name so I can most appropriately respond by twisting off.

Mordgeldnnnn - you got it! :lol: :mrgreen:


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