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Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:09 pm
by schmedidiah
Look at this \/


These people will never find the personnel they're looking for by placing a classified ad on this forum. They're effectively just spammers who are dropping off their trash here instead of putting it in the propper receptacle. Don't be one of them. Thank you.

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:29 pm
by GuitarMikeB
But they won't even look at this thread either.

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:19 pm
by Planetguy
...they'll never donate a kidney to me should i ever need one.

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:37 pm
by MikeTalbot

Actually I just go an email from one of those people and he said, "If that Planetguy fellow ever needs a kidney, just holler!" 8)


Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:05 pm
by Planetguy
MikeTalbot wrote:Mark

Actually I just go an email from one of those people and he said, "If that Planetguy fellow ever needs a kidney, just holler!" 8)


finder's fee?

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 2:11 pm
by schmedidiah
Seriously though. You're not seeing an uptick in these dumb posts? I think it's up to about 2-3 a day. Did someone announce this was a good strategy on another site?

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:34 pm
by Vampier
Schmed ... you would certainly "know" about "Dumb Posts". You are the resident expert on this I think. You are also a part of the " uptick". The Gang of Three always "weigh in" on one another's Posts it seems ... interesting.

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:15 pm
by Planetguy
Vampier wrote:Schmed ... you would certainly "know" about "Dumb Posts". You are the resident expert on this I think. You are also a part of the " uptick". The Gang of Three always "weigh in" on one another's Posts it seems ... interesting.

No more nor less "interesting" than you leaving your lair to actively pursue Schmed in other threads with the purpose of ..... Sorry, what is your purpose?

That's right, you're the guy handing out scoldings and admonishment for "juvenile" behavior least when it comes to anyone telling your "gang mate" to get back on his meds, or for calling him out for challenging people to gunfights!

And you're the same guy w no problem about him calling others "rapists".

How are we not to laugh at those double standards?

Last question.... It appears that YOU have revised the head count in the Gang of Four and you've reduced our ranks to three?

Hmmm. Did your "gangmate" sign off on that policy change at your recent Board Meeting? Cos I'm pretty sure that while you are most ready to welcome AV into your bosom.... I'm guessing AV still thinks Glen has a few screws loose. Far as I can tell your gangmate still believes AV to be a "rapist".

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:53 pm
by GuitarMikeB
Yes, it seems Vamp is now chasing Schmed around the boards:
Now who's the troll, Vamp? (Can Vamp see himself in a mirror?)

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:12 pm
by Ancient Vegan
Very Interesting.

I noticed the 3 reference and figured I was out, but I didn't know about a board meeting?

As far as classified ads go, 8 or 9 years ago when I was trying to produce a large rock show,
I played with everybody off of craigslist, what a adventure,,,,, whoo hoo

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:15 pm
by Planetguy
AV, I'll have to check w Mike and Schmed about a partial refund of your monthly dues but I can say w certainty that you will need to surrender your Gang of Four badge and all identifying insignia.

Understand also that we will be changing the secret handshake.

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:38 am
by Vampier
It is a pity about the hypocrisy of the "Gang". As I understand it I am entitled to Post where I please the same as any of the "Gang". If I choose to Post on any of Schmed's Threads or comment on any of his Posts on other Threads then I can. There is no double standard there only the uncomfortable feelings that any may experience when something is "done" to them that they "do" to others. Get over it little children. Glen is his own man Planet Guy ... He says what he wishes to say and that is his Right ... the same as yours when you say what you wish. I quite frankly could care less what Glen, Jeff, Talbot or any other says about any of you. Just because it bothers you does not mean that I have any duty to say anything about it. I really try to steer clear of such nonsense and juvenile behaviour although as I have already admitted at times I am drawn in as it were. This is regretable to me however. As far as I am concerned "The Gang" have asked for all they recieve and deserve it richly. You all perpetuate it much like you do elsewhere. And that is your Right no matter how terribly silly you all look. I quite enjoyed your "Gang Yuck Yuck" by the way ... Ta.

Yes I no longer include Ancient in your number as he has distanced himself. Even here he stick to topic and insults none. It is one thing to express how you feel and quite another to do so in an insulting fashion. I do not feel any insult from him so how can I include him with your lot ? And just so you know ... Glen and I have never broached the subject of Ancient in any way shape or form. It is a toss up with you lot ... are you like children or are you like old Ladies gossiping ?

At any rate I shall continue doing what I do and not doing what I do not do on here as I suspect you lot will also. At least we agreed upon the Scum Bolton ... so that is good.

Ancient ... I also have gone the Craigs List route and in Northern California on top of it. I met some "interesting" people but only in one instance did I get a member for my Band who was suitable and did the job required. Most could not even get it together to arrive with their amps and instruments at the same time. At the time it was frustrating as Hell but looking back now it is slightly amusing. I have always said you stand a better chance getting someone in a laundromat.

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:01 pm
by schmedidiah
Fine by me, but for the record....that screed was way too long to say what it said. /\ :mrgreen:

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:52 pm
by GuitarMikeB
Vampier wrote:It is a pity about the hypocrisy of the "Gang". As I understand it I am entitled to Post where I please the same as any of the "Gang". If I choose to Post on any of Schmed's Threads or comment on any of his Posts on other Threads then I can. There is no double standard there only the uncomfortable feelings that any may experience when something is "done" to them that they "do" to others. Get over it little children. Glen is his own man Planet Guy ... He says what he wishes to say and that is his Right ... the same as yours when you say what you wish. I quite frankly could care less what Glen, Jeff, Talbot or any other says about any of you. Just because it bothers you does not mean that I have any duty to say anything about it. I really try to steer clear of such nonsense and juvenile behaviour although as I have already admitted at times I am drawn in as it were. This is regretable to me however. As far as I am concerned "The Gang" have asked for all they recieve and deserve it richly. You all perpetuate it much like you do elsewhere. And that is your Right no matter how terribly silly you all look. I quite enjoyed your "Gang Yuck Yuck" by the way ... Ta.

Yes I no longer include Ancient in your number as he has distanced himself. Even here he stick to topic and insults none. It is one thing to express how you feel and quite another to do so in an insulting fashion. I do not feel any insult from him so how can I include him with your lot ? And just so you know ... Glen and I have never broached the subject of Ancient in any way shape or form. It is a toss up with you lot ... are you like children or are you like old Ladies gossiping ?

At any rate I shall continue doing what I do and not doing what I do not do on here as I suspect you lot will also. At least we agreed upon the Scum Bolton ... so that is good.

Ancient ... I also have gone the Craigs List route and in Northern California on top of it. I met some "interesting" people but only in one instance did I get a member for my Band who was suitable and did the job required. Most could not even get it together to arrive with their amps and instruments at the same time. At the time it was frustrating as Hell but looking back now it is slightly amusing. I have always said you stand a better chance getting someone in a laundromat.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Thanks for the laugh Vamp. You're the one chasing Schmed's posts over the forum, and we're the children? Your butt buddy Glen spews out all his name calling at us and we're the children? Are you that two-faced, or just blind to reality, or just plain stupid? (or maybe a combination of all 3?)

Re: Classified Ads Don't Work On Bandmix Forum

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:10 pm
by Planetguy
OOOOOOOOOH!!!!! Gold stars for AV....I'm sure being welcomed into your loving bosom will make his day, Vampier.

Are you also offering him a signing bonus?