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#281511 by tim1244706
Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:37 pm
Hi all,

Just want to say that as I'm trying to look for people to put a band with, for a serious offer- there are some frustrating things that make it really hard.

If you consider yourself a serious musician and have been playing a long time, but you don't have audio or video to promote yourself, then you are basically wasting your time. Hardly anyone will take the time to look at your page if they can't hear your ability. A real cool picture of yourself at your instrument doesn't do anything.

Second, please- put a picture of yourself on the instrument you sincerely want to play to get a gig. E.g. If you are a drummer, then don't have a picture of yourself playing guitar- all that says is that you don't mind to play drums, but you see yourself as a guitarist 1st. Jus sayin.

As you can see, I guess I am frustrated, but if I didn't think this little bit of advice would help some of you, I wouldn't have posted this. Thanks

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