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#276511 by eddiestead
Sat May 13, 2017 11:11 am
hashtags don't even work on this site. why don't you understand that? :lol:[/quote]

#276514 by schmedidiah
Sat May 13, 2017 1:48 pm
eddiestead wrote:


#276589 by mystr0
Tue May 16, 2017 7:28 pm
Before I reach 20k views, I'd like to say what other topics aren't saying....where's the musicianship? You all use to try playing together when I first got here, now its all talk and no go. lol. Oh well, if you can't join'em....beat'em. Anybody else even close to 20k? Seems like views are down now since I stop posting so much. Hmmmm. lmao!
#276605 by DainNobody
Wed May 17, 2017 12:45 pm
Planetguy wrote:
memphis1 wrote:@schmedidiah
Nothing wrong with my english or my music. You don't understand because I'm not your average musician.

no argument from most certainly are NOT the average musician. No, you're WAAAAAAY below average!

You love to talk. Most old men do,

that's what people w something to say do. they talk. and if they're any good they communicate. w their words. and with their music.

sometimes it might be short or sometimes longer. that's how it is w those who have things to say.

you on the other hand are at least as equally long winded as i ....but you, you simply go on and on w/o ever really saying ANYTHING. nothing about MUSIC! and certainly you say nothing w your computer generated, stiff as granite, stick up the arse, midi mindlessness.

(well, maybe you are saying this..." I AM A ROBOT. TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER")

really, what do YOU have to say around here? nothing but your oft repeated mantra and pathetic cry for attention.... "look at me!" ...."look at me!"...."Please. look at me!" this is how you measure your "success".....w numbers of views!

as we know, and as your "forum" proves...people do like to go to the zoo to stare at the chimps. and it's a fact (one you demonstrate) that sometimes the chimps like to throw their feces around at those the chimp feels is mocking them.

(i know you're not too swift on the uptake, so let me explain...YOU'RE the chimp in the above analogy!)

most if not all the non bot views that you cherish's not because you're interesting. exciting. or that you have anything even REMOTELY musical about you.

it's merely that people DO look at you the same way people can't help but gawk at circus freaks. people look at you as they would at a train wreck or bad car wreck.

people look at you the same way that Austin Powers can't stop looking at a mole!


You talk scale, but play noise.

i talk, play, live, and breathe music......but it's all rocket surgery to you because you don't have a clue and you lack understanding of the most rudimentary basics of what music is.

simply put, you' re a faker who plays AT music. you're not a musician. you've never played w a band in your life. probably never will.

your charade is're not a musician. you're a musical neuter. a musical gelding. :oops:

now, you SHOULD get busy learning some music basics and how to play w/o sounding like a robot...but that won't happen. you're satisfied w being mediocre and you believe your lifeless and cliched bad backing trks are the $hit! :lol: :lol: :lol:

we know that instead you'll busy yourself tossing some more of your feces around at those who come here to gawk at you. Isn't that so, Mimp the Chimp? :roll:

you best get busy woodsheddin' have A LOT of work to do before you can call yourself a musician. :oops:

the number of views and likes and favorites means a little.. or at least that is what Taylor Swift goes by in deducting that her music is more valid than anybody on bandmixr
#276616 by Planetguy
Wed May 17, 2017 6:42 pm
You know who else gets a lot of views? Sideshow freaks. Train wrecks. Chimps at the zoo.

I wonder if those chimps puff themselves up about it.... If they brag to the gibbons or spider monkeys that they get more views!

No, views impress me not. I'll tell you what IS impressive though....

Being IMMINENTLY quotable! C'mon, man....who's following YOU around scouring BM to quote YOU????

Yeah, that's what I thought! :lol:
#276654 by DainNobody
Thu May 18, 2017 1:01 pm
I will pull up some more of your doozies from the past if you like? be sure not to be embarrassed by what you said when you were in fits of rage.. :lol: :oops:
#276655 by DainNobody
Thu May 18, 2017 1:15 pm
thememphizmonkz wrote:For my viewers looking for more than just a good laugh, post a request or favorite piece you'd like to hear. My last song was "Coltrane's Dream" I can add that to the mix if you guys remember my version. Plus, I'll be posting the BM musicians that have been searching my page to give them a shot at a spot. I love it. This is what its about.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
#276670 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu May 18, 2017 2:52 pm
thememphizmonkz wrote:Before I reach 20k views, I'd like to say what other topics aren't saying....where's the musicianship? You all use to try playing together when I first got here, now its all talk and no go. lol. Oh well, if you can't join'em....beat'em. Anybody else even close to 20k? Seems like views are down now since I stop posting so much. Hmmmm. lmao!

20k views of what?

Are you talking about your bandmix account? YouTube? Facebook?

don't think I've been one of them because it seems that I keep hearing you promise to put something up and then Mike says you didn't.

If you're talking about band mix...what are they viewing?
#276681 by mystr0
Thu May 18, 2017 5:46 pm
Well for starters...joining my band. I've managed to get some to get on board. Its a process, but I'm happy with the results.

Then there's my followers...the ones who come to the forum but aren't members and don't plan to be. They enjoy my commentary and keep up with auditions so on and so forth.

And don't let me forget my naysayers. They love throwing stones and hiding their hands. lol. I could go on, but I'll stop there.
#276684 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu May 18, 2017 6:03 pm
thememphizmonkz wrote:Well for starters...joining my band. I've managed to get some to get on board. Its a process, but I'm happy with the results.

Then there's my followers...the ones who come to the forum but aren't members and don't plan to be. They enjoy my commentary and keep up with auditions so on and so forth.

And don't let me forget my naysayers. They love throwing stones and hiding their hands. lol. I could go on, but I'll stop there.

Well since Mike is half of those it really is not much to brag about. I mean, if you get 20k views on a dating site but aren't going out with a thousand girls then you have been judged ugly.

Unless you're moving some product, it could mean that you're a zoo exhibit. That might be a good start to a rock career though. lol
#276688 by Planetguy
Thu May 18, 2017 6:16 pm
thememphizmonkz wrote:
And don't let me forget my naysayers. They love throwing stones and hiding their hands. lol. I could go on, but I'll stop there.

if only. if only. :lol:

nah, attention whores can never stop themselves and can't keep themselves from bragging. even when they have nothing to brag something as inconsequential as "number of views". :oops: :lol:

but memphis, you did forget to mention another group that comes to your thread (or should i say "forum"?)...the members who come here to laugh at you and gawk at the trainwreck. :oops:
#276690 by mystr0
Thu May 18, 2017 6:22 pm
Rock?...who still rocks? lol. You ask about my biz, then insult me? The nerve of this clown. Who made you BM view advisor? Stay in your lane and out my business, gypsy.

My biggest fan calling me an attention whore. Imagine that. lol. Nerve must be on sale somewhere. The only train wreck in here is how you go from bass to still PLAY mallets, right. lmmao! (how?)
#276692 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu May 18, 2017 6:47 pm
thememphizmonkz wrote:@yod
Rock?...who still rocks? lol. You ask about my biz, then insult me? The nerve of this clown. Who made you BM view advisor? Stay in your lane and out my business, gypsy.)

Get off the tricycle and get back on the sidewalk so you won't get hurt
Last edited by t-Roy and The Smoking Section on Thu May 18, 2017 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#276694 by mystr0
Thu May 18, 2017 6:49 pm
Dayne Nobody IV wrote:I will pull up some more of your doozies from the past if you like? be sure not to be embarrassed by what you said when you were in fits of rage.. :lol: :oops: might as well, its not like you have a music career or anything. Instead of adding more new music, you dumb yourself down following the crowd. Maybe now they'll accept you...but I doubt it. So have at it. Pull up the one where I said you'd be a loser if you didn't get serious about your craft. That's a good one. Was I mad...or right?
Last edited by mystr0 on Thu May 18, 2017 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#276697 by Planetguy
Thu May 18, 2017 6:52 pm
thememphizmonkz wrote: Maybe now they'll except you...but I doubt it.

:lol: Is there anyone EXCEPT you who doesn't ACCEPT that you're a stooge? :lol:

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