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#291896 by schmedidiah
Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:16 pm
I don't play live. no time. no interest. but thanks for the advice.
#291898 by J-HALEY
Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:29 pm
schmedidiah wrote:
Jahva wrote:This was too dark for my morning... :shock: :wink: still... interesting sounds as always on your player.
Cloud Path... really nice piece didn't want to make the PF comparison someone beat me to it... 8)

Thanks for checking it out. It was one guitar and one drummer playing at the same time and the vocals were the only overdubs. How'd I do? Sucked pretty bad, didn't I? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You ridicule, troll, argue, name call, hate on, belittle, negative after negative on folks you don't like here on bm. Then you play victim when someone gives it back to you. I try to pay you a compliment and how do you answer, with a smartass sarcastic statement. Bottom line is I don't understand your music probably much the same way my parents didn't understand the Beatles , Stones or Black Sabbath. Does that mean it sucks, thats really a matter of opinion. Lots of folks have told me my music sucks throughout my entire life. It usually meant they didn't understand it or their opinion's were less than useless. If your music feels real to you, you have to be relentless at it never quitting or giving up. It was not fair for me to say your music sucks and for that I apologize that was uncalled for. I should have kept my opinion to myself of which I usually do when it comes to someone I have had bad feelings toward.
#291905 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:26 pm
The only true judge of your music is you. Are you satisfied with the end result? Others' opinions only matter if you are seeking approval or to make money at it.
#291912 by Jahva
Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:01 pm
Schmed... I'm sure you get it. Your style is not going to be consumable to most ears. It's like a specific genre of art... very distinct flavor unlike the common more popular brands.
But I imagine those that are fans are loyal as long as you stay true to it.
I appreciate the boldness to go against the norms... you hear things different than most. Not that you need to hear this but stay true to what you do. It's your path... no one else.
#291925 by schmedidiah
Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:54 pm
Great advice everyone, even Haley, who is the biggest whiner on the internet. :lol:
#292613 by schmedidiah
Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:22 pm
new one for the haterz. :mrgreen:

like Jookey Man always said. "vocoder suxx" :lol:
#292738 by schmedidiah
Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:58 pm
new collab with a Canadian living in Australia. someone around here might even like it. :D
#293038 by schmedidiah
Sun Nov 18, 2018 5:05 pm
#293096 by Planetguy
Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:25 pm
#293099 by schmedidiah
Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:31 pm
Planetguy wrote:hmmm.

#293318 by schmedidiah
Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:56 pm
new one and it's weird. had my uncle do some vocals on it. played my SG on it instead of my Tele. first heavy song I've done with the whole band in DADGAD tuning but not really a DADGAD type of song. more of a Blacksploitation type feel. last song of the jam with Sean the second drummer on drums and Kevin the main drummer on fretless bass. we were playing faster than usual. we were pulling stuff we normally just don't try and it seemed to be working. I had to dump the entire left channel of the recording and build it up from mono. the other channel was sweet sounding on the reverb front but way too harsh. I used the wrong mics because I hid my good ones from myself. still came off pretty well, I think. tell me what you think of my organ overdub. that only took a week to get right. :D
#293337 by Ancient Vegan
Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:37 pm
I listened to the whole thing

It's as much noise as it is music.

Isn't it?

It hurt my head
#293339 by Planetguy
Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:18 pm
OK....I have a very strong opinion on this point. When you put together a CD....No bout MUST read:


It's as much noise as it is music.
#293340 by Planetguy
Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:30 pm
I really dug that, Schmed! One of the things that puts me off about some of the tunes you've shared is when things don't always line up rhythmically. I'm talking about soem the cuts (edits) that have even a slight but perceptable "hiccup".....or just as bad (worse?) when one of the drummers less than deftly and unintentionally moves something around.

This was pretty tight in that regard. Loved the organ. Great color and texture. And I really liked the relentlessness of the track. i'd prefer to have the vocal rap a little more up front.

Very cool. And on replaying it...i had a lot of fun playing along on marimba (both simply to "anchor it", and then grabbing onto to the "outside stuff" vibe of it)
#293368 by schmedidiah
Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:40 pm
Planetguy wrote:I really dug that, Schmed! One of the things that puts me off about some of the tunes you've shared is when things don't always line up rhythmically. I'm talking about soem the cuts (edits) that have even a slight but perceptable "hiccup".....or just as bad (worse?) when one of the drummers less than deftly and unintentionally moves something around. This was pretty tight in that regard.

Thanks so much for the great feedback. Glad you liked it so much. It's a special one for me with so much of my extended family involved. My uncle was a great mentor in my music and we got to jam some late 60s stuff with him that he had just relearned for his high school reunion in Oklahoma last summer. We jam at his daughter's house and my second drummer (the one on this track) is her boyfriend.

As far as hiccups, they're always there and sometimes I leave them in their rawest form for dramatic effect. I know it's not for everybody, but it works for me.
This song wasn't very cut up tho. We were so in the zone that I got most of it in 2 pieces. The finished product is as follows
intro - really the outro but in more loops with the only hiccups you can hear (where the feedback disappears instantly)
1st and 2nd half of the song are actually switched.
Outro - at the end I realized they were really grooving so I just made feedback for a while and made it fluctuate with the wah pedal.
Final measure - I had them do a fake ending because fading out on every song is weak. I counted to four and we let it rip. Now we'll do that every time. :lol:

Planetguy wrote:Loved the organ. Great color and texture. And I really liked the relentlessness of the track. i'd prefer to have the vocal rap a little more up front.

I added the organ in stages because of how lousy audacity is at overdubbing. First I played 3rd chords sliding around the Cm scale while adjusting the parameters of the organ on the synth. Then I rerecorded it through the boss phaser 3 on step more which gave it that wacky sound (adjusted that while recording as well for dramatic effect). Also used my distortion and reverb pedals on that but very mildly. Then I lined the chords up wherever they served the mood of the song, so I'm sure there are parts where the bass, guitar and organ are all playing in different chords within Cm. But it seems to work, so I don't care.
Planetguy wrote:
Very cool. And on replaying it...i had a lot of fun playing along on marimba (both simply to "anchor it", and then grabbing onto to the "outside stuff" vibe of it)

I'd love to hear that. I need you to overdub something like that on one or more of my tracks.

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