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#233545 by kara1004711
Thu May 15, 2014 4:37 pm
Dyezines One-of-a-Kind Art and Gifts is partnering with Black Bear Bakery for "Good Times". Sat. May 24 3-7pm. I am looking for a musician to keep the fun going. You are welcome to sell any merchandise or cds of your own.
This is a family event with art to buy, recycled art to make, and organic goodies to eat! Now we just need the music to hear! Please contact [email protected] asap if interested.

#233546 by neanderpaul
Thu May 15, 2014 5:21 pm
Craigslist Ad:
We are a small & casual restaurant in downtown Vancouver and we are looking for solo musicians to play in our restaurant to promote their work and sell their CD. This is not a daily job, but only for special events which will eventually turn into a nightly event if we get positive response. More Jazz, Rock, & smooth type music, around the world and mixed cultural music. Are you interested to promote your work? Please reply back ASAP.

A Musician's Reply:
Happy new year! I am a musician with a big house looking for a restauranteur to come to my house to promote his/her restaurant by making dinner for me and my friends. This is not a daily job, but only for special events which will eventually turn into a nightly event if we get a positive response. More fine dining & exotic meals and mixed Ethnic Fusion cuisine. Are you interested to promote your restaurant? Please reply back ASAP.

#233550 by GuitarMikeB
Thu May 15, 2014 6:18 pm
To paraphrase Paul:

"We want a musician to entertain our clients while we sell all sorts of things, and if you're lucky someone might not realize that we're not paying you and drop a buck in your tip jar."

Kara - the musician is providing a service to your businesses. You get what you pay for (or don't pay for).

#233557 by Planetguy
Fri May 16, 2014 1:52 pm
let's face it.....ya know they'll get someone who's so hard up to play in front of people that they'll do this..... and in all likelihood it will never occur to the "performer" that in doing so their actions hurt musicians who expect a fair shake for the skills, money invested in equip, and time spent on their craft.

#233564 by GuitarMikeB
Fri May 16, 2014 5:59 pm
Planetguy wrote:let's face it.....ya know they'll get someone who's so hard up to play in front of people that they'll do this..... and in all likelihood it will never occur to the "performer" that in doing so their actions hurt musicians who expect a fair shake for the skills, money invested in equip, and time spent on their craft.

Or someone who just plain SUCKS!

#233565 by Planetguy
Fri May 16, 2014 7:21 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:
Planetguy wrote:let's face it.....ya know they'll get someone who's so hard up to play in front of people that they'll do this..... and in all likelihood it will never occur to the "performer" that in doing so their actions hurt musicians who expect a fair shake for the skills, money invested in equip, and time spent on their craft.

Or someone who just plain SUCKS!


like you said, "you get what you pay for".

#233696 by GuitarMikeB
Tue May 20, 2014 6:05 pm
I know some people who play a restaurant/cafe in Concord, MA for tips (only) on weeknights. They have to bring the PA system, too. Typical take for 2 hours might be $20-$40. A couple of guys will share an evening, each doing two 45 minute sets, and one night someone put a $100 bill in thier tip cup, so they each made $70 that night. That's just poor musicianship, in my mind - the cafe is getting free entertainment for its patrons, but as long as these folks continue to play fo free, they're never going to pay anyone. They do pay for weekend nights and I'm guessing the guy who hosts an open mic there one weeknight a week gets paid, too.

#233699 by Planetguy
Tue May 20, 2014 6:43 pm
ericrthomas2012 wrote:In an effort to provide a tiny bit of useful feedback to the OP, this forum is the wrong audience for what you are looking for. The regulars here are mostly pros and semi-pros who take a hard line against playing for free.

my guess is the OP is a one and done and merely doing a driveby here at BM.

speaking for myself (and I am a working pro)..... I try to never leave the house for less than $100 but I will make exceptions if I don't feel I'm (we...the band are) being exploited or taken advantage of.

ex. #1 i play once a month on a slow tues night at a small pizza joint that my bro-in law owns. I take no money....and the other two band members take $25 ea. the place only seats 50 (and there's never that many there).
everyone is happy to help my bro-in-law out because we know that as musch as he'd love to pay us more... he can't afford to do so.

ex. #2 my bluegrass band MERE MORTALS plays a cpl of farmers mkt gig every season for tips and beacoup fresh produce. it's one of my fave gigs as everyone who stops by to listen is doing so because they care about the music. aaaaand we also go home w some good scratch from the tip jar.

but, a place that IS making good coin but doesn't see the need to pay musicians a fair wage.....nah, I won't have any part of that disrespectable BS.

#233752 by GuitarMikeB
Wed May 21, 2014 1:32 pm
Unfortunately, for those of us who like being paid as musicians (strings, gas, etc aren't cheap anymore), ther eare oto many who will go out there and play for free (or miniscule tips).

I caught this one on Facebook this morning - a 'booking agency' supposedly:

As many of you may not know, I also co-own a small pub in Salisbury, MA. We've been open for 2 years but were recently granted an entertainment license!

As Ironic has begun to book so many new and different venues, we've had to go out and search for artists available and a good fit for these new venues. Unfortunately, however, I have not had the opportunity to go out and see all of these acts live.

Hence, Ironic has decided to host a showcase at the Hideaway Pub for artists who are interested in joining Ironic's solo/duo acoustic roster. We are currently in need of artists who can do originals, and some covers, mainly: funk, soul, blues,rock, R&B, reggae, pop - the genres that the venues we are booking mainly request.

We will be doing this on Wednesdays beginning in June. I am asking that each artist show up and do one 45-minute set (mix of covers & originals) – gratis. There will be 3 acts per night, from 8-11pm. There will be a house PA, you'll get 2 drinks, a meal, and you can put out a tip jar and also sell merch.

If you're interested in participating in this showcase, please email me at: [email protected]. We do not accept posts of our FB wall or DMs on FB pls!

Artists who attend the showcase will be given preference by Ironic when booking future gigs/new venues. As Ironic has grown so much, we strongly feel that this is the best way to continue to find the best fit for each and every venue we collaborate with.

We will also be heavily promoting this and inviting bar/restaurant/venue owners to show up and check out your music, so the goal is also to promote your act and get you gigs! Please note that any gigs/contacts that result from this showcase MUST be booked via Ironic. We are also in the process of organizing someone to do videos of each night so that we can put them up on Ironic's YouTube page.

We look forward to getting to know some great new acoustic talent!

~ spread the music, spread the love!

Maybe they don't get it .... I put the response we have all seen to the usual craigslist ad that is more-or-less the same:

I'm promoting local area restaurants by having their chefs come to my house and cooking dinner for my guests. You will need to supply all food/ingredients but there will be great music provided. I will expect 10% of any bills from any future business at your restaurant from any of my guests. Are you interested?

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