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#189629 by JCP61
Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:48 pm
isn't the innernet wonderful!

#189643 by MikeTalbot
Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:17 am
"when he does kick off he'll at least go to his grave knowing the dif between "your" and "you're". "

Bad news guys - grammar don't matter to the dead. If they communicate at all, I'm sure it's in 'text talk.' U dig? :wink:


#189655 by Planetguy
Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:08 pm
MikeTalbot wrote:"when he does kick off he'll at least go to his grave knowing the dif between "your" and "you're". "

Bad news guys - grammar don't matter to the dead. If they communicate at all, I'm sure it's in 'text talk.' U dig? :wink:


i dunno....i think zombies are basically a misunderstood lot. yeah, they do a piss poor job w their personal hygiene and grooming... and yeah, they have some bad eating habits, but mostly i blame their poor communication skills. no doubt there'd be bigger love for 'em if they were more articulate.

#189674 by JesseBjorn
Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:25 pm
Hey guys, first time poster.

I'm in a metal band trying to find a bass player, and let me tell you. I'm NOT looking for a root note quarter note kind of guy. Any real metal band who knows anything about music wants a bass player who comes up with his own lines, harmonizes with the guitars, and counters what's going on with the lead section rather than just imitating it an octave lower. It is very, VERY hard to find. You end up getting desperate and settling for a frustrated guitarist a lot of the time.

Just throwing in my .02

#189675 by RhythmMan-2
Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:36 pm
Speaking generally . . .
I like working with a bass player who can altenately play right in the pocket, yet ocassionally wander out of the pocket in a tasteful manner - and on beat.
I like working with a bass player who can hear a song of a style he's not intimately familiar with, who has the ability to lay down a bass line in several different styles, to meld with the song. That is, someone who doesnt just simply play the one same root note as the guitarist.
I guess I like creativity; I like to hear things I haven't heard before.
If a guy has talent and experience, he shouldn't be tied up and held hostage to a bland song . . .
As long as it fits with the song, I'm usually pretty good with it. . . .

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