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#215652 by DainNobody
Tue May 28, 2013 8:09 pm
oh, I thought this thread was from May 2013, but it was 2012.. sorry.. but maybe people's hearts have changed and are now more tolerant of the soon to be 11,000,000 new American citizens of Mexican heritage.... :roll:

#215667 by J-HALEY
Tue May 28, 2013 10:29 pm
Your so full of sh!t Dane. :lol:

Dane's a Narc!

Tue May 28, 2013 10:43 pm
J-HALEY wrote:Your so full of sh!t Dane. :lol:

Dane's a Narc!

Thats his deal.


#215673 by Slacker G
Tue May 28, 2013 10:56 pm
Dane Ellis Allen wrote:oh, I thought this thread was from May 2013, but it was 2012.. sorry.. but maybe people's hearts have changed and are now more tolerant of the soon to be 11,000,000 new American citizens of Mexican heritage.... :roll:

Really? Only 11 million? How about all the relatives, grown children, uncles aunts and the rest who will come in through "chain migration"? 80% of illegals get some type of monthly government handouts and are breaking the bank. Now we need myriads more who have not contributed a thing to society digging in for free health care, welfare and every other money grabbing scheme?

You think that they will not get those government handouts? As soon as this debacle passes they will be claiming that it is unfair to deny them all the rights of American citizens, even though they are not as such. And they will get it. How many people can one worker support? How big of a government can each worker afford?

This immigration law along with all the over spending, printing phony money, and giving handouts to people who do not belong here as well as ambled bodied free loaders will break the bank, and I believe that is exactly what this regime is attempting to accomplish.

Ever hear of the Cloward Piven Strategy? You are witnessing it. ... 6319/posts

Do you think it will be a soft landing when this economy crashes? No food delivery to the cities, no water, no electricity, mobs ruining in the streets, people going house to house to steal food for starving families? No? That is the way it has happened every time a country collapses financially.

After all, who can purchase fuel to deliver anything? Who will run the power plants? Who will grow and ship the food to the stores? What would people use to buy food even if there were stores open and supplied? First runaway inflation, then collapse. And you want that to happen sooner than later?

Really? Think hard about it for a while. How big can this welfare state and money hungry regime get before the inevitable?

Tue May 28, 2013 11:12 pm
That was a great post Slacker!!!!!

Terrorist have scared most into turning over their safety... to our government.

We have very few men of strong moral conscience left in this country.

Instead we have cut throat thieves, wolves, and a mass of sheep.


#215698 by Kramerguy
Wed May 29, 2013 2:19 pm
I'm shocked that all those immigrants and migrants who came thru ellis island over the years didn't destroy the country first. Shocked, I tell you.

#215707 by Slacker G
Wed May 29, 2013 2:59 pm
Kramerguy wrote:I'm shocked that all those immigrants and migrants who came thru ellis island over the years didn't destroy the country first. Shocked, I tell you.

Are you honestly that stupid or are you just pretending to be that stupid? Those people came here legally and they were allowed to come here with the condition that they would be self supporting. Are you so uneducated that you see no difference?

#215716 by PaperDog
Wed May 29, 2013 5:38 pm
Slacker G wrote:
Dane Ellis Allen wrote:oh, I thought this thread was from May 2013, but it was 2012.. sorry.. but maybe people's hearts have changed and are now more tolerant of the soon to be 11,000,000 new American citizens of Mexican heritage.... :roll:

Really? Only 11 million? How about all the relatives, grown children, uncles aunts and the rest who will come in through "chain migration"? 80% of illegals get some type of monthly government handouts and are breaking the bank. Now we need myriads more who have not contributed a thing to society digging in for free health care, welfare and every other money grabbing scheme?

You think that they will not get those government handouts? As soon as this debacle passes they will be claiming that it is unfair to deny them all the rights of American citizens, even though they are not as such. And they will get it. How many people can one worker support? How big of a government can each worker afford?

This immigration law along with all the over spending, printing phony money, and giving handouts to people who do not belong here as well as ambled bodied free loaders will break the bank, and I believe that is exactly what this regime is attempting to accomplish.

Ever hear of the Cloward Piven Strategy? You are witnessing it. ... 6319/posts

Do you think it will be a soft landing when this economy crashes? No food delivery to the cities, no water, no electricity, mobs ruining in the streets, people going house to house to steal food for starving families? No? That is the way it has happened every time a country collapses financially.

After all, who can purchase fuel to deliver anything? Who will run the power plants? Who will grow and ship the food to the stores? What would people use to buy food even if there were stores open and supplied? First runaway inflation, then collapse. And you want that to happen sooner than later?

Really? Think hard about it for a while. How big can this welfare state and money hungry regime get before the inevitable?

Excellent Article Slacker. Of Course, all that strategy becomes moot if we could just stop our hatred. It occurs to me that Dane has a valid point about the economic impact. Mexicans That I have talked to are fine with starting out in the fields, but they just want the same opportunity to grow out of that environment as others have. When I raise the "legal Status issue", they always back stroke with the argument that they only want whats rightfully theirs.

My girlfriend is Mexican...and she has a large Mexican family. They are hard working, ethical. They all are successful with small businesses in the US.. they Get the work ethic that many of our white-anglo saxon kids have seemed to abandon (which partially explains why we wont touch an agri job)
They have always treated me with respect, like family... and they have each other's a way that I fond astounding, and missing in my culture.

SHe and I have discussed the controversies, at length, openly respectfully... We both agree that immigrants should abide by the US laws, proper.
But we also agree, the hatred has to stop... The want whattt we want, and often, they will share what they have... (I see this first hand now)

#215719 by Deadguitars
Wed May 29, 2013 5:58 pm
PaperDog wrote:But we also agree, the hatred has to stop... The want whattt we want, and often, they will share what they have... (I see this first hand now)

Aint no Time to hate as we deadheads like to say
Hard working is how I would describe many immigrants I have met

#215721 by jimmydanger
Wed May 29, 2013 6:04 pm
I've been to Mexico many time, overall they are a very hard-working people. My wife manages a cell-phone store in Mexicantown and she prefers to hire Mexicans over most other Hispanic people. The one she doesn't care to hire? Puerto Ricans.

#215724 by Kramerguy
Wed May 29, 2013 6:16 pm
Slacker G wrote:
Kramerguy wrote:I'm shocked that all those immigrants and migrants who came thru ellis island over the years didn't destroy the country first. Shocked, I tell you.

Are you honestly that stupid or are you just pretending to be that stupid? Those people came here legally and they were allowed to come here with the condition that they would be self supporting. Are you so uneducated that you see no difference?

Legal vs. illegal? Sure there's a difference. I just think it's funny. The whole damn thing and the hyperbolic reactions are down right hysterical. Thanks for the laughs

#215742 by MikeTalbot
Wed May 29, 2013 9:13 pm
I like Mexicans. But not enough to pay their bills. Illegal immigration has trashed our medical care, our infrastructuyre and the welfare and bennies distributed to them has helped destroy our economy.

They cannot and will not assimilate because unlike our ancestors, they are able to coast - none of that make or break it stuff for them. In a country with millions of low end workers on welfare or unemployment how can it possibly make sense to import more? Who cares if they are hard workers who in theory work cheap? (it ain't cheap because you're supporting two welfare bums who should have been doing their work)

The Outcome is that their families don't move up the economic ladder, do not get that warm fuzzy from earning their place, and their next generation goes feral. And guess what - feral Mexicans and the various other intercity welfare ferals don't like each other and they have guns. Great plan folks. Lovely bit of inductive reasoning.

Yessir - let's welcome in illegals. Because not to do so would be unkind. What kind of hokey baloney is that? There is only so much infrastructure, we don't need more people, and the govt at least, is pretending that we are at war. (Illegals [otm=other than mex] are very much on the rise - gee - wonder where they could be coming from?)

So you all think that with a war going on we should just let anyone who wants to flit across our border? Why should we worry - who cares if the Zetas are training Islamic terrorists just across the border - then running them across to help us in our wonderful 'diversity.'

Yet my South African pal who is productive as hell and still jumping hurdles after a decade of hard work - you can believe he gets no bennies. But why should he? He followed the law.

I say this to you all - if you want to sponsor a Mexican family go ahead. You do it. You pay for it. But no, you'd rather point the govt gun at me and my family to pay for you to get that nice comfy feeling like you've done a good deed. You haven't. You've betrayed your country and your neighbors.

This is a tragic scenario and it is not going to end well for this country.


#215749 by Kramerguy
Wed May 29, 2013 9:31 pm
MikeTalbot wrote: Illegal immigration has trashed our medical care,

No, insurance companies wedged themselves between us and our doctors, then exploited both sides, and has bled us dry since.

MikeTalbot wrote:our infrastructuyre

The one they helped build? No, our infrastructure is crumbling from nothing more than willful neglect and refusal to embrace science and technology in implementing our future infrastructure. ( <-- ps. That's how you spell it correctly)

MikeTalbot wrote:and the welfare and bennies distributed to them has helped destroy our economy.

Umm. Nope. Corporate america, CEO's, CFO's, Shareholders, union busting, and financial scammers (just to name a few) have driven down the median wage for decades, driving the middle class into poverty, and keeping most there- ultimately creating a boon on public services. So now you blame the poor, and the only solution you see is to end the public services that they and their parents all helped create and pay for. Not to mention that the actual welfare burden is a drop in the well compared to the amount of taxes corporations DODGED in the last fiscal year alone. Apple's tax liability alone could have funded welfare and probably a clinic to serve a small town too.

Verizon got a refund last year, despite making billions.

Face it, your arguments that the illegals are "costing us" , effectively stealing from us, are certainly valid on a small level. I'm all for deporting illegals and making them take a legal path to citizenship. But ... our leaders and corporations are stealing FAR more, and they've bought off congress to "make it legal". I have a hard time determining why the lesser of the two evils is more important to you. I can only draw one obvious conclusion. Doesn't even need to be said.

#215759 by J-HALEY
Wed May 29, 2013 10:49 pm
Well, we all know how I feel about that! :wink:

Wed May 29, 2013 11:35 pm
WOW that was really good. Kramer you speak many truths and then you turn around and explain your position with problems that must be understood and dealt with.

All these things you describe are wrong... So is... any person breaking our laws about becoming a legal citizen.

So is... Any politician that believes... They are above the law.
I read that in your post. I may be wrong... I just felt that you believe it is ok, for government to tell you to sit down and shut up.


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