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#95256 by neanderpaul
Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:54 pm
philbymon wrote:Oh good grief!

I was so looking forward to this year, too!


:lol: :D

#95298 by CraigMaxim
Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:35 pm

The common theme in your last responses, is that you CANNOT know if you are going to Heaven or not. Cause God would have to determine whether you were sinning as a hobby, or a lifestyle.

Sucks for you bro.

Pretty scary way to have to live.

Atheists have more confidence in their final destination than you do.

All I can say to that, is you are missing out on one of the most important aspects of faith in God... the confidence that you are part of His family, a child of God, who does not have to fear death, because you KNOW your eternal life is secure.

You have a works-based religious belief, despite what you profess to the contrary, because you have to work your ass off, in fear, when all the while, you can never really be completely sure what your relationship to God is, whether He is "pleased" in your work enough, using whatever formula you think God uses to determine the correct PERCENTAGE between sinning as hobby or lifestyle... whether he is pleased enough to save you, and therefore not condemn you to Hell.

I am happy though that you believe we are born "sinless", although this is not normal Christian theology. The overwhelming majority of Christian traditions, teach that we are born into a sin-nature, that "In Adam ALL die" and are connected to the root of sin.

Surely you have heard the term "Original Sin"?

This does not merely refer to Adam and Eve's sin, but refers to the belief that all humanity is BORN INTO that sin... literally created with a sin-nature from the MOMENT of conception.

I was also planning on responding to your comment about me trying to rob you of your faith, I was going to say something like...

"I'm not trying to steal your faith, but INCREASE it!!!"

But after reading your last responses, yes, I would LOVE to "steal" your faith, because your faith is not in God, but something else. Yes, I would love to steal your faith in yourself, and replace it with what it should be... Faith in the Creator.

What a convoluted way to live.

And your response is interesting, because as you know, I think of you as a Pharisee, which if your group was back in Jesus' day, that's what they would have been... a works based group like that. In any event, they too, accussed Jesus Himself of trying to steal from them. They claimed that Jesus was trying to DESTROY the law, whereas Jesus said, He had not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. He was trying to FREE them from the law. But they loved their rules and traditions, so they stayed enslaved.

Sadly, I suppose you will too.

But be careful not to commit an act of sin on your death bed though. It will be game over then, because while you try and differentiate sinning as a hobby versus sinning as a lifestyle... God does not make this differentiation where Heaven is concerned.


And if you sin on that last breath, and had no time to ask forgiveness for it, which you indicated had to be done for ALL our sins, then you are just S.O.L. buddy.


James 2:10
For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

One sinful THOUGHT on your death bed, and you have committed the acts of murder, incest, adultry.... ALL of it.

Good luck with that.


#95301 by gbheil
Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:59 pm
Those under Jesus protection through faith are not held accountable to the LAW.
No man can keep the LAW.
That is why Jesus laid down his life. He kept the LAW and free of sin himself he died for ours.
The WORD contains both the LAW and the GOSPEL.
The LAW contains how we should conduct or lives in a God pleasing fashion.
The Gospel is what tells us about our salvation from our failure to do so.

I keep saying it.
It is as simple, and as impossible to truly put into words as a fathers love for his children.

Simple concept.
Read the book.
Do your best to conduct your life as a man should according to the only true LAW. (most examples are in the OLD TESTAMENT, but this also includes the GREAT COMMISSION as well as other examples / references from the NEW TESTAMENT )
Have the peace of the holy spirit in your heart through faith in Jesus Christ.


#95324 by CraigMaxim
Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:30 pm

Wow! You guys are quite the heretics!

And I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way. LOL - I've been checking some CoC (Church of Christ) forums, and you guys have ALOT of divergent beliefs from orthodox Christianity.

But I realize your particular CoC, may not but into what other CoC's do, since, like terrorist groups, you guys operate as individual cells. :shock:

Couldn't resist yanking your chain! LMAO! (I was just joshing though)


It brings up an interesting point, which happily strengthens what I have already known... It's all about the heart... not about the rules, the traditions, the protocol, etc...

I actually share some of your heretical teachings (provided your particular CoC also follows the doctrines I saw posted today)

So you have George, a man who loves Jesus, and yet your doctrine would be foreign in many respects to his church's, and his Pastor would call your beliefs (and mine) a "strange doctrine", and yet you believe you are following the original beliefs of the Apostles, and he is not. And you would also call my beliefs a "strange doctrine" even though some doctrines you hold, I share with you, but not with George (born sinless).

And yet, we all (I hope) claim to love Jesus and be His follower.

And I know you believe that following "correct doctrinal practice" - at least, as you understand them, is something essential in order to please God, while I just see Satan using it to divide and conquer.

Three people who love Jesus, should be able to convert an entire city, into the fold of God, working together for the GREATER GOOD, the real purpose of God.


Keep it simple stupid

Like George, I believe it is the basics that hold the key. The rest is foo foo. It is important, but it is meaningless when people will divide their family (The Family of God) over it. There is a reason that the Great Commission is found in ALL FOUR GOSPELS. Sharing the good news is what God wants. Hell is not good news. That God loves us, and we can have a home with Him in Heaven for eternity... THAT'S GOOD NEWS!

I'd be sad if I were God, that He came to Earth, put His fate in the hands of his children, to show how far love can go for someone else, when it is true... and yet churches divide over often petty doctrines? God could forgive those who were MURDERING Him (in fleshly form) and die AMONG the sinners who were killing Him, to prove His love to us and them, and his own supposedly REDEEMED people, cannot forgive one another? And feel the need to SEPARATE themselves from other believers?

"Dear Lord, I am soooooo sorry... soooooo very sorry, tearfully sorry, that this is what your people have done with the treasure of your love. Forgive us. Help those in confusion, to explore the depths of your loving and forgiving heart, to see where the source of your power really lies! And to know your loving heart, for ALL your children, especially your lost children."



#95327 by Weeeeee!
Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:36 pm
From the title of this thread, It appears that god and I have something in common. :wink:

#95333 by gbheil
Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:09 pm

He had to go there. :lol:

#95336 by johnnya
Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:17 pm
everyone has influences, hers madonna and boy george. still shes human, and those photos of those kids doing that, that does not help, i think the problem is people being more loud and not holding back from expressing themselfs, sounds like one of the constitution rights. perhaps in how tactful its done?

#95339 by CraigMaxim
Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:37 pm

What you been up to lately brother?

Seen a few posts from you recently, but before that, not for awhile. Unless I just missed them.

Whatcha doin' musically these days bro?


#95463 by gtZip
Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:16 am
CraigMaxim wrote:
neanderpaul wrote:
sanshouheil wrote:LOL

These people are just stupid.
God hates the act, not the actor.


See bro?

You say that. And yet, it is the ACTOR and not the ACTS that God allegedly burns (without burning up) for eternity.

Why would that be Paul?

When he "loves" us?


In the end Craig, the actor is the sum of all his acts.

#95479 by CraigMaxim
Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:38 am
gtZip wrote:

In the end Craig, the actor is the sum of all his acts.

I understand what you are saying, in principle, however...

An act is something that occurs in a specific moment of time.

People are often more than "What they do"

A person who grew up learning an entire set of horrid values, may ACT in the ways he has learned. Does this prohibit the possibility of becoming more? Of learning a better set of values in the future? Or a change of heart? If we were ONLY "what we have done" then if someone lived a good portion of their life that way, and we made a PERMANENT judgement of them in some particular moment in time, they would be done... condemned forever. But there is always a chance at redemption, before death arrives, isn't there?

And the tricky problem with that, is that WE DO NOT ALL DIE AT THE SAME AGE.

Some people get a full life to change and fall at God's feet, maybe even 75 years. But sadly others die at every age conceivable... 55... 35... 25... 18... 15... 12...

What if a 12 year old has reached the "age of accountability" and realizes their actions are wrong, and continues in them anyway, only to find themselves run over by a drunk driver at age 13?

Someone explain the fairness in that to me... that this child while SPIRITUALLY accountable for their sins, nevertheless, got maybe less than a year to "TURN OR BURN" and yet will be KEPT ALIVE... FOR ALL ETERNITY... by their "LOVING FATHER" merely so they can be conscious enough to FEEL THE PAIN that their torture loving "Father" will dish out to them for ETERNITY.

None of you really believe that in your souls. It would be hard to call you a human if you did. It is just religious mantras of interpretations of scripture handed down by a crueler generation. Nothing more.

I think even a twisted psychopath would quit torturing them eventually, and move on to something new.

Is a twisted psychopath more reasonable than God is?

A person is a PERSON.

A living soul.

Acts are THINGS that occur in a moment in time.

Amazingly NO ONE can give a reasonable to answer to this question, of why God would keep HIS CHILDREN "ALIVE" merely to torture them. What lessons are being learned by anyone? The victims of God's torture? What good is their finally learning a lesson, when they cannot then live a godly life as a result? Is the lesson for us? I don't think so, because no one has seen hell, and can know it exists with certainty until they DO SEE IT, and then it would be too late.

From gun-toting justice-seeking Texans, all the way to the other extreme, of twisted psychopaths on the other... In all sincerity, I don't believe I could find ANY human being, that would TORTURE another human being FOR ETERNITY, without any hope for redemption and without ceasing, and without any possibility of succumbing to the pain permanently, by dying of the inflicted torture.

Even psychopaths, if nothing else, get bored and move on.

The question remains...

Why keep them alive?

Someone not worthy to dwell among us?

Kill them.

Be done with it.

Isn't Heaven supposed to be a place of NO TEARS and NO PAIN?

How will you have NO TEARS and NO PAIN, if God is torturing your own 15 year old daughter, your Aunt Maggie, and 25% of the rest of your family, in "fire" that only FEELS like it is burning you, but never literally burns you, and they will endure this for eternity????

I could never be "happy" in Heaven, if I knew my relatives were being eternally tortured down the street, to satisfy what? God's feelings of rejection? He can't get over rejection... ever? For all eternity?

If that's what God is truly about... we should sign Him up for counseling.

And explain Revelation to me?

"And death and Hell were cast into the Lake of Fire"

What's the "Lake of Fire" - if not a metaphor for the END of something? Is it a "second" Hell? Can HELL be cast into HELL? Was eternal burning in the first Hell not enough? Does putting one fiery place, into a second fiery place, increase the temperature more... A "gotcha" after the already final "gotcha"?

It's ridiculous.

If you believed these misinterpretations in the past... let them go.

Don't be afraid to move on, from mistaken scriptural interpretations, merely because your Pastor learned the same "take" on this stuff in Seminary, that slave-owners were teaching over a thousand years ago.

I would venture to say that NONE of the "Turn or Burn" types here, have their wives and daughters covering their heads in church on a weekly basis? And yet this is a rule of proper etiquette given by an Apostle.

You let that one go, but you are going to hold-onto the "eternal burning of 13 and 17 year olds" and hold onto the "casting hell into another hell" ones?


Cover your wives heads then, and give up believing in, and teaching others, that God is a psychopathic torturer who keeps people alive so He can give them endless pain 24/7 and merely because He wanted their love, but they didn't want His.

We get over people who reject us HUMANS.

God doesn't have this ability?

We are more emotionally balanced than God?... The Creator and supposed source of LOVE itself?

There's something wrong there... dontcha think?

If anyone has questions I would be more than thrilled to share what I have learned. I've had my own questions too. Or if you want to share your own insights, or just play Devil's advocate... whatever.

There can be no more serious question than whether the God of love really finds... endless torturing, to be a loving act.


#95483 by CraigMaxim
Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:01 am
CraigMaxim wrote:

Amazingly NO ONE can give a reasonable to answer to this question, of why God would keep HIS CHILDREN "ALIVE" merely to torture them. What lessons are being learned by anyone? The victims of God's torture? What good is their finally learning a lesson, when they cannot then live a godly life as a result?

Some follow-ups come to me, when I consider the quote above...

What if someone had been tortured in Hell for one year, and that was the magical time period for that person to change His heart? Now all He wants, is to live a godly life!

Who would be stopping them at that point?


Is it really "love" or "justice" to literally PREVENT someone from living a godly and productive life, as a "lesson" to them? Isn't God then responsible for someone NOT living up to their full potential at that point, since He STOPS THEM by imprisoning them FOREVER in fire that never burns anything?

And let's forget about "getting out of hell" for just a moment.

What if someone changed their heart in hell, and yet because of this bizarre "you had your chance" thing, God would be breaking His own rules to let them out, so He doesn't.

Is it justice that this hell-dweller may have only sinned for 30 years on Earth, but now that He has a changed perspective, albeit changed only AFTER they got to Hell... they could conceivable watch thousands of years go by, where they never committed another sinful act, and yet, that long of a track record of decency, is not "time served"?

And why not just burn people BEFORE they get condemned to eternity? If burning them AFTER, will teach some kind of lesson... why not burn them BEFORE... allowing them to change... pretty quickly too I bet... and then they could avoid the whole "You rejected my love, so I'm gonna torture you forever" thing.


What do people do in Hell?

Well, there will be "screaming" and "teeth gnashing" and "worms"... well... Let's start there.... "What's the worms for?" An aesthetic touch? Cause they can't very well eat flesh that doesn't burn can they? The flesh magically stays on the hell-bound humans, so they can be in one piece, yet continue to be "burned" well, not burned... but just FEEL like they are burning.

Why worms?

What did the worms do to deserve hell along with the reprobates?

And they can't get out of hell by dying either. We have the ability to grind our teeth together in hell, but I suppose we can't grind the worms up with them, cause that would make the Bible a lie, if even one worm died.

Still, we're not tied up, cause our teeth are going strong, and we are weeping in the midst of all this, so we're FREE in that sense down there... just not able to get out, right? Are there walls in this torture chamber then?

What keeps us there?

The Bible teaches that hell is literally in the Earth, underground... not a stretch for people in the past, who could saw Volcanoes spewing rivers of fire from it's mouth. What stops the volcano from spitting some of these hell-people out once in a while? Or them just crawling and climbing out?

We have a cosmos of BILLIONS of galaxies... why not put these bad apples on the Sun instead? Why underneath our feet, where they could get spit out or crawl out. And of course, again, a physical fiery substance like lava... how does that cause harm to SPIRITUAL people thrown in there? Even if God gives their bodies back, that leads to other problems... like being in a form that CAN burn up with nothing remaining.

And the WEEPING really bothers me too.

How are tears, mostly made of water, possible in hell?

In the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich man, that rich man only wanted a DROP of water. Why not just lick everyone's eyeballs, since they are all weeping (that's what it says) and then he would have all the water he wanted? He could even let his own tears fall into his mouth... yet he is begging for ONE DROP of water?

Either some well-meaning folks have gotten some scripture wrong, along the way, or...

Well It's 4am... I'm tired.

I'll have to finish this later.

But I'll leave you with a dilemma or three...

Jesus told the thief that he would be with Jesus THAT DAY in Paradise, yet the Bible says Jesus went to hell for 3 days and 3 nights.

And 3 days and 3 nights?

He was put in the tomb Friday Night and rose early Sunday. That would be 2 days and 2 nights, NOT 3 days and 3 nights.

What's up with all that?

I know what the mistake is.... do you?

#95486 by neanderpaul
Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:10 am
CraigMaxim wrote:Paul,

The common theme in your last responses, is that you CANNOT know if you are going to Heaven or not. Cause God would have to determine whether you were sinning as a hobby, or a lifestyle.

I don't see how you get that from what I said. I know through scripture that my sins were forgiven by the blood of Christ. I know through scripture that no sin can enter heaven. And I know through scripture that we can lose our salvation.

22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Col 122 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: 23 If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;
Sucks for you bro.

So you must endure to the end and continue in the faith.

So these passages show we can lose our salvation.

CraigMaxim wrote: Pretty scary way to have to live

I guess it's scary. Hell is scary. Not getting to be with God is scary. Scary enough to motivate me to "pray without ceasing". My real motivation is love and gratitude that he gave us his only son to pay for the sins we can't atone for any other way.

CraigMaxim wrote:Atheists have more confidence in their final destination than you do.

It's hard to have more confidence than %100. I'm 100% confident I was forgiven of my sins. 100% confident that I have since sinned. %100 confident that I must be forgiven of those sins before I may enter heaven. 100% confident that the only unforgivable sin is the one I don't repent of.

CraigMaxim wrote:All I can say to that, is you are missing out on one of the most important aspects of faith in God... the confidence that you are part of His family, a child of God, who does not have to fear death, because you KNOW your eternal life is secure.

I absolutely am not missing out on that. And I do not fear death. I do "fear God and keep his commandments"

In all our debates I never hear of you worshiping with fellow believers. We must be fed and encouraged constantly to both grow AND to be pleasing to him.

Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Not forsaking- don't skip church!
We need to be fed. We need to encourage.
Christ deserves our worship.

We are still at the same place we always get to. I only use the scriptures to show what I believe and why. And you occasionally use the scriptures.

And again first opinions Chapter Craig has no weight with me or any body else with the wisdom to know all humans are fallible and the only truth regarding salvation is in God's inspired word.

CraigMaxim wrote: You have a works-based religious belief, despite what you profess to the contrary, because you have to work your ass off, in fear,

I shared the verses that show it's not works based. That's all the justification I need on that point of faith. Yes we must fear and work but..

CraigMaxim wrote: when all the while, you can never really be completely sure what your relationship to God is, whether He is "pleased" in your work enough, using whatever formula you think God uses to determine the correct PERCENTAGE between sinning as hobby or lifestyle... whether he is pleased enough to save you, and therefore not condemn you to Hell.

... but I also shared the scriptures showing we can know.

CraigMaxim wrote: I am happy though that you believe we are born "sinless",

How could that surprise you? You know I only believe what I can read for myself in the bible. And clearly children are sin free .

matt 18:3And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

CraigMaxim wrote: although this is not normal Christian theology. The overwhelming majority of Christian traditions, teach that we are born into a sin-nature, that "In Adam ALL die" and are connected to the root of sin.

"normal Christian theology" has no place in my life or in the life of any motivated thinking Christian who wants to please God. We must work it out ourselves.

Phil 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

CraigMaxim wrote: Surely you have heard the term "Original Sin"?

Sure, I heard that term in a Eurythmics song! :lol: But liike many other terms you can't find in the bible..... pope, rapture, etc etc I don't need to consider it.

CraigMaxim wrote: I was also planning on responding to your comment about me trying to rob you of your faith, I was going to say something like...

"I'm not trying to steal your faith, but INCREASE it!!!"

But after reading your last responses, yes, I would LOVE to "steal" your faith, because your faith is not in God, but something else. Yes, I would love to steal your faith in yourself, and replace it with what it should be... Faith in the Creator.

What a convoluted way to live.

That's just great Craig. :roll: I trust God's promises. I believe his word. I follow it as a guide for life. I believe him when he says we must hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized in the the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit for the remission of sins, and that we must work for him. But my faith is in not in God. Right? Yeah whatever Craig.

CraigMaxim wrote: And your response is interesting, because as you know, I think of you as a Pharisee, which if your group was back in Jesus' day, that's what they would have been... a works based group like that. In any event, they too, accussed Jesus Himself of trying to steal from them. They claimed that Jesus was trying to DESTROY the law, whereas Jesus said, He had not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. He was trying to FREE them from the law. But they loved their rules and traditions, so they stayed enslaved..

Yes they loved the old law law which was completed and is no longer in effect. That does not mean the new law is not in effect!

Here is a clear example. Baptism is a requirement to get into heaven. Get ready.... it's clear.

john 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

So that's a rule.
Christ set it up.
We must follow it.

So either A. Rules are important like Christ said.
Or B. They don't matter like Craig says.

CraigMaxim wrote:But be careful not to commit an act of sin on your death bed though.

Woah! Actual bible based advice from Craig!

II pet 3:17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

CraigMaxim wrote: It will be game over then, because while you try and differentiate sinning as a hobby versus sinning as a lifestyle... God does not make this differentiation where Heaven is concerned.

God does differentiate between habitual sin and slipping. The verses demonstrated that.

heb10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

#95489 by neanderpaul
Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:29 pm
CraigMaxim wrote:Paul,

Wow! You guys are quite the heretics!

Ok, by definition sure.

Heresy is proposing some unorthodox change to an established system of belief

The heresy in what I believe compared to most folks is that we must follow only the bible. Adding to any element of the bible is not acceptable to God.
NOT ALL WORSHIP is acceptable.

It just means we get to the basics. And stay there. It says to preach, teach, pray, sing, give of our means, take the lord's supperand give of our means on the first day of the week.

If in worship you do only the things shown by example and command then and only then you can know the worship is pleasing and acceptable to God.

CraigMaxim wrote:But I realize your particular CoC, may not but into what other CoC's do, since, like terrorist groups, you guys operate as individual cells. :shock:

Couldn't resist yanking your chain! LMAO! (I was just joshing though)

:lol: It's true! Of course that is the only bible based church government. Only local congregations are in the bible. Any state committees or national headquarters are not authorized. Perhaps that is because with that power would come corruption. Perhaps it's because the guide is clear and easy to follow.

CraigMaxim wrote: But...

It brings up an interesting point, which happily strengthens what I have already known... It's all about the heart... not about the rules, the traditions, the protocol, etc...

Sort of like cooking is ALL about salt. And Music is ALL about rock. And rock is ALL about guitar.

Doesn't fly does it.

It also doesn't jive with the verse...

John 4:24 God is a spirit. Those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."

Spirit is the the heart you mention. Truth is the guide you failed to mention. truth is the rules. Truth is the way God requires us to worship him. It does not matter how we feel. What matters is how God feels.

CraigMaxim wrote:So you have George, a man who loves Jesus, and yet your doctrine would be foreign in many respects to his church's, and his Pastor would call your beliefs (and mine) a "strange doctrine", and yet you believe you are following the original beliefs of the Apostles, and he is not. And you would also call my beliefs a "strange doctrine" even though some doctrines you hold, I share with you, but not with George (born sinless)..

I don't know much of George's doctrine. I know he appreciates Christ!
I would call your beliefs a strange Craig specific doctrine. It looks to me as if you were burned by the moonies and let it get between you and God. Specifically your faith that his word is dependable. That it contains all we need to know.

CraigMaxim wrote:And yet, we all (I hope) claim to love Jesus and be His follower.


CraigMaxim wrote:And I know you believe that following "correct doctrinal practice" - at least, as you understand them, is something essential in order to please God, while I just see Satan using it to divide and conquer.

Let me rephrase this and see if it makes sense back to you this way.

"Following the bible is Satan trying to divide and conquer."

That sounds really crazy to me.

CraigMaxim wrote: Three people who love Jesus, should be able to convert an entire city, into the fold of God, working together for the GREATER GOOD, the real purpose of God.

Should be. When you go to Africa you don't go "knocking doorS" you go "knocking door" because they are so receptive. They welcome you, soak it in, and summon neighbors, family, and friends. Here we are fat, spoiled, and lazy and think we don't need God.

CraigMaxim wrote: K.I.S.S.

Keep it simple stupid

Now that is EXACTLY what the church I worship with does. If we can't find it in the bible it's not part of our worship or religious life. THAT IS KEEPING it SIMPLE! No authority other than the bible. No mediator between God and man other than Christ. No elements of worship other than what we can read about.

#95528 by Starfish Scott
Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:21 pm
sum of your acts.. Hit the nail on the head.

K.I.S.S. - don't give up too many secrets. lol

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