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#67104 by Sir Jamsalot
Tue May 12, 2009 4:14 pm
jw123 wrote:I forgot to add I have a Gibson that the group Switchfoot signed, when I took it in to get a setup my guy said do you want to take the sigs off. His feeling was that for my guitar the signatures actually took away from the value.

I would be embarrassed as hell to be on stage playing with a signed guitar. It smacks of poser, unless you yourself are a star, then you could get away with it (IMO).

#67106 by ghost 62
Tue May 12, 2009 4:32 pm
have a raffle at your next big gig sell tickets for 20 bucks a pc with only 100 tckets being sold youll make 2 grand to spend on equipment you need or divy up the money and somebody will get a guitar 4 20 bucks

#67111 by ratsass
Tue May 12, 2009 5:45 pm
ghost 62 wrote:have a raffle at your next big gig sell tickets for 20 bucks a pc with only 100 tckets being sold youll make 2 grand to spend on equipment you need or divy up the money and somebody will get a guitar 4 20 bucks

Great freakin' idea, Ghost. :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

#67112 by jw123
Tue May 12, 2009 5:57 pm
Heres me playing the switchfoot guitar.

As far as raffling the guitar at a gig. I dont think you would get enough people involved to get enough money to sell the thing. I think ebay woudl be better you get more exposure and who knows there might be some Zakk freak that woudl give some good money for it.


#67122 by Chippy
Tue May 12, 2009 6:30 pm
As a drumer if someone like Phil or numerous well known drummers signed a kit I'd have no problem in playing it at all.

It's not a nemesis, in fact its kinda cool right?

#67385 by bigmacbassman
Thu May 14, 2009 11:57 pm
Well here it is almost two weeks later and we finally have a resolution. We decided to draw a name and the winner would have to buy the others out. As I said before, the similar Bullseye Epi goes for $850 in the AMS catalog. We valued the axe at 800. Our drummer didn't want it, he'd rather have the money. Our guitarist wanted it, but, he'd rather spend $600 on a guitar he would play all the time. So, it came down to me and our singer (who by the way has a vast collection of guitars numbering over twenty, nobody knows the exact amount) We ended up flipping a coin and I won. It will cost me $600, but it's a showpiece that I will eventually give to my son. It has great sentimental value for me. I don't care what kind of guitar it is. It's the fact that we were chosen to receive it because of our musical ability. I won't play it. Besides, I'm a LEFTY!! :shock: Delima over. Thanks to all for your input and spiritual guidance. BIGMAC

#67390 by Chippy
Fri May 15, 2009 1:21 am
Good for you BigMac!
Friends will be talking and I think it maybe will inspire you in any case.



bigmacbassman wrote:Well here it is almost two weeks later and we finally have a resolution. We decided to draw a name and the winner would have to buy the others out. As I said before, the similar Bullseye Epi goes for $850 in the AMS catalog. We valued the axe at 800. Our drummer didn't want it, he'd rather have the money. Our guitarist wanted it, but, he'd rather spend $600 on a guitar he would play all the time. So, it came down to me and our singer (who by the way has a vast collection of guitars numbering over twenty, nobody knows the exact amount) We ended up flipping a coin and I won. It will cost me $600, but it's a showpiece that I will eventually give to my son. It has great sentimental value for me. I don't care what kind of guitar it is. It's the fact that we were chosen to receive it because of our musical ability. I won't play it. Besides, I'm a LEFTY!! :shock: Delima over. Thanks to all for your input and spiritual guidance. BIGMAC

#67431 by Kramerguy
Fri May 15, 2009 3:04 pm
somehow I think the guitarist will harbor resentment over the whole deal. Maybe I'm just cynical. Don't be surprised if he decides in the near future to "move on".

#67451 by jw123
Fri May 15, 2009 5:39 pm
Glad you guys found an equitable resolution to your problem.

#67454 by TheCaptain
Fri May 15, 2009 7:10 pm
Zak who?

#67456 by Crip2Nite
Fri May 15, 2009 7:24 pm
.... it's not like it's a real Les paul for Cripes sake! :twisted: :P

#67678 by Lucy Diamond
Mon May 18, 2009 5:03 am
I tend to agree with shredd. Plus it is an epiphone so let the axe slinger have it.

I used to volunteer at the Gibson showroom in New York and lemme tell you, those guys don't even CONSIDER the epi versions of Les Pauls.

Use it as a gimmick in your shows.

You could be all "We're the band who beat out...blah blah blah...and here is what we got!!!" (then whip out the buzz saw.)

Oh yeah...and give it the 18-volt mod before you play on it. EMG's are sad with out it.

#67689 by Shredd6
Mon May 18, 2009 9:19 am
Yea.. I'm sorry man but that's week sauce. Now the guitar is just gonna sit in a closet somewhere. You guys should have given it to the guitar player, took some denatured alcohol and got rid of the sig, and let him punish that thing to no end.

Guitars aren't meant to be trophies. Actually I kind of disagree with the idea that Epiphones can't hold a candle to a guitar like a Les Paul Studio. Les Pauls are highly overrated and extremely overpriced in my opinion. That's still a sweet guitar to be playing.

I'm gonna have to agree with Kramer on this. Your guitar player already is harboring resentment whether you think so or not. Because your band is thinking more about money than friendship and honor.

Ever hear the saying "win one for the Gipper?" Yea.. Your band just flipped a coin and sold the Gipper out.

#67759 by Kramerguy
Mon May 18, 2009 8:35 pm
Shredd6 wrote:Ever hear the saying "win one for the Gipper?" Yea.. Your band just flipped a coin and sold the Gipper out.

Ouch! heh heh heh.

#67794 by jw123
Tue May 19, 2009 12:47 am
I never said anything is wrong with an EPI. I have a Sheraton that I play around the house. Ive played some of their pauls and they are pretty good players.

Shredd I wouldnt touch a LP retail in a store, they are kinda like a Harley, using the name for value. Ive always managed to get a pretty good deal on them. $1000 or less $500 or less for Strats

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