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#230097 by Jahva
Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:03 pm
Good first attempt... better than my first attempts. A year from now you'll be well past this 2 minute piece.
As for the song it starts and runs through the progression and never changes. Even for a short piece I'd still create some change in it. The amp sim you're using for the lead... meh. Spend a few bucks and get yourself a better program to use. It will be money well spent if you're going to home record.
Good luck to you and have fun with it! 8)

#230110 by gbheil
Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:23 pm
My .02 . . .

I like it, however it seemed to me you had a really good thing going 'until' and 'in' those areas you felt compelled to rush too many notes into a void.
Just for the sake of being "metal" ? I don't know, and don't want to come of being judgmental. ( after all you did ask :wink: ) But you had a solid format going, that to my ear was deviated from unnecessarily and to the determent of your final product.

Certainly work for more clarity . . . be it recording equipment or digital effects / signal chain that despite tremendous advances still is the arch enemy of clean clear tone ( even if it's a 'clean' 'clear' distortion ).

Thanks for posting music . . . that is ALWAYS a dividend.


#295435 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:03 pm
Metal13 wrote:
sanshouheil wrote:My .02 . . .

I like it, however it seemed to me you had a really good thing going 'until' and 'in' those areas you felt compelled to rush too many notes into a void.
Just for the sake of being "metal" ? I don't know, and don't want to come of being judgmental. ( after all you did ask :wink: ) But you had a solid format going, that to my ear was deviated from unnecessarily and to the determent of your final product.

Certainly work for more clarity . . . be it recording equipment or digital effects / signal chain that despite tremendous advances still is the arch enemy of clean clear tone ( even if it's a 'clean' 'clear' distortion ).

Thanks for posting music . . . that is ALWAYS a dividend.

It's all good sanshouhell. I appreciate the comment.

LOL George replied 6 years ago!

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