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#290914 by Vampier
Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:43 am
This pathetic flogging of one of the main founders of ISIS only shows how utterly stupid and ignorant the "Merican Imbeciles" have become. Disgusting and Pathetic. May McCain BURN in HELL FOREVER.
#290947 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:01 pm
McCain - 'Founder of ISIS'!! :lol: :lol: :lol: BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Vamp - you should really be careful of whom you call 'traitor' - McCain served in the US Military and was a POW for 5 long years. All you've done is abandoned the country to hide out in Mexico - that sounds like the action of a real TRAITOR to me.
Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:21 pm
Thats not what he said.
You extrapolated perfectly.
Time has replaced many memories.
Lies have replaced many truths.

Don't know what to tell you Mike.
Can I say history will play this out?
I doubt it.
McCain should not have been in the senate for all those years.
Our founding countrymen really screwed up when they created the greatest document of government and the balance of individual FREEDOM. They forgot to add term limits.

But that balance needed to have the next guy step up to the plate and take a swing.
Maybe there are just that many, that don't care.

You stop by some time Mike. I'll be glad to split a steak and a couple of leftover FLAT TIRES that Yod left
#290950 by schmedidiah
Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:53 pm
McCain is still better than your beloved senators in New York Gleen. Alive or dead! :lol:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 10:05 pm
schmedidiah wrote:McCain is still better than your beloved senators in New York Gleen. Alive or dead! :lol:

You just proved how stupid you are!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have no love for schumer or gillibrand.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

How did you come up with that piece of sh*t? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

YES. We should all bow down to senator McCain. Hell of a lot better that kissing schemer's ass.

You are just an asshole! SPEWING NOTHING BUT SHIIIT!
#290959 by Mordgeld
Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:13 pm
schmedidiah wrote:McCain is still better than your beloved senators in New York Gleen. Alive or dead! :lol:

Although, to be sure, it is easier to defend against an enemy trying to stab you in the front.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
#290983 by Vampier
Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:22 pm
Mordgeld ... excellent Quote ... I have used it myself many times. Thank you.

Glen ... as usual you can be counted upon for an open mind and a sense of RIGHT and WRONG ...Ta my Friend.

Guitar Mike ... you are wrong. And I ask where is "the wisdom" of accusing me of being a TRAITOR ? Now if I ever "encounter you I shall be obliged to beat the liberal out of touch with reality, shite out of you ... and I must admit I will enjoy it. You make these idiotic "Grand Statements" and even more idiotic and grander assumptions ... are you really that foolish, ignorant and stupid ? I must at this point that much like Bug Fart... you indeed are. You accuse me of being a Traitor simply because I choose to leave as I can no longer abide by the despicable immorality and behaviour of THE USA INC ? And then you are so much of a hypocrite that you pretend to know my openly declared motivation as being something else which it is most definately not ? What the Hell is the matter with you ? You had better watch your flapping mouth as not everyone is as patient as I and those who are thus are about to be goaded, insulted and forced to RIGHT ACTIONS which does in any way bode well for the scum of mankind like you and that Lying Shite Head McCain.
#290987 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:48 pm
Vampier wrote:Mordgeld ... excellent Quote ... I have used it myself many times. Thank you.

Glen ... as usual you can be counted upon for an open mind and a sense of RIGHT and WRONG ...Ta my Friend.

Guitar Mike ... you are wrong. And I ask where is "the wisdom" of accusing me of being a TRAITOR ? Now if I ever "encounter you I shall be obliged to beat the liberal out of touch with reality, shite out of you ... and I must admit I will enjoy it. You make these idiotic "Grand Statements" and even more idiotic and grander assumptions ... are you really that foolish, ignorant and stupid ? I must at this point that much like Bug Fart... you indeed are. You accuse me of being a Traitor simply because I choose to leave as I can no longer abide by the despicable immorality and behaviour of THE USA INC ? And then you are so much of a hypocrite that you pretend to know my openly declared motivation as being something else which it is most definately not ? What the Hell is the matter with you ? You had better watch your flapping mouth as not everyone is as patient as I and those who are thus are about to be goaded, insulted and forced to RIGHT ACTIONS which does in any way bode well for the scum of mankind like you and that Lying Shite Head McCain.

So now you're threatening me with physical assault on a publicly viewable forum? How you going to reach me from your Mexican hideaway? The facts are your statements about the USA (or 'USA Inc' as you like to call it) are constantly traitorous, and you left the US. Those ARE the facts.
#290991 by Vampier
Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:11 pm
Mikey your selective stupidity in no way makes you an intellectual. Wake up ... it works against you. I am not "threatening" you in the sense you and your cry baby liberal scum like to sing out . I am simply stating that should you ever be "brave" enough to come here and confront me ... I WILL BEAT THE SHITE OUT OF YOU AND I WILL ENJOY IT. That goes for Bug Fart as well by the way. You are both disgusting and the scum of the earth in my opinion. Who knows what may happen ? Conversely we may have a heated discussion and then share a few drinks around my Fire ??? It all depends upon you and the extent of your idiocy. I make no "Threats" only state the obvious facts. It is high time you began to understand "Reality".

We all die Mikey ... how do you want to go ? Would you like to be arse raped and beat to death by a bunch of Muslim filth whilst watching your Wife getting "Gang Raped" ? Do you want to be lying in a hospital bed riddled with CANCER given to you by your beloved "government" ... watching any wealth materially get pillaged and then getting "put down" by the "Watson Computer" ? Or will you fall fighting for Civil War beside a bunch of black masked perverts and idiots who "think" they are fighting against "Nazis" when they are in fact fighting against PATRIOTS ? It matters not as you will die as an imbecile and not very well. You are retarded, manipulated and conditioned and the FUTURE is dim for you and all those like you. Dom you really desire to be only a small insignificant "Bug Fart" ?
Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:13 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:
Vampier wrote:Mordgeld ... excellent Quote ... I have used it myself many times. Thank you.

Glen ... as usual you can be counted upon for an open mind and a sense of RIGHT and WRONG ...Ta my Friend.

Guitar Mike ... you are wrong. And I ask where is "the wisdom" of accusing me of being a TRAITOR ? Now if I ever "encounter you I shall be obliged to beat the liberal out of touch with reality, shite out of you ... and I must admit I will enjoy it. You make these idiotic "Grand Statements" and even more idiotic and grander assumptions ... are you really that foolish, ignorant and stupid ? I must at this point that much like Bug Fart... you indeed are. You accuse me of being a Traitor simply because I choose to leave as I can no longer abide by the despicable immorality and behaviour of THE USA INC ? And then you are so much of a hypocrite that you pretend to know my openly declared motivation as being something else which it is most definately not ? What the Hell is the matter with you ? You had better watch your flapping mouth as not everyone is as patient as I and those who are thus are about to be goaded, insulted and forced to RIGHT ACTIONS which does in any way bode well for the scum of mankind like you and that Lying Shite Head McCain.

So now you're threatening me with physical assault on a publicly viewable forum? How you going to reach me from your Mexican hideaway? The facts are your statements about the USA (or 'USA Inc' as you like to call it) are constantly traitorous, and you left the US. Those ARE the facts.

You pulled this shitt before. You are predictable.
Nobody wants to to hurt you. You are paranoid.. You do understand if you piss off the wrong crazy person online...
They could hunt you down and blow your asss away with no trail left and just another unsolved murder.

just to make it perfectly clear... Vamp and I agree completely on the sanctity of life.

You and I have our diddles up here... I don't like you, you don't like me...I love you dude. Mike we would NEVER HURT YOU!
#290999 by schmedidiah
Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:14 pm
MikeTalbot wrote:GMike

there are sets of photos floating around showing McCain getting all chummy with the ISIS big shots.


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