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#290321 by Jahva
Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:20 pm
J-HALEY wrote:
This is where the country is headed.

Well they got caught so if that's where we're headed I'm good with that... :D
#290325 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:02 pm
How many other places is this happening where no one knows about it yet?
#290332 by Jahva
Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:41 pm
That would be unknown... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
We can ask a lot of questions that we don't have answers for.
If there are more hopefully we find them before they can cause any harm.
Fear is one badazz weapon...
But please don't disarm citizens and think it would solve this kind of crazy chit...
#290333 by J-HALEY
Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:55 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:How many other places is this happening where no one knows about it yet?

I 100% agree. In fact this is all the more reason to be a license carrying armed citizen.
#290338 by schmedidiah
Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:01 pm
There's a lot of bad stuff waiting for us here at home from these folks and I'm surprised they haven't tried more of it so far. Not a question of if, but when.
#290341 by J-HALEY
Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:36 pm
schmedidiah wrote:There's a lot of bad stuff waiting for us here at home from these folks and I'm surprised they haven't tried more of it so far. Not a question of if, but when.

I have been saying this since 911. Trust me since school shootings are so in the news now they are going to do something BIG soon!
They didn't come up with the idea of flying a freshly fueled jet liner into a building. That idea was thought up by an American and if memory serves me correct he wrote about it in a book. Terrorist sure did perfect it though!
#290349 by Jahva
Thu Aug 09, 2018 5:15 pm
There have been attempts at doing some bad things and they've been thwarted... we seem to have good people managing these problems... most of the time.
The results speak for themselves.
Don't disarm legally abiding citizens. :D
#290370 by MikeTalbot
Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:40 am
Unfortunately our leaders are buffoons. You can't bomb a country to smithereens and then bring in military age males (the vast majority of 'refugees') from that same country and expect them to salute the flag...

#290390 by Jahva
Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:17 pm
MikeTalbot wrote:Unfortunately our leaders are buffoons. You can't bomb a country to smithereens and then bring in military age males (the vast majority of 'refugees') from that same country and expect them to salute the flag...


It's a good point MT...

Vetting... vetting and then more vetting. Seems to be working pretty well. A tighter immigration process...
None of our defenses are fool proof but over-all much more of this chit gets stopped than happens and there's no trend at least here in America that say otherwise...
#290418 by Ancient Vegan
Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:04 pm
School security, it's going to be big business.

A friend was installing security system at school, with overtime on a prevailing wage job he
was making $80 an hour

If they wanted to stop the school shootings they would've locked the schools down like the airports.

Obviously they don't want the schools locked down and secure yet?
Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:05 pm
Ancient Vegan wrote:School security, it's going to be big business.

A friend was installing security system at school, with overtime on a prevailing wage job he
was making $80 an hour

If they wanted to stop the school shootings they would've locked the schools down like the airports.

Obviously they don't want the schools locked down and secure yet?

Sign me up!
Paying 5 grand a month for insurance on vehicles , then more from comp and personal expenses...Repairs... :lol: :lol: :lol: . I don't even want to talk about it. I just blew more, in 2 minutes than you guys make make in a couple months.
Just to run a little heating company... :lol: :lol:
That job sounds GREAT!
Where can I put in a job application?

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