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Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:13 am
Ted, sorry I left you alone in this discussion.
You are talking truth and the crazies move right in.
Good job!
#290181 by Jahva
Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:00 pm
schmedidiah wrote:I hear you. You may have missed the latest trend with Glen and Haley. They tell me I'm A, B, C , D , E , and F.
I'm the biggest liberal ever. I support Obama and all of his communist policies. I was sooooo upset when my candidate Hilary lost. There's no way I could have ever voted for XYZ conservative candidate because blah blah blah. Funny thing is these guys think they're never wrong. :roll:


Not everyone fits nicely into these boxes... especially political ones. Are you this or are you that? If you find you agree with all issues from one particular party... good for you. Makes it real easy to vote a party line. if you vary in thought on these issues tougher to explain yourself...
There are many people who agree with some of Trumps ideas... not all but some. Does that make them a Republican?
If I disagree with Trump on some issue that doesn't make me a Democrat... or the reverse make me a Republican.
Just nonsense... in the end this is where division begins... seems we don't communicate very well.
But is there anything more important than that?
#290182 by schmedidiah
Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:35 pm
ANGELSSHOTGUN wrote:Ted, sorry I left you alone in this discussion.
You are talking truth and the crazies move right in.
Good job!

Embarrassing! :lol:

Jahva wrote:Not everyone fits nicely into these boxes... especially political ones.

Never have. Never will at this rate. 8)
#290185 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:43 pm
schmedidiah wrote:
Jahva wrote:If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail... :|

Welcome to the new and improved Gleen. :roll:

he seems to be trying. How about you?
#290191 by schmedidiah
Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:29 pm

Are you covering up for him like Vamp?

I don't see him trying in a consistent manner. That would be from one post, to the next, to the next, and so on. Nope. I don't think he can pull it off. And if I see him acting like the same old piece of sh*t he's always been... well, that was fun while it lasted! :lol:
#290192 by Jahva
Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:19 pm
Trying? lulz...
How about just exercising some self respect and self control...
I'm too old for this chit... you guys know this is how women fight... with words and gossip trying to out mean the other. If you have a leg to stand on in an argument/debate you shouldn't need these constant insults...
Yeah I know... these feuds go way back... I guess someone must be enjoying it... why else would you continue it. Life's too short
#290193 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:33 pm
schmedidiah wrote::lol:

Are you covering up for him like Vamp?

I don't see him trying in a consistent manner. That would be from one post, to the next, to the next, and so on. Nope. I don't think he can pull it off. And if I see him acting like the same old piece of sh*t he's always been... well, that was fun while it lasted! :lol:

Why would I "cover" for anyone? But it's pretty obvious he's trying to get along for the sake of the rest of us. You guys don't have to like each other to keep it civil here....or at least minimized insults.

Why don't you guys take ONE POST to let all your anger out...then drop it? Go ahead and tell him F off if you want....get it all out and let it go, let it go. The cold never bothered me anyway.

Both of you have to play nice before this will make a difference in the BM atmosphere.
#290208 by Jahva
Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:31 pm
So a black conservative woman named Candence Owens retweeted Sarah Jeongs tweets but replaced the word "White" people withe "Jewish" people... she wasn't able to get through the thousands (yes thousands) of racists tweets before Twitter banned her...
Something's a bit foul here...
And the media can't understand why it's credibility is falling faster than the1929 markets. :lol: :lol:
#290292 by Jahva
Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:01 pm
And now a bunch of white people attacking harassing a Black woman... this ok because she's a conservative speaker?
Do we need a new civil rights movement?
#290294 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:54 pm
Jahva wrote:And now a bunch of white people attacking harassing a Black woman... this ok because she's a conservative speaker?

No, it's approved behavior ONLY because the protesters vote Democrat/Socialist.

Violence against decent people who exercise their right to free speech in a simple political opposition of policy just can not be tolerated!!! Not even aggressive bullying of innocent people is wrong according the Dept of Propaganda and fascist lefties when directed at non-fascists, regardless of color, age, religion, etc.

Their crimes are "approved" by the DNC and BSNBC media.

Last edited by t-Roy and The Smoking Section on Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
#290308 by Jahva
Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:57 pm
But wait...
Twitter has now apologized for the suspension of the conservatives (Candace Owens) account that posted the same crap as Sarah Jeong...
Silly algorithms... nothing to see here. The double standard is getting harder and harder to defend for these knuckleheads.
Oh and a correction she replaced Whit with both Jewish and Black on the retweets...
#290472 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:26 pm
It's really pretty simple. They honestly believe they are so morally superior that they have a huge blind spot to their own position of violence. I mean, look at Mike. He supports these people and doesn't even know they are promoting violence (or at least claims not to see it). He has to hide from a conversation with me because he has no ammunition of fact on the subject.

Look at Mark, he implies his moral superiority anytime I bring it up....and then disappears when challenged to prove anything. Yes, I believe conservatism is a morally superior position, and I'm willing to own it and debate it BECAUSE IT IS.

But this creative use of language is the method of Dictators since time immemorial. All politicians on the Left are Saul Alinky disciples so their plan is transparent to the enlightened.

First the "masters" at the DNC and BSNNC media spread propaganda. Doesn't have to be true as long as it looks plausible since Democrats are a bit lazy about chasing down facts. All they have to do is imply that anyone who opposes them are somehow nazi, fascist, or worse...christian!

And once the "other group" (as defined by identity politics of race, economic status, religion, age, etc) has been denigrated and dehumanized, then what can be wrong with implying that it's ok to physically attack a nazi? Why would it ever be a bad thing for street gangs to go destroy the home of a fascist? Since christians won't openly embrace LGBTQ then what can be wrong with crashing a wedding?

This is the danger of words.

The Dept of Propaganda (BSNBC, CNN, CBS, etc) knows it and is willfully stoking the flame of division for a dictator.
#290473 by Jahva
Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:14 pm
All this back and forth attacking the individual doesn't do much good unless your intent is polarization.

All I see is it's gone so far... you can't take just one topic (besides guitar string gauge :lol: )and talk both sides without bringing the individual insults into it?

I guess it just is what it is... at least the music insults aren't flying around... :mrgreen:
#290482 by schmedidiah
Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:35 pm
#290485 by Planetguy
Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:32 pm
yod wrote:It's really pretty simple. They honestly believe they are so morally superior that they have a huge blind spot to their own position of violence. I mean, look at Mike. He supports these people and doesn't even know they are promoting violence (or at least claims not to see it). He has to hide from a conversation with me because he has no ammunition of fact on the subject.

Look at Mark, he implies his moral superiority anytime I bring it up....and then disappears when challenged to prove anything. Yes, I believe conservatism is a morally superior position, and I'm willing to own it and debate it BECAUSE IT IS.

But this creative use of language is the method of Dictators since time immemorial. All politicians on the Left are Saul Alinky disciples so their plan is transparent to the enlightened.

First the "masters" at the DNC and BSNNC media spread propaganda. Doesn't have to be true as long as it looks plausible since Democrats are a bit lazy about chasing down facts. All they have to do is imply that anyone who opposes them are somehow nazi, fascist, or worse...christian!

And once the "other group" (as defined by identity politics of race, economic status, religion, age, etc) has been denigrated and dehumanized, then what can be wrong with implying that it's ok to physically attack a nazi? Why would it ever be a bad thing for street gangs to go destroy the home of a fascist? Since christians won't openly embrace LGBTQ then what can be wrong with crashing a wedding?

This is the danger of words.

The Dept of Propaganda (BSNBC, CNN, CBS, etc) knows it and is willfully stoking the flame of division for a dictator.

If you believe that supporting the party that puts people before corporations, wants to make sure everyone has access to good affordable healthcare, and tries to protect our planet for future generations to be evidence of me taking the high ground and if you believe it implies that I believe I have some "moral superiority"...then I'll own that and take it as compliment.

but ted, every argument you put forward wafts of "moral superiority"! :D

And you know feel YOU'RE making the case for YOUR team. And it plays well to YOUR teammates, but It gets no traction with ME.

Now try this on for size... I feel I'M making the case for MY team. And it plays well to MY teammates, though it gets no traction with YOU.

And I know you'd likely want to debate even THIS point so a winner might be crowned! I'm sure you have some "facts" on even this debate that you'd like to offer up to the court. :D

but really...pointing out the missteps of the other team on a forum visited by less than a dozen people is much more important to you than I. frankly, i see it as waste of time and a useless exercise that accomplishes nothing positive.

if you choose to take that as you "winning" something.....go collect your prize. but really, if i'm not here to debate this stuff on a regular basis because i choose to spend my time otherwise, read what you want into that. and if you need to feel you've "won", Huzzah....but really it's nothing more than that i've grown tired of all the back biting, pettiness, and endless appetite for "winning". I'm tired of being manipulated by the powers that be into arguments w others who hold different views.

Do you NEVER grow weary of that?

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