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#289665 by DainNobody
Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:40 pm
I can now tune-in Alex Jones on several shortwave stations (without burning up data on the puter )with my Tecsun radio..he is on 12160 khz among other stations ..atmospheric conditions change hourly and he uses several frequencies on different shortwave transmitters..Nashville, etc.
just put up a dipole and here it is..

#289675 by schmedidiah
Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:40 pm
I thought this was Vamp's "garden" :lol:
#289678 by DainNobody
Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:57 pm
Hearing the Alex Jones is sorta like listening /watching a professional wrestling is kind of unreal but some of those body slams have got to hurt at least a little whether they are fake matches or Alex Jones shows or not..he is onto breaking stories before mainstream media is aware of them.but he has a tendency to puff the stories up..but as Vamp probably knows..the Iranians are unleashing agents into U.S. for terrorist activities..happening soon.. :P
#290037 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:45 pm
You go out of your way that way to listen to his Infowars crap? :roll:
#290045 by DainNobody
Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:32 pm
Depends what the band conditions are like on 80 meters..been listening to the ragchew around 3885 khz since it is AM mode transmission and this tecsun radio does shortwave but not new Tecsun PL600 arriving today or tomorrow has SSB and will open it up a lot listening wise..Alex Jones had Kappy on yesterday explaing the pedophile ring in Hollywood..Satanists that own the media industry including sound recordings..
#290075 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Aug 02, 2018 7:51 pm
Daynyrd Dylann wrote:Depends what the band conditions are like on 80 meters..been listening to the ragchew around 3885 khz since it is AM mode transmission and this tecsun radio does shortwave but not new Tecsun PL600 arriving today or tomorrow has SSB and will open it up a lot listening wise..Alex Jones had Kappy on yesterday explaing the pedophile ring in Hollywood..Satanists that own the media industry including sound recordings..

And you buy into every word of his crap?

To remind you, this is the guy who said the Sandy Hook school shooting was all 'staged' and the kids were all actors. And is now getting sued by some of the parents because of the crap they've had to go through because of the people buying into his lies.
#290097 by DainNobody
Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:24 am
I don't want to sound weird or anything..but when the pulse bomb knocks the internet offline..shortwave reception might be what saves your azz..there will be emergency broadcast freq. Channels that will advise where foodstuffs are still to be found not contaminated by radiation fallout..will advise where to seek treatment for radiation poisoning..advise which roads are still navigable..might be smart to get a tecsun PL-600 ...77 bucks might save you..especially. Since you will be competing with 3 million other Bostonians for water food medical treatment etc.
#290104 by Jahva
Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:14 pm
Regarding Alex Jones... he sure does love a good story... lulz
Conspiracy theories are kind of like some crazy religion... you've got your preacher who tells the stories that some people just want to believe are real or true... you know the ones that somehow can explain everything. He's a seer who can impart secrets and hidden wisdom, and then repeatedly tells his flock how wise and good they are for all agreeing with him.
And like religion and politics... if you can get to people emotionally... you can influence them
Everyone needs a hand to hold on to.
#290107 by DainNobody
Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:16 pm
Yeah Jahva..he provides emotional support to some and sound entertainment to others.. I first come across him when he did the infiltration of Bohemian Grove years ago..The giant owl burning effigy was interesting ha ha..spiritis
Hope Guitar Mike does not believe I am an official Alex Jones disciple cause I am not..imo he does at least bring issues out into the open for further investigation.the Hollywood child rapist cult thing episode. Became funny after Seth opened the closet door revealing piles of stuffed animals for the "chickens" ha ha
#290110 by Jahva
Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:44 pm
He's done well for himself... I give him that like Limbaugh... Stern... OReiley... they all have very devoted followings that seem to worship their every word.
At least Stern is a comedian/entertainer but definitely cult-like followers...
Hard to take anything any of them say seriously... it's like you have to convince yourself... I want to believe like Fox Mulder :lol:
#290117 by GuitarMikeB
Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:56 pm
Daynyrd Dylann wrote:I don't want to sound weird or anything..but when the pulse bomb knocks the internet offline..shortwave reception might be what saves your azz..there will be emergency broadcast freq. Channels that will advise where foodstuffs are still to be found not contaminated by radiation fallout..will advise where to seek treatment for radiation poisoning..advise which roads are still navigable..might be smart to get a tecsun PL-600 ...77 bucks might save you..especially. Since you will be competing with 3 million other Bostonians for water food medical treatment etc.

Better keep that radio shielded and the antenna disconnected: ... nsmissions
#290118 by DainNobody
Fri Aug 03, 2018 9:23 pm
That's if there are MOSFETs in the radio..they will blow simply by touching them with a finger from static electricity..
Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:49 am
GuitarMikeB wrote:You go out of your way that way to listen to his Infowars crap? :roll:

Russia... Formerly the soviet socialist republic .... :lol: :lol:



Now that's funny!

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