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#283929 by Ancient Vegan
Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:39 pm
Bought a new rifle at Wal Mart Saturday, the background check took over a half hour.

That's bullshit, I'm a law abiding tax paying citizen and I'm suppose to have the
right to purchase arms without infringement

I felt like they infringed on my rights
#283937 by Planetguy
Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:00 pm
yeah, it says right there in the constitution that I can go into any Wal Mart to purchase an AR15!

this puts me in mind of the thread title..."F*CK YOU, I LIKE GUNS".

...that kind of says it all, doesn't it? as if to love for guns is MORE important than trying to keep more shootings from happening. seems a bit selfish to me.

aw, you had to take a whole 30 minutes out of your schedule before you could buy a tool that can too easily take the lives of others!!! oh, the horror!

lynard, you might be a law abiding citizen who's not a danger to anyone.....but what if you have a record of convictions and/or serious mental illness involving violence or threatening others with violence? .....what if you run a newsletter "Off The Pigs"? i'm glad you were subjected to wasting a whole 30 min.

spare me the NRA fall back argument that background checks are ineffective and that bad guys will ALWAYS find a way to get guns.

No one in their right mind believes that more thorough background checks will stop ALL gun violence and ALL mass shootings. but if it stops even ONE school shooting....i believe it's worth the 30 min "inconvenience".
#283949 by Ancient Vegan
Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:58 pm
Wir fahr'n, fahr'n, fahr'n auf der autobahn
Repeat Twice
Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:15 pm
Wait a minute here gentleman, slow it down just a bit.

Do either of you realize that to get a hazmat endorsement, an individual goes through extreme screening. Clearance from the TSA, the FBI, and in NY the state troopers.

All this just to drive a truck with a hazmat label. What many don't understand is just how important this actually is...
I don't have any intention of handing one of my trucks over to a crazy.

I'm not in the mood to go on about this. But I totally agree... NO GUNS FOR CRAZIES.
the problem with that is ... Who gets to decide who is CRAZY?
#283960 by MikeTalbot
Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:26 am
And that Glen, is the big question. Parkland showed us how little we can trust the Feds or some of the cops. Who makes the call?

The founders were mostly Christians or at least part of the Christian culture, so they knew how important it is to limit govt. Give any humans too much power and it's guaranteed they'll bollix it up. And that is what has happened. It's what always happens.

Don't know if it's fixable, probably not...

#283982 by Ancient Vegan
Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:04 pm
Hey Planet Guy the cops can check my background in a few minutes on the side of the road.

Even better the bank can transfer your money in seconds.

So it should take no more then 5 minutes, right?

So you think more govt control is the answer

Sounds like the govt has control of you, what your paycheck, your insurance, your life

All paid for by us who ask for nothing

But our guaranteed rights
#283989 by Planetguy
Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:31 pm
:lol: :lol: "guaranteed"???? :lol: :lol:

i hate to break it to you, but there's no such thing as Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy...and oh yeah...NOTHING in life is "guaranteed". :wink:
#283990 by Ancient Vegan
Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:44 pm
So what am I paying for pg?

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights know longer have meaning

The Bill of Rights is about limiting the federal govts power not expanding it

I can guarantee so many things,,,,,, it's nice
#283997 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:46 pm
Planetguy wrote:yeah, it says right there in the constitution that I can go into any Wal Mart to purchase an AR15!

this puts me in mind of the thread title..."F*CK YOU, I LIKE GUNS".

...that kind of says it all, doesn't it? as if to love for guns is MORE important than trying to keep more shootings from happening. seems a bit selfish to me.

aw, you had to take a whole 30 minutes out of your schedule before you could buy a tool that can too easily take the lives of others!!! oh, the horror!

lynard, you might be a law abiding citizen who's not a danger to anyone.....but what if you have a record of convictions and/or serious mental illness involving violence or threatening others with violence? .....what if you run a newsletter "Off The Pigs"? i'm glad you were subjected to wasting a whole 30 min.

spare me the NRA fall back argument that background checks are ineffective and that bad guys will ALWAYS find a way to get guns.

No one in their right mind believes that more thorough background checks will stop ALL gun violence and ALL mass shootings. but if it stops even ONE school shooting....i believe it's worth the 30 min "inconvenience".

This recent one would not have happened if SEVERAL LAWS on the books had been followed, so what's the point of adding more that only penalize law abiding citizens? In every school shooting we've had there is one more common denominator: The law and the government could not be counted on to protect the innocent.

If anything, Parkland proves you need a gun since (democrat) Sheriffs are cowards.
#284003 by Planetguy
Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:09 pm
Well luckily for us we have a brave prez who brags that he would have run into the school to save the students ... and as he said ..."without a weapon"!!!

Bone spurs be damned! :lol:
#284004 by DainNobody
Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:11 pm
Hundreds of women a year are saved from the brutal ordeal of being raped thanks to guns..just my 2 cents.. And Ted is denying that..
#284005 by Planetguy
Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:18 pm
Say, which foot WERE those bone spurs supposed to be in?

Like Trump... I forget! :wink:

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