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#280995 by Badstrat
Tue Nov 14, 2017 1:15 am
Planetguy wrote:
Badstrat wrote:
Even a tragedy is fair game for you to accuse and slander someone under false pretense. Even in this thread you make your accusing innuendos against others. But I realize that you can't help it.

listen to you, you dishonest hypocrite! after the latest shoot em up...YOU used the tragedy to spout off YOUR garbage ....the EXACT same thing you're accusing ME of! What, you're on such a close personal relationship w god that he exempts you from being honest????

This is how YOU exploited that tragedy...

Badstrat wrote:So are police authorities simply ignorant or pushing the propaganda of the left? Should police even be allowed to use weapons if they are that ignorant of firearms?

but apparently that wasn't enough exploitation so you had more to wring from the tragedy

Badstrat wrote:Most murders are committed in liberal controlled cities with the toughest gun legislation in the nation. Pretty much every gun was purchased illegally on the black market or was stolen. No mass murderer has ever belonged to the NRA.

and this makes me wonder if you're suffering from senility/demtia or it's just more dishonesty?

Badstrat wrote:If you actually do let the name calling roll off then why are you even bringing it up?

get a clue. DAYNE brought up "name calling". not me.

Badstrat wrote: By the way, I only refer to you the designation the Lord gives you. I wouldn't call anyone a fool that God hasn't first called a fool.

right, invoke "GOD" and quote chapter and verse at every turn to win an argument and to justify the rotting hatred that festers in your belly.

GOD tells you to hate gays, hate muslims, hate non believers, hate foreigners, hate dems/libs, and to hate everyone who holds a different opinion than YOU.

how convenient that is for you that you have GOD'S permission/justification to "go forth and hate" so, and point fingers!

I know not what turned you into such a pathetically bitter man but i do feel bad for you.

you claim to be a "christian", and yet it appears to bring insufficient joy into your sad life little so, that daily, you need more and more targets to strike out at. sorry, but that is NOT the M.O. of a happy, mentally healthy, and content person.

Maybe instead of spending all your waking hrs scouring "the news" to find and regurgitate all your hate spew against all those GOD has told you to hate, you might actually do something "christian"? try spreading a little love. do some volunteer work at a soup kitchen or halfway house. spend some time mentoring someone. (i know you won't, you're just a bitter old man and this is how you get off.....striking out at those you hate)

thing is, i... a non believer (neither proud nor not proud to be an atheist) have no hate for you or anyone else here at BM. i don't particularly like you (as i don't like any hypocrites, liars, haters, and those who pound the bible and use it to spread and justify their hatred).... but as i said before....i truly DO feel bad for you that you have this festering hatred consuming you.

perhaps it IS a good thing you have BM to strike out at all those you hate if that keeps you from going postal.

Try as you might you can not conceal the fact that you took the tragedy as an opportunity to go to another thread and start your vicious attack against me, as usual. And you spout off at me for defending myself after your feeble attempt to slander me? You phony. Go to that thread and see who attacked who first you first hypocrite. And you can not deny that you run off and grab your coloring book to come back with demeaning slanderous statements pasted onto photographs of people that have no idea that you are making personal attacks on them in a cowardly faction behind their backs. Well, you can deny it but the posts remain for anyone to see. But I guess now that I see the pretend world you live in I can understand you better. You are the typical Saul Alinskey disciple.
#280998 by Vampier
Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:24 am
Bravo Slacker. When will they ever learn ? NEVER.
#281007 by Planetguy
Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:43 pm
Badstrat wrote:
Even a tragedy is fair game for you to accuse.....

i thought we already established that YOU did exactly that when YOU decided to rail on about the ignorant cops wrongly using the term "assault weapons" and then you further exploited the latest tragedy spewing your garbage about gun violence being worst in cities w stricter gun laws.....and STILL you're pointing fingers elsewhere for exploiting tragedies???? liar.

And you can not deny that you run off and grab your coloring book to come back with demeaning slanderous statements pasted onto photographs of people that have no idea that you are making personal attacks on them in a cowardly faction behind their backs. Well, you can deny it but the posts remain for anyone to see.

wise one was "slandered". if put in's LIBEL not "slander". but the fact is i neither slandered nor libeled anyone. who do you think was slandered in those photos..the actors who posed as clergy? or the actor who posed as a pedophile in the other photo that said "no worries that you molested children....accept christ as saviour and ask for forgiveness and you too can go to heaven"?

let me don't believe (refuse to accept) that clergy members DID take advantage and molest children.

as far as using photos and the saying goes..."a picture is worth a thousand words"....except in YOUR's and your cheerleader Boris' case. THEN...."a picture is worth a BILLION of your words".
#281009 by Planetguy
Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:59 pm
Vampier wrote:Yod ...awesome.

Planet Guy ... where do you get your information about me being a "Russian Hacker" ? ... have you been speaking with The Hag ? My Father was Scot and my mother German ... I related this long ago. My Last name is BUCHANAN ... my Mother's Maiden name is BRADT. I have never been to Russia

:lol: Gee, the Russian hacker denies he's a Russian hacker!!!! :lol:

Oh, gee....thanks for setting the record straight! I mean if you WERE a Russian hacker...surely you'd be honourable (note NON American sp.) and forthright in admitting it once you were called out. :roll:

Look, I don't know whether you're holed up in the basement of the Kremlin or in a basement Des Moines with a room full of other miscreant mischief makers spreading lies and disinformation on myriad internet forums...does it really matter which?

And why do i think this is your game?

1. You're no patriot. Quite the hate America. You think and speak poorly of Americans.

2. You daily spread nonsense disinformation to distract...Pizzagate. Wal Mart Detention Centers. UN shutting down the internet. etc. etc.

3. Who are your enemies that you target and rail on about with your childish, juvenile, kindergarten pet names? The enemies of Mother Russia.

4. At every turn you try to discourage Americans from participating in the democratic

5. Encouraging people to waste time on crackpot fake news youtube links. ( Who would be foolish enough to click on ANY links that likely contain malware that you put up?)
#281013 by Badstrat
Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:27 pm
I believe you left some brothers feeling a somewhat defenseless against the filth that spews from the mouths of some heathens with your bible study. Therefore I would like to suggest that there is a time and place for
everything under the sun.

When a reprobate jackass of a man slanders, maligns or viciously accuses you of something that he conjured up in his own depraved mind, and uses that for a vicious attack against you, you are allowed to respond. Being one who is a follower of God does not negate your right to defense against physical or verbal attack. For example: Physical defense

Exo 2:11 After Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were hard at work, and he saw an Egyptian beating one of them. Moses looked around to see if anyone was watching, then he killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand. Self defense? No.

Moses himself was not being attacked, yet he killed an Egyptian simply for beating a stranger. Did that appear acceptable in Gods eyes? Moses was not punished for that act, rather Moses was made leader of all the Israelites. So we do have the permission to defend notonly ourselves but our brothers against physical attack, unless I am
missing something.

And when a reprobate jackass of a man slanders, maligns and accuses you of something he conjured up in his own depraved mind and uses that as a vicious attack against you, are you are allowed to respond? When a fool who
does not believe in God acts in such a manner, and I only refer to him as God refers to such a man, you are even commanded to respond. For it is written, “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own
eyes.” (Pro 26:5). (But naturally you must first recognize the fool as being a fool.) So when attacked verbally by a reprobate jackass of a man who is prone to slandering, maligning and leveling false accusations, you are instructed to deal with such a man in some instances. At other times you are to ignore the fool.

Now even Paul, who was a Pharisee of Pharisees, who knew the word of God better than any us ever will, felt he had the right to speak out against another.

Act 23:3 Then Paul said to him, "God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall! Are you sitting to judge me according to the law, and yet contrary to the law you order me to be struck?" Those who stood by said, "Would you revile God's high priest?" And Paul said, "I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest, for it is written, 'You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.'"

So was it wrong for Paul to verbally lash out at the man? Did Paul say I’m sorry, I have no right to speak to any man in that manner? No. Rather Paul stated that he did not have the right to speak in such a manner to one who had been given his authority by God. However, the reprobate jackass of a man who slanders, maligns and accuses in this case, the one who God refers to as a fool, is not an authority appointed by God. Therefore he is to be answered as fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.” And other times it is wise to simply ignore a fool, any fool.

Unless I am missing something here, those who belong to God also have not only the right but a duty to respond to accusations made against them. And they also have the right to defend themselves and others against physical threats as well.
#281016 by Planetguy
Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:40 pm
and with god on their side.....they'll blather on, and on, and on, and......

spare me your hateful god speak. you're a joke. if there is a guess is he's embarrassed by you, your foolishness, and the pious, hateful venom that oozes from your pores and very essence. :oops:

like i said...i'm glad to provide you w yet another target and pet project for your hatred, self loathing, and anger if that keeps you from going postal.

(someone cue Comrade Vladipier to hand you out yet another patronizing "attaboy")
#281022 by Vampier
Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:07 pm
Planet Guy ... You need to learn to let stupid ideas go. I think that would make you more popular and perhaps even more acceptable. Also the juvenile methods you seem to favour and use to badger others ... well it no longer works and only makes you look ridiculous and at times stupid. Remaining upon this needless subject ... No, I am not a Russian Hacker. In no way do I have the computer chops required for such a useless endeavour. So ... let it go. It does not really bother me to be called a Russian or a hacker or a nonpatriot or any other label that you in your "little mind" can come up with.

Now I do not believe you are stupid so please do not dissapoint me. I do not feel "called out" nor exposed or any other unbased label.

I do not live in a basement. I have never been to Russia nor is it on my list of places I would like to live. It is the same with Des Moines. I have very few "friends" and can count them on both hands with room to spare. I have always been a bit picky regarding "friends". The ones I do have I doubt you will ever know. Of course those I have on the Internet are also few but you are familiar with Glen, Slacker and Talbot. None of these on or off the Internet are miscreants but mischief makers ? ... absolutely, the lot of them. By the way I do not belong to any other Forums.

Why do you "think" this is my "game"? I have no bloody idea ... but if I was to surmise ... it might be due to your temper's ability to over- ride your reason, logic, critical thinking skills, discipline and moral endurance. Perhaps that is why you play Jazz because you can not play the same thing more than once due to your lack of the aforementioned ? Whatever has caused this most probably happened long ago and when you were a cute little tyke, but I have no interest in "understanding" any of this. I am just thankful that there seems to be a place for you in the "liberal Institution" whose afflicted inmates are seeming to swell in number these days, so much so they are resorting to cannibalism.

1. Patriot ? You are correct in that I am no "Patriot. I am probably classified as an "EX-PATRIOT" ... I have lived in Mexico for over a decade now and have no intention of ever going back to the USA. I have lived much longer out of the USA than in it. I have been married three times ... Deborah from Manchester, Cassandra from Manchester and Amanda from Mexico. Manchester is a large city in the North of England. No... I take issue with your statement regarding me "hating" America (USA). I do not. I am pleased that I was born, grew up and studied there ... when I did. Now I doubt any of that would be as wholesome. Yes I do think and speak poorly of most Americans because of their lack of responsibility, duty, morality and intellect now. The SlowKill and Dumbing Down has worked upon the masses of "Americans" for years and their "elected" "leaders" like the traitorous liar, pervert and Muslim Obama have worked to destroy "America" since the Second World War. Between all the daily murders comitted by "America" I have some difficulty understanding why anyone is a "Patriot". Despite anything however, the USA has defined FREEDOM even on a Spiritual Basis and although somewhat tattered this still denotes admiration at least from me. The masses of Americans are poisoned and contaminated in a myriad of ways thanks to the NWO and their own growing stupidity. Everyone has Freedom of Choice in America so I left before that changes and primarily due to my personal beliefs ... and not being a Hypocrite. "Walking the Talk" as the expression says. I choose Mexico because if I wished I could walk down to the tip of South "America" and become acquainted with several different, ancient and unique cultures.

2. I suggest that you mislabel my "Daily spread" because it is Truth and this makes you feel inadequate, angry and lacking. You choose comfort and denial instead of Truth and Reality. I point out that sometimes "denial" can be equated with stupidity.

3. Who are my enemies ? The list is long and grows daily. Yes I speak out and individualize each hideous, Evil Bastard and Bitch. They are all custom and inspired by the unique traits of each. Enemies of "Mother" Russia ? Perhaps but much more than that, they are all ENEMIES OF HUMANITY AND ALL THAT IS GOOD AND RIGHT.

4. Planet Guy, the "Democratic Process" does not exist and has not existed for a very long time in "America". NEWSFLASH. IT IS A DEMONCRATIC PROCESS. LYING, CHEATING, STEALING, MURDERING, INVADING, DESTROYING AND WORSHIPPING EVIL. Voting is a charade. Wake up and smell the Political Filth and Shite in the Cesspool of what is laughingly called "government".

5. Fake News is CNN and the horde of other "established Liars ... not Y-Tube .. although now through the growing censorship soon it may be. I have trouble sending emails ... malware ? you jest Sir. Who would be foolish enough ? All those who click on Y-Tube, BandMix and any other websites on the Net. There are FireWalls you know as well as many other weapons and security methods against "malware" ... reminds me of a Line of Fashion ... "Mall Wear".

I would rather have God on my side than a bunch of self propelled scoffers and mockers and close minded earthworm food. There is a message in their "blathering". Obviously it is lost to you. But Slacker persists which is admirable. There is most probably no such thing as "hateful God Speak". But it is said when the Messiah (the real one) returns it will be with a sword. There is a Creator, call him God or what you wish ... but it is not healthy to deny the existence of such. Slacker is no joke ... for he cares more about you than many of us on here do. I know you can not discern this and I also know why. Do you really think that God is embarrassed by all those who have died and been murdered because of their belief and Faith ? If so you are much more of an IDIOT than I have ever thought. Yes there is Hate, but in this case it is Hate born of simple frustration and anger and it is from you.

Are you really so blind that you can not understand why Slacker takes the time to answer your insults and "Hatred" ? And he does so with great care and thought not insult. By the way musos never go postal ... they just "O.D."on something . You are part of the "Pet Project" but it is not one of Hate it is one of Love. Because you, like all of us are Human and not a really horrid person ... despite the penchant for Jazz ... so therefore deserving of effort. By the way I rather like"Comrade Vladipier" much better than "Boris" ... Ta. It is more imaginitive . Question ... did you mispell or deliberately spell it with the extra "i" ?

There is an effort underway at the moment to change the Swedish Flag and remove the Cross to placate the Muslim filth ... perhaps an unattached head ? What are your thoughts upon this ? At least there are no nasty crosses on the American flag ... only stars, but these can be turned upside down.

And oh I almost forgot ... there are those who think Venus will ignite the hydrogen on Jupiter with it's increased Sun reflection intensity ... causing 15 days\nights of darkness. I think they will be at least half right, what about you ?

Comrade Vladpier or ?
#281023 by Planetguy
Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:33 pm
Rooskie hacker says...what?

Well, as is widely known...the first rule of Rooskie Hacker Club is NEVER talk about Rooskie Hacker Club.

Considering the many nutball theories you've posited and embraced it's quite laughable that you feign concern for ME appearing stupid. No, the Tin Foil Crown sits where it rightly belongs...on your swelled head!

And what is with that tired, paper thin cliche of always trying to paint your adversary as "angry"?

Do you believe that tactic effective? Really? Give it a rest. I'm no more angry w you and your duplicitous silliness than I am at the sun for rising every morning.

I know you spent a lot of time w that epic post ...i'm honored (or should i say "honoured" ?)How DID you get clearance from your handlers to waste that much time on little ol' me when there's so much more shenanigans you need to perpetrate?
Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:54 pm
Planetguy wrote:Rooskie hacker says...what?

Well, as is widely known...the first rule of Rooskie Hacker Club is NEVER talk about Rooskie Hacker Club.

Considering the many nutball theories you've posited and embraced it's quite laughable that you feign concern for ME appearing stupid. No, the Tin Foil Crown sits where it rightly belongs...on your swelled head!

And what is with that tired, paper thin cliche of always trying to paint your adversary as "angry"?

Do you believe that tactic effective? Really? Give it a rest. I'm no more angry w you and your duplicitous silliness than I am at the sun for rising every morning.

I know you spent a lot of time w that epic post ...i'm honored (or should i say "honoured" ?)How DID you get clearance from your handlers to waste that much time on little ol' me when there's so much more shenanigans you need to perpetrate?

You have to give up your hate, Mark.

It is really phucking up your life.

Brilliant post Vamp! I wish I could write as good as that. SMILE!
#281028 by DainNobody
Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:03 am
vamp, brilliant post..
Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:17 am

Go look up our third PRESIDENT, and try to understand how BRILLIANT HE WAS a million years into the future

Thomas Jefferson
His Portrait is on the Two Dollar Bill

This is amazing.
There are two parts.
Be sure to read
The 2nd part (in RED),,,,and really THINK about it.

Thomas Jefferson
Was a very remarkable man who started
Learning very
Early in life and never stopped.

At 5, began
Studying under his cousin's tutor.

At 9, studied
Latin, Greek and French.

At 14, studied
Classical literature and additional languages.

At 16, entered
The College of William and Mary.
Also could write in Greek with one hand
While writing the same in Latin with the other.

At 19, studied
Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.

At 23, started
His own law practice.

At 25, was
Elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.

At 31, wrote the
Widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America" And
Retired from his law practice.

At 32, was a
Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.

At 33, wrote the
Declaration of Independence.

At 33, took
Three years to revise Virginia's legal code and wrote a Public Education
Bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.

At 36, was
Elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick

At 40, served in
Congress for two years.

At 41, was the
American minister to France and
Negotiated commercial treaties with
European nations
Along with Ben
Franklin and John Adams..

At 46, served as
The first Secretary of State
Under George

At 53, served as
Vice President and was elected
President of the American Philosophical

At 55, drafted
The Kentucky Resolutions and
Became the active head of Republican

At 57, was
Elected the third president of the

At 60, obtained
The Louisiana Purchase doubling
The nation's

At 61, was
Elected to a second term as President.

At 65, retired
To Monticello.

At 80, helped
President Monroe shape the

At 81, almost
Single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first

At 83, died on
The 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along
With John Adams.

Thomas Jefferson
Knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government.
He understood
Actual history, the nature of God, His laws and the nature
Of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand

Jefferson really knew his stuff.

A voice from the past to lead us in the future:

John F. Kennedy
Held a dinner in the White House for a group of the brightest minds
In the nation at that time He made this statement: "This is perhaps
The assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in
The White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined

"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in
Europe,we shall become as corrupt as Europe."--

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those
Who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes.
A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."-- Thomas Jefferson

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government
From wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them"--

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government
Results from too much government."--

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."--

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms
Is,as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."-- Thomas Jefferson

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time
With the blood of patriots and tyrants."--

"To compel a man to subsidiz e with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he
Disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."--

Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than
Standing armies.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their
Currency,first by inflation, then by deflation, the
Banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks
will deprive the people of all property - until
their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

I wish we could get this out to every American!
#281032 by Vampier
Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:49 am
Spectacular Post Glen. I will make certain I send it out to everyone I know who will understand it. Fantastic and it demonstrates the insanity of the current imbeciles tearing down statues and pretending they are Black like "Barry" did and does. It seems the nano aluminum has done it's dirty work on the Planet ... including Planet Guy. Oh Well.

I thank you for your compliment and Dayne also. I did not spend much time Planet Guy as it seemed to just roll of my fingers. That is often what happens when I write "heartfelt" words. I think that if you were a dog, then you would most certainly bite the hand that feeds you. For me you seem to be a textbook case and fine example of what many psychologists have espoused upon concerning "anger" and it's effects upon personality and inter-relations with other humans. Your sense of humour is the most intellectual thing I discern about you and even it is mocked, chided and tortured by your anger and hate it seems. You see in many ways you are a "poster child" for a successful man in "America" excepting now with the neodemoncrats and their libtard friends ... being white is going to work against you. But that is only my opinion.

Still Putin seems to show great patience as does Trump with the growing insanity of this World. Putin made an arse out of The wannaBe Black Messiah and continues to show how ludicrous the Demoncrats continue to be. He even used The Hag's Greed and Avarice to best her in Uranium Deals. As I have stated before The Hag is destined to be a SACRIFICE for her Evil Lord.
Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:32 am
Yeah... I'm giving up on him.
But it is clear...
That's why guns are for protection... Against all the CRAZIES RUNNING AROUND. I have a unique idea...
We should give our police force guns also... So they don't get killed... Writing a traffic ticket for some irresponsible citizen speeding and running a stop sign, while in control of a vehicle that can kill as quickly as a gun.

Any one remember what happened to PRINCESS DIANA?
Cars kill! We need more car control!
I say start with taking Mark's car away.IF... I don't feel he is stable to drive one, enough, until he goes through a thorough medical exam, background check, and even drug testing. TAKE AWAY HIS HORSES... Even if it means he can't get to his next gig. Since MARK is not concerned with FREEDOM, and the responsibility that goes with it...
Let him talk to the hand... Forgive him... He knows not.

Wow thinking about it, people like that are scary. I should probably buy another gun, but I won't. HELL YEAH. Gonna go buy another car. :roll:
#281052 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:37 pm
Vampier wrote:You need to learn to let stupid ideas go.

Which means give up trying to argue with Vamp's stupid cut-and-pasted youtube videos and associated propaganda!

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