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#278913 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Aug 14, 2017 12:25 pm
Stop the hate. Do you agree with the article? Or do you agree there are some seriously f**k up people in this country?
#278914 by Planetguy
Mon Aug 14, 2017 12:55 pm
you know what....

were the shoe on the other foot, and some nutbag on the left had driven his car into a crowd, then surely there would be some here who would try to paint said nutbag as being representive of the lunacy of ALL those on the left. (you know who you are)

am i right or am i right?

i refuse to stoop to that lowhanded generalizing and mischaracterization by trying to insinuate that piece of $hit reps all those on the right. same w that disgusting article.

re. that article...justifying WHY that woman DESERVED to be killed, it's amazing that there are people who write that kind of manure and worse still that there is such a large audience for it.

edit: maybe what's really the worst, is that in this day and's less and less surprising when this stuff happens. and it's only gonna get worse w a reality TV "president" who can't articulate a simple response to condemn hate crimes.
#278917 by Badstrat
Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:36 pm
Damned good thing that racist groups like "black lives matter" don't encourage violence or the media would have a fit.
#278919 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:40 pm
I agree there are some seriously f-ed up people in American society but it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. I'm only surprised it took this long.

For the last 8 years, the haters and bigots have been federally protected. Now the other extreme has "their man" in office and the haters convention begins.

But where was the media contempt when the haters started their campaigns of hate in the last 8 years? There is no reason to feign disgust now. This is the equal and opposite reaction that should have happened when BLM were encouraging attacks on police everywhere.

The violence will continue until ALL sides address their own racism, and take some responsibility for their own community. It would be best for everyone concerned if whites on the right weren't the only people being blamed for this outbreak, since the solution they offer would be the worst case scenario.

#278920 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:44 pm
Planetguy wrote:you know what....

were the shoe on the other foot, and some nutbag on the left had driven his car into a crowd, then surely there would be some here who would try to paint said nutbag as being representive of the lunacy of ALL those on the left. (you know who you are)

you mean like the leftist media is doing today toward the right?

re. that article...justifying WHY that woman DESERVED to be killed, it's amazing that there are people who write that kind of manure and worse still that there is such a large audience for it.

That article is fake news. Toilet paper at best. No one takes that seriously except a bigot.

edit: maybe what's really the worst, is that in this day and's less and less surprising when this stuff happens. and it's only gonna get worse w a reality TV "president" who can't articulate a simple response to condemn hate crimes.

How much do you want to bet that (even if) the nutbag voted for Trump....he is a life-long Democrat?

This is not the morality of the Right. We police this kind of violence from our side, while the Left applauds and makes excuses for criminals on their side. If this guy would have been a member of BLM, the DNC would be calling him today to see if he'd run for Governor of Virginia.

#278922 by Planetguy
Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:55 pm
yod wrote:
This is not the morality of the Right. We police this kind of violence from our side, while the Left applauds and makes excuses for criminals on their side. If this guy would have been a member of BLM, the DNC would be calling him today to see if he'd run for Governor of Virginia.

that's laughable. anti gay...anti black....anti immigrant....those aren't the views of liberals...those ARE the views of (some, not all ) CONSERVATIVES.

note again...that i'm not trying to foolishly and naively trying to wrap all on that side into one neat, little one size fits all pkg.....that's the dishonest propaganda that YOU routinely toss off w lame genealizations.

#278926 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:15 pm
Planetguy wrote:
yod wrote:
This is not the morality of the Right. We police this kind of violence from our side, while the Left applauds and makes excuses for criminals on their side. If this guy would have been a member of BLM, the DNC would be calling him today to see if he'd run for Governor of Virginia.

that's laughable. anti gay...anti black....anti immigrant....those aren't the views of liberals...those ARE the views of (some, not all ) CONSERVATIVES.

note again...that i'm not trying to foolishly and naively trying to wrap all on that side into one neat, little one size fits all pkg.....that's the dishonest propaganda that YOU routinely toss off w lame genealizations.

And this is why it will only continue....the dishonesty of the Left.

I grew up in Klan country. Not even one of them were Republicans, though many of them loved Nixon & Reagan. They didn't become Republicans until Obama. These so-called "blue dogs" are conservative DEMOCRATS. Every single one of them were anti gay...anti black....anti immigrant. They were also poor white trash who voted Democrat for the bennies.

Republicans have historically and factually always been about individual liberty. "Individual" has no color or race.

It is the Left, the DEMOCRATS, who divide people into subcategories for exploitation of collectivism. Even if the Klan is labeled "conservative" by the leftist media, they are still Democrats who see themselves being betrayed by their party.

Last edited by t-Roy and The Smoking Section on Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#278933 by Planetguy
Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:28 pm
good grief, ted.

don't you ever grow weary of this same tired round and round????

i do.

and i'm out. 8)
#278949 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:29 pm
We could stop disagreeing when you stop parroting every narrative of the lying media.

Ben Shapiro sums it up best, I think.

7 things you should know before you make a judgment about what happened ... paign=lead

But just to put things in perspective between you and I....if you can be honest:

Who would be blamed if this was a non-violent Antifa rally and some angry Klansmen showed up to start a fight....and then got it?

In that case, I'd say the klansman started the violence and probably deserved whatever they got (short of murder), wouldn't you? Any honest thinking person would, I suppose.

I famously despise the Klan. Yet they have the same right of assembly and being stupid in public as B.L.M. or Antifa. When those Antifa idiots show up wanting violence and then getting it, anyone who doesn't realize these are the exact optics they wanted to achieve is being naive. And those idiots in the Klan got played for propaganda.

The driver of the car deserves to hang, imo.

Yes, we all know that conservative white people will always be linked to the far-right just for being white. It's a convenient narrative to see who has the greatest victim status.
#278952 by Planetguy
Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:51 pm
hey, feel free to parrot the same "narrative" that YOU'VE been brainwashed with (as you do ad nausiem here) and i'll do the same.

i see little point in going round and round about it.

as i see it, you guys try way too hard to make these same points and point fingers at the evil and naive dems and libs sing that mantra so much it's almost like you're trying to convince yourself. :shock:

your "narrative" of libs being brainwashed by the media holds as much water as does those on the right being brainwased by their/your media sources.

i know you'll never accept that because that's not in the 'narrative' that YOU trumpet. please don't bother giving me ten examples of why that's not so....this time i'm really out. :wink:
#278958 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:22 pm
Planetguy wrote:hey, feel free to parrot the same "narrative" that YOU'VE been brainwashed with (as you do ad nausiem here) and i'll do the same.

i see little point in going round and round about it.

as i see it, you guys try way too hard to make these same points and point fingers at the evil and naive dems and libs sing that mantra so much it's almost like you're trying to convince yourself. :shock:

your "narrative" of libs being brainwashed by the media holds as much water as does those on the right being brainwased by their/your media sources.

i know you'll never accept that because that's not in the 'narrative' that YOU trumpet. please don't bother giving me ten examples of why that's not so....this time i'm really out. :wink:

So all you can do is dismiss me personally again with a few sarcastic remarks? Why am I not surprised?

You know why I say you parrot the media? It's because you never have a factual reasoned answer for a direct question posed to you on a political topic, just the same opinion of MSM talking points.

It was a simple question: If the Klan showed up to start a fight at an Antifa rally would it still be blamed on conservatives when an Antifa idiot hurt someone? We both know it would be. If you admit to that, then we'll know you're at least intellectually honest. And it is noted that, for whatever reason, you aren't willing to look at fact or reason not being broadcast on the MSM.

But go ahead...claim your moral superiority if that helps you feel more like a liberal.

#278960 by Planetguy
Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:40 pm
i'm not dismissing you, ted. i enjoy talking music w you and hope to continue to do so.

i simply grow weary of listening to YOUR regurgitaions of YOUR dogma. the same condescending BS again and again about how ALL libs are naive and brainwashed, blah, blah, blah.

look ....i'm not telling to you cease and desist...afterall, you ARE playing to a responsive room that eats that material up and sings that same off key song.

i'm merely bowing out from wasting any more time in what i see as a pointless pissing arguing your case while i argue mine. i have a long list of OTHER useless crap to waste my time with. :wink:

if we're gonna have a friendly disagreement over our views.... it'll have to be over covers or the merits of gtrsts that came after Hendrix. 8)

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