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#276326 by Badstrat
Thu May 04, 2017 7:50 pm
Big (premature) celebration ongoing.
Replaced and repealed?
Was it truly replaced? I doubt it.

Once the government gets its hands on something it never lets go. I will believe it was repealed when private insurance companies begin returning as they were before the government stepped in. Wanna bet that won't happen? If it doesn't then it was neither replaced or repealed, simple as that.

Before obamacare / after obamacare, samey samey now? Or just another government patch that will end up making things even worse? Will it still cover illegals? Will it still cover( already covered) preconditions that raise everyone's rates through the roof?

We had a choice before obamacare and government had no say in our private insurance choices. Is that what this bill return us to if it is passed into law? (It has a ways to go before it is law) Will we still have to fill out dozens of pages of private information for the government when we go to see a physician?

Anyone out there gobbling up this Rah Rah Rah? Well see wont we. Personally I don't believe a single thing that this government tells me.
#276334 by Vampier
Thu May 04, 2017 11:06 pm
More of the same ? ....

Slacker ...I am totally in line with your take on these "Rah Rah's ... just like a high School Pep Rally only vastly more expensive and SERIOUS.
#276335 by Badstrat
Thu May 04, 2017 11:49 pm
Does this sound about right, Steph?

“Dr I have been having abdominal pains for about a week now.”
“Well before we can treat you, you are required to fill out this 8 page questionnaire in order to assist us in your diagnosis.”
“For a stomach ache”?
Yes, we can’t treat you until you fill out these forms, government regulations, you know.

#1 Do you own a gun (guns) ?
#2 How many and what models are they? List all
#3 How many rounds of ammunition do you have in your possession?
#4 How many rounds do your magazines hold? (List for each gun)
# 5 Where do you keep them. In which rooms of your house do you keep them. List all specific locations.
#6 How many magazines do you have for each gun?
#7 Who did you vote for in the last election?
#8 Do you support and approve of the LGBTQ Community?
#9 Have you ever had military training?
#10 Do you believe bigger government is better government?
#11 Have you reported people who have said negative things about your government?
#12 Do you believe in religious myths? Such as a Jesus or an invisible God?
#13 Would you shoot someone if they broke into your home?
#14 Do you feel like your government is getting too invasive?

# Do not forget to fill out page 8 giving your full medical history in detail.

Maybe the questionnaire will hold these types of questions. You get the picture
#276338 by Vampier
Fri May 05, 2017 2:35 am
Slacker ... yes. If they do not give you the form it all will be covered in the "Interview" verbally.

About an hour ago I noticed on the sidewalk chalk marks at the intersection nearest my "Casa". There was an arrow pointing down my Street and it had at it's point three slash marks. At a right angle was another arrow pointing down the road to the One Way Street which is the only way out of the Port. At the end of that arrow was an E with a circle drawn around it. I walked down the Street to my Casa and on the sidewalk right between the end of my property and slightly on the neighbours were the three slashes again in chalk. I got a bowl of water and a broom and went out and erased them all. The summer is starting here and the Tourism drops as well as business so the thieves come out and they often mark the streets and houses before they rob them. Kind of like the Hobo Marks. Dogs, access, number of people, on holiday etc. etc. I do not know if those were such marks but now they are gone.

I have three mastiffs chained at the front on the concrete slap ... one Bitch and two Males. That could have been the three slashes, but what they can not see are the other four dogs running loose on the property and another chained at the door as a furry lock. He is a Brindle and an amazing "jumper" and fast as lightening.

Threat fusion Centres have been collecting all sorts of info on citizens for years now. All this hones the Red List. You can bet that in the case of a "National Emergency" Those deemed as "Threats" will be rounded up immediately or as many believe just taken out and shot. Want Medical Care ? Well fill this out and answer my stupid questions like a good little sheeple. Want some Food and Water ? Well just get these vaccinations and we will "Fix you up". CLOSER AND CLOSER AND CLOSER AND CLOSER SCREW THEM
#276396 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Sun May 07, 2017 9:57 pm
Badstrat wrote:Yes, we can’t treat you until you fill out these forms, government regulations, you know.

You get the picture

Yea, people don't seem to realize that the government controlling "health care" means that a non-personal entity whose only purpose is to feed itself is now in control of who lives and who dies. LITERALLY

We don't need a replacement as much as a repeal. I understand the need for medical care, but the costs have more to do with the insurance companies, and how they pay the doctors than anything real.

I'm only dreaming but we should say "no to all of the above" until a completely fresh idea comes that doesn't include government control of our life or death, which will someday be abused and we allowed it
#276417 by J-HALEY
Mon May 08, 2017 4:02 pm
The Paul Ryan health care submitted is VERY disheartening to me. All I wanted them to do, is do away with the individual mandate and let insurance companies compete across state lines. Dang it is so simple! Of course its not about what I want. :roll:
#276445 by Vampier
Tue May 09, 2017 6:24 pm
YES Haley, you are absolutely correct in my opinion as well. There is a rumour going about that Trump is allowing all this "production" purposefully to let Obama"Care" die a brutal Death in order that there can be no other scapegoats other than The black Messiah and those who lick his posterior. It is a rumour only in my opinion.

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