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#271545 by Badstrat
Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:47 pm
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift
Sarah Lee 6 hours ... -you-gift/

Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Hey omama, Why not also give them all of our top secret government files?
Oh, you don't want to appear to be redundant since hillary already did that through her e-mail server?
obama, If the door doesn't injure you when it hits you in the back as you are leaving, perhaps you can get employment as an Iranian or perhaps a Russian spy you traitorous America hater. Don't forget to take out the trash when you leave ..... It wouldn't be right to leave mooshell behind.

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