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#242015 by Badstrat
Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:58 pm
Ben Carson: Can Obama use martial law to keep White House post 2016 ... ion-28523/

by James Richard Edwards - Jan 19, 2015
102 29090

SAN ANTONIO, December 14, 2014 — Dr. Ben Carson, a black neurosurgeon and likely 2016 Republican presidential candidate, has repeatedly stated that he believes there is a chance that the 2016 elections may not be held at all. Widespread anarchy gripping the country could be reason enough for the Obama administration to announce the implementation of martial law and the suspension of some, if not all, of Americans’ constitutionally protected rights — including the right to vote and hold national elections.

READ MORE: Ben Carson promises a decision by May 1 (video)

On the surface this seems unbelievable, but upon further analysis, Carson’s ominous suggestion is plausible; this is an extremely unnerving scenario that all Americans should be aware of and ready for. The Obama administration has very quietly and subtly done many inexplicable things that could very well be precursors to the suspension of some, if not all, of Americans’ constitutionally protected civil rights.

Carson went on liberal radio host Alan Colmes’ radio show and the discussion eventually came to whether or not Dr. Carson plans to run for president in 2016. He said that there may not even be elections in 2016; when pressed to explain further, Carson said, “If in fact we continue to have all these decrees being made the way they’re being made, if in fact we don’t fight the kind of war that needs to be fought in order to really put an end to the threat that is brought on by ISIS, if we continue along a pathway of financial irresponsibility, if we continue along a path of envy, greed, and hatred — what happened with Occupy Wall Street will be a cakewalk compared to what will begin to happen in this country.”

When Colmes pushed Carson further on the possibility of cancelled or postponed elections, Carson responded, “I don’t want to find out, I really don’t want to find out. I don’t want to continue down this pathway that we are going down. This pathway where everything is framed in a political sense and our representatives are not working for the people, they’re working for their party.”

READ MORE: Dr. Ben Carson and his strides toward replacing the Democrat agenda

Martial law is “a system of complete control by a country’s military over all activities, including civilian, in a theoretical or actual war zone, or during a period of emergency caused by a disaster such as an earthquake or flood, with the military commander having dictatorial powers … In many foreign countries martial law has become a method to establish and maintain dictatorships either by military leaders or politicians backed by the military.”

In America, martial law must be called for by the President, who would then suspend most, if not all, of our constitutional rights, and only the President would be able to reinstitute our constitutional structure and declare an end to martial law.

If anyone believes this idea is far fetched, please consider the numerous emergencies that Obama has put America in position to experience in the next two years — possibly with more than one of these issues occurring simultaneously: the Ebola virus and its associated mandatory quarantine may continue to spread due to Obama’s pitiful prophylactic and responsive actions; our $18 trillion and counting government debt could finally cause the government spending bubble — the only thing propping up our economy — to pop, leading to all government spending halting overnight and the massive associated riots that would occur due to welfare, EBT and Medicaid/Medicare cards ceasing to work; and, the threat of Islamic terrorism and specifically ISIS, whose unmatched funding, training and brutality could fulfill their leaders’ promise to shed the blood of millions of Americans.

Additionally, Obama’s choice not to sufficiently secure the border must be taken into consideration with all of these possible emergencies, as open access to our country could only increase the liklihood of all three possible emergencies.

Never in the history of our country have we faced so many destructive threats at the same time. America has also never had leadership that has failed to competently handle every single threat facing our country. If Obama isn’t one of the most inept people to ever hold elected office, then his actions must be calculated to produce these results.

READ MORE: Dr. Ben Carson says Michael Brown and Ferguson is an opportunity for dialogue

Obama knows he is unpopular with the military, therefore, he has had to find a different way to institute martial law — and that is through a “civilian national security force.” On July 2, 2008 at a campaign stop, Obama made the following unscripted statement: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

In 2013 the United States spent $663.8 billion on the military, with personnel include 2.2 million people on active duty or in the reserves. America has local police forces, which could call in the National Guard, which could then call in the Department of Defense to protect the country in times of civil unrest. For what purpose, then, would a civilian security force funded with hundreds of billions of dollars and made up of millions of Americans be necessary?

Another worrying issue is that Obama has militarized almost every federal agency. In September of 2013, 70 federal agents in full body armor, carrying M-16s raided one person’s gold mining operation in a tiny Alaska town. They were from the Environmental Protection Agency looking for violations of the Clean Air Act.

After this incident it was found that Obama had created law enforcement branches in over 70 federal agencies. It is estimated that there are over 120,000 law enforcement agents in the federal government who are not part of traditional law enforcement branches — CIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, DHS, DOJ, and Treasury Dept.

These law enforcement branches Obama has created are not comprised of just one or two security guards. Obama has armed these agencies to the teeth. Maj. General Jerry Curry, a 40 year, decorated, military veteran, wrote an op-ed for The Daily Caller pointing out how, in addition to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations’ purchase of 46,000 hollow point bullets, the Social Security Administration (SSA) bought 174,000 hollow point bullets.

In reaction to these purchases, Maj. Gen. Curry said, “Hollow point bullets are so lethal that the Geneva Convention does not allow their use on the battlefield in time of war. Hollow point bullets don’t just stop or hurt people, they penetrate the body, spread out, fragment and cause maximum damage to the body’s organs. Death often follows. Potentially each hollow nose bullet represents a dead American. If so, why would the U.S. government want the SSA to kill 174,000 of our citizens, even during a time of civil unrest? Or is the purpose to kill 174,000 of the nation’s military and replace them with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) special security forces, forces loyal to the Administration, not to the Constitution?”

Curry goes on, “In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March (of 2012) DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen.”

Curry’s final point is something that every American should consider: “Obama is a deadly serious, persistent man. Once he focuses on an object, he pursues it to the end. What is his focus here? … I hope I’m wrong, but something smells rotten. And If the Congress isn’t going to do its duty and investigate this matter fully, the military will have to protect the Constitution, the nation, and our citizens.”

Let’s pray that none of these matters fully materialize and Dr. Carson’s ominous suggestion becomes nothing but an afterthought. However, those who understand Obama know not to put anything beyond his desire to, in Obama’s own words, “fundamentally transform America.”

These next two years are his last chance.
#242016 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:05 pm
In America, martial law must be called for by the President, who would then suspend most, if not all, of our constitutional rights, and only the President would be able to reinstitute our constitutional structure and declare an end to martial law.

This is a dangerous situation.
#242024 by Paleopete
Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:03 pm
You apparently didn't read the article. Nothing there about this being caused by liberals, conservatives or tea party...ISIS, EMP attack by a nuclear Iran, Mexican drug thugs, natural disaster...

Take a look at Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness ... eparedness

All he has to do is call up this EO and the government controls the entire infastructure of the country. It was written up in March 2012, I think planning ahead for the meltdown on Dec 21 at the end of the Mayan calendar, which many thought was to be the end of the world as we know it. And note that it says it can be called in peacetime as well.

Just a couple of eye openers...

Implementation. (a) The National Security Council and Homeland Security Council, in conjunction with the National Economic Council, shall serve as the integrated policymaking forum for consideration and formulation of national defense resource preparedness policy and shall make recommendations to the President on the use of authorities under the Act.

Homeland security??? The same bloated too powerful agency that was never needed to begin with? One of Bush's biggest mistakes...And Homeland Security has ordered an insane amount of ammunition. What are they planning for???

under Civil transportation... "Civil transportation" also shall include direction, control, and coordination of civil transportation capacity regardless of ownership.

Control of civil transportation capacity regardless of ownership??? Sounds pretty ominous to me when the government can simply call up an executive order and they now control your transportation...

And that's just the beginning. That EO sets up a situation that looks pretty ugly if even slightly abused.

I've been looking into this for a while now, it's not looking good for the home team. Obama has ignored the laws and Constitution repeatedly, spent the country so far into debt your great grandkids will barely be able to pay off the interest, decimated the military, intentionally left our borders open to any who wish to come in, practically destroyed the economy, turned our allies against us and coddled up to our enemies, done anything and everything he can to get the people fighting amongst each other...and I've been telling you on this site for a long time we need to stop bickering and put our heads together...this is why.

If you think all of this is far fetched, go for it. Have some more kool aid. I'm beginning to think our country is doomed already.

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