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#241769 by Badstrat
Sun Apr 12, 2015 4:58 pm
Guess Who Wants You To Pay For Abortions For Obama’s Illegals?

chris 04/10/2015 Abortions, Immigration, Politics ... -illegals/

Dr. Kevin “Coach” Collins,

The anti-American loonies in the American Civil Liberties Union want us to pay for abortions for illegal aliens. In the contorted minds that make up the ACLU, since they allege that 60 to 80% of the females who sneak into our country are sexually assaulted, we the American taxpayers are somehow liable to pay to kill the children that result from these rapes.

Naturally, these lowlife leftists are not in favor of the obvious answer to the problem they allege, which is to tighten up the borders so these “victims” can’t come into our “terrible country.”

The ACLU’s “better” idea is to force religious organizations like Catholic Charities to pay for the murder of these innocent infants so their “victim” mothers don’t have to be burdened with unwanted children in their new life as a Democrat voter and parasite living off of taxpayers. As they see it, religious organizations would then not be able to “impose their religious beliefs on these teens by denying them access to contraception, emergency contraception, and abortion.”


For the ACLU, this serves at least two important purposes. Not only does it fill the illegal aliens’ goodie bags; it also puts religious organizations (deeply hated by the ACLU) in their place, humiliating them by forcing them to violate their beliefs. And to add even more insult to injury, the ACLU wants us to buy contraceptives for these female burglars–which they will hand out presumably during their registration as new Democrats.

This bunch has already scored a big victory at our expense because the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement is readying a ruling “that will force American religious relief agencies to provide abortions and contraception services to the illegal immigrants those groups serve.”

Unfortunately, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has responded with a typically weak and almost apologetic comment; demands that it distribute contraceptives and pay for abortions “create moral concerns.”

The irony here is that female illegals seeking to kill their children are actually acting in an atypical manner. It doesn’t take these invaders long to understand that the more children they have, the more money they can steal from us. Moreover, at least some are Catholics who would be repulsed by Catholic organizations handing out contraceptives and killing babies; but none of that matters to the ACLU – it never does.

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