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#241575 by Badstrat
Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:56 pm
The 5 Dumbest Ideas That Have Taken Root In America
chris 23 mins ago ... n-america/

John Hawkins,

Humans are extremely adaptable creatures; so we tend to quickly acclimate ourselves to our circumstances until they become the “new normal.” However, sometimes when you have a hole in the bottom of your boat, it’s a better idea to try to address it than to just keep bailing water all day long. For example, here in America we seem to believe that…

1) The only religion it’s okay to mock is the most popular one, Christianity: Roughly 80% of Americans are Christian; yet which religion is openly mocked by Hollywood and the mainstream media? Is it Judaism? No, that would be anti-Semitic. Is it Islam? No, those guys might kill you. Is it Hinduism or Buddhism? No, there aren’t enough of them around to draw notice. Ninety five percent of the attacks on religion in America are against the faith held by the majority of the people who sadly are a little too inclined to turn the other cheek to put a stop to it. All major religions deserve to be treated with a modicum of respect and that’s doubly true for Christianity since this nation was founded and shaped by Christians seeking religious freedom. If Christians don’t demand respect, no one should be surprised when they don’t get it.

2) Diversity is all about skin color: A lot of people would tell you that Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, John Kerry, Dan Savage and Luis Gutierrez all together would be a “diverse” group. Well, what’s so diverse about five people who say the same things, think the same things and march in lockstep on every issue? The only real value of diversity is that it interjects new ways of thinking about and approaching a problem. If you take that away, diversity is meaningless and may even do more harm than good. If you don’t have diversity of thought, then you don’t have diversity.

3) The federal government doesn’t have to pay off the money it owes: Ever notice that as our national debt grows larger and larger, people talk about it less and less? That’s despite the fact that by “2030, the Congressional Budget Office is estimating that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will make up 75% of our budget spending.” You may notice that defense spending isn’t included in there, nor is interest on the debt, Obamacare or any other government programs. We’re only 15 years away from that point and neither party is doing ANYTHING of significance about it. Worse yet, the Democrats are insisting that we’re not spending enough money. People may give lip service to the idea that the debt is bad, but if we’re judged by our actions, most Americans apparently believe that we don’t ever have to pay off what we owe.

4) Ethics are irrelevant for politicians: There was a time in America when politicians were held to a HIGHER standard of ethics than the average person. If you were a scumbag, people didn’t want you in office and if they caught you telling them a lie, it could cost a politician his job. Since the Clinton era, we’ve reversed that idea and suddenly scumbags are fine and we don’t care if politicians lie or not. When one of them misleads the public, the attitude is, “Well, what do you expect from a politician?” Incidentally, Republicans may not have as fully embraced this attitude as Democrats, but there are an awful lot of GOP politicians who seem to believe it’s acceptable to lie to the people that put them into office. If holding the politicians — who are expected to lead us and make life and death decisions — to a higher standard is wrong, then Americans shouldn’t want to be right.

5) It’s fine for black Americans to be openly racist toward whites: Given America’s history, it’s rather ironic that the overwhelming majority of white Americans seem to want Martin Luther King’s colorblind world while a large number of black Americans actively support Bull Connor’s view that discrimination based on race works fine. Similarly, for every dumb jock in a fraternity who makes national news for dropping the N-word, there are probably a hundred black Americans openly expressing contempt and loathing for white Americans. Not every black American feels that way; in fact a majority of them probably don’t, but the biggest bastion of race-based hate in America is unquestionably in the black community.
#241583 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:27 pm oh yeah, that's sounds like an unbiased website! :lol:
#241586 by schmedidiah
Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:48 pm
Let's talk some music, already! :x
#241596 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:34 pm
GuitarMikeB oh yeah, that's sounds like an unbiased website! :lol:

perhaps not.....but what a great place to mine ideas for putting up 20 threads a day bashing the evil left! GO TEAM, GO!

because let's face it....going all Paul Revere on this forum w it's vast readership, and posting that stuff over and over here on BM for the other handful of folks who swallow those rants and accept them at face value....THAT is really going to affect some change! :roll:
#241597 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:55 pm
and while we're talking about "dumbest ideas"... let me throw this one out there, i think it'd be interesting to have a week's moratorium on all threads and posts political and religious.

i know that i, as well as some others could easily do it .

in thinking about the ones who regularly frequent "general chat/non music) like ted, haley, slacker, vinny/josh/nigel, schmed, billy, dayne......all these folks still regularly and willingly participate in musical threads.

glen.....i can't remember the last time you offered anything up w regards to music.....i'm not sure if you even still play. please spare us the "there's more important things to talk about than gtr tunings" rap. trust me, there's not one thing your's, mine, or anyone's bellyaching here has accomplished w regards to the state of things in the real world.

everyone on this site is a'd be sad to think that anyone of us finds no interest and enjoyment talking about music, sharing music (our own and turning people onto new music), learning new stuff, etc.

yeah, pretty dumb idea, right? :shock:
Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:29 pm
Yeah... And I noticed this is the non musical side of bandmix. I also noticed your increasing involvement IN IT!

Are you turning into the next MIKE BIRCH that feels censoring the general population is vital for TOTAL CONTROL.


I think bandmix realized they were dealing with many musicians that couldn't separate their potential goals with the politics that may drive there very music. I have to give them a big KUDOS, for stepping back and separating with the warning about censorship. I noticed MIKE BIRCH is no longer allowed to tell me to STFU.

Now if you don't want to get involved in all this... I will not interfere with any of your freedoms...

I believe very strongly in your "RIGHTS"... BUT... DON'T TREAD ON ME!
#241601 by MikeTalbot
Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:30 pm
I don't believe in rights and I don't believe in the constitution. If it worked - it would be working. It ain't. Rights are what you are able to claim for yourself and your people, usually by force.

I don't care about enemies abroad. It's honorable to be destroyed by a foreign attacker - happens a lot in history. I don't sweat that usually but with current leadership one has to wonder...

I submit it is dis-honorable to destroy ourselves. And we are doing that.

I believe in the AK 47 and the electric guitar. I believe in God. I realize I have very little control over anything and that most of what I grew up believing was bullshit.

I don't believe in any of this nonsense any more - this political stuff. I don't want to sound mean - but in this huge mess of a world we should, in my opinion, do at least these two things: create all the music, all the art, all the friendship, that we can; 2) be prepared (as men) to protect the weak, helpless, children and so on, should it come to that. Without regard to one's own person.

Yeah...but that's really how I think. I'm a libertarian of the old school - non-aggression principal and all that - often mistaken for pacifism...

It's very sad but it truly doesn't matter which side you are on these days - your leaders ain't workin' for you anymore, cowpoke! It's all a sham! 8)

#241606 by DainNobody
Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:04 am
original thought is sometimes better than copy & paste essays, so the 5 dumbest thoughts are:
1. offshore tax shelters in the caribbean for the wealthiest tax cheats
2. shipping jobs offshore in order for the companies to profit more (at U.S. citizen's expense)
3. the desired policy of changing an agrarian/rural America into an urban immoral beast
4. not giving amnesty to illegal aliens in return for improved tax coffers
5. the loss of true American culture with too much cross-cultural bastardization.. :)
#241614 by Planetguy
Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:52 am
angelsshotgun wrote:Yeah... And I noticed this is the non musical side of bandmix. I also noticed your increasing involvement IN IT!

and who said otherwise???? yes glen, this IS the place for non music conversation. :roll:
i'm sorry you were so confused and couldn't follow what i was saying.

Are you turning into the next MIKE BIRCH that feels censoring the general population is vital for TOTAL CONTROL.

who said anything about "CENSORSHIP"?

it's not that hard to follow if you can take a break from your agenda and the narrative you love to one suggested forbidding ANY discussion about anything. sorry, SUGGESTING a week's VOLUNTARY moratorium on politics and religion ISN'T censorship in any one's book but your's.

what i suggested was a VOLUNTARY break from the usual $hit slinging and oneupsmanship that happens when everyone here discusses religion and politics.( note i said that includes me)

get a clue...that's not censorship. and only you would make a clumsy attempt at trying to portay it as such. :roll:

glen, i know the idea of not being able to toss feces at those you disagree w is a challenge.....but hey, you went a whole week this time. so it CAN be done!


this is america, sonny! and i'll talk about whatever i want. WHENEVER AND WHEREVER I CHOOSE. if you hate freedom and america so much....leave!

I think bandmix realized they were dealing with many musicians that couldn't separate their potential goals with the politics that may drive there very music. I have to give them a big KUDOS, for stepping back and separating with the warning about censorship. I noticed MIKE BIRCH is no longer allowed to tell me to STFU.

glen, glen, glen. sometimes i wonder if you merely pretend (lie) to be so dense as to not get so very much, and so you deliberately misinterpret things so you can go off on some sideroad tangent. talk about some creative "paraphrasing"!

surely you can't be so clueless as to believe that i actually suggested doing away with this forum. cos, if that was really your takeaway, then you've got serious reading comp issues. but on the other hand, you knowing full well that wasn't what i meant.... by you putting it forth that way, and misrepresenting (paraphrasing!) what i said.....that's nothing more than more dishonesty and fiction.

anyhoo, my thought was that by reducing the steady flow of rancor that too often is a byproduct of pol/rel topics w a VOLUNTARY wk long moratorium, we might actually help w the sense of community and brotherhood around these parts. :)
#241622 by Badstrat
Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:11 am
"and while we're talking about "dumbest ideas"... let me throw this one out there, i think it'd be interesting to have a week's moratorium on all threads and posts political and religious."

Well why don't you set an example for us and beging talking about music in the music chat, get some others who don't give a rats ass that America is going down the tubes to join in, and then we who like this section can discuss what we wish without the pi$$ing and moaning. You know, kinda like how America used to be? I think that would be a more creative use of your energy than trying to silence us.

"everyone on this site is a'd be sad to think that anyone of us finds no interest and enjoyment talking about music, sharing music (our own and turning people onto new music), learning new stuff, etc."

Wow. Bummers. Perhaps freedom of OUR topic choices are screwing up your world? We have to go learn new stuff and turn people on to music? Is that a new regime mandate? Don't talk about how politicians are destroying civilization with their moronic ideology and go talk music instead? Is that the ticket? OK Whenever I get inspired to write and produce a new track I will, as I always have.

In the mean time why don't you set an example for us and begin talking about music on the music chat forum, and we who like this section can do as we wish, with the freedom to do so without someone pi$$ing and moaning, kinda like how America used to be.

"it's not that hard to follow if you can take a break from your agenda and the narrative you love to one suggested forbidding ANY discussion about anything. sorry, SUGGESTING a week's VOLUNTARY moratorium on politics and religion ISN'T censorship in any one's book but your's.
what i suggested was a VOLUNTARY break from the usual $hit slinging and oneupsmanship that happens when everyone here discusses religion and politics.( note i said that includes me)"

Oh. I understand, you want us to follow YOUR agenda. So go post some music topics if this gets under your skin. Who is stopping anyone from starting music threads? I know, you can't just because some of us like this section?

"anyhoo, my thought was that by reducing the steady flow of rancor that too often is a byproduct of pol/rel topics w a VOLUNTARY wk long moratorium, we might actually help w the sense of community and brotherhood around these parts. :)"

Oh. Community....I get it. You mean as long as we see things your way all will be peace and love? Where have I ever heard that before? From every Marxist or Communist, or Socialist leader as they were taking over a country?

We are headed for destruction. If you do not wish to be informed as to how bad things truly are, at least let those of us who wish to be somewhat prepared for the collapse of America know how close it is so we are forewarned.

Inquiring minds need to know. There is a music only chat. Why doesn't everyone who wants to talk music go begin some music threads? You are depending for US to start music topics for you who wish to talk music? Like DUH. We are discussing what we wish to discuss. CLUE. No one is being forced to read a single topic in the non music discussion page. We are not liberals. We do not care if others have a different opinion than us. However, this is the general non music chat section. None of us go to the music chat and bitch about the lack of general discussion threads being created there. If there aren't any or very few new threads in the music section that isn't our fault, it is yours.
#241623 by schmedidiah
Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:40 am
Thanks for lumping me in with the general population, Mark. I already took a break from this infernal section, and I'll do it again. Watch me! And look at that. SCOREBOARD! I have never started a political or religious topic, and I don't plan on doing it. I already started one on another site, populated by about 99% Marxists and got my ass handed to me (or so they would have you think). :wink:
Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:31 am
See MARK, you twisted it all again and attempted to be very insulting.

I should report you you to the nazi police for being disrespectful. THAT WOULD BE WRONG!

Sad you don't get it, won't get it, or ever will get it.

It's about freedom, yours and mine. If you want to continuously submit your life to the will of another man,or woman... That's your deal.

Remember one thing in the end, I have NO FEAR of the minority that have your skills in distorting the truth. You can call me whatever you want. Your opinion just makes for interesting conversation. Thanks Mark.
#241630 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:34 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:Yeah... And I noticed this is the non musical side of bandmix. I also noticed your increasing involvement IN IT!

Are you turning into the next MIKE BIRCH that feels censoring the general population is vital for TOTAL CONTROL.


I think bandmix realized they were dealing with many musicians that couldn't separate their potential goals with the politics that may drive there very music. I have to give them a big KUDOS, for stepping back and separating with the warning about censorship. I noticed MIKE BIRCH is no longer allowed to tell me to STFU.

Now if you don't want to get involved in all this... I will not interfere with any of your freedoms...

I believe very strongly in your "RIGHTS"... BUT... DON'T TREAD ON ME!

Start the slandering again, Glenny, and it'll be the admin that tells you to STFU, i won't need to - they're watching, you know (cue Big Brother music). Still got it in that wee little brain that I deleted some posts of yours - what was that, a year ago? Not one person in this place believes that happened, you know?
#241633 by Planetguy
Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:41 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:See MARK, you twisted it all again and attempted to be very insulting.

HAH! that's some classic glen "turnaround"!

no, it's you and slacker who've twisted, "paraphrased", and deliberately misrepped what i suggested as an attempt at censorship.

in other words....the usual lies and dishonesty you guys use to spin something to fit your narrative of everyone attacking your FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

the lengths that you paranoid conspirancy crazy hate mongers will go to make EVERYTHING appear an ATTACK ON FREEDOM is laughable!

It's about freedom, yours and mine. it isn't.

a VOLUNTARY MORATORIUM is about CHOICE.... and THAT'S what america is about. you spinning it otherwise to wrap yourself in the flag and get up on your FREEDOM PEDESTAL is pure dishonesty.

Remember one thing in the end, I have NO FEAR of the minority that have your skills in distorting the truth. .

be honest for once glen, YOUR powers " in distorting the truth" are second to none! luckily for you, you're not encumbered by conscience or the need to shoot straight in your supposed quest for "FREEDOM".

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