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#241570 by Badstrat
Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:48 pm
Why the 3 Percent is Beating the 30 Percent and Will Target Churches Next

Posted 4 hours ago by Gary DeMar Filed under 1st Amendment, 2016 Election, Bible, Bible Prophecy, Christianity, Constitution, Email Featured, Eschatology, Free Speech, Freedom, Homosexuality, IRS, Law, Liberal Bullying, Liberal Hypocrisy ... 0-percent/

As I pointed out in a “When Gays Fire-Bombed a Church: 'Gay Rights or Gay Riots,’” Christians have been the target in the homosexual debate going back more than 30 years. Homosexuals learned that by attacking one church or one person at a time, they could get pro-homosexual precedents established.

They also learned that there was never much of a groundswell of support for the victims who opposed same-sex sexuality. Churches didn’t want to get involved, so many of those who were attacked were left defenseless. Because of the lack of broad Christian support, groups like Alliance Defending Freedom and Liberty Counsel were founded, as well as other legal advocacy groups, to defend the victims of same-sex bullying.

These groups had a lot of catching up to do. The ACLU, founded in 1920, has had a 60-year head start. It has more than 500,000 members and an annual budget of over $100 million. Local affiliates of the ACLU are active in all 50 states and Puerto Rico and have their own budgets.

How did we get in the situation where those who identify as LGBTQQA* make up around three percent of the population and are setting the agenda when Christians make up around 35 percent?

Homosexuals have been successful in redefining everything, so much so that using Husband/Wife; girlfriend/boyfriend; mom/dad is now considered a form of “heterosexism.”

A tiny minority of woman are claiming that it’s “sexist” to refer to Hillary Clinton as just “Hillary” even though there is a “Ready for Hillary” super PAC and posters with her image with only “Hillary” identifying her. Double standards and hypocrisy are rampant among liberals. But that’s another story.

In addition, homosexuals have taken over the courts by getting their lawyers in places of legal power to impose a radical sexual agenda on America.

'Myths, Lies, and Half Truths' answers each of these objections in detail

So where have tens of millions of Christians been? They’ve developed their own self-defeating narrative that keeps them out of the fight. Here is some of their warped theology:

* Jesus never got mixed up in politics (so why should we?)
* There’s a separation between church and state (even though there isn’t any such constitutional claim)
* The Christian’s citizenship is in heaven (it didn’t stop the Apostle Paul from using his Roman citizenship: Acts 22:25-29)
* We can’t impose our morality on other people (all law is the imposition of somebody’s view of morality/immorality)
* We’re not to judge (what’s forbidden is inconsistency: Matt. 7:1-2)
* Politics is dirty (and so is everything else)
* Religion and politics don’t mix (then why are murder, stealing, and rape morally wrong?)
* Jesus wasn’t a social reformer (He didn’t get married, have children, or own a home either)
* Christians should remain neutral (neutrality is impossible and leads to being neutralized)
* God’s kingdom is not of this world (God’s kingdom is in, over, and through this world)
* It’s never right to resist authority (“We must obey God rather than men”: Acts 5:29)
* The church should only preach the gospel. (preaching the gospel is the first step followed by teaching the “whole purpose of God”: Acts 20:27)
* We’re living in the last days (How long have we been hearing this claim?)

And the most often used excuse?: “We’re afraid we might lose our tax-exempt status.”

The way things are going, churches may lose their tax-exempt status anyway if homosexuals continue to press their agenda and a majority of Christians try to stay "neutral."

“This is the only logical end for militant gay activism. Now a gay/LGBT group in Wyoming is demanding that the government shut down any church that has the temerity to believe that homosexuality is wrong. Jeran Artery, the chairman of the gay group Wyoming Equality, posted the stunning statement to his Facebook page … but like all liberals quickly removed it hoping that it would go down the Internet memory hole.”

Jeran Artery, Chairman of the Homosexual Group Wyoming Equality

Artery said: “Churches that lobby to have freedoms and rights taken away from ANYONE should absolutely have their 501(c)3 status revoked!!”

He's not the only one. New York Times columnist Frank Bruni and furniture tycoon Mitchell Gold "have agreed that Christian churches 'must' be convinced, or coerced, to change their teachings on sexual morality and abandon an 'ossified' doctrinal teaching that sex outside heterosexual marriage is immoral."

In the comment section of Facebook people claimed, “It will never happen.” I asked, “Ten years ago, who could have imaged that refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding would lead to fines and the loss of a business?”
#241571 by Badstrat
Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:49 pm
NYT Writer: Christians ‘Must Be Made’ to Embrace Gay Lifestyle
Reuters ... lifestyle/

by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.8 Apr 20150
In the wake of the Indiana donnybrook over religious liberty, which somehow was transformed overnight into a question of gay rights, it couldn’t be long before the New York Times weighed in against Christians.

Yet who could have expected the draconian measures the Times would propose? Either Christians fully embrace the gay lifestyle, or you will be coerced into doing so.

Op-ed writer Frank Bruni, onetime Times restaurant critic and a gay activist, has written that Christians who hold on to “ossified,” biblically-based beliefs regarding sexual morality have no place at America’s table and are deserving of no particular regard.

In one fell swoop, Bruni trashes all believing Christians as “bigots,” saying that Christians’ negative moral assessment of homosexual relations is “a choice” that “prioritizes scattered passages of ancient texts over all that has been learned since — as if time had stood still, as if the advances of science and knowledge meant nothing.”

In other words, if you still cling to your benighted views and your “ancient texts,” you are living in the past and your views merit no respect.

Bruni’s solution to the impasse is not some sort of goodwill compromise or a treaty of mutual respect, but a take-no-prisoners ultimatum to Christians to abandon their beliefs or else. When Bruni says that Christians’ understanding of sexual morality is “a choice,” what he means is that there is a way out without completely losing face: just embrace the new morality preached by mainstream liberal churches that see nothing wrong with any sexual arrangement you are comfortable with. Then we will accept you.

As a food critic, NY Times writer Frank Bruni was entertaining and adequately competent, albeit biased and harsh. As an op-ed columnist he is adolescent and repetitive. But as a theologian, he is simply abysmal.

Bruni takes it upon himself to explain how the Bible can be interpreted to read that God is really fine with sodomy and that all that antiquated stuff against adultery, fornication, and “men lying with other men” is a quaint vestige of an archaic worldview that went out definitively with Freud.

The scary part about Bruni’s essay is not his awkward attempt at playing the biblical scholar, but the undertone of evident disdain for Christians and his proposal that those who resist should be forcibly reeducated.

In Christians’ refusal to bend with the times, Bruni sees not faithfulness to God but willful obstinacy that must be broken.

“So our debate about religious freedom should include a conversation about freeing religions and religious people from prejudices that they needn’t cling to and can indeed jettison, much as they’ve jettisoned other aspects of their faith’s history, rightly bowing to the enlightenments of modernity,” Bruni writes.

But what if Christians don’t want to change? What if they don’t want to “bow to the enlightenments of modernity”? What if they are convinced that the modern worldview is not necessarily the most enlightened path when it comes to the ultimate meaning of life and death, time and eternity?

“Religion,” writes Bruni, “is going to be the final holdout and most stubborn refuge for homophobia. It will give license to discrimination.”

And thus it must be stamped out.

Bruni cites fellow gay activist Mitchell Gold, founder of the advocacy group Faith in America, as saying that church leaders must be made to take homosexuality off the sin list. “His commandment is worthy — and warranted,” writes Bruni.

So now government should be dictating belief to churches and enforcing theological orthodoxy? Now politicians and courts will be telling Christians what they are allowed to consider as sinful? Isn’t this what America was founded to escape from?

People are already talking about forcing churches to perform same-sex weddings, whether they like it or not, or get out of the marriage business. Christians founded America and yet now the minority gay lobby is trying to tell them they are personae non gratae and their beliefs are no longer welcome.

America has a grand tradition of tolerance and religious freedom, respect for a diversity of beliefs, and an honest engagement with ideas of all sorts. It seems that some would like to force all Americans to walk in lockstep, marching to the same drummer.

Sincere Christians have no problem accepting other people with all their sins, inclinations, and struggles, fully understanding that they are in no way superior to the next guy and no better in God’s eyes.

But attempts to force them to abandon their ethical standards and their principles reveal not open-mindedness or fairness, but intolerance, chauvinism, and hate.

These are the attitudes that have no place in America

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