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#241563 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:31 pm
and the outcries (outwhines) continue from those tossing the 'troll' label around.

give it a rest guys. vinnie/josh/nigel/et al has long been contributing as much on point commentary as anyone who's ever been on this forum. not just relevant cartoons, and photos, but plenty of well thought out and always well written views on politics, religion, and oh

he's shared tons of music that most folks would never have been exposed to.

and he's helped out many musicians here w advice even when it was someone who made it their second job to give him grief. i recall more than a few times he turned the other cheek to help out Paperdog. that's a class act in my book.

the fact that he wishes to remain anonymous??? as schmed pointed out.....that does not a troll make. there are those here who share their identity readily.... and plenty who don't. big whoop.

and this notion of a "paid gov't troll", of all the wacky conspiracy theories out there.....that's a doozy.

yeah, right...the gov't has hired a troll to disrupt things on THIS mssg board to mess w the what....10 people that regularly participate here???? yeah, i know....TYPICAL GOV'T WASTEFUL SPENDING!!!!! :roll:

Josh Chimera wrote:Thanks Schmedy and PG! :D

Besides a couple of ad spammers, it has been about a year since a real malevolent troll has been on the forum. Remember MyWillie? Or Glenny's battle against the "Moderators"? Those were trolls against the entire forum, against Bandmix's policies. Mywillie tried to hold the entire forum "hostage" until his demands of a premium membership without paying for it, were met.

Badstrat, Vampier, and surprisingly, Paleopete (Whom I had mistaken for being more level headed and mature than that) are on a campaign attempting to brand me as a troll, only to censor and eliminate my opinions that happen to counter their political beliefs. All while they are ranting about how "The Regime" is trying to censor them and take away their freedoms. Such shameless hypocrites ... not at all unlike the 'political filth' we hear so much about. :roll:

I know that brother Schmedy and I have disagreed on many topics, yet neither one of us feels the need to eliminate the other (or anyone else) over our differences.

as usual...well said.

and as always right on point to the topic at hand. a troll's attempt at distracting from the conversation???....nah, that's for the naysayers and hypocrites who are doing exactly that.

just a short time back, not only was glen trolling every other post busting chops about gtrmike's and sans' alleged censorship and trying to derail conversation...but i also recall glen being a HUGE fan and supporter of Willy!

but a fan of josh?...well not so much. and why is that?

so, why was there no outcry back then from those here who are now labeling josh a troll and calling for his departure?

i guess there are different sets of rules for those who dare disagree w the Amen Chorus Club on politics.
#241590 by schmedidiah
Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:59 pm
Please give credit where it's due for your newfound "amen chorus" go-to phrase. If I hadn't said it once, would you have said it in half of your posts for the last month?
#241594 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:11 pm
schmedidiah wrote:Please give credit where it's due for your newfound "amen chorus" go-to phrase. If I hadn't said it once, would you have said it in half of your posts for the last month?

credit it where it's due....a beautifully well crafted and appropriate phrase you coined there. gracias! :oops:

so, is like a BMI shakedown thing where i need to pay a yearly licensing fee... or can i pay by usage?
Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:12 pm
WHY... Why did you post this or did you overlook the FACT that someone posted a false account that was a direct attack on me in every way. I guess that is OK with you Mark.

I'm starting to feel you are a very angry person and you still need some help from your friends.
#241609 by Planetguy
Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:10 am
me angry? not so much so. you on the other hand, well.....

i posted this because of all the whining about trolls around here.

glen, it was not too long ago that you were trolling every other post w irrelevant distractions to attack george and gtrmike at every turn. were you not? am i misstating that?

and see, that's THE very definition of trolling.

and you also applauded Willy and were his Numero Uno fan and supporter...Willy, who nobody could argue wasn't a troll.

so, curious guy that i am....i wonder how you reconcile your behavior ...and then you turn around complaining about anyone else being a troll! please explain (if you can....if you can' can always just sidestep it by calling me un- american. no one will notice)

seriously though, when you whine about vinny/nigel/josh/et al and post "don't feed the troll!" you come off as dishonest, and hypocritical. doing one thing and saying another.

idea! :idea: perhaps you should lay off pointing fingers at others when it comes to all things troll-like. just a suggestion.
#241619 by Badstrat
Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:55 am
"WHY... Why did you post this or did you overlook the FACT that someone posted a false account that was a direct attack on me in every way. I guess that is OK with you Mark."

Why are the General music chat only folks getting into the general non music chat section after they bitched so about non music topics before there was a non music chat?
Probably not enough attention in the Music chat section. Why else would the guys who pi$$ed and moaned about there not being enough music topics come to this section to to pi$$ and moan about it now?

Remember when people would get their panties in a wad whenever a non music topic was posted in musical chat, before they added this section to BandMix? Why don't complainers post more topics in the music chat section to keep it going? Naaaaaaa More fun to come to the General non music chat and whine about stuff. They HAVE to read these posts. That is their unbridled uncontrolled nature. :)

So some of them come here to bitch and whine.instead of posting more music related topics in the music chat only section. They hate this section, but they hate even more that YOU like it and perhaps even enjoy it. They hate that you even have this section to speak out about things going on in your country of which you do not agree.

Liberal mindset: "SHUT UP!!! This is a music chat forum!!!. Go elsewhere to talk about that stuff." And when you do they get mad because you are here instead of there. Control freaks, that pretty much sums up the liberal mindset. Like the Gaystapo attacks on Christians that are simply minding their own business trying to eek out a living as opposed to sucking a living off the sweat of the working man.

Instead of the liberal gays being satisfied that they can prance about freely, they try to find somewhere that they can not, simply in order to start trouble. Could the Gaystapo go almost anywhere else to get a mythical pretend "pizza wedding" catered? Sure they could have. They even had to go out of town to find one that would object to catering a gay wedding.

Control freaks begin as busybodies, snooping all over to see what everyone else is doing instead of minding their own lives. And that leads them into witchcraft. Witchcraft in the simplest of terms is forcing your will upon another, whether it is by casting a spell, or manipulating them by any other means.

It is nice to hear what the regime is doing behind our backs. You sure won't hear that on any liberal Internet sites like Politico or any Pravda rag or prime time news broadcasts. All they spew out is what they are told to say, like good little drones. Everything they say is the same no matter what the media format. It is all written for them, word for word, and if they do not tow the line they are gone. But some of us don't care to drink the cool aide and we discuss topics here that do not show up on the regime dictates.

It is naive to believe there are no internet Trolls. Haven't you noticed? There is a regime EVERYTHING. They snoop and demand change in every area of our personal lives. They love to tell us what to do, how to do it and when to do it. What to eat, how to cook it, when to eat it. They even tell you what color you must not paint the rooms inside of your own home. The do list of control freaks is endless. They think it is their duty to make you tow the line that they have drawn in the sand. They steal liberty and freedom from all in their power crazed mindset. The world was created for them, not you. They know best how to run your life, your world, and most likely even the universe. Narcissism is without boundaries.

Here are a couple of articles about regime trolls. There are a good many more if you care to look for them. The second link is a troll confession. :) ... sites.html ... on-debate/ ... nment.html

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
Tags: internet trolls, chat rooms, federal government

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(NaturalNews) You've probably run into them before -- those seemingly random antagonizers who always end up diverting the conversation in an online chat room or article comment section away from the issue at hand, and towards a much different agenda. Hot-button issues like illegal immigration, the two-party political system, the "war on terror" and even alternative medicine are among the most common targets of such attackers, known as internet "trolls" or "shills," who in many cases are nothing more than paid lackeys hired by the federal government and other international organizations to sway and ultimately control public opinion.

Several years ago, Canada's CTV News aired a short segment about how its own government had been exposed for hiring secret agents to monitor social media and track online conversations, as well as the activities of certain dissenting individuals. This report, which in obvious whitewashing language referred to such activities as the government simply "weighing in and correcting" allegedly false information posted online, basically admitted that the Canadian government had assumed the role of secret online police. At the time, this was a great unknown to the general Canadian public.

Of course, the same type of online patrolling by the government is also happening in the U.S., particularly from the CIA and its infamous In-Q-Tel program. At a 2012 summit, former CIA director David Petraeus essentially admitted that the CIA has a covert online presence that it uses not only for data mining purposes but also to infiltrate online conversations for the purpose of protecting "national security" interests. Such interests, it turns out, include disrupting conversations that discuss topics like 9/11 truth, for instance, or U.S. involvement in giving weapons to Syrian rebels.

According to Occupy Corporatism, the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), which was recently exposed by American hero and whistleblower Edward Snowden for its illegal surveillance programs, has devised a training program that literally scouts out hackers from American colleges and universities and recruits them to work for the government. Among the many duties sought from those enrolled in the National Centers of Academic Excellence in the Cyber Operations Program are "collection, exploitation, and response" activities to take place in the online environment.

"These 'cyber operators' are trained to become an elite team of 'computer geniuses' that are experts in computer hacking, digital communications, cyber intelligence -- for the purpose of spying on Americans, as well as conducting interactive digital psy-ops with users of the internet," explains Occupy Corporatism about the program.

Alleged former 'shill' admits that trolling operations are real
Then there is the occasional confession by a former employee of the government who fesses up about what is really taking place in secret behind the scenes. A recent public posting on a "conspiracy theory" forum -- conspiracy websites are typically the most heavily targeted by government officials -- admits that individuals are constantly being recruited and hired by shadowy groups and government-affiliated agencies to manipulate online discussions.

"Shills exist," writes this anonymous ex-shill following a lengthy explanation of how he was hand-selected to pose as a normal commenter and basically lie on forums and in comment sections. "They are real. They walk among you ... You should be aware of this," he adds.

It should be noted that the alternative news website where this confession was recently re-posted was asked by the conspiracy website where it was originally posted to take it down, claiming that it is "libelous and utterly false," even though it does not name any specific names or identify who is behind these and other shill operations. When asked for an explanation, the conspiracy website in question simply stopped responding.
#241631 by Planetguy
Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:53 pm
"When asked for an explanation, the conspiracy website in question simply stopped responding."

kinda like your attempt at diversion here, changing the subject and going off topic because you can't/won't answer the question i posed. you know...the tactic you guys love to accuse the lefties of! :roll:

You've probably run into them before -- those seemingly random antagonizers who always end up diverting the conversation in an online chat room or article comment section away from the issue at hand, and towards a much different agenda.

:lol: :lol: :lol: and i bet you'd never even for a second entertain the notion or admit that this is exactly what you did in your reply above! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

so...please try NOT to divert and instead stay on topic......again...

why was it that glen got to troll w the intention of disrupting every other thread.... and not a peep from his team mates? he applauds Willy the troll and puts him on a pedestal... and not a peep from his team mates?

ah, but here's vinny/nigel/josh who has the audacity to challenge your paranoia, your conspiracy theories, and your anti gay hatespeak.....and HE'S THE TROLL!!!!

care to address that? or do you have some other links you wanna share????? glen? haley? anyone on the team?

yeah right...the forecast is calling for crickets w a strong chance of not so isolated diversions!

move along everyone, nothing to look at here.... just your typical hypocrisy and playing by two sets of rules as usual. :roll:
#241643 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:20 pm
It is a fact that minions of people were hired and paid to go confuse issues on every site where anything deemed harmful to the new DNC's agenda was exposed. That doesn't mean they sit on any particular site all day. It doesn't take but a few minutes to misdirect a debate on any discussion board.

Whatever this person's identity is, they are attempting to deceive when they keep coming back with a new one. I find that dishonest and lost respect for Vinnie or whatever he/she calls themselves now.
#241645 by Planetguy
Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:46 pm
really...have YOU been "confused"? have you been thrown off topic or diverted from some point you wanted to make?

i doubt it.

was anyone else "confused" or "diverted"???? also doubtful.

Whatever this person's identity is, they are attempting to deceive when they keep coming back with a new one. I find that dishonest and lost respect for Vinnie or whatever he/she calls themselves now.

or.... they've been kicked off the board by mgmt and come back w a new acct and new screen name.

by that logic you can indite slacker. after all he's come back w a new screen name. have you lost respect for him and find it dishonest when he's changed his screen name and avatar???

no. nor have i. because, though he's changed his screen name, he still espouses the same views in the same way he did before.

can you think of anyone else you can apply that same logic to???? someone who's changed their screen name but still espouses the same views in the same way he did before???

here's a hint....starts with a "v".......

so we can file this under the same "two sets of rules" you guys like to play under. one set applies for your team and.....

the question i asked remains......why was glen's efforts to "confuse" and HIS "attempts to divert and derail conversation" OK.....but not so OK when you believe vinnie does it?

two set of rules.....that's why. and because vinnie ain't on your team. :wink:
#241648 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:41 pm
Mark - you're never going to get these guys with logic! :lol: Just the fact that anyone would think the Gov has hired someone to come to THIS pathetically-used forum to promote its own agenda and discredit the ramblings of a few (VERY few) diehard extremists ..... :roll:
#241649 by DainNobody
Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:45 pm
we ought to be selling this by the LB. ..sure there is a pulp fiction rag somewhere that would pay handsomely for the content LOL 8)
Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:58 am
Obviously logic and reason have been removed. Welcome back mike birch. I am so happy to see someone so pro censorship. You removed my post 3 times in an effort to tell me to STFU. You should be proud of yourself. That is exactly what some of the worlds greatest terrorists had to do before they could attempt to complete their objectives.

Mark the more you write the more your logic gets twisted. Sorry dude. You're a good musician, but not the sort of person I would trust with welfare of future Americans. You kinda remind me of our president... Now why don't you just go back to writing and playing music. You may become as good as TED or JEFF. See now you got me going off topic again... I should go post this in music only section.

I'm not going to fight pretzel logic, or silly attacks. It just seems strange that the last post was by govt troll. It will be gone and it will seem that I was smoking something strong... Thanks Mark... you really should tone down your hatred. It is way too obvious.
Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:58 am
This is almost like smoking tobacco. First people complain about smoking on airlines. Makes sense to me. Then people complain about smoking in public buildings. Ok makes sense to me. Then people complain about smoking in private bars and restaurants. Ok to be courteous that is the obvious thing to do. Then people complain about smoking in your car, (CONN) law passed, if a minor is present. Ok I'll buy that. Then people complain about out door smoking near any public building. Ok I can tolerate that. Then people complain about smoking on public streets and side walks. Now we are starting to push it. Then people complain about smoking in parks and large spaces like ocean beaches. Ok now it come down to control and total lack of tolerance.

Why did I put it this way... Because suddenly mike birch is back, complaining, farley is back complaining, planet whatever is back, complaining, and govt troll is back complaining... We were doing fine without them. Since the tactics have NOT changed I would suggest sticking to the side of the forum where you tend to remain respectful.
#241668 by GuitarMikeB
Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:21 pm
Ain't no one complaining that I see... except you when people disagree with you. Face it glen, you just don't want to hear from anyone who disagrees with your (and the few others here) narrow perspective.
And as I have said ad infiniteum/nasueum, you are the ONLY ONE here who thinks I deleted any posts of yours A YEAR AGO. You never tried to tell anyone WHAT THOSE POSTS supposedly were (hence why I would want to delete them). Blaaa blaaa blaaa about censorship when there's no evidence of any such thing.

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