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#241405 by Badstrat
Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:44 pm
I Donated $100 to Memories Pizza to Defy the Gaystapo

Posted on April 2, 2015 by Gary DeMar Filed under 1st Amendment, Bible, Bible Prophecy, Christianity, Email Featured, Freedom, Homosexuality, Liberal Bullying, Liberal Hypocrisy ... -gaystapo/

How many times did we hear that supporting same-sex marriage would not affect people who opposed same-sex marriage? We heard, “No one is forcing you to marry someone of the same sex.” A lot of people fell for the argument. “It’s none of my business who someone wants to marry. Live and let live.”

Sounded good at the time, but that was a long time ago.

It’s now everybody’s business. Homosexuals will force us to make it our business. Any dissent will be immediately attacked. If the courts to fine you and shut down your business for not embracing same-sex marriage, then hordes of homosexuals will work overtime to shut down your business.

Read More: “Help Support Memories Pizza and Beat back the Gaystapo. Go to

Consider Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana. The owner of Memories Pizza was being interviewed on the controversy surrounding Indiana’s religious freedom law. The business did not seek out publicity. A news team came to the restaurant. Owner Crystal O’Connor said that she favored the law, “noting that while anyone can eat in her family restaurant, if the business were asked to cater a gay wedding, they would not do it. It conflicts with their biblical beliefs.”

One would think that any business would have that right.

When the comments got out, homosexuals across the country went into action and attacked the owners as hateful bigots. “At, more than a thousand ‘reviews’ of Memories Pizza rapidly accumulated, quickly overwhelming the positive comments from actual customers who like the pizza.”

The comments had nothing to do with the quality of the pizza or the service. They were attacks on the owners and their business. Some "reviewers" posted disgusting pornographic pictures.

Read More: “Help Support Memories Pizza and Beat back the Gaystapo. Go to

This is a side of the same-sex movement that people don’t often see. If these images were part of the debate over same-sex marriage, the vast majority of Americans would reject the homosexual worldview. Instead, they get a sanitized version of the “gay” lifestyle.

“A female coach at Concord High School 45 minutes away in Elkhart, has been suspended after tweeting: ‘Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me?’”

The attacks were so virulent that the owners had to shut down their business. Kind of reminds you of Kristallnacht in Germany when Jewish businesses were attacked by Nazis.

We’re beginning to see that government officials are intimidated by homosexuals. The latest report is that the Religious Freedom legislation is being watered down to accommodate same-sex bullies.

So what can you do? This is from John Hawkins at Right Wing News:

“When there are Christians being persecuted by anti-Christian hatemongers for standing up for Biblical principles, Christians have a duty to come to their defense. Furthermore, we owe a special debt to Memories Pizza because they exposed the hateful nature of the people we’re up against and their true intentions. These are people who believe Christians should be forced to cater to gay weddings or lose their businesses and they can’t deny it any longer. While we’re waiting to swing into action and lend a hand, feel free to chip in a few bucks to help Memories Pizza here.”

How can you help? There is a GoFundMe page to Support Memories Pizza. I’ve just donated $100. Do what you can and tell your friends about it. As of April 3, 2015 at 8:00 it's nearing $500,000.

Liberals win because they never give up, they always speak up, and they pony up financial support when needed.
#241407 by Planetguy
Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:29 pm
that's the great thing about this country.....we still get to vote w our pocketbook (in some cases).

you can support businesses that choose not serve gays.....and i can choose to take my business elsewhere.

in the final analysis after all the bitching is done about the liberal media supposedly TELLING people to boycott businesses that apply different rules to different the end, everyone makes THEIR choice about where they choose to take their business. and when someone chooses not to sell a wedding cake to gays (because god says so)....fine, i'll be taking MY business elsewhere. as that is MY right to do so.

you might not like it, but i have the right to boycott any business that engages in practices i disagree with.

and while we're at it, be careful w the clever "Gaystapo" ridicule because i have it on excellent authority that ONLY libs and dems use ridicule and sarcasm.... isn't that right, ted? :wink:
Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:25 am
Actually Mark, this is about your right to boycott any business that you disagree with. We had a plumbing supply house that treated a VIETNAM VET unfairly. He actually had a solid legal case. Not going into all the details about how the owner basically fired him when he asked for time off to have a damaged hip replaced, from wounds a life time ago. Every one boycotted him. That only comes from Freedom to decide who you wish to associate with.

I have to applaud your realistic thinking and exercise of freedom of choice. What I don't understand was that clever little dig at TED. As a point of note about about libs and dems... You are a very intelligent person, very capable of using ridicule and sarcasm. Just a thought mr kettle.
#241433 by Planetguy
Sat Apr 04, 2015 2:47 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:Actually Mark, this is about your right to boycott any business that you disagree with. We had a plumbing supply house that treated a VIETNAM VET unfairly. He actually had a solid legal case. Not going into all the details about how the owner basically fired him when he asked for time off to have a damaged hip replaced, from wounds a life time ago. Every one boycotted him. That only comes from Freedom to decide who you wish to associate with.

actually it's not. i know you see those two things as the same but they are quite different.
the LAW says as a customer i have the right to not give my business to a place that....oh, let's say is owned by a black man, based solely on the fact that he's black. my choice.

but the LAW says that as a business OWNER i cannot discriminate against him and refuse to serve him or hire him based on his race.

two different things.

yeah....i know, i know, to you it's all a slippery slope. it starts w gun regs and in your thinking that equals tomorrow you'll not be allowed own a gun! the gov't passes a law that requires cleaning up after your that must equal tomorrow we'll not be allowed to own a dog!

I have to applaud your realistic thinking and exercise of freedom of choice. What I don't understand was that clever little dig at TED. As a point of note about about libs and dems... You are a very intelligent person, very capable of using ridicule and sarcasm. Just a thought mr kettle.

and since you too are intelligent...i wouldn't think it's all that hard to comprehend where i was coming from re. Ted.

you've been following these threads and no doubt have seen conversation where Ted asserts that ridicule and sarcasm are tools of the left and those on the right do not stoop that. i'm simply pointing out how untrue and looney a notion that is. i NEVER said those on the left DON'T use ridicule and sarcasm. i'm merely showing that by him making that statement ...if i may use your bit.....THAT is the pot calling the kettle black! smart guy that you are, glen....i trust you can see where i was coming from.

again....i never said that i DON'T use ridicule and sarcasm. of course i do. but are you saying that you, slacker, ted, haley, or any other conservatives here DON'T????? because that would be a ridiculous falsehood.

ridicule and sarcasm are as much a tool of the right as they are of the left.
the difference is those on the left are funnier.... john stewart, stephen colbert, bill maher, john oliver, etc.
so, who ya got on the right who's as funny as those guys??? bill o'reilly?????? :D

now, back to being serious.... ya know, billy (paleopoete) might be the only one here who comes to mind who stays above that. he calmly states his case and to my recollection never loses his cool or makes it personal. points.
#241434 by Planetguy
Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:08 pm
i've got an idea for what i think is a great money maker.

i think i'm gonna open up a pizza place and call it "WHITE LIKE US PIZZA". i'm only gonna serve caucasians. i know i'm gonna get reemed for my racist policy and will no doubt get lots of hate mail, bad reviews, threats of physical violence, and will likely get shut down before too long.

but i bet that huge population out there who still hate blacks, asians, and hispanics (KKK wackos, skinheads, etc) will send me a $hitload of donations!* 8)

*no, glen.....let me save you some time and effort, i'm NOT saying those who donated Memories Pizza are KKK wackos, or skinheads. :wink:
#241443 by MikeTalbot
Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:18 pm
Where do you hope to find such people Mark? If it were white people who were the nasty ones it would be reflected in violent crime stats. It is not.

We are boring. I know that's irritating so next year I'll slap a black child or something. Doesn't this sh*t ever get old?

#241444 by Planetguy
Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:05 pm
MikeTalbot wrote:Where do you hope to find such people Mark? If it were white people who were the nasty ones it would be reflected in violent crime stats. It is not.

oh, i bet i can find a few.... perhaps start with these fine upstanding individuals. i bet they might contribute mightily to my restaurant that only serves caucasians.




#241445 by Planetguy
Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:10 pm
of course some of them fellers might be hard for me identify.....what with their hoods and all.

i suppose i could just go to the websites of these groups and solicit them.....

here's a list of of active hate groups in the United States in 2012.

The groups included:

186 separate Ku Klux Klan (KKK) groups with 52 websites
196 neo-Nazi groups with 89 websites
111 white nationalist groups with 190 websites
98 white power skinhead groups with 25 websites
39 Christian Identity groups with 37 websites
93 neo-Confederate groups with 25 websites
113 black separatist groups with 40 websites
90 general hate groups (subdivided into anti-gay, Holocaust denial, racist music, radical traditionalist Catholic and others)[12][13] with 172 hate websites.

nah....i don't think it'd be all that hard to find folks like these ready to help out. :oops:
#241479 by Badstrat
Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:19 pm
The Left Strikes Back Against Memories Pizza with Its Own GoFundMe Campaign

Posted 3 hours ago by Common Constitutionalist Filed under 1st Amendment, Constitution, Culture, Free Speech, Freedom, Homosexuality, Liberal Bullying, Liberal Hypocrisy, Low Information Voters, Marriage ... -campaign/

Well, the results are in, and it appears that the owners of Memories Pizza are more than all set financially.

For those who have been off planet, here's a quick recap. A local TV reporter walks into a mom-and-pop pizza parlor and offers up a bogus hypothetical question -- would this shop service a homosexual wedding? The question wasn't whether or not they would simply serve homosexuals, which they would. They would sell anyone a pizza. No, the question was whether they would be involved with a homosexual wedding reception.

This was a total set up. The owners of Memories Pizza merely voiced their First Amendment right of free exercise of their religion. But to the tiny minority of the homosexual fascist lobby, this wasn't good enough. The pizza parlor owners received death threats and warnings -- enough to force them into temporarily closing the restaurant.

Enter The Blaze’s Dana Loesch and her compatriot Lawrence Billy Jones III, who set up a GoFundMe account to help the small business which could ill afford to close. To the delight and satisfaction of those who advocate for true freedom, in two days the account swelled to over $842,000. Incredible and far greater than the original goal of $25,000.

GoFundMe_Memories Pizza

Many thanks go out to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and everyone else for promoting the effort and especially to all who donated.

Well, the left didn't take too kindly to this, and once again underestimated the power of freedom loving conservatives. They were simply not prepared for the outpouring of support.

I'm sure they figured that if we could do such a thing with relative ease, the left could certainly eclipse what had been accomplished. So they tried their own fundraising effort, starting their own GoFundMe account named "Love Is Stronger Than Hate" which an LGBT advocate launched this past Friday.

The account creator Jason Nguyen said that "It's now critical that the LGBT community and allies prove that discrimination against minorities has no place in modern society," and he wrote in an e-mail that he plans to donate all proceeds to the nonprofit Human Rights Campaign, the country's largest LGBT rights organization.

No doubt the Human Rights Campaign is excited by the loads of cash that will surely be rolling in, judging by the outpouring of support for their cause and the outrage over the bigoted pizza shop, not to mention the entire state of Indiana.

As of 2:30 PM EDT, Easter Sunday, the "Love Is Stronger Than Hate" account was bursting at the seams with a whopping $480 donated by 15 people, after almost 2 full days. It would seem the left and their money are never soon parted.

Oh, and the initial goal was $1 million.

In a way, I feel sad for this Nguyen guy, for he's bought into the whole mythical outrage created by his Puppet Masters on the left. He and those poor fools like him actually believe that America is a country full of racists, bigots, and homophobes. The real shame is that he is trapped by his own ignorance. But what choice does he and others have? If they decide to expand their minds and look beyond the propaganda and bumper stickers, they will be cast aside and vilified as some sort of heretics, by those whom they thought loved and wanted them.

These poor lackeys of the hard left don't understand that it's the cause du jour and only the cause that matters and how the Puppet Masters can profit from it, both in money and power. Anyone who dares question their motives or sincerity will be shamed and ruined.

This incident, however, should be a teachable moment for the right. An event like this is proof that we on the right are still the real majority, and it's high time we stopped running away and instead embrace it.
#241486 by Badstrat
Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:31 pm

What a silly stretch ....not the same by any means. First of all they said they DO serve gays at the restaurant and have 0 problems in doing that. Participating in a gay wedding is another thing and that is their right if it is against their fundamental beliefs, and it most certainly is against their fundamental beliefs. Let me help you out a little here. Participate is a key word and wedding is another. A wedding is a sacred ceremony instituted by God. Serving a fat person isn't a sacred ceremony. As a Christian you just do not participate in what your God calls a perversion in any way shape or form. Could you please show us where the Bible defines fat as an abomination? Gluttony may be a sin, but it is neither a perversion or an abomination. Neither would being fat have anything to do with a religious ceremony.

And just how do you know if fat is a medical problem or not? Obviously you have targeted fat people for your example, is there something about them that makes them come to the forefront of your mind? Would you wish all fat people to enter with a note from their physician? If fat were an abomination I am sure a good many Christians would not cater to their "fat" wedding ceremony.

After all, this is all about a made up phony "catering to a gay wedding ambush", and it was not about serving customers in their establishment. How is that so confusing to the liberal mindset? Even my 5 year old neighbor can discern the difference between catering a wedding and serving a customer who walks into a restaurant. Underneath the facade it is an attack on religious freedom by a militant gays. The object of the radical gay movement is simply to get the Bible declared a hate document. They hate God because he does not approve of their perversion. For a Christian to participate in a perversion is to call God a liar, simple as that.

Christians didn't make up the rules. All sin is fun or people wouldn't sin. Christians are only people who refuse themselves a lot of fun for the sake of their God.
#241506 by MikeTalbot
Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:07 pm

There is a difference. Divorced people and reformed bank robbers aren't asking anybody to endorse their particular sins. I can guarantee you that if I go into a Christian pizza joint and order a pizza celebrating adultery or theft I'm not likely to get that either.

You'll not find Christians refusing to bake a cake for homosexual birthday parties. We're just not buying into this 'marriage' thing.

#241512 by Badstrat
Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:49 pm
"Typical "Christian" who picks and chooses which commandments to follow. They're either all sins or none of them are worth the rock they're chiseled in. They should also refuse to serve people who are divorced, had an affair, told a lie or wished they had their neighbors Corvette."

Why would you ever wish to display your ignorance of spiritual principle? First pointing here, then pointing there, lashing out bas a blind man. Should a man who has never flown an airplane instruct the pilot? Perhaps you should ask Jesus to reveal himself to you in order that you may not appear so foolish when delving into spiritual discussions. Don't you know that it is written: Get the log out of your own eye first? Why spend your time pointing out the faults of sinners saved by grace while you could be resolving your own faults? Can you be so naive as not to know that Christians are not perfect? If they were, there would be no need for Jesus. Oh how you love to bash Christians, those of you who are so pure in your own eyes.

If the people you are with leave your car and rob a bank, and you unknowingly drive them away, you are called an accomplice even if you did not know what they were doing while they were in the bank. If you are with someone who plants a bomb in a crowded mall and you have driven him there are you above suspicion? Get it yet? There is a difference between having lunch with a bank robber and being with him when he robs a bank. There is a difference between serving lunch to an adulterer and helping him commit adultery. There is a difference between having a friend that has had an affair and helping him have that affair. Does that help you?
#241514 by Planetguy
Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:23 pm
There is a difference between serving lunch to an adulterer and helping him commit adultery. There is a difference between having a friend that has had an affair and helping him have that affair. Does that help you?"

by that reasoning there would also be a difference between serving someone having a homosexual relationship and helping them HAVE A HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP.

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