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#241302 by Badstrat
Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:06 pm
Liar liar pants on fire. Here are my thoughts on this matter. The brain dead are gobbling up all the propagandists rhetoric being screamed in unison by Pravda and the spokes mouths of Haman. But this is simply a diversion for what is truly at stake, and that being yet another attack on OUR freedom and OUR amendments.

What is all the commotion about? It isn't about discrimination against gays. Why? Because Federal completely covers discrimination against gays, or did you forget that there was an amendment adding gays to the list of races protected against discrimination? So why all the lies from Pravda and the phony concern over gay rights when that is already assured at the federal level.

All this outrage is easy to decipher if you have any working brain cells at all. It is a tirade against freedom of religion, not freedom for gays. This is simply Haman, our fearless leader, expressing and pursuing his deep seated hatred of Christians, Jews, and the Bible. Here is a simple explanation.

This is not even about refusing service to gays. A gay couple can go to a flower shop to purchase flowers. If the flower shop owner refuses to serve them, he can be sued under federal laws already on the books for that very reason. If a gay couple go into a restaurant to dine, if refused because of their perversion, the restaurant is liable for heavy fines and punishment under federal law.

However, if a gay couple asks a pastor to preside at their "wedding" that is going directly against what God has declared a perversion. The freedom of religion act says that the pastor is not required by government to go against what God states is a perversion, as that is specifically against his religion. So can a gay couple go into a bakery or flower shop to purchase flowers or a cake? Why not? If they are refused service based on sexual preference federal laws are broken and the merchant or business can come under heavy fines. However if they are asked to participate in a function that goes against their belief, such as providing services for a gay wedding, then they are not discriminating against the gay couple, rather they are refusing to participate in that which is defined as sin by their God. That is their religious freedom under the bill of rights. Naturally, they gay couple could go to a myriad of other florists who would appreciate their business and sees nothing wrong in the event, but then they could not make the attempt to take away freedom of religion, and that is what this hub bub is all about. It is simply another attack on the amendments and rights of citizens. So all this B.S. is simply a ploy to take away even more of your rights.

So is this truly discrimination against gays? Not in the least, as federal covers that in every aspect. Then just what is this? It is simply Haman turning loose his attack dogs on the rights of Christians and Jews to obey their God and their consciences.

Today Haman's regime strives against the rights of the Jew and the Christian, tomorrow Haman will come after your rights.

Apples CEO, Tim Cook, is screaming bloody murder about this, yet Apple does business with 10 countries that put gays to death for being gay. Here are four of the ten countries that Apple does business with and where homosexuals are executed: He meets with these leaders on a consistent basis. No outrage there for some reason. If he is so dedicated to his perversion then why not take his business elsewhere where they do NOT kill gays simply for being gay? Oh yeah, it is OK to kill THOSE gays.
1. Uganda. 2Nigeria 3. Qatar 4. Saudi Arabia

So just how hypocritical is that, it doesn't seem like very much when evaluated in a sea of hypocrites?
#241306 by J-HALEY
Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:20 pm
Slacker, my belief is that this is to distract the brain dead from what is really going on.
#241309 by Badstrat
Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:52 pm
"Slacker, my belief is that this is to distract the brain dead from what is really going on."

I guess I may not have made it clear enough. Yes it is a distraction, and I have attempted to clearly point out the deception in this distraction along with its purpose. What this particular distraction is all about is the taking away your freedom of religion, nothing else.
#241311 by Paleopete
Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:16 pm
Everything the mainstream news tells you is a distraction. This is just another one. Lie and spew propaganda and hope nobody figures out his actual agenda. Criticize Obummer and be labeled a racist. Persecute whistle blowers.

This law at the center of all this hoopla is the same as the one Bill Clinton signed over 20 years ago. It's the same one already in place in a couple of the states that are banning travel to Indiana for state employees. Identical or nearly identical in every case.

I posted a thread a while back concerning the attack on religion in this country. It's been going on for a long time and is getting worse. Anything considered religious is being removed from public buildings, ta the demand of athiests. Now it looks like they've also recruited lesbians and gays to help them with their dirty work.

Remember the uproar about Houston's lesbian mayor trying to force pastors to send her their sermons? If I interpreted it right, she wanted to demonize and possibly prosecute anybody who said anything about her choice of lifestyles. Mike Huckabee had a show at the time, he asked that all the pastors nationwide send her copies of their sermons along with copies of the Bible. She received over 1000 Bibles, and not long afterward dropped the whole thing.

So they aren't getting their way in every case. but this is one more example of what I described in my post, from another angle. Another group that knows how to get public attention trying to wipe out religion in this country. Not just religious freedom, they want to wipe out religion itself.

And do you also notice nobody has said a word questioning muslims?

Here's the thread.

#241317 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:11 pm
mah gawd...these oversimplifications and talking points of conservatives that actually get traction amazes me.

yeah, right...EVERYONE who criticizes obama is labelled a racist! :roll:

talk about a "distraction".

and this supposed attack on's so rarely a problem when it's about possible muslim persecution but whoa, when someone is trying to prevent me from invoking my GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HATE GAYS and refuse them service because my interpretation of Christianity says i'm supposed to.....DON'T TREAD ON ME!

i think the most goofy thing about this indiana bit... is how is to be determined if someone IS gay, and therefore god wants them denied service? customer has a lisp? wearing a flowery shirt? speaks w an effeminate voice?

or will the shopkeep have to wait until two guys actually start felating one another???? "yep, martha i'm pretty sure those there fellas need to be shown the door"

and waving the "attack on religion" flag over and over....yeah, THAT's not a distraction!
look, our founding fathers intended there be a seperation of church and state. if we can't agree on anything else...let's at least agree on that. so, if there's to be such a seperation.....why would anything of a religious nature have any place in gov't bldgs or grounds? they do not. period. yet the endless bellyaching and bitching over this never ceases.
#241320 by J-HALEY
Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:56 pm
Mark a federal law ALREADY exist protecting gays from being discriminated on. Therefor your point is Mute. This law protects a persons closely held religious beliefs. By that they mean if your belief that abortion is wrong you shouldn't be forced to participate in medical insurance that pays for abortion. You Libs smoke and mirror tactics and your leader are trying to prevent this bill to that end! That is just one of the scenarios that this bill is meant to prevent!
#241323 by MikeTalbot
Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:59 pm
It is very definitely an attack on religion when the homosexuals targeted that bakery and ruined a woman's lively hood.

No body should have to celebrate perversion. I will tolerate it but don't bring me in on it.

That's called freedom.

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:18 pm

If this is what America is descending too... Every politician in office is guilty of violating the fundamental principle of KEEPING THE LAW SACRED. It is the only thing that separates animals from a REPUBLIC formed on STABLE laws and mores' that can form a society that can survive.

I strongly disagree with these keepers of the republic that can LIE before the protection of speech in congress to a secretary of state that is above the law.

As I said the the deeper question becomes the value of freedom and how much you may be willing to surrender in the name of DEMOCRACY... Mob rule!
#241337 by DainNobody
Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:29 am
MikeTalbot wrote:It is very definitely an attack on religion when the homosexuals targeted that bakery and ruined a woman's lively hood.

No body should have to celebrate perversion. I will tolerate it but don't bring me in on it.

That's called freedom.


Mike, don't you think it's a little tacky dressing up a law intended to allow refusal of service to gay people, calling it a "religious freedom" law.. why didn't writers of the law take in account of it's illegal to deny gay couples rental housing?.. they can't deny gays housing, so why is the local restaurant refusing service any different?.. does the "religious freedom" laws keep landlords from being picky on whom to rent a room to? I think not..
Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:22 am
HA, HA, HA...
I was a landlord 20 years ago... I was forced into the situation, and I hated it. I would NEVER DO IT AGAIN.

The best tenants I ever had were 2 gays. I guess I should have been brought up on discrimination charges when I refused to turn over MY PROPERTY to a wonderful Christian couple with 2 beautiful young children. WHY?...

Because they trashed the last property they had rented.

Your thinking goes right on down the line... My hard earnings should be used for another persons indiscretion in life. Even if it goes against my personal beliefs.

My friend you have a very liberal bent. I don't believe stealing is OK under any circumstance... AND... It is totally immoral when the law is used to defend that theft.
#241349 by MikeTalbot
Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:45 pm

This latest gay nonsense is specifically about marriage. As a libertarian I have long supported the rights of gays to have civil unions - with same benefits that marriage has legally.

When they tell a Christian baker she must celebrate their 'marriage' with a cake - I tell them to go to hell. That is aggression pure and simple.

One wonders, cynically - have they tried any middle eastern bakeries - those cats make some great cakes...

#241351 by Badstrat
Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:33 pm
This whole incident was a total media propaganda piece that was directed at weakening the first amendment. Read below. Ann Coulter also has an article exposing a great many Media Stories that never happened but were fabricated solely for the radical agenda directed at tearing down the constitution and dividing Americans by race. It is a short article but it exposes many divisive media top stories (lies). Read it, you'll like it. ... /70791160/

Here is is the truth about the little pizza shop that was forced to close after receiving hate mail and death threats due to a lying propaganda driven media. This is Hamans America. ... f-nothing/

The New Face of Christian Bigotry: Memories Pizza owner Crystal O'Connor is under attack after telling a TV reporter who asked that she would not cater a gay wedding. Note the caption on the ABC-57 report indicating that the pizza shop has already denied service to somebody. This is false.

The Left’s New Avatar of Christian Bigotry: Memories Pizza owner Crystal O’Connor, of Walkerton, Indiana.

The Huffington Post headline screams:
Indiana’s Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First
Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

Memories Pizza is a nine-year-old shop in downtown Walkerton, Indiana, just a few blocks from John Glenn High School. It’s owned by an openly-Christian couple, the O’Connors, who decorate their shop with mementos of their faith in Christ. So how does a small business in a small town wind up making headlines around the world as the new avatar of Christian bigotry?

Perhaps, you say, they brought this upon themselves, seeking out publicity for their strict biblical views.


Some cursory internet forensics shows how it happened…or rather, how it was made to happen.

ABC-57 reporter Alyssa Marino’s editor sends her on a half-hour drive southwest of their South Bend studio, to the small town of Walkerton (Pop. ~2,300). According to Alyssa’s own account on Twitter, she “just walked into their shop [Memories Pizza] and asked how they feel” about Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Owner Crystal O’Connor says she’s in favor of it, noting that while anyone can eat in her family restaurant, if the business were asked to cater a gay wedding, they would not do it. It conflicts with their biblical beliefs. Alyssa’s tweet mentions that the O’Connors have “never been asked to cater a same-sex wedding.”

What we have here is — as we called in journalism school jargon — “no story.” Nothing happened. Nothing was about to happen.

If I were forced to mark out a story line, it would be this: A nice lady in a small town tries to be helpful and polite to a lovely young reporter from “the big city.”

In other words, Memories Pizza didn’t blast out a news release. They didn’t contact the media, nor make a stink on Twitter or Facebook. They didn’t even post a sign in the window rejecting gay-wedding catering jobs. They merely answered questions from a novice reporter who strolled into their restaurant one day – who was sent on a mission by an irresponsible news organization.

Next: ABC-57 anchor Brian Dorman leads the evening newscast dramatically with this:

Only on ABC-57 News tonight. We went into small towns looking for reaction to the Religious Freedom Act. We found one business, just 20 miles away from a welcoming South Bend…with a very different view.

Alyssa Marino tweets how she got the Memories Pizza scoop

Alyssa Marino tweets the genesis
of the Memories Pizza scoop.

Notice that his city of South Bend is “welcoming,” but that small-town business is not. It’s very different. That’s why ABC-57 “went into small towns,” as if embarking on a safari to aboriginal lands.

Not only did ABC-57 News create that story ex nihilo (out of nothing), but the next day, the station’s Rosie Woods reported on the social-media backlash against the Christian pizza shop owners.

“Our Facebook page has been blowing up with comments after we aired that story last night,” said Woods.

At this point, even my old Leftist journalism professors would be grinding their teeth and rending their garments.

You see, not only did ABC-57 manufacture the story with an ambush interview, it then doubled-down by making the reaction to the story into another story to give the sense of momentum, as if it were growing at its own impetus. Yet, everything about it is a fabrication.

Memories Pizza didn’t “publicly vow to reject gay weddings” as HuffPo says it. The O’Connors were just, quite literally, minding their own business.

Back in the ABC-57 studio, Rosie Woods read three negative social media comments attacking the pizza shop owners, and then said, “And that’s just one side of this debate that’s heating up as more people and business owners speak up about the law.”

She then quotes one (1) person, the owner of another business, who agreed with the O’Connors. Seems that “just one side of this debate” deserves more attention than the other.
Buzzfeed's false headline about Memories Pizza

This false Buzzfeed headline has been seen hundreds of thousands of times.

The unnamed ABC-57 editor then sends another reporter door-to-door on Walkerton’s rather depressed-looking main drag, trying to get reactions from other business people about the pizza shop owners. And the story inexorably snowballs onward, with only man’s yearning for truth to propel it.

All of the blog traffic and social media activity led to about 36,000 Facebook shares at on the original Alyssa Marino story less than 24 hours after it aired.

BuzzFeed posted its own inaccurate headline, with the kicker: ”The Internet has unleashed its wrath.”

All of those eyeballs benefit the TV station, which sells advertising on its website. It also helps several young, minor-market reporters who hustled and stumbled their way into the national spotlight. But don’t blame them. Blame the editor.

Meanwhile, over at, more than a thousand “reviews” of Memories Pizza rapidly accumulated, quickly overwhelming the positive comments from actual customers who like the pizza, the hospitality and the small-town charm. Folks who never heard of Walkerton attacked Crystal O’Connor’s business, her morality and her Lord. Many of the remarks included racially charged descriptions of genitalia and sex acts. “Reviewers” also posted pictures of naked men, of Adolf Hitler shouting “Ich habe ein pizza” (I have a pizza), and of Jesus gesturing with his middle finger. Over on Facebook, the restaurant’s 5-star average rating rapidly plunged to one star, as non-customers slammed away at Crystal’s little business.

In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a manifesto of political power, Rule No. 12 says, in part:

Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

The Left doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as they get what they want. They’re willing — no, they’re eager — to sacrifice a small-town business, and it’s owners.

Lest you think I’m being too dramatic. Late Wednesday, word comes that Jess Dooley, a female coach at Concord High School 45 minutes away in Elkhart, has been suspended after tweeting:

Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me?
#241352 by Planetguy
Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:14 pm
Badstrat wrote:
The Left doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as they get what they want.

bullshit....or shall i lump you in w the right wingers who bomb abortion clinics? or maybe i should just say based on THEIR actions, the RIGHT doesn't care who gets hurt. :roll:

and now.....we return to our next not so regularly scheduled fostering of brotherhood, understanding, and god's love. (yeah, right if only) :roll:

interesting that the BM members who most extol their love of god, and god's love......spread the most bitterness, and constantly look for targets for their self righteous indignation.

are there so little positive things going on that only the negative need be addressed? yikes. there's plenty of sh*t going down everywhere but damn...doesn't it ever get old constantly carping about it?

now....DOING something about it.....that's another story.

hey, i'm not trying to be insulting ( i have to TRY????) and i don't mean to put anyone down even if it does sound that way.
Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:15 am
Mark, there are no right wingers that would bomb abortion clinics. THEY ARE CRAZIES. NOT right wingers that believe in preserving the law through the law. That is a very inciting, untruthful statement.

Interesting that I haven't seen many members extolling their love of God. This isn't Sunday school. The members you are trying to indite are not screaming Jesus in your face. I, like many others , believe our freedom is a #1 God given gift... EVEN IF YOU HATE GOD. It does not come from ANY OTHER MAN.

Yeah there is so much negative going on... IMO as you like me to make clear...It is coming people that have no respect or tolerance of any other human that does not subject themselves to their will. They are doing something... WAY TOO MUCH.

I would have to think carping about it is far better than just going out and starting a war. Talking about it is far easier than EVER having to live with taking, every thing another man, ever was or ever would be.

I'm not going to dicker with you man... We are never going to change each others opinions...

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