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#241252 by Badstrat
Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:51 pm
Video links < ....... ....My browser doesn't show the links for videos. ..... Pravda, where are you on THESE incidents happening across America? Didn't Hamon feed you these stories?

VIDEO: Black Criminal Beats White Man on Train Because of Mike Brown… Where’s Al Sharpton?
chris 2 days ago ... -sharpton/

In the wake of the Michael Brown shooting in nearby Ferguson, Mo., the city of St. Louis is rife with violence, with an uptick in black-on-white gang attacks that signify a growing widening racial divide in and around the city.

Just this week, a racially motivated attack took place on the city’s Metrolink public transportation system when a group of black thugs began aggressively questioning a 43-year-old white man sitting calmly in his seat about the Ferguson shooting.

After keeping to himself without saying much of anything at all, the white man was suddenly beaten in the face by the group of thugs just before the train came to a stop, at which time the thugs rapidly exited the train.


According to local media reports, at first, the thug in the red shirt approached the victim from behind, asking if he could use his cell phone. The victim politely declined and that’s when the thug began to question him about Mike Brown and Ferguson.

The man said he hadn’t put much thought into it, which was probably the best answer given the fact that he knew something bad was about to happen. That’s when the horrific attack began.

The entire incident was caught on smartphone video by a snickering man who narrated the attack and not once offered to help, nor did any of the other dozen or so passengers on the train as the white victim was viciously beaten in the face.

By what can be seen in the video, all other passengers on the train were black (H/T The Gateway Pundit).

It’s not clear if this incident was also connected to a racist social media event that we reported earlier this week dubbed “Fight a White” day, which encourages blacks to intentionally fight and attack white people on the street.

Since this was clearly racially motivated, we’d like to report to you that Al Sharpton immediately made an announcement about the incident, but since it involved blacks attacking a white guy and not the other way around, Sharpton, as usual, was nowhere to be found.

Black-on-white attacks just aren’t profitable monetarily or politically.

Had this attack been a group of whites beating a middle-aged black man in the face; Sharpton, Eric Holder, President Barack Obama and Jesse Jackson would’ve already issued public statements and half the city would be burning down.

VIDEO: Black Gangs Caught on Camera Targeting White People… Media Ignores ... ng-whites/

There’s been an alarming trend over the past five months in St. Paul, Minn. that involves the targeting and subsequent beating of whites by large, black gangs.

To make matters worse, though a series of assaults has taken place on a regular basis since Sep., local media have only just now ran with the story and much like President Obama, are too frightened of their own shadow to name the bad guys.

Though all the cases involve black gangs assaulting whites — a local media outlet running the story in St. Paul never once mentioned any hint of racial motivation and their first and only interview included a young black man who stated he was afraid to work downtown. (H/T rightwingnews) ... ng-whites/

BREAKING: Black Gangs Are Attacking White People in St. Louis… Media Ignores It

In St. Louis, targeting of whites, especially Bosnians, by black gangs for assault has “become the norm” in the months since the Aug. 9 shooting of Michael Brown and subsequent rioting.

One report indicated a 24 percent increase in “aggravated assaults” and “threats by packs of teenagers” in the St. Louis neighborhood of Bevo Mill.

While assaults against black victims by white perpetrators — and the death of black suspects at the hands of white cops — continue to dominate the headlines despite the lack of a racial motivation for the violence, overtly racial attacks on whites by black suspects garner little attention from the liberal media.

“It is common for African-American teens to walk in the middle of the street and block in cars at intersections,” one white five-year resident of Bevo Mills told Fox News on the condition of anonymity, Downtrend reported. “We have been stopped at intersections in Bevo and our car attacked by teens who pound on the car — laughing at us.”

“They only do this to white individuals, who they have learned will generally not respond. There is a pattern here and it is racially motivated,” he claimed. “Many of us are arming ourselves in order to avoid becoming the next victim to be beaten to death in the streets.”

Meanwhile, from the mainstream media … crickets.

Downtrend listed a number of other crimes that were blatantly racially-based but received little attention from the leftist media.

On Dec. 9, a black man screamed “I want to kill a Jew!” and stabbed a Jewish student in a New York synagogue.

Several black gangs were involved in beatings of whites in Springfield, Mo., and Memphis, Tenn., in September, Downtrend reported.

Students were beaten at state fairs in Illinois and Wisconsin in October, and a black gang beat a couple in Brooklyn.

In fact, black assaults on whites are much, much more common than white assaults on blacks. Black assaults on other blacks are also far more prevalent than white attacks on blacks.

But whites get the blame from a mainstream media — and American liberals — who claim to be colorblind.

It’s all well and good to bemoan racism as evil — it most certainly is. So are poverty, hunger, and injustice.
But they are also constants in an imperfect world.

Should good people try to combat these things? Absolutely. But there is only one way to do so, and the collectivist mindset that pits whites against blacks, blacks against whites, or any group versus any other group not only isn’t the right way to go about it, it actually makes things worse. That sort of thinking accomplishes one thing only — a divided America. It does nothing to address the fact that some people make decisions based on race that they should not.

If you want to fight racism, don’t be racist. If you dislike hunger, invite someone over for Christmas dinner this year who you know doesn’t get enough to eat. Against poverty? Give to the charity of your choice — a private scholarship fund for underprivileged students might be a good one.

Look, if you want to carry a placard down Main Street, U.S.A., that says “Down with Racism” on it, knock yourself out. Just don’t kid yourself that you’re accomplishing anything.

Please share this article if you agree that racism and other social evils can only be addressed by individuals in specific situations.
#241256 by DainNobody
Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:20 pm
and the moral to this story is, if a brotha' asks you to use your cellphone, you oblige him and also ask, how high you need to jump
#241258 by DainNobody
Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:37 pm
let me explain further, when I was working at CTI, I was involved in a car wreck less than 200 yds. from the "plant".. I had at least 2 strangers offer me their cell-phone without me asking to use one.. I expect the white guy was a little racist, or else, he would have loaned out his cellphone voluntarily when asked.. I saw the video of the beating on the news last night, and the white guy was pretty much blocking all those head shots, with his arms, so it looked worse than in reality I assume.. :P l
#241267 by MikeTalbot
Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:03 pm
I learned something important in that video. My second knife now resides in my left pocket so I can reach out and still provide 'assistance' if some 85 IQ feral blindsides me from the right.

And no - you DO NOT ever loan these creeps your phone, you DO NOT ever give them a match and so on. They ignore the strong - even old bastards like me because they read your eyes. They see weakness - down you go.

Jeese - have you all never lived in a major city?

#241269 by DainNobody
Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:38 pm
MikeTalbot wrote:I learned something important in that video. My second knife now resides in my left pocket so I can reach out and still provide 'assistance' if some 85 IQ feral blindsides me from the right.

And no - you DO NOT ever loan these creeps your phone, you DO NOT ever give them a match and so on. They ignore the strong - even old bastards like me because they read your eyes. They see weakness - down you go.

Jeese - have you all never lived in a major city?

Mike, if Raleigh, N.C. and Orlando, Fl. Denver, Colo. are big enough, then yes I have lived in a big city, when living in a rooming house in Cameron Village, off Lenoir St. & Western Blvd. in Raleigh, I was awake, and started to hear a vehicle rolling down the hill thru the closed window, (good ears on me I guess).. it was my Isuzu pickup rolling down the hill and chased off after it and the hoodlum started running after bailing from it, I guess he saw me coming down the hill running in barefeet.. must be a reason I live out in rural Mo. now for the last 23 years..what was the white guy doing on the train anyhow? looking for crack?.. I just want to hear both sides of the story, I am absolutely positive the white guy would not provoke his Black brothers
#241271 by DainNobody
Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:52 pm
They see weakness - down you go.

maybe they heard weakness? maybe the white guy had a lisp and he was not attacked for being white, but attacked for sounding gay?.. so this might not be a racist event for the baiters afterall? let's hear both sides of the story dammit!..LOL :lol:
Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:59 pm
Let me get this straight... Blacks attack gays. Gays attack Christians. Christians attack muslims. Muslims attack Jews. Jews attack Hamas, isis, iran, and whatever else. Muslims attack gays and russia supports them. Chinese are fearful of relations with russia because of the money owed to them from a gay contingent in the US.

Sorry... All this has just become a lesson in ridiculosity.
#241278 by Planetguy
Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:30 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:Let me get this straight... Blacks attack gays. Gays attack Christians. Christians attack muslims. Muslims attack Jews. Jews attack Hamas, isis, iran, and whatever else. Muslims attack gays and russia supports them. Chinese are fearful of relations with russia because of the money owed to them from a gay contingent in the US.

Sorry... All this has just become a lesson in ridiculosity.

well, you forgot whites attacking and discriminating against blacks.....(as many conveniently do). you seems to ME that has and continues to occur....but yeah, you got it...

well, i think maybe you're a little confused about exactly who's attacking who in the "christians" vs gays battle. :wink:
seems to me like maybe it's a little more like christians attacking gays than the other way around. hey, you say to=may-toe...i say to-mah-to.

point simply is....


and it IS a problem. and obama has the NERVE to say so. boo. hissssss.

now, let's hear an argument that racism ISN'T a problem.
#241287 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:14 am
Yeah, I did miss your point. But I agree... Until we stop passing the hate around...we're doomed.
#241312 by MikeTalbot
Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:06 pm
Racism is a problem that was dying in my youth. We just didn't give a damn about that stuff. Particularly young players.

Now it has become an industry. I hear 'racism' come out of somebody's mouth I think, "Oh - I guess he wants some of my money or else special privileges." I'm usually right.

Do blacks have a legitimate beef in the US? I'll let one of my African comrades answer that one:
(Walking guard one night outside Chinamora preserve)
"Corporal gunner - may I ask a personal question?"
"Why are black Americans always complaining? They can go to college in America - here - there is only one college and we must compete with everyone to go!"

I couldn't answer that one. Still can't.

The other question I still can't answer comes from a piece I wrote for Why on earth should anyone spend a great deal of their time worrying if I love their whole ethnicity. Hint - I don't. It's hard enough to love people at the individual level - we are flawed critters. Forget about me loving you - make sure you are in fact, worthy of love and respect and you'll never find a mirror that you mind looking into - because you will look in that mirror and see a man!

And finally - what I learned about race in the deep bush - a kid walked over to me, kind of diffidently, most of my black camo cream had been sweated off and he touched my arm. I asked Sam Banda what that was about: "Oh Corporal - he has never seen a white man before. He thought you were sick!"

I may have just learned a little humility from that encounter!

#241314 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:41 pm
MikeTalbot wrote:
Now it has become an industry. I hear 'racism' come out of somebody's mouth I think, "Oh - I guess he wants some of my money or else special privileges." I'm usually right.

to which i'd say that's your interpretation and you're focusing only on those guilty of that. sadly that notion overlooks everyone who HAS been effected, discriminated against, and screwed over by racism.

and anyone who thinks the days of people getting screwed over because they're black, white, jewish, or muslim has their head up their arse. mike, it sounds like you've decided that everyone who bitches about racism is looking for a handout and free lunch. are some? of course. but EVERYONE???? c'mon man. really?

as for "racism being an industry".....well obviously the ferguson PD viewed it exactly that way when they targeted blacks for traffic stops. 86% of all traffic stops were blacks. hey, seems a great way to make some money!

Do blacks have a legitimate beef in the US? I'll let one of my African comrades answer that one:
(Walking guard one night outside Chinamora preserve)
"Corporal gunner - may I ask a personal question?"
"Why are black Americans always complaining? They can go to college in America - here - there is only one college and we must compete with everyone to go!"

I couldn't answer that one. Still can't.

you know....that is quite an oversimplification. and the fact that he's black proves nothing. do you believe blacks aren't prejudiced and yes...racist towards other blacks???? so, because blacks CAN go to college here...that proves what? no racism? or should they just step and fetch it, glad they're allowed to attend college? sorry...i miss your point there.

The other question I still can't answer comes from a piece I wrote for Why on earth should anyone spend a great deal of their time worrying if I love their whole ethnicity. Hint - I don't. It's hard enough to love people at the individual level - we are flawed critters. Forget about me loving you - make sure you are in fact, worthy of love and respect and you'll never find a mirror that you mind looking into - because you will look in that mirror and see a man!

mike, i doubt that any of the black population in ferguson cares one iota about whether you love their whole ethnicity. i'd say they are more concerned with not being targeted by a racist police force. as i would.
#241315 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:48 pm
Planetguy wrote:
angelsshotgun wrote:Let me get this straight... Blacks attack gays. Gays attack Christians. Christians attack muslims. Muslims attack Jews. Jews attack Hamas, isis, iran, and whatever else. Muslims attack gays and russia supports them. Chinese are fearful of relations with russia because of the money owed to them from a gay contingent in the US.

Sorry... All this has just become a lesson in ridiculosity.

well, you forgot whites attacking and discriminating against blacks.....(as many conveniently do). you seems to ME that has and continues to occur....but yeah, you got it...

point simply is....


and it IS a problem. and obama has the NERVE to say so. boo. hissssss.

now, let's hear an argument that racism ISN'T a problem.

It's only a problem in the heart of a racist. Obama is verifiably creating racial discord with lies and propaganda. He is building the fires behind the racism coming from black people today, and fanning the flames. He creates and funds artificial offenses to promote racism.

Those who seek an advantage based on race, are racists....which is exactly what he and his right-hand-race baiter Eric Holder are doing, through their proxy Race Czar, Al Sharpton. They have so polluted the atmosphere (atmos-fear?) that, according to current media and DC culture, only a white person, or a christian, can be a racist.

I honestly believe that most Americans, including an overwhelming majority of both black and white people, and ESPECIALLY Christians see only two kinds of people...good and bad. The ignorant and uneducated, however, are being easily manipulated on both sides of the black/white issue.

Racism comes in all colors.

well, i think maybe you're a little confused about exactly who's attacking who in the "christians" vs gays battle. :wink:
seems to me like maybe it's a little more like christians attacking gays than the other way around.

Now I'm calling bullshit.

name ONE instance of an attack by a Christian on anyone based on their race or wicked behavior.

There are literally hundreds of instances of the reverse.
#241318 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:17 pm
yod wrote:name ONE instance of an attack by a Christian on anyone based on their race or wicked behavior.

There are literally hundreds of instances of the reverse.

nice try. yeah....because for any and every example i give you, what are you going to come back with?????

wait for it.....

everyone say it with me, now.....

well, clearly that person isn't acting like a christian!
#241319 by Paleopete
Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:44 pm
as for "racism being an industry".....well obviously the ferguson PD viewed it exactly that way when they targeted blacks for traffic stops. 86% of all traffic stops were blacks. hey, seems a great way to make some money!

Which conveniently ignores the fact that 70% of the population of Ferguson is black. With a population like that you think 86% of traffic stops should be whites?

I lived in a town in Louisiana with the same 70% black population, the arrest rate was about the same. I also knew several of the police, not a racist in the bunch. This was discussed, they usually don't have time to worry about what color skin a person has when the siren comes on. It's just another car going 80. But when they were looking for people involved in convenience store robberies, and showed store security video on TV, only one I can remember in 10 years was white. Video cameras are not racist. Unless I woke up in an entirely different world this morning...

Same since I moved here, and the population is very different. I'm not sure of the actual percentages, but it's not 70% black. I haven't looked it up. But every one of the security videos I've seen on TV on the local news has shown unidentified blacks robbing stores, that the police were looking for.

When this kind of discussion comes up I'm always reminded of a couple of things MLK said.

He said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

“We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence.”

He also said in 1960, I think, "we represent 10% of the population and 58% of the crime." And went on to say that blacks needed to work on their morals and standards. (can't find the exact quote, this is paraphrased)

They forget that he was strongly against violence, always stressing nonviolent means of protest.

Most of the people pushing the racial agenda stay as far away from MLK quotes like that as they can. It does not support their agenda. Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and Obama never said a word about nearly 50 blacks killed in Chicago in the month or so preceding the Ferguson shooting. They were killed by other blacks, usually gang members. They won't say a word about the recent rash of blacks attacking whites in St Louis and other locations in the area.

Which is the point of this thread. Racial attacks are increasing, and it is not being reported by the mainstream news. I know this, I mentioned the incident on the St Louis bus to my mother and she knew nothing about it. You guessed it, she watches ABC news and PBS. Not a word. Crickets. This is not the first time. I've mentioned things going on several times the past year and her first response was "I haven't heard about that." In some cases I've had to show her news articles to prove my point. She didn't know Michael Brown's step father had been shown on video jumping around screaming "burn this bitch down". She's gradually coming to the realization the so called news is not telling her the whole story. Just before the Nov elections I said something about it and she said she needed to look into that. she knew nothing about the candidates for Texas Governor. Why not? Because it was not being reported on the mainstream news at all. 2 weeks before the election NBC and CBS combined had aired 26 minutes of election coverage, ABC hadn't said a word. (I may have CBS and ABC reversed) I had watched the Texas Governor's debate, and told her what I could about Abbott and his opponent.

I don't care where you get your news, but do a little looking around online too, there are plenty reputable news sources online that will tell you at least part of the rest of the story. I'm not talking about blogs and forums like this one where you're getting nothing more than opinions, unless someone posts links to references. Do a little looking, you'll find out just how much the government and the news are not telling you. All this racist uproar is more about money and votes than anything else. That's why Al Sharpton is a millionaire. Being a racist pays if you know how to manipulate it. Focus on what furthers your agenda, ignore anything else.

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