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Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:59 am
We have rampant amounts of cancer running through America. I would personally attribute it to the food that is being mass produced and cleared by our government. Cancer centers have become big business. I just had a 40 year old friend diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

I'm writing this because, First I really do have a fond regard for every one here... Second because we are all under extreme attack from cell changes that can become cancer.

Anyway, there is much science that cancer can NOT grow in an alkaline body. Kombucha is a drink that can be brewed from teas and many fruits. The 'SCOBIE' is the force or mother bacteria that makes this possible to 'brew this'

You can buy KOMBUCHA commercially but it is at least $5 a bottle.

My friend has been following a diet and is brewing his own kambucha and suddenly his deadly tumor is disappearing.

Now to really scare you son'sabiches... I like drinking this stuff... Until you take me out and shoot me... I could be around a while. :lol:

Seriously, go look it up.
Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:15 am
Gwen has been brewing this for some time now... Her different brews are better than any soda or plain fruit drink you could buy.

Ya know what... I'll still cook the steak on BBQ.

I'm just sharing something... Take it for what you will.
#241140 by Paleopete
Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:34 am
Not only cancer but most illnesses can't survive in an alkaline environment. One of those things govt and pharmaceutical companies don't want you to find out about. The number one thing wrong with our medical system, if you're not sick they don't make any money. So nobody is really trying to find a cure for cancer, all this ballyhoo about research is propaganda, they're looking for another treatment that will cost even more than the current standard of chemo, radiation and surgery, None of which do much good, and chemo kills more people than it helps. I lost a close friend a couple of years ago. I don't blame cancer, I blame doctors.

I looked up some info about cancer in general a while back, it was fairly uncommon until the early 20th century, about the same time mass produced food became available. The processing it goes through cooks out all taste and nutrients, they have to put both back in via chemicals. Color too. Anything you can't pronounce should never be put in or on your body. Anything you smear all over yourself, like sunscreen, is absorbed into your system. Look at the ingredients sometime. It's no surprise skin cancer is such a problem. The medical establishment says the sun causes skin cancer. OK so why didn't it wipe out the human race 50,000 years ago? Correct me if I'm wrong, but suntan lotion has only existed for about 50 to 75 years...why wasn't skin cancer public enemy #1 long before that? Sunscreen causes skin cancer.

I think make up is the main reason women develop wrinkles..and buy more make up to try and disguise it. Pay attention sometime. I'm willing to bet the women you know who wear little or no make up look younger by far than those who take 45 minutes to get all that crud smeared on their faces every morning. My mother and sister both could pass for 20 years younger until they were in their 50's. They went in stores when my sister was 30 and literally everyone they met thought they were sisters. Both always wore little or no make up. Every woman I've ever known who was like that also aged much more gracefully than most women who pile it on with a spatula...

Then there's pollution. I don't have any imperical data to back it up, but I'd be willing to bet air pollution has a fair impact on cancer too. Chemicals in every water supply in the country isn't helping either. The majority of lakes in this country have signs up these days warning you about mercury levels, and mercury causes brain damage. Makes me wonder how closely related it is to things like ADD, ADHD, Autism and Alzheimers. And mercury is used in many immunizations. The flu shot used this year contained something like 25,000 times the concentration of mercury acceptable in your local water supply. Insecticides and so forth in most waterways, not to mention the crud being sprayed on virtually everything grown anywhere in the country.

Cancer was known, but uncommon before all this became the norm. Heart attacks were uncommon. Ditto for many of the more common ailments almost everybody you know develops sooner or later these days. even obesity is directly related to the chemicals in food. MSG in particular. MSG is still used in many foods even though it has been proven to be related to several medical problems. Why? It's also seriously addicting. Food companies put it in your food so you will become addicted to it and buy more. So what if it is a known health hazard. They want money.

I need to find out about this stuff...might start making it too.
#241143 by schmedidiah
Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:44 am
I think it's always been there, but the diagnosing is way up. Do you really believe that autism is growing amongst the populace at the rates they say it is? The medical field is all pumped up on government funding, with their prices going up at four times the rate of inflation (before Obamacare) and a lot of student loans to pay off. They're looking for stuff to treat, and by God, they'll find it!
#241146 by J-HALEY
Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:19 pm
A very good friend died from brain cancer a while back. The doctors operated to remove the tumor and he blossomed back to health. Incidentally Glen knew this cancer was a death sentence going in. They gave him chemo, radiation he got so sick as a result of the radiation treatment he went from 170lbs to about 90! It was all done to extend his life. My response to that in hind site would be what good is the extension of life if you are caused unbearable pain and suffering?
#241151 by MikeTalbot
Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:30 pm
I hear you Mr. Haley. I saw what cancer and the 'treatment' did to my sister in law.

However, I prefer to make my own decisions - and the beasts in DC think they should make it for me.

Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:53 am
I hear all of you. Mike, Jeff , good thoughts.
Every one has to make their own decisions... In the end that s the basis of FREEDOM.

I'm just suggesting another interesting alternative to preventing a growing problem. Most of it is very sad when a person submits to modern medicine and money interests. Even Steve Jobs with tons of money couldn't find a cure.

Just as a side note, I am a bit shocked at how much negative information is being put out by the educated medical profession when it comes to KOMBUCHA.

I would rather allow every one the freedom to decide... My 2 cents. That is just how strongly I feel about being able to choose.
#241167 by Planetguy
Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:18 pm
wow....are there really conspiracy nuts who are suggesting the gov't is dragging it's feet in cancer research so it can help line the pockets of the medical biz?


jeff, sorry about your friend. but it's important to keep in mind that no two cases are ever the same. there's absolutely no way of knowing ahead of time whether chemo/radiation is gonna work. no guarantees about it's efficacy and no way of knowing how someone is gonna "tolerate it" and how much damage it's gonna reek.

the decision to move ahead w chemo/radiation is one every person unlucky to find themselves in that position must make for themselves. yep, "quality of life" is most definitely a concern and part of the equation that must be factored in.

i'm coming up on 15 yrs cancer free (next jan) and i know (as best as anyone can "know" something) that were it not for the evils of "modern medicine" i'd likely not be here.....or perhaps i'd be walking around w a bag. (big fun for someone as active as me who enjoys playing sports).

when it comes to cancer treatment....the problem w holistic medicine is that when it comes to it's efficacy in any given's shares the same uncertainties you have w more traditional "modern medicine....i.e. did someone's cancer go into remission because of _______ or, might it have done so otherwise? there's just no way to know 100%

me, i have ZERO regrets about the choice i made, then 3 wks (5 days per wk) of chemo/ one wk of radiation x 3 mos.....then a month off, then FOLLOW UP w the same routine for another month. crikey.

would i have preferred drinking some magic elixer to betcha. was i gonna roll the dice w something as unproven as kombacha or go full tilt gonzo aggressive as i did?.....hey, it was most PERSONAL my go round w cancer, and there was no way i was gonna let it kick me in the ass (my foe was rectal cancer).

but i was was caught early and i was very "tolerant" of the chemo/radiation. i kept my hair (not that it was important to me) and continued working out and playing sports...i actually PUT ON weight because i decided i was gonna eat what i wanted WHEN i wanted.

if i had do it all over (no thanks) i'd go about it exactly the same way. like i said, every case and situation is different.

i wasn't sure about doing the follow up round of another month of those fun and oncologist who i literally DO trust w my life...laid that little bit of info on me a day after i finished my 3 mos of treatment!

"ok,, you get a month off, and then you come back for the follow up"...."FOLLOW UP?!??!!? WTF DO YOU MEAN "FOLLOW UP"???.....I'M DONE!!!!". 'no, mark you must come back for the follow up'. well, i told him i'd think about it and get back to him. i REALLY did NOT want another month of that business. so, i asked my wife's opinion. "well, it's YOUR choice" (uh, thanks hon!) ....same bit from my regular doc "it's YOUR choice, mark"...same thing from everyone i asked! no one wanted to give me a definitive answer! finally i pressed my regular doc and asked him..."well, what would YOU do". and he said, "well were it me i have no doubt what i'd do.....i'm a wuss so i'd pass".

and as soon as he said that my mind was made up....i decided that if my cancer ever returned then i'd always wonder... "gee, what if i HAD done the follow up chemo/rad?". so i sucked it up, and now i'm here w all my moving parts in working order.

btw....after i made my choice to proceed w follow up wife was one happy camper and admitted she hoped i would go that way but didn't want to pressure me into it.

hopefully this new research/procedure of injecting viruses to decimate cancer cells will move forward quickly. this is really exciting news and very promising that we are actually gonna witness a cancer cure in our lifetimes!

good health to all!
Last edited by Planetguy on Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#241168 by Paleopete
Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:22 pm
Other treatments for cancer have been discovered and tested, and suppressed by the AMA and such, mainly because pharmaceutical companies cannot patent and therefore make billions on them.

Essiac - The surname of nurse Rene Caisse spelled backward, an herbal formula she was given by a very old Indian medicine man. She tested and refined it for many years, fought the powers that be over it, and used it in her clinic for a long time.

Laetrile - Tested by a Dr Krebs in the early 70's, banned by the FDA in 1971 despite very convincing evidence it worked, actually vitamin B17, found in all fruit seeds but the highest concentration is in Apricot pits.

If you look at anything published by the medical establishment, they always say both are useless. Why? Money. Naturally occurring substances cannot be patented. Only man made drugs. You can give it a trade name, but cannot patent it. So the huge pharmaceutical companies can't patent a natural vitamin (B17) and make insane amounts of money.

I watched a good friend die from chemotherapy. He started as a truck driver, in decent physical shape, 2 years later was constantly sick as hell, couldn't keep down what little he did eat, lost probably 80 lbs, and a lot of his hair, spent the last 2 months of his life in a hospital bad they brought into his house, had to be helped to the bathroom. Best friend I'd had in many years.

Chemotherapy...kills more people than it helps, destroys healthy cells as well as cancer. ... -good.aspx

You can't find much online about the truth of chemotherapy, most of it is propaganda trying to convince you how great it is.
#241169 by Planetguy
Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:41 pm
"You can't find much online about the truth of chemotherapy, most of it is propaganda trying to convince you how great it is."

see, to me you can make that exact SAME argument about holistic medicine...

You can't find much online about the truth of holistic med, most of it is propaganda trying to convince you how great it is.

yep, we all know that chemo kills healthy cells as well cancer cells. but sometimes you just have to cut off a gangrenous pinky to keep your hand. wait. wait! scratch gtrsts, let's instead go w sometimes you have to cut off a gangrenous toe to save your foot! :)

as for chemo killing more people than cancer....that seems kinda ludicrous to state as fact and i'd like to see what evidence you have to support such a notion. chemo wastes.... as does cancer. sounds like you've decided your friend wasted away because of the chemo.....and NOT the cancer. how in the world can you be certain about that????

how can you possibly know for a fact that he wouldn't have ended up in that same hospital bed and passed even sooner if he forewent the chemo?

seems very anecdotal and trying to fit a scenario to frame an opinion to support an already decided upon conclusion.

sorry for the loss of your friend.
#241174 by MikeTalbot
Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:01 pm
I'm having a terrible time with Asthma and I know just what drug I need to knock it out - but I can't get it: epinephrine. (Adrenalin)

Quacks have decided the only 'real' med for that is corticosteroids - which are ripping me up badly and are terrible for the human body. And haven't fixed sh*t but wreaked havoc on my immune system.

But they other stuff is bad for us they say, in the long term. I say they are liars. Plus - I'm old enough that I care little for the 'long term,' I'd just like to feel good once in a while.

I know if cancer comes knocking they can keep their witchdoctor cures.

#241178 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:30 pm
My mom sent me a youtube link a couple years ago....have you heard the claims of hemp oil curing cancer? There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of YouTube videos of people saying they were cured of cancer with concentrated hemp oil, which is made by a lb. of potent marijuana bud boiled down to about 2 oz of black syrup. The dosage is a single drop on the tongue in the morning and again in the evening. They don't get high on it but it does make them drowsy.

I thought, if this is true, I'm moving to Colorado and starting a farm to help everyone who has cancer. I kept trying to confirm that these anecdotes were true, or find a case where someone said it didn't help them, so I have continued to look into it as I find time.

Anyway, a couple months ago I asked a friend who is a doctor what they knew about it and they told me that with almost any disease, you could set 10 people in a room who have it and 3 or 4 of them would get well on their own. His claim was that 1/3 of people could take their chances with cancer and live...but there is no way to tell who would make it in advance so they treat everyone.

Can't say that I know what is fact or fiction...just throwing that out for the discussion.
#241180 by schmedidiah
Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:40 pm
Don't hold your breath, waiting for a "cure for cancer". It's in us. It's in our cells. A kid can get it. An adult can get it. Your pet can get it. It's no flu or common cold. It will be with us until the sun decides we've had enough time and destroys our planet. Good day, everyone. :D
Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:23 am
Mark, I'm glad that all worked out for you. Sorry that is the shadow you will have to live with the rest of your life.

Ted, Schmed... Thanks guys. I was just offering up a thought.
#241190 by schmedidiah
Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:41 pm
I think there's really something about the ph of the body. Our water here is notoriously wretched, due to the high mineral content of what actually flows out of the mountains. Water purification is a huge business here and everyone is drinking bottle after bottle of water from Costco or Cirkle K, anyway. I filter my own water and freeze it in Gatorade bottles (I work outside). When I forget water or a customer gives me a bottle from Costco, yuck! I can't stand the taste! How's the ph? No clue. I just know that I like my stuff, not theirs.
Most people drink soda, anyway. Their ph must be sugar. I don't know...... :roll:

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