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#240669 by MikeTalbot
Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:22 am
That 30k Christians is an error. Probably mixed up with Hama in Syria - where Papa Assad put a rather drastic end to Islamic sputterings.

The collage of Yankee govt pigs kissing Islamic ass I should think is self explanatory. Politicians will turn their coats for money - both parties. Sometimes we foolishly listen to their rhetoric instead of looking at their voting records.

They are as Stephan always says - filth.

The real problem is there is much more going on that just corrupt, tyrannical politics
- the evil has settled over this world like a dark blanket - nothing much works right the first time anymore. It's getting worse. At all levels which of course includes the private sector.

That's why I don't get all "wee wee'd" up about politics. To do so would suggest that I believed that we could somehow stop what's coming down. I no longer believe that. Seems wiser to me to prepare for the consequences - I'm feeling like govt will be the least of our problems before too long - everything is going haywire.

When govt stops working all hell will break lose. Somewhere just under half the population are producers at this point. And of that group many are aging. We (I include myself) are used to taking care of ourselves and stocking up for a rainy day. We are apt to have family groups which is a good thing at crisis time. As a group we have a lot of firearms.

The other part of the population will expect Govt to save them and they are in for a very nasty surprise. Their response to that 'nasty surprise' could tear this country apart. As a group they have a lot of firearms. (The Crips and Los Locos et al have been excluded from gun control efforts just to even things out.)

If anyone has a bright idea on how to stop this coming down the tracks I'd like to hear it. Just please don't say 'vote in better leaders.' Right. In a one party system managed by incompetent power mad bureaucrats I don't think so.... But if there are any sensible ideas?

Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:04 pm
Not to turn this into a musical post... Guns and Roses may have summed this up best many years ago...


Real laugh, music always calls this sh** out way ahead of time.
#240970 by DainNobody
Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:20 am
1948. In what is known as the Nakba, or "Catastrophe", hundreds of Palestinian villages and over 70,000 Palestinian homes were ruined and destroyed . 700,000 Palestinians fled or were driven from their native land by the Israelis. The Palestinian refugees were unable to return following the Lausanne Conference, 1949. During and after the 1948 war, a wave of Jewish refugees from Arab countries arrived in Palestine, further exacerbating the situation for Palestinian Arabs. The question of the right to return of the refugeees and their descendants remains a source of dispute. The All-Palestinian Government was later moved from Gaza to Cairo and eventually dissolved in 1959 by Egyptian President Nasser. Gaza was taken into Egyptian military administration.

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