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#239505 by Badstrat
Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:19 pm
A few years ago someone on the forum asked when they thought the American economy would collapse. I thought it would in a couple of years but it kept going. Pleasant surprise for me. When that passed I reset my time line line for before this Satanic puppet gets out of office. Am I wrong again? Anyone have other ideas as to when these morons will destroy the economic systems of the world? After all, when any of the big players collapse it will snowball. I am beginning to see a lot of people predicting before 2016. Sounds about right to me, but I missed it the last time. What say?

I went to the store the other day. $40 for a bit less than 10lbs of hamburger. A century ago the dollar was worth 100 cents when valued against gold or silver. Today it’s worth less than four cents. It certainly appears that the clowns have crapped all over the circus.
#239506 by DainNobody
Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:25 pm
and it will get so bad, that we will chop up our wooden guitars to provide much needed firewood when propane hits 12 bucks a gallon.. :( :twisted:
#239507 by Vampier
Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:58 pm
In my opinion the collapse depends upon the ignorance of the masses because it has essentially already collapsed but as long as the masses sucking upon the tit of government continue to believe the Emperor is wearing clothes ....

The other factors involved of course include when the right moment of opportunity presents itself to the Masters-Master and once they have all the elements in place, pieces upon the board and the distraction, reason and orders to begin making this a charnel planet.

The collapse began long ago in increments and has been ongoing ever since but there are three primary factors ...the masses ignorance ... Evils resolve and last but not least when on a Spiritual level it has to all be cut short. None of these have been reached yet. There will be a definitive ramping up of Societal, Climactic and Spiritual Chaos on a new level from April to the End of 2015. How much more ignorant can the masses be made ... How much more power can be gained by Evil and its Filth ... when will the eradication of truly human humans become so rampant that it must be cut short lest there is nothing left. This hideous process will continue until one of these factors are implemented. Spiritually there is a lot more deception and depravity and decline to be implemented. Evil has more plans which can be put into practice as long as there are even subhumans to "play" with and Society can decline, riot and decay for quite some time yet. The climate and its issues however are on a timeline of just how much can be taken before what currently exists but this can be all tossed and started again 2555 style.
#239509 by Badstrat
Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:18 pm

All of that yet you did not offer an answer to the question. No offense meant but generalities do not address the question. This post is about offering a specific time. As in when do you think that bottom fall out of out economy and the system will collapse. There was a small tremor when the housing market collapsed. The next one will shut everything down and life shall cease to exist as we know know it. Surly someone has an opinion on "when" that event shall happen. :)
#239513 by MikeTalbot
Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:00 pm
We're not given the dates and times. We are however, taught that when we see all the festering horrors that crawl across our consciousness these days that it might be time to suit up and prepare for a sort of worst case scenario.

The reactions people have to this data drive me a little bit bonkers. "Somebody do something!" "We need a leader!" "Republicans will do this" - "Democrats will do that" - people desperately want to believe that somebody has their best interests at heart.

I find that depressing, unmanly.

We must deal with the harsh facts that present themselves - or we can sit around watching TV, hoping for the best...waiting for the big surprise that even the lamest sense is coming our way.

#239515 by DainNobody
Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:12 pm
your summary old noble Talbot, is somewhat related to " if you do not undertake to comprehend the essence and total understanding of the task at hand, you are doomed to accept the opinions and statements as truth by others" (s. Dane Allen)..
#239516 by J-HALEY
Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:33 pm
Slacker, I don't think the economy will collapse until Obama is out of office. This has always been his plan. He has been artificially propping up the economy since the day after he took office. As most of you know buying up 90 billion in bonds a month which is how we got to 16 trillion in debt. It will of coarse be the conservatives fault!
#239517 by Badstrat
Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:58 am
OK. No one wants to stick their neck out and give an estimate as to when. Although Jeff did imply after worthless leaves office. That would be 2016, unless he names himself grand poopa of the USA or something. I doubt that could happen. My guess is still around 2016, and if things really take a dump, then perhaps even before that. All it would take is a radical Muslim with a nuke to get the ball rolling, or the financial collapse of a big country. Maybe even someone crapping on our doorstep. Russia isn't too friendly these days, and neither is China. Just look at what 911 did. Financial conditions of the USA are far worse than any of us know.

OK...... No bets from the timid. Don't any of you folks go to Vegas to gamble? Guessing won't make it so. :) :)
#239524 by Paleopete
Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:42 am
I can't offer a more definite guess than Jeff did, but I agree with his assessment, Obummer will prop up the economy till his last moments, then things will crumble so he and his cronies can blame it all on the Republicans, their favorite pastime. A definite, specific date I can't or won't try to figure out, but I don't think it will be long after the rat leaves office, and he might even to something to sabotage it as a last gesture of defiance. As is, I have little doubt the economy can't survive more than a couple of years of Abominablecare and out of control govt spending combined.

Fortunately I'm pretty sure his budget recently presented to Congress won't make it far, that would speed things up. Higher taxes would be an incentive for even more companies to either shut down or move overseas, more govt regulations along with it would force even more shut downs, and printing more money like it's going out of style has already devalued the dollar till I'm surprised it's worth 4 cents...

It won't last long. I can't say how long, but I have to agree with Jeff, the liar in chief will do whatever he can think of to prop it up till he's gone so he can blame it on someone else.
#239532 by Badstrat
Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:54 am
At least our politicians are preparing for the impending economic collapse. Whats good enough for Cypress is good enough for us, right??

"Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins” Are Proposed In The New 2013 Canadian Government Budget!" Google it.

The United States Government have passed similar laws to confiscate your savings, rich or poor it does not matter. ... ur-savings

Politicians... ya gotta love 'em. :)

We all agree about the "After it leaves" part. I was trying to see if anyone would venture an opinion on the time line. You guys take all the fun out of betting. :(
#239543 by J-HALEY
Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:41 pm
After thinking about this topic I would have to say that the American economy is always in a state of flux. What I mean by that is the stock market periodically makes adjustments forced by economic downturns. After 911 the economy made one, having said that I think this great country is truly a sleeping giant. When folks lives are going well they usually don't care about little things such as having their freedoms systematically taken from them. They will trust the government and listen to Hollywood actors that don't even live in the "real world" as you and I. Currently things look bad to the realist that see what is happening and try to wake up those that currently don't care. I have said in the past and really do believe that no matter how bad things appear if you look hard enough there is always a positive! To me the beautiful thing is that when the bottom falls out as it did when Pearl Barbour was bombed, President Kennedy was assassinated, or when 911 occurred the sleeping giant was awakened and we recovered in a relatively short amount of time. It still amazes me what we can achieve when we just work together! :D
#239547 by Paleopete
Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:37 pm
Yeah but this time it hasn't recovered anywhere near as fast or as strong as in the past. And of course we haven't been told the truth surprise there though...

I wish I could make a definite prediction, but I'm not good enough on economics to even try. But looking at all the crap going on these days, I don't know if anyone could really figure it out. Health care is going to be a huge hit on the economy, when it gets into full swing we're looking at no less than 18 new taxes or increases in existing ones, insurance cost already gone way up and hitting the "working class" hard in the pocketbook...(thought we weren't supposed to have a class system in this country???? but I still keep hearing about working class and middle class..the ones being hurt the most) Anyway, jobs are not being brought back here, no incentive there, and if Obama has his way he'll give them plenty incentive to outsource even more. That's what higher taxes and govt regulations are good for. Out of control spending, worldwide chaos, especially in the middle east, millions of illegal immigrants sending half their paychecks back know, those people Obama says are taking jobs Americans don't the framers and roofers I see on house construction, road construction crews, meat packing plants...nah, nobody wants those jobs...yeah right...that's going to be a huge problem too, most that are apprehended at the border now are on welfare within a couple of days. Your tax dollars at work...

It can't hold up, and that's just the things I can think of without digging around a little. The stock market logged all time highs at least a dozen times last year, and the average person is still struggling to keep the lights on. I'll be getting my garden ready in the next 2 weeks...
#239549 by Badstrat
Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:17 pm
There are two illegals that will receive amnesty through the new fiat for every job that has been created in this regime from day one. (This excluding the ones already working here) Ummm ... Anyone here good at math?

FACT: We shall not recover from the next crash of the US economy. Americans can not rebuild when money and services no longer exist. That is the goal of the Cloward Piven strategy and the fuhrer is a strong supporter of that strategy. This will be a world wide economic crash.

It will be a heavy handed reboot with everyone but the elite beginning with nothing. No property rights, no communications, no fuel, no food, no services unless you support the regime. Eventually no one will be able to buy or sell without government permission. Hmmmmm. I think I heard that before somewhere. :)
#241497 by DainNobody
Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:03 pm
Badstrat wrote:A few years ago someone on the forum asked when they thought the American economy would collapse. I thought it would in a couple of years but it kept going. Pleasant surprise for me. When that passed I reset my time line line for before this Satanic puppet gets out of office. Am I wrong again? Anyone have other ideas as to when these morons will destroy the economic systems of the world? After all, when any of the big players collapse it will snowball. I am beginning to see a lot of people predicting before 2016. Sounds about right to me, but I missed it the last time. What say?

I went to the store the other day. $40 for a bit less than 10lbs of hamburger. A century ago the dollar was worth 100 cents when valued against gold or silver. Today it’s worth less than four cents. It certainly appears that the clowns have crapped all over the circus.
I briefly read an article last week on about some mysterious sudden humongous drop in futures contracts, that was unexplainable, or so they say?/LOL... it recovered but is supposed to be a trigger for something worse and horrendous in regards to a stock market crash within 3 to 4 months.. Slacker, 2016 is probably too late of prediction for a crash, I say sooner..

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