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#235696 by RhythmMan-2
Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:42 pm
Obama will be bombing Iraq. What happened - we OWNED Iraq?
Here’s what happened. Against all the advice of the military generals on the ground, there, Obama pulled out of Iraq about 4-6 months earlier than he should have, to make political points.
But he didn’t know what he was doing. Or he’s a traitor. He’s either a traitor, or incredibly stupid, there’s no middle ground.
Those who I talk politics with have heard me predict repeatedly that this will happen.
Had we stayed and completed building the infrastructure of the police forces and such, this would not have happened.
This new war and the deaths are DIRECTLY attributable to Obama's self-sense of importance - he believes EVERYTHING he thinks is 100% correct. He has a God-complex, and thinks he do no wrong. He is insane.
Our military was keeping the peace, and - to make himself popular with the voters (and with no clue on military strategy or how the world works) - Obama pulled out too early.
And this is why Israel is under attack, too -all the Hamas terrorists are getting their support from Iran, who now moves freely through Iraq and Syria, funneling supplies to the terrorists to attack the Jews, whom Iraq has sworn to wipe off the face of the Earth.
Our military held the line and kept the peace. Obama-nure pulled them out, which let the terrorists have their way.
And - did you notice the whole country of Iraq fell just three weeks after Obama let their 5 top generals out of Guantanamo Bay?
He ILLEGALLY set their intelligent and evil generals free, and they immediately mobilized the insurgents and took over Iraq, not 3 weeks after Obama let them free.
Obama will not let anyone tell him how things work - he thinks he knows it all.
Obama is insane.
He needs to be removed from office.
#235698 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:47 pm
How dare you speak the truth!?

Bandmix used to be a place where free expression on any topic made it an oasis in a sea of propaganda.

Now, I'm not even sure I can respond to what you just wrote...but I've been singing that tune sine August of 2007. It's a nightmare that keeps getting worse and I can't wake up.
#235704 by Paleopete
Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:05 pm
You can still speak the truth here, same as always, just try and be civil about it. That's the main reason I usually stayed out of discussions about politics. Too many people didn't mind at all insulting you if you disagreed. As I see it, give me an intelligent, reasonable discussion and I'm fine with it. Rant, insult and sink into mindless name calling and I'll say bye bye.

But I agree. And it's not only in Iraq. As long as the US was a strong leader, the world's ISIS and Hamas groups were kept at bay. Putin wouldn't try and take over as many countries as he could, ISIS wouldn't take over both Syria and Iraq, and they're moving in another adjacent country now, (I can't remember which one) and just released a video promising to "raise the flag of Allah over the White House." Hamas is relentlessly attacking Israel, Boko Harum is causing loads of trouble in Africa, Iran, as noted, is supplying the radical group invading Iraq, and it's all going to be brought here sooner or later.

It's getting scary for sure, and all of this is because the US is no longer a world leader. Even now with the "targeted air strikes" in Iraq, it's just an annoyance, rather than a decisive strategy to stop the takeover of Iraq.

Rhythm man said -

But he didn’t know what he was doing. Or he’s a traitor. He’s either a traitor, or incredibly stupid, there’s no middle ground.

I think both. Traitor and stupid. OK maybe not stupid, he does have a brain, but definitely incompetent and ignoring all competent advice. When he pulled out his generals and advisors were all saying no, leave a decent sized peace keeping force. While it is true that the Iraqi leader (Malachi was it?) wouldn't agree, he should have kept at it until an agreement of some sort was reached rather than backing down. That screams weakness. Everything about his foreign policy has let world leaders know he is weak, and not to be trusted. How can they trust him when they know how many times he has lied to his own people? They see our news just as easily as we do. If he'll lie to us that many times they know he'll lie to them.

He has also made a huge mistake publicizing the fact that he does not intend to put more "boots on the ground". (boy am I sick of hearing that term) So they have known for a long time they don't have American military ground troops to fear. As more than one commentator said last night and this morning, you can't go after these people by doing it halfway. You go for broke or don't go at all. And you don't advertise your intentions. They will not stop, you're not facing a typical country with an agenda, you're facing a large group of religious fanatics who see anyone in the entire world who is not of their religion as the enemy.

That's what makes this so dangerous. This is not just a typical war or a typical rash of random terrorist bombing here, village raid there...this is a well organized group more like an army than we've ever seen, they have the funding, supplies and armament to cause considerable trouble world wide, and a fanatical belief that they have a religious duty to wipe out all non islam people everywhere. Not just Jews, not just Christians. All non Islam/Muslim people everywhere.

and so far we don't have a real leader here to deal with it. What you both said is true, and I think Rhythm man was correct, the 5 Taliban leaders Obama set free immediately started organizing this, all they have to do is get cell phones and/or internet connections and they're back in business. If Obama thinks they will sit there and bide their time for a year until they can leave Qatar, he's very wrong.

Not to mention the threat from our southern border. Prayer rugs and at least one copy of the koran have been found by border patrol. How many have sneaked across into our country is a mystery. Border patrol is too busy changing diapers to do their real job, patrol our border. They have already promised to bring it here, and I'm sure they already have people on place in this country waiting for a chance to strike. An Isis spokesman just made it public with a definite threat, it's only a matter of time now. Here's a link to the story and video ... id/587653/

Be prepared to defend yourself, your government is reducing our military to the point they will be unable to do it for you. And it will be brought here, probably sooner rather than later...
#235710 by schmedidiah
Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:59 pm
I can't believe I've found a forum with so many Conservative/ Libertarian/ Strong on National Defense members. If I try to speak my mind on other forums, or even question why people all believe the official New York Times version of everything, I get shouted down, tarred and feathered and run out of town. What a bunch of Commies! And their new favorite tactic is McCarthyism. Oh, the irony! :roll:
#235717 by Paleopete
Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:15 pm
I try to avoid labels like conservative, libertarian etc. I consider myself an American period. Don't like Democrats or Republicans, both stink. We desperately need a decent third party that believes in keeping the people's interest out front and following the constitution. Unfortunately the two existing parties have consistently blocked out all attempts so far. But both are complicit in creating and perpetuating the kind of ineffective government we have now, and both have done their part in bringing us to the point we are now with Al Queda and its offshoots creating havoc worldwide while our completely out of touch fundraiser in chief sits there and lets it happen instead of doing his job.

Not long ago your comments would have been true here as well, anything political degraded into the usual nonsense you see on Craigslist discussion boards, insults, name calling, endless rants...I'm really hoping we can start having some sensible discussions about this around here, something this country really needs is people putting their heads together and working things out rather than being totally divided. Sitting here arguing plays right into the hands of the corrupt "officials" in DC whose greatest fear is an American public ready to stand together, regardless of political affiliations, and take their government back, demand actual representation like we should have, and minimize the corruption and cronyism that got us here.

And talking about it sensibly is where that starts.

Back on topic, it's still going. Pinprick airstrikes that are the equivalent of fending off a dozen stampeding elephants with a flyswatter, every radical group in sight persecuting non islam religions, I saw a news report last night about ISIS slaughtering people of a minor religion whose name I can't remember, 500 outright killed, women and children buried's getting really ugly out there..

One thing not mentioned so far that a commentator noted, the Iraqi army needs to try and do their part too, get their act together and help as much as they can. We can't do it alone.

On a more positive note, some other countries are helping in the humanitarian efforts, air dropping supplies to a group stranded on a mountain, a large group of Christians (if I remember correctly) chased out of their homes by ISIS. That's a good thing, good to see other world leaders stepping up to the plate. I just wish we actually had a leader...our vacationer in chief is not doing the trick.
#235723 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:10 pm
Pete, the most dangerous event for Americans right now is an invasion from our southern border. Entire gangs are crossing to rob, steal, and murder at will in whatever city Obama resettles them to. Meanwhile our police departments are being militarized like they were fighting in Iraq. If they won't protect us from foreign and domestic enemies, then what do you think that equipment will be used for?

All-out anarchy is going to arrive in a very short time. When the police become predators of the citizens, along with foreign gangs operating at will, the situation will devolve into a balkanization of every neighborhood.

Americans had no experience with dictatorship before, and therefore didn't really understand what they had asked for. It will be too late when they find out.
#235746 by Paleopete
Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:12 pm
Yod - I agree, our number one threat right now is coming from our southern border, and being also from Texas it's happening right in my back yard so I'm very concerned about it.

That said, the conflict going on in Iraq is probably just as serious, and I think very possibly related. It's already been reported that signs are indicating some individuals have crossed into Texas that are probably part of the same radical groups causing trouble in the middle east.

The militarization of our police departments is definitely cause for worry too, as well as the number of govt agencies now set up as alternate police forces. DHS, FEMA, you name it, they're getting full SWAT gear.

It's really looking scary if you look at the overall picture, not just this country or politics, but the overall state of the world in general. Religion under attack everywhere you look, including here in the US where we are supposed to have religious freedom, which I strongly support. Militant groups attacking everywhere you look, all related to the same group Bin Laden once led. Russian land grabs, North Korea and Iran both trying to get nuclear capability by any means possible, (and that's really scary) trouble in China...

But you're probably right, and that's what I've been thinking, our most prominent threat is right here in Texas...but there's another thread here specifically for that so I won't go into it much more in this one. The one thing that ties in here is that this same ISIS group has promised to bring it here, and by way of our southern border is a very good possibility.
#235749 by RhythmMan-2
Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:26 pm
What do you think Obama's influence has been?
#235751 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:35 pm
I think the country is being politically destabilized on purpose and we're going to unravel sometime around the 2016 Presidential election.

I will be the first to admit I was wrong if Obama goes away quietly after the 2016 elections, but it looks to me like he was sent to split the USA into four-to-six smaller nations with a common currency, the Amero. I have been saying since August 2007 that he wasn't going away without violence; and I see no reason to retract that yet.

Yes, our Constitution says that he can only serve two terms. So what? When has anyone tried to stop him from using that document for toilet paper? Both parties have been bought and so few know their owner anymore.

I've also said that we'd see his real agenda at the end of his term, which starts after the 2014 mid-term elections...but that almost doesn't matter. It's too late.
#235763 by Vampier
Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:41 am
Excellent Thread Yod ... the pieces are set, the executive orders flow unabated, the military has been purged and the Grand Game is now afoot. The Great Dark Storm is about to wail. Let us all prey.
#235767 by Paleopete
Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:01 pm
Yod - I've been wondering about that too but unwilling to commit to a solid opinion. He's definitely been acting more like a dictator than a president, definitely looks to be intentionally divisive, for example when the govt shut down last fall his first comment was he would not negotiate. And kept playing golf. That's not the position of a president, a president gets in there and tells congress to get off their butts and work out a solution. Later after catching a lot of flak he modified his original stance to say he wouldn't negotiate while the American people were being "held hostage" by the Republicans...when he and Harry Reid were the ones actually responsible. That's not how a responsible president acts.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if he tries to stay put. When you add in the craziness going on in the rest of the world, the reduction of our military strength, the distrust of Obama and the American govt among world leaders, it's not looking good...most of this would not be happening if we had a leader in the White House. Putin would not be trying for every land grab he can, Malaki (think I got the spelling this time) would not have defied him, ISIS would never have even thought about attacking Iraq, and so forth. All of this is happening because he has shown definite weakness to the world. Put it all together and it really looks a lot like trouble in the very near future.
#235782 by RhythmMan-2
Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:40 am
It seems to me that our president is a B.S. artist: lie after lie, fraud after fraud, promise after promise, deception after deception.
Barack Obama-nure is a lying sham.
He wants to rule the country, but he really doesn’t know what he’s doing. No understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no spine.
He has no resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric.
A man is only as good as his word, and Obama’s word is worthless.
That's why I now call him Oba-manure
#235799 by Paleopete
Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:47 am
I think so too, that's why I think all or most of this is planned and intentional. Too many of the media reports are saying things like - disconnected, out of touch, incompetent - I don't believe it. Inexperienced, yes. Unqualified, probably. But I'm pretty sure this is all orchestrated. He can't possibly ignore the build up of ISIS this long and not know it. He can't possibly be unaware of what a huge problem we have at the southern border, especially after being warned about it for at least 2 years. Ditto for the VA problem, he said he was going to fix that when running for office the first time.

There has to be an underlying agenda we're not hearing about. And it's looking really ugly...nobody can be this out of touch by accident or incompetence, especially with the horde of advisers he has, although we know he's been routinely ignoring them for years too. Several military advisers are on record as warning him about this before pulling out of Iraq. He wasn't taken by surprise, as he wants us to believe. It has to be intentional.

I just hope the American people wake up before he drags us completely into chaos. Maybe I said that wrong...before they blindly follow him into chaos???

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