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#237924 by Vampier
Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:51 pm
I thank you Glen. I agree. THE EMPEROR HAS SPOKEN. In another time he would have been dragged from the stage and well ... instead there he stands in all his bufoonery, re-elected twice without even being able to prove he is born here and with a preponderance of proof to the contrary. Winning the Nobel Peace prize for murder. Infecting America with Plague. Casting aside veterens and the middle class while welcoming other non-nationals, overloading the health and welfare systems and all the while telling the livestock how stupid and worthless they are to their face. Perhaps he is right in this instance.
#237927 by schmedidiah
Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:39 pm
The Administration has been completely"Gruberized". They're just somewhat less honest than their former colleague.
#237995 by Vampier
Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:21 pm
Glen ... well said as well. It reminds me of the Faces of Death Vids ... your description aptly applies to many of them. I believe a sign that things are at the breaking point will be when all the ignorant begin declaring " I had no idea he said that or I did not know that was happening". When this happens then it will be too late to do anything and their demise will be in progress.
#238075 by Vampier
Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:49 am
POSSIBLE NUCLEAR ACCIDENT IN THE UKRAINE ... Unconfirmed thusfar. Rumoured to be an electrical fire in Reactor Number 6 at one of the largest Nuclear Facilities in Europe. German sources have detected spikes in Radioactivity suspected to be originating from this suspected accident. Obviously it is possible but I can not say for certain at this point in time .

It seems that it could be a race between which destroys the US first ... Economic collapse .... Fukushima .... Ebola or now possibly another Nuclear ELE. Who knows. At any rate check this link out ... very interesting.
#238084 by Vampier
Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:32 am
A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE …Return To The Source 7th DEC. 2014

As fields become fodder, so then man once again becomes dust. But what glorious things can be done before this time comes. Take pause and try to think and then to see your Path into what comes … the Future. There is precious little time left now regardless of ones age. this applies to everyone, even to those who do not know, ignore the Truth or stupidly toil as a minion of Evil.

This world grows dim and as it does that which before feared the light now comes slithering forth. Perhaps to look towards the Future one must first assess where they in fact are at in the present. If you are dwelling in the Continental United States of Amerika then I urge you to take a very hard and discerning look at exactly where you are and exactly what your situation is at present. If you do so and see no need to depart then please read no further, any communication or time spent by either of us would be entirely useless. Take no offense please.

In your present faltering situation the only future that exists is murder. Your ability to survive and continue what you have and are doing … grows increasingly more difficult each day. If you are a Musician or Artist who considers themselves "independent" then you are totally out of touch with the growing and tragic reality that surrounds you. If you are playing Covers then you are not independent or really even an Artist … you are a jukebox. If you are creating your own music and making your own CDs then congratulations you are an exotic, rare and soon to be extinct species. If you struggle to emulate the trash that is thrust upon the masses by the uber controlled and utterly Luciferian "Music" industry then you are the fodder of Evil and all that you do is evil.

If what has been said thus far "disturbs" your conditioned "sensitivities" then I suggest you go put on some Lady Ga Ga and masturbate. At least read this no further.

All that is clean, wholesome and pure is being or has already been corrupted beyond redemption. The waters of the earth are being poisoned, the Life giving oceans are dying, the oxygen producing forests are being destroyed, the air is polluted and the skies are laced with Death. Once beautiful attributes, such as trust have now been replaced by lying. Unfaithfulness abounds at every level of the maggot, obscene,immoral and materialistic "societies" that the greedy coward … man, has allowed and worked to enable and create.

21st Century Man is not an Enlightened Being … he is a homicidal psychopathic egomaniac …reveling in the murder, death and filth he excretes from all of his orifices. The Sacred of his worship has been replaced with the Profane. Any who at this moment stand against this Evil do so alone or at best in small isolated groups. Governments, Religions and Corporations all have been cloned together in a massive worldwide tumor dotted with bags of puss. Now this tumor has become terminal and no amount of perfume or fragrant oils can even mask its stench.

I know there are a few, a very few who stand openly against this "disease". There are perhaps a few more who remain secret, afraid to jeopardize their chair on the Titanic. Many have no resolve and prefer to remain aloof and silent perhaps playing out some mythical scenario in their heads about how they will "ride out" this final total plunge to the bottom. This is a wholly unrealistic, irresponsible and comic book approach … something which this Evil encourages. The splintered, scattered, hermit resistance of "preppers" will be "fun" for those … watching the redneck dance and die, raping his wife and children while stealing his contraband … supplies, and recording the lot for later "entertainment". Some of this scum will be "government" sanctioned and some will not.

What so many have labelled as "conspiracy" is now becoming their Final Reality … how very appropriate. Japan is over, the USA is over and the tumors tendrils are spreading outwards. More than ever your life depends upon what you do or do not do now. All options are fading or being purposefully closed. After this the only door open to you is Death. Stop singing to the deaf and dumb and get yourself in order. Retreat before you become a refugee trying to evacuate only to discover that you are being herded like hungry thirsty livestock.

In only a matter of hours, virtually overnight, everything will be "changed". The Constitution is being ripped apart by those who took an Oath to uphold and defend it. Before it is all gone use it and come out of the diseased fetid whore that bears only illegitimate rotting festering puss-ridden tumors instead of Freedom, Truth and Liberty. The Time has come to do so. Depart whilst you are free and do not look back lest you become a pillar of salt.

The less you have the easier it is. Liquidate before being liquidated. Sell before being sold out. Sell even for a "loss" before you can not sell for any price. Return to the basics, strip down and leave the cities for the rural at least. Understand that it is only a matter of which happens first, a race between Fukushima, Ebola, Economic Collapse,false flag, nonelection, war or combinations thereof … before the coveted "National Emergency" is declared and Martial Law nationwide is put into practice. CONTEMPLATE exactly what this means for you in your present situation. Curfews, Food and Water Rationing, Travel Bans, "Enforced Specialized" Medical Care, Bank Holiday, Devaluation, the Suspension of your Rights and your Protections and The Constitution. Violations punishable swiftly by arrest or by hollowpoint … this is the Utopian Promise of New World Order in the 21st Century.

Unless you are able to simply disappear for an extended period of years while sheltering in place with everything you need, immune from virus, nuke, weather, earthquake, CME, Infrared and Satellite Detection, Government, temperature and outside contamination … then staying in the US as it is being made into a wasteland is not really an option is it. A completely militarized low mentality Police, Foreign troops and Active Duty US troops stationed throughout the US but under UN CONTROL …. hundreds of FEMA KAMPS, thousands of GUILLOTINES, hundreds of thousands of BODY BAGS and multiple body PLASTIC COFFINS, millions of HAZMAT SUITS, billions of HOLLOWPOINT BULLETS … all secured by the US Government for "Domestic Use". This all speaks quite loudly for itself and to even the most imbecilic. And all the while a government that HAS LIED consistently about their actions and their purpose.

I appeal as strongly and as logically and as Spiritually as I possibly can to any who desire to become an Exile and join me, creating … artistically, musically and Spiritually. To those who find Truth in my words and Inspiration in my heart … to those who can listen and hear the drums and pipes of my Calling announcing The Gathering … Come Forth now, do not delay. Very soon what you hear will be the rumbling of Tyranny as it comes for you and yours. There will be no knock upon your door, only vomiting brutality bursting through it. Then there will be waiting for Death amidst the muffled crying, weeping, moaning, screaming, begging and whimpering … until it is your turn to die.

On this coming "Christmas Eve" your traitorous government puts into effect yet another "UN TREATY" excepting that this one removes the Keystone of any resistance. The first step of Evil incrementation becomes a reality for everyone with or without "arms". Yet another government LIE and "assurance" to get the Boot of Tyranny in the door, will happen … MERRY FU""ING CHRISTMAS and to All it is GoodNight. Next will come the taking of guns … from those "deemed" unworthy and a danger and threat … in other words Patriots and gunners who are considered dangerous to the "government". This will be expanded to include drunk drivers, deadbeat dads, all homeless, all veterans, all militia members, smokers, drinkers, eaters, and those who do not keep their fingernails properly trimmed … all by UN MANDATE. Congress has no say in any of this not that it would matter. The masses of conditioned livestock will be pushed until even the cowards get angry but by then it will be far too late and "all the guns" will be taken at the first sign of any organized armed resistance to the believed government. If you have any gun then you will be a criminal and enemy of the State.

Now even the most stupid ignorant and near idiot of the population should if they try hard, understand, see and realize "The Plan" and "The Time Table" of their demise. But of course there will be the manipulated mongoloids dashing about heralding this "New Wonderful Humanitarian Step" … not towards but into the Abyss.

NO INTERNET OR CELLPHONES OR COMMUNICATION Entire communities isolated, quarantines, roads closed, airports closed, ports closed, all avenues of escape closed, curfews imposed, gatherings outlawed, confiscations enacted …of weapons,food, water, children and teenage sons and daughters. What you object …have a hollowpoint, Hell have three. "Evacuation" is what the Nazis called it at first … "Extermination" is what it really was. Like the Jews in Germany, everyone in the US will be "processed". Once the FEMA SLAUGHTERHOUSES are up and running full tilt then "Processing" may even include a New World Order version of Soyelent Green … white …brown …black … red or yellow. After all it will be a One World government … Lucifer replete with a One World army … The UN and the Charnel Planet that comes with it all.

Fa la la la la, la la la …ALL FALL DOWN
Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:07 pm
Very well written Vamp. I would expect no less. Unfortunately you are singing to the ocean with a strong wind blowing your words into the abyss.

What may be far more important are the truths that someone like Slacker understands. Have NO fear of what any other man can do. What ever cruelty or crime another man can commit is only temporary. There may be a far greater sword about to fall, than any weapon ever created.

It is far better to live and die with a joyous heart than to live in fear. Good luck Stephan. G.
#238090 by Badstrat
Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:50 pm
"Have NO fear of what any other man can do. What ever cruelty or crime another man can commit is only temporary. There may be a far greater sword about to fall, than any weapon ever created. It is far better to live and die with a joyous heart than to live in fear. Good luck Stephan. G".

Those are good words from one with open eyes.

This word of the Lord was was given to me. "I am going to bring down America and I am going to destroy the economic systems of this world." "bring down" not "destroy".
It is God who has appointed corrupted godless men and put them in seat of authority and power. God does appoint evil men to rule over people who have turned from him.. Pharaoh was raised up for Gods purpose Judas, the son of perdition, appointed for Gods purpose.

Rom 9:17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
Lam 3:37 No one can do anything without the Lord's approval. Good and bad each happen at the command of God Most High.
Rom 13:1 Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power.

Those who belong to God have nothing to fear. All these things are being done to fulfill all prophesy. Those who know God and accept his authority will not fight against what God is doing but rather they will embrace it knowing that nothing is done without the approval of God. For all things are for the good of those who love and obey God. Who among us can change prophesy or stop God from doing what he has decreed? Who can blame the evil man for his deeds when he has been appointed by God to perform them? Who can lay blame on those who are deceived when it is God who has blinded them to truth? We are to pray for them, not condemn them. Easier said than done.

Rom 9:20 But, O man, who are you, to make answer against God? May the thing which is made say to him who made it, Why did you make me so? Or has not the potter the right to make out of one part of his earth a vessel for honor, and out of another a vessel for shame?

Who has taken victory from America when she fights against nations much smaller and less equipped than her? Who has authorized printing phony dollars that will destroy our savings and ruin the economy? Who has led the alien across our borders? Who has destroyed our jobs? Who is shutting down our coal burning power plants and replacing them with inadequate sources of power? Who has made us the laughing stock amongst the nations? God has turned his face from America.

Where are your prophets oh Israel? Why are you ignorant of what God is doing in your land? Who among you can blame the evil man for his deeds? Was he not created by God for his purpose?

Is this not happening to us in America today? Where is your voice people of America? Who is listening to it? Has it not been stilled by the voices of the alien among you who make demands upon your leaders which they eagerly obey? It is written:

Deu 28:43 The alien in your midst shall go above you, higher and higher; and you shall come down, lower and lower. He shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him. He shall be the head, and you shall be the tail. And all these curses shall come on you and shall pursue you and overtake you, until you are destroyed; for you did not heed the voice of Jehovah your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.

We are to lose the battle but win the war. Are we to fight against God and his decrees or are we to seek understanding and recognize Gods authority in these unfolding events? It is written concerning us.

Rev 14:12 God's people must learn to endure. They must also obey his commands and have faith in Jesus.
#238096 by DainNobody
Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:42 pm
While unequivocally recognising the superiority of the Hebrew account, we must, however, mention in justice to the Assyrian and Babylonian civilisation that monotheism was by no means an exclusively Jewish belief. There were monotheistic hymns of great strength and religious beauty, both in Egypt and in Babylon, long before the existence of the people of Israel, and it is not impossible that what Sir Henry Rawlinson calls "the monotheistic party" of Babylon or their brethren in Egypt were the founders of Jewish monotheism. It is certain that the philosophers of Egypt and Babylonia were not without influence upon the development of the Israelitic religion.
#238118 by Vampier
Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:00 pm
Glen …I thank you for your Post and compliment.

You are correct, I am indeed singing to an ocean … an ocean that is dying, polluted and unaware or simply not capable of understanding and comprehending what in fact is happening and why … the vast ocean of Humanity. And yes there is a strong wind blowing my words into the Abyss. And that is precisely where I want them to go. Of course I would much rather be singing my songs from The First And The Last to the Demons rather than merely "putting them on notice". But to accomplish worthwhile things one must be patient. Excellently worded my Friend. May I take this opportunity to wish you well through this entire "Holiday Season".

Slacker has his Path and it is clear and most definitely his own. I love Gandhi and feel that Slacker in many ways is of the same ilk but with a great deal more hair. I take inspiration and often apply such principles but also I understand that I am not that way completely … more of a mongrel I fear. In dealing with the "Rudes", the socially inept and culturally vacant "feral" humans … well this and the lessons, examples and understandings it brings are often not recognized and run roughshod over. Agood whack is what is need to get their attention for a moment and make them aware, at least as much as they are capable of being so. In this respect I may be lacking somewhat in my overall "Enlightenment" but I do what I must.

But I do know my Path and it is as clear to me as Slackers is to him. I know what I must do. I can not fault what you state so well and yes I also firmly believe that there is a "far greater sword" about to descend and it is far more powerful than any nuke or that which puny man can do.

I do not fear my Death, never have. But I do fear that what the Evil, the ignorant, the perverse and the demonic can and will do if left to their own devices. I know what is right and what is wrong … I used to not care but now I do care very much. I am not down with simply sitting idly by, accepting and doing nothing but waiting for the door to open. I will resist and have faith in Right Action. This is my true nature and I am determined to Die Well, at least as well as I have been fortunate enough to Live.

Not in any way do I criticize any who follow their own Path in recognition of what they must do. This is not at all my place. Mine is not nor has it ever been the "well trodden". There is a song by Frankie Laine that my mother used to play and refer to as "my song" since it reminded her of the way I was, always against the wind and main flow. I think it was called "The Hard Way" and I will be damned but I think of it often when i am "singing to the ocean". For me it was never a criticism but more of an inspiration.

I simply seek a few, a very few, who have Paths much off the beaten track as well and who travel the same whispering trail as I generally speaking. It is not a religious movement or a cult … it is only a few others who walk their talk and would join me. We all are in many aspects as one … those who find common ground. Together such could be even more effective.

I embrace my life and do not cower in fear, rather I would risk myself in the fray of life. You are correct Glen, this Dream is only temporary and I might add that what most perceive as reality is only illusion. I accept that I can not possibly understand it all and after all this means simply I shall always have much to learn. An excellent excuse for reading more books and talking to more people.

Slacker … I thank you for your Post and words and quotes … most excellent and well grouped. Clarity. Something I deem rather untouchable for most. It is very good to hear from you.

Dayne … very good perspective and I thank you for your thought provoking Post. It illustrates what I have always found … in that digging deeper for answers, one finds a few but in the process one creates even more questions. I believe each one must find his own answers and way through the myriad of often incomplete and shadowy material available. what does not help either is that I firmly believe that for every scrap we have access to there are literally reams we do not. This can all be debated for years … actually I guess it has been.

But also there is an overwhelming continuity to much of it and as time passes this seems to only grow as well. So combine all this with the amazing "survivals" whether one believes them divinely inspired or not, adding recent discoveries and we have the most complete "and growing" picture that anyone has had ever … despite political filth and perverse monarchies, greed, avarice, war and a host of other separate agendas.

I enjoy speaking with some Church Leaders, archeologists, Spiritualists, children and old people from other countries … and sitting around a fire , drinking, talking and "exploring".

8 DEC 2014 Now Comes The Moon Of Death And Sacrifice

Watch for it, but you will see it not. Only the slow turning grin of Death as it comes to face you …Lording over bare branch and dryed fallen leaf amidst the dead and the wintry.

Perhaps a city or two … reduced to glowing ember marking this time of Evil High Ritual and Sacrifice. the screams of the dying turned to howling cold winds or terror.

The Sun darkens increasing fears. Violent emotions crash against our very Spirits. With vengeance depression attacks. Evil is lifting its shroud whilst its minions silently count to Thirteen.

Skulls with eyes emptied by death and hollow as they were in life, of thought. You find thoughts of your own mortality within your shivering breath. Thermonuclear warmth does not drive away the Spectre of Death from those stricken. Black scorched hardened ground beneath, its last fruit falling, ashen upon skeletal branches of bone, mute reminders of the coming Great and Silent Death.

Politicians … the Lying Bringers of Death hanging in your memory like a Judas. Everywhere the Tree of Doom is decorated. The 13th Tree visible in the spectral flash under the Thirteenth Moon … it is the death of the year, an Age, perhaps a World.

For some we have the Death Knowledge within us. It comes from our Ancestors and our understanding and awareness of Life. For the Demons there is Life in Death and greet pleasure in fear. The expression of sacrifice for them is terror fomenting in the outside world. They are not Protectors of the Dead.

Within this Thirteenth Moon lies their Portal, one of Life in Death … the extra night. The Summons to Death has been sent as the world mourns the passage of the Sacred. Winds will rise, Seas will tumult and dead voices will cry their echo from the Cauldron of Dead Cities with no rebirth. Listen now as the dark winds whisper "Life in Death" to the seeds of the Fallen.

In one weeks time we enter the seven days before Winter Solstice. It is the time of the Halcyon … a serenity. From this serenity we shall all face despair, violence and death. All these things have come to me.

For some of us thoughts of death shall not control us for we breathe in Life each moment. The dying Sun does not leave us fearful of the growing darkness. We are the Keepers of the Sacred Flame of Creation. The crashing waves of depression and violence shall not overcome us for we swim in the Sea of Life. We are destined to become the Slayers of Demons … it is but one of many Rituals for us.

We must prepare for these Rituals, all that shall come. We must know what must be done and what is our inner purpose. Then we can move through the Moons and Solar Points and Rituals. This moving wheel can become our shield, enhancing our Spiritual Armour. All Rituals are links.

Within the common circle we make are our Totems, each with meaning behind it and events which occurred at its turn of the wheel. Our actions are dictated by ourselves and our mutual Code which is spoken not occult. The Ritual of our actions, words and music must continue and emanate outside our circle and into the physical world around us, going on to Eternity. To understand this we go to a quiet place in the wilderness to ready our minds,bodies and Spirits. Call it what you will … prayer or meditation or both. In the midst of Chaos we must be calm and centered, thoughts clear in our minds, invoking wisdom before action To commit Right Actions we must be aware of our strengths and abilities and those we face.

Each Portal is a "Hinge". By reaching for both serenity and power within ones Self, we can create this in the midst of Chaos, we can achieve Right Action. Do not be swayed by partial truths, untruths, situational or social ethics or evil practices. Do not give in to behavioral standards and patterns around you. There can be no excuses. Your actions are measured by the Great Spirit and no one else.

We of this "Circle"live in a world which differs in its focus. Ancient feelings are difficult to put into words and actions and be understood. Sometimes Truth lies hidden by being so obvious that most do not even see it. We are not the only ones who can see and discern Truth, the Liars among us can as well.

DEC 15 to DEC 21 … 7 day Period of Halcyon … a time of meditation and prayer
DEC 16 …Kislev begins at sunset
DEC 21 … Winter Solstice …The Death of the Year and Longest Night
DEC 22 …New Moon … the last of the year and one of Sacrifice and Death
DEC 23 … Kislev Ends
DEC 24 … "Christmas Eve" … UN "Treaty"
DEC 28 …first quarter of Thirteenth Moon
DEC 31 …"New Years Eve"
JAN 1- 2015 … "New Years Day"
JAN 5 …Full Moon

I believe that there is a very big possibility that a "Nuclear False Flag" of major proportions, perhaps two, may occur on or around the 21-22 DEC. It may well be a significant "Sacrifice" such as the twin towers and bldg 7 were.

It seems that by having two, each in a different city and State, ie separate locations, then a "National Emergency" can be easily declared. This with "Christmas Eve and the UN "Treaty"will increase the "kill Ratio" and make it possible to easily enact National Gun Confiscation, National Martial Law, The FEMA Governors and Districts, the Internet Kill Switch and the quick elimination of any opposition. Chaos and Fear can be created instantly along with extreme control on a Grand Scale while everyone … businesses, populations, Congress, Banks, and infrastructure staff are all on "holiday" and caught unawares, off balance and very vulnerable.

The stage has been set along with the playing board and the essential pieces are all in position making the time ripe for such Ritual. So a time of EXTREME POSSIBILITY exists. Any real opposition like the Armed Forces will be on "Christmas Holiday and Leave" and it is the same for the militias, Senators, Mayors, Opposition Leaders … everyone. All have been conditioned to spend this time with their families. Awareness and Resistence has been growing but will be fragmented at this time. Cheap petrol encourages travel and further fragmentation.

I have long seen this time of vulnerability approaching and it has become even more progressively possible as it neared. I was warned last "Christmas" in both Dreams and Visions. Since there have been many incidents previously such as underwear, shoe, and even Xmas Tree ones plus more recently "chatter" warning of something during this time and even Hackers showing emails to the sam effect, then the probability is also higher. I know if it were that I was a Commander of Demons then I would without hesitation strike during this time. Let us hope that my understandings in all this are somehow flawed or that such a dark opportunity somehow slipped by the Evil.
#238121 by MikeTalbot
Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:12 am

I truly hope you are wrong. However it ain't looking good - those freaks in Daesh (ISIS) claim they've smuggled a nuclear 'something' into Europe.

Some clowns in Moldavia were busted today trying to sell nuke material. Gee - who'd wanna buy that stuff?

Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:58 am
JUST GREAT.... just great...
I just made a firm commitment to start up a COOKIE business. Yeah Yeah Yeah, I can hear everyone laughing now.
My girl makes the best chocolate chip cookies east and west of the mississippi river. Anyway...

Vamp, you give me all this bad news, and possible probability. Thank you for your effort and concern. I wish we could just sit down and crack open a few beers. We would have a good time.


NO man will ever have the right to infringe on the rights of God loving men.
Death is merely a transition.

And if all else fails... I'm hoping to have some very good COOKIES to be used as bribes. SMILE!
#238173 by Vampier
Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:18 pm
Talbot … Thank you for your Post. I received your Project Outline and will respond via email. It is all extraordinarily "timely" and I like the way in which you are organizing it. In the past whenever a False Flag is "executed" then at least in hindsight there are plenty of overwarnings and much extensive "setting up" for the public to take the bait and believe it all. History is rife with this. The situation now is no different. In my opinion anyone who is "naive" enough or "stupid" enough in many cases, to actually believe that whatever political filth is defacating in the White House is taken by "surprise" by any of this crap … well any opinion they may have is negated automatically I am afraid.

The "government" organizations in place for years and years as well as the vast amounts of monies lavished upon them constitute very little doubt that they are not "aware" of what is "coming down the tube". Especially now with all their overt and occult spying. they know, ignore and often orchestrate, manipulate and calculate all of these "surprise" events. If the Mass Maedia puts out something it is either deliberately told to … even misinformation … a Lie or whatever else they are instructed to say and relate. El "Q" or "ISIS" or "IS" or even "IS NOT"are all created by, financed by and told what to do by the "innocent victim" government.

I firmly believe that there have been various Nuclear "Terrorist" devices put in place long ago all over the world creating a host of possible reactions, ranging from false flags to various other manipulations. It is like a big long extremely well financed game of "RISK" and has been for a long long time. The problem now is that it is prolifically out proportion and control and that the idiots playing it are the evil compromised and spineless spoilt egobrats that grew up playing the game Risk and therefore think everything is a game of one-up-man-ship.

"Mommy always served refreshments"

The Age of Man is nearing its close and doing so at the lowest possible level imagined. I do truly hope that I am incorrect.

Glen … congratulations on the "Cookie Business", I think that sounds great no matter what. Even if the world goes to Hell, eating cookies is a great way to witness the spectacle. I thank you for your Post. Perhaps one day we can sit down and crack open a few beers and eat some chocolate cookies … how utterly decadent. yum.

The "Big Dick", Jonathon "Goober", and a host of other embarrassments to humankind but considered the "champions" of government … well the "Clowns" in Morovia are nothing compared to these"Clowns" are they. Two decades of "planned" 2% inflation steals openly one third of citizens purchasing power …now that is some excellent planning is it not.

The newly "legalized" illegals will no doubt appreciate the minimum wage increases when they get their new jobs as well as many other government free benefits … much more than the 1.4 million that have lost their jobs because of it or the "surviving" and "unskilled" workers who somehow managed to keep theirs. It is a shame that the "merican" people can not "speak" yet again a second time by once more electing the "travesty" that serves as Prez. But not to worry as he shall remain in power due to the coming "NationalEmergency" and the resulting and subsequent suspension of all elections … the Last elected and the First non-elected if you really ever believed in that activity of the Circus of Clowns.

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