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#275993 by Vampier
Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:54 pm
Ta Glen. I appreciate your kind Posts.

If any amongst you have ever played the game "Risk" then humour me...

The simple reason I mention this is because of a commonality between this Game and the Reality of what is transpiring in the world around us. Take a moment and remember when you played this game. What was the object of playing it ? Consider exactly how it made you think, look and act on a much different level and manner. To conquer the world ... is quite simply to manufacture and create enemies that otherwise most of the time would not even exist.

As Glen stated ... most desire to simply live peacefully and unencumbered. The desire to rule the world comes from certain individuals and not entire Nations. The game of Risk certainly demonstrates this. Risk in reality is little more than a shallow hypothetical frolic in stupidity combined with insanity. Now really is that not what is exactly going on today ? The insanity of the NWO and the stupidity of the common masses. It is a make believe game which allows you to kill thousands of humans without taking the Responsibility. Now certain types of people do in fact find this "Fun" and entertaining.

To play this Game one must adapt a seperate "Mind think" . The Political filth ride "The Machine" with great Pride spouting Lie after Lie as they do so. They blame "governments" and "corporations" and quite often each other for everything ranging from "poverty" to "environmental degradation" whilst all along they are a part of all the madness. The masses remain bellicose, over opinionated and under-informed. The Political Filth rant, argue and pontificate ... but what do they really do ?


Most are afraid to really LIVE and consequently they are even more afraid to DIE.
Look at life the way it really is rather than the way you "think" it should be. "Demanding" is not going to accomplish anywhere near what actually living might.
Humans have never left a better world for their children ... look around you. Are you really so utterly devoid of intellectual capacity that you can delude yourself into believing that government borrowing more and more money to fund yet more entitlements is a viable future ?

Recently the Evil United Nations decided that free Internet is a Human Right ?
People do not die if they have no internet. They do die if they have no food, potable water and medical care. If one has no computer what is the good of free internet ? Will the idiotic depraved UN then declare owning a computer is a Human Right ? LIVE WELL ? Most do not. Yes I am critical ... what intelligent Human would not be critical and jaded?

The solution would have been if every person took full Responsibility for their lives treating others with fundamental Respect and tolerance. If people took Oaths and kept them. If every action done was made certain to be Right Action and "Leaders" actually listened to those that disagree and listened to those who elected or appointed them ... and did not try to CENSOR their Right of exercising FREE SPEECH ... would that be better than what is happening?

The "useless eaters" are more intolerant, more polarized, more hypocritical and more cynical than at any time in their history. They are also more ignorant, dumbed down, retarded and just plain stupid than they have ever been. This is fast becoming universal and is spreading like a disease. All this and GREED has "gone viral".

The vacuity of "celebrity" has now "Trumped" ability in the WhiteHouse. The arrogant and corrupt NWO uses racism, xenophobia and religious extremism tp expand it's Evil Work. Universal Greed has made Life cheaper. The unborn are murdered both in and out of the womb then dismembered and their parts sold and even eaten. Children are murdered, abused and molested, tortured and eaten and used as Porn Fodder.

"Americans" are hypocrites lost in a hypocrisy of their own making. They no longer differentiate between want and need. Wait until Food becomes scarce and ultraexpensive. At the moment thousands march in the streets destroying, rioting and being violent. And being "paid" for it. The only people in the streets asking for food are those actually living there. More money is currently being spent supporting post-secondary education than is spent ensuring that there is enouigh food for every citizen. The Military budget, the Black Budget ... let us not even go there.

What Legacy is left ? Only The Final Inevitable Darkness. We are born and we live and then Die. Life is the real "Legacy" ... it is a Great Gift bestowed upon us all by our Creator. What is done with it ? This is only up to each of us. Much of all this is squandered and used for Evil ... wasted ... A Wasted Legacy.

I urge you all to consider your Legacies. I try to do this each time I see a sunrise, a sunset, an eclipse, a shooting star, the Moon and a beautiful healthy child. This makes me believe that the best Legacy I can leave is that through all my words, Creations, Art and Love there will result a positive impact on others ... even after my Death. I desire a Living Legacy.

I have always been accused of being obsessed with Death ... even by my own Mother. There are many reasons for this but for me talking, singing, thinking,creating about and around Death is not morbid but quite the opposite. I learned very young that ignorance and fear of death overshadows one's life. By knowing and accepting and embracing death, this erases the fear and constant shadow of it.

Do not wait to consider your Legacy. In living do not be passive in the process. Strive to live in the hearts of those you Love and leave behind.
#276093 by Vampier
Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:25 am
Without distinct faces and lost in "Sin" the masses are as chained slaves.

"The soul which has been perfectly illuminated by that indescribable beauty of the luminous glory of the face of Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit all eye, all light, all face."
Macarius the Great

The object of Christian Hope is Salvation. This is the liberation of the "creation" from it's bondage to decay and the Transfiguration of the body through resurrection. The Greek Fathers teach that to partake of the Divine Nature, the Human must partake of that attainment to the likeness of God for which Humankind was created in God's image. The awaited Saviour ... The Lord Jesus Christ ... will change the chosen Human body to be as his body by the power which enables him to subject all things.

The Classical Triad of the Beautiful, the True and the Good resembles closely the Biblical Triad of Jesus Christ ... the Way, the Truth and the Life. "I am the Way" ...the Path to Salvation ... the True Light that touches everyone and the Life which can be the source of all authentic goodness.

In Art ... form strikes the Human as splendid due to the delight it arouses which is grounded on the deep Truth and Goodness of reality which shows that Life offers itself as something infinitely precious and fascinating. To really percieve form in Art one must see it not just a detached Gestalt. It must be recognized for it's radiance and it's glory of being.

In the contemplation of Artistic and Human Form one can be entranced or even ravished by the depth which appears in it and through it. There is analogy in this which can even result in making it's understanding a revelatory event. Concrete Form can be created to transfigure Humankind.

In and through music the mystery of the word can be invoked and made Song. Within the eyes of our mind and the ears of our heart ... Music can acknowledge other realms unseen by most men.

The eye of the mind is "Light" empowered by our Creator and ourselves. With this Light we can recognize what is communicated in a visual medium as well as other Art forms. In this there is a type of "vision" which carries us from the visible to the invisible reality. This discovery is self-revealing or at least it should be. Such Discovery is never made without evoking a progressive transformation within the person who "sees".

In all aesthetics there exits a Doctrine of Perception. What is beautiful is regarded in this Light and Perception. No one can truly percieve any of this without self-transcending to some extent. This can result in an estatic element of rapture which defies reason in it's passion or invoke confusing ambiguity and self doubt. This is what is called "The Light of Faith" which can only be seen when it falls upon the Eyes of Faith which is the "Portal" into the Spiritual. The Dark side of this is The Doctrine of Ravishing Power. Both are ordered to one another ... the light and the Dark.

When those who regard both the Light and the Dark speak of the relationship of Humankind to it's Creator, they do not speak about something which can be seen in the physical or material world as a created thing. Anyone can see such and know such for themselves. Instead they rely on a type of communication which can in no way be inferred or even deduced from the "empirical realities of the Physical Dimension.

What all this means is simple ... there can be no spirituality if there is no communication and revelation upon this basis. Art can for some provide this. In this way Art is Sacred. Art can draw you out of yourself and into the realm of Beauty and Spirit. Art is Spirit made visible. Art has the potential to renew Humanity. Humanity was set over the entire world in all it's wonder. Art is but an expression of this ... an expression of Humanity.

As long as there is Humanity there will be Art, Life and Freedom. The love found within True Humanity is invincible and reveals the power of Creation over all the powers of Evil ... even Death itself. Divine love should be reflected in Human Love and often Art is the mirror.

Beauty is subtle in it's power to attract and Call us. Beauty is a precondition for all concrete Human achievements. Beauty is at the very heart of all Human motivations, decisions and actions for the True Artist. We do not decide and act or create unless we are moved by the attractiveness of a particular good ... this for the Artist is Right Action.

Every vocation is but a response to the Good or Evil that calls or beckons us. True beauty in Artistic Creation is the appealing and motivating attractiveness of a Good and Right Action that draws us to adherence, commitment and genuine Artistic Achievement. If Evil were to triumph in this world then Life would be without beauty, unmotivated, mere drift and less than truly human.

Artistic Creation motivates human life and development in the intellectual, moral, and self-transcendent which all constitute Human authenticity. Evil is bereft in it's power to transform Human Life into something beautiful, Good and Right. The "macho" bias tends to disregard beauty as superfluous, ornamental and feminine.

This overlooks the power of beauty and Art and their abilities for the attainment of Human happiness and fufillment. We can not live without beauty. The need for beauty is felt in the most basic demands of the Human mind and heart. Art can satisfy these needs providing The Portal to the Transcendental Precepts. Be aware, alert and attentive. Be intelligent, contemplative and critical in thought. Be responsible, dutiful and Loving. Be Honourable, Right and swift in action.

Courage is the power of good to command. Responsibility is the power of focus and sustaining the attention neccsary. Respect is the power to motivate. Benevolence is the power to understanding. Honesty is the power to reflect and make judgement.

The Art of living and Dying should demonstrate Human Achievement and excellence, inspiring admiration and respect and fear in your adversaries. True Love and Friendship along with commitment and community are all related to Art and Beauty. Plato maintained that beauty is the quality that makes someone or something the object of possible Love.

"Only the beautiful is loved ... we cannot help loving what is beautiful."


"pulchrum est quod visu placet" ... to be beautiful means pleasing to see.

The Creative Power of Beauty itself is reflected in the procreative power of Human beauty and sexual attraction. Aquinas on his commentary on the Divine Names of Pseudo-Dionysius ... claims that divine beauty is the motive of creation.

Being or esse comes from Form. Aquinas affirms that beauty is the course of the existence of all things. We associate beauty with images often. Yet when we speak or sing the Light of our minds shines forth in our words and gives them clarity every bit as powerful as an image. Our words are clear to the extent that our thinking is clear ... hence their image is clear.

The word of the Creator took visible form when it was made flesh and lived amongst us in the form of the Creator. Aquinas states that Christ had the beauty of the moral virtue, especially justice and truth.

The Art of Beauty entails definite presuppositions. Creation is where Creation acts. Creation acts wherever anything exists. We create by our inner seeing ... our painting is it's expression. The Artist does not merely see and record a scene of beauty ... they create it. What we see is enriched by our seeing and comes into it's own by our vision of it. It is the same with hearing and music. In all this our knowledge is finite.

Our creations are held into being by our Creator. There is a hierarchy in an absolute sense with Artistic Creations because they cannot be the final cause of all reality. No Creation is an inherently "good" creation in an absolute sense. It may be Good or Evil or it may be Good and then corrupted and used for Evil purpose. Conversely if it is Evil then it remains so and can not be used for any good due to the nature of it's conception. This is one reason why the world will ultimately fall to Evil.

Humanity is being transfigured by Evil. Denial of this only allows greater ease for it to become reality. The universal actuality of our Creator is the transcendent "Common good" towards which all good creations of the universe are oriented and from which they recieve their character.

The eventual Evil transfiguration of Humanity was the keystone of Byzantine Doctrines. These were the prototype of our future ... transfigured Humanity. The man-made icons of Byzantiuym-Constantinple-Istanbul clearly demonstrate this Evil being manifested in humans. Through these and other such icons the image of our Creator has been deeply engrained in us. All this has over time defaced the Creator's True Image. This Fall began with our First Parents.

The true resemblance of humans to their Creator results from Humans acquiring the sacred and holy development of Spirit. Those who do not achieve this revert quickly to an animal state which makes them susceptable to Evil and it's machinations. This results in a loss of ability to do so and an ensueing blindness to what is good and what is Evil.

By the act of Creation and it's nature Artists are not inherently Evil... yet. But once this world has Fallen sufficiently this will change and the Nature of Creation will no longer be pure and Good. This "change" has begun to occur now in earnest everywhere in this world.

This is why Artists have to date been immune to the Fall and not afflicted to the extent of others. In the act of creating, an Artist strives to achieve something. This process is never a simple one and often it is so difficult that it seems insurmountable to most. The masses look at this as obsession but in fact it is not. Failure to understand this results in failure to understand Art, Creation and Life itself. The masses work only in the physical and material world whilst the True Artist in striving exists within the Spiritual Realms.

Artists in this sense regard the physical and material from a Spiritual perspective. Most priests can not really even do this in their sheltered lifes sucking upon the tit of the Monuments to Spiritual Slavery ... the churches and religions of man. An Artist possesses a keen sense of observation and independence ... a priest does not. There are now several human priesthoods aside from the catholics, jesuits and lucifereans. Scientists and techies are the newest group elevated by humans to the Priesthood of Man.

Artists need no lessons in "Sacrifice" or "Faith" or "Comminment". They do this daily throughout their lives to be able to create. Conversley the religions and churches of man do not create, they destroy, murder, steal, enslave and cannibalize Humanity. They are the most Evil Institutions ever created by mankind and have laid a bloody swath through all history which drips with pure Evil.

Most humans do not know the true meaning of strive yet most Artists do. The masses do not strive for they are inherently lazy and they only reject. Even the masses do not strive towards Evil. But they achieve Evil by not tending towards anything but by turning away from something and rejecting it. This mass rejection has been nurtured by Evil to include Duty, Responsibility, Right Action, Honesty, Honour, Loyalty, Respect and Benevolence.

Discoveries are now always utilized and weaponized. Just as a human or thing can be called Good by reason of it's participation in Goodness ... so a human or thing is called Evil by reason ot it's turning away from good. This rejection, denial and ignorance is cowardice to do anything in the face of Evil. For a dwindling number this remains personal choice but for the majority it is nonexistent now as the result of Evil using conditionalism and Greed upon Humanity.

For me I realized the true nature and meaning of this blindness when at 9 years old I read John Wyndam's "Day of the Triffods". Since then I have yet to find someone who regards that book in a similiar way. I have known the reason for this since then ... do you ?

Spiritual Beauty and Ugliness are much different than physical and material Beauty and Ugliness. Hence the True Artist finds and sees beauty even in what others may percieve as ugliness and visa-versa. The cities have all been made now into "Hell Mouths". LEAVE THEM NOW. An Artist with no knowledge of History is but a Child. A Leader or Ruler without any knowledge of history is Evil.

Very few now recognize that Evil can be so powerfully attractive and seductive that most cede and consent to it's temptations. The Cities have been made the New Churches and as such are Evil places destined to be dead wastelands. They are being made and laid as traps and snares for the ignorant who flock to them for material gain. LEAVE THEM NOW.

Even the desert monks of Ancient Christendom associated devils and demons with seductive beauty. They described such as bequiling, tempting creatures who represented all the enticements of the world and it's beauty. They understood "The blindness" of which I have previously spoken of and knew in reality without glamour these monsterous beings were Evil and would harm them.

The Political filth who rule over this dying world are the minions and representatives of the most diabolical and Evil Power that exists. They are Seducers and very soon there will emerge "The Grand Seducer" who will not be presented as human but as SupraHuman ... as a person of astounding beauty as an Angel of Light. This Seducer/Tempter will be presented as "Good".

Artists of the Middle Ages understood this and being so aware preferred to portray the Evil, the devils and demons ... as ugly horrifying monsters. This demonstrates that they were aware of the "rejecting" and it's effectiveness. So they stressed the effects rather than the cause of humans succumbing to Evil's temptations. Artists showed their True nature by "striving" in a most clever way to use the knowledge and the sight they possessed in the blindness of what is called The Dark Ages.

I believe that at this moment Humanity has entered the Final Dark Age and so I have always referred to it as The Darque Age. The masses failed to see what the Artists saw even then, thereafter and at present. With knowledge and inspiration coming from the past, present and future ... Artists Create. One eye is in the physical and one eye is in the Spiritual to put it into simplistic terms. The same can appy to the ears by the way.

Understand what the Artists really portrayed in medieval times as deformed, quasi-bestial and less-than-human were not just representing the effect of turning away and rejecting what is Good ... but it was also a glimpse into the future or our world at this moment with it's cloning, dumbing down and polluting of humanity and life within our world. H. R. Giger was inspired by his dreams and visions which to others would be nightmares. He was not portraying aliens or alien worlds as you are told to think.

These monsterous images, subhuman shapes, part human, part animal, cloned and corrupted symbolize how Evil alters and deforms our natural corporeal and Spiritual integrity. Giger's babies were not aliens and neither were his aliens. In Art as in our existence ... If Evil were taken away from some part of our universe, then much of Evil's perfection would disappear. Evil's beauty arises from the orderly union of Good and Evil whilst Evil springs from the waning away of Good.

True Artists are not manufactured artists, employees, slaves nor demons. Our Creator in foresight assures that Good always follows from Evil just as the Song recieves it's sweetness from "The interval of Silence" Technology has long been compromised by Evil and as such "musicians" are either not or have lost their Souls to Evil.

Humanity has been led by Evil Love the Darkness.
to Love their lives
to Love Human approval
to love the world

These can be taken to a degree of disordered self-love ... becoming ego centric and independent of the Creator and all resulting in the "love" of the forces that resist and oppose what is beautiful and good. Refusal to accept the Light is motivated by the love of darkness. Artists have no choice in either accepting both light and dark and their relationships with colour and tones.

The masses flock now to the darkness dimming their world. Artists have warned of this, seen this in vision and dream and now some have begun to deny the light without which there would be no colour in favour of embracing the darkness without which there would be no light. Because humans are free to leave the encroaching darkness, refusal to represents a decision to remain in the darkness and embrace it. By remaining willfully in the state of darkness and walking in the darkness means living and acting in a state of opposition to what is Good, to Light and the denial of Reality and Spirit.

Darqueness is the state of human conciousness which results from an attachment to works done in opposition of the Creator. Evil loves the darkness and not the light. To make a choice one must be acutely aware of both Light and Dark. To see colour and use it creativly one must also have a sense of both. To express one or the other artistically then you must recognize both.

For the Artist every creation is a matter of choice and expression. Grey is my favourite in that is combines both light and dark into yet another noncolour but grey can be tinted, toned and coloured in such ways that the power of it's expression is far greater and widespread that any colour ... more akin to reality I feel. More like the world I have lived within. But now the grey is growing darker and quickly.

The Political Filth are liars, dishonourable and they seek only self-advancement and self-exaltation being primarily concerned with human approval and their own glory. This is all illusionary and false so they will or they fall victim to Evil. The longimg of the flesh and eyes along with the haughty airs born of ego are the prime enemies of the Artist in this world. Be wary of the craving for self-satisfaction and self-exaltation. These may condemn and resrict the spiritual development.

It is far better for the Artist to Love the Light and their Creator than any self=seeking Darkness. One must always retain the ability to return to the source ... the source of their being. Many Artists fall ... victim to wayward lives when seduced by the material and physical while being denied the Spiritual. This explains some of their rather tumultuous lives.

Some Artists glimpse Supreme Beauty whose vision inspires theirs. The Creator is the source of Beauty within the world. Ancient Pagans condemned themselves for believing and worshiping the sun, moon and stars as gods and creators in much the same way some Artists worship themselves.or Evil.

There is a nobility in conception and a beauty of the realization.
#276126 by Vampier
Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:08 pm
Proof Read and corrected version ...

Without distinct faces and lost in "Sin" the masses are as chained slaves.

"The soul which has been perfectly illuminated by that indescribable beauty of the luminous glory of the face of Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit all eye, all light, all face."
Macarius the Great

The object of Christian Hope is Salvation. This is the liberation of the "creation" from it's bondage to decay and the Transfiguration of the body through resurrection. The Greek Fathers teach that to partake of the Divine Nature, the Human must partake of that attainment to the likeness of God for which Humankind was created in God's image. The awaited Saviour ... The Lord Jesus Christ ... will change the chosen Human body to be as his body by the power which enables him to subject all things.

The Classical Triad of the Beautiful, the True and the Good resembles closely the Biblical Triad of Jesus Christ ... the Way, the Truth and the Life. "I am the Way" ...the Path to Salvation ... the True Light that touches everyone and the Life which can be the source of all authentic goodness.

In Art ... form strikes the Human as splendid due to the delight it arouses which is grounded on the deep Truth and Goodness of reality which shows that Life offers itself as something infinitely precious and fascinating. To really percieve form in Art one must see it not just a detached Gestalt. It must be recognized for it's radiance and it's glory of being.

In the contemplation of Artistic and Human Form one can be entranced or even ravished by the depth which appears in it and through it. There is analogy in this which can even result in making it's understanding a revelatory event. Concrete Form can be created to transfigure Humankind.

In and through music the mystery of the word can be invoked and made Song. Within the eyes of our mind and the ears of our heart ... Music can acknowledge other realms unseen by most men.

The eye of the mind is "Light" empowered by our Creator and ourselves. With this Light we can recognize what is communicated in a visual medium as well as other Art forms. In this there is a type of "vision" which carries us from the visible to the invisible reality. This discovery is self-revealing or at least it should be. Such Discovery is never made without evoking a progressive transformation within the person who "sees".

In all aesthetics there exits a Doctrine of Perception. What is beautiful is regarded in this Light and Perception. No one can truly percieve any of this without self-transcending to some extent. This can result in an estatic element of rapture which defies reason in it's passion or invokes confusing ambiguity and self doubt. This is what is called "The Light of Faith" which can only be seen when it falls upon the Eyes of Faith which is the "Portal" into the Spiritual. The Dark side of this is The Doctrine of Ravishing Power. Both are ordered to one another ... the Light and the Dark.

When those who regard both the Light and the Dark speak of the relationship of Humankind to it's Creator, they do not speak about something which can be seen in the physical or material world as a created thing. Anyone can see such and know such for themselves. Instead they rely on a type of communication which can in no way be inferred or even deduced from the "empirical realities of the Physical Dimension.

What all this means is simple ... there can be no spirituality if there is no communication and revelation upon this basis. Art can for some provide this. In this way Art is Sacred. Art can draw you out of yourself and into the realm of Beauty and Spirit. Art is Spirit made visible. Art has the potential to renew Humanity. Humanity was set over the entire world in all it's wonder. Art is but an expression of this ... an expression of Humanity.

As long as there is Humanity there will be Art, Life and Freedom. The love found within True Humanity is invincible and reveals the power of Creation over all the powers of Evil ... even Death itself. Divine love should be reflected in Human Love and often Art is the mirror.

Beauty is subtle in it's power to attract and Call us. Beauty is a precondition for all concrete Human achievements. Beauty is at the very heart of all Human motivations, decisions and actions for the True Artist. We do not decide and act or create unless we are moved by the attractiveness of a particular good ... this for the Artist is Right Action.

Every vocation is but a response to the Good or Evil that calls or beckons us. True beauty in Artistic Creation is the appealing and motivating attractiveness of a Good and Right Action that draws us to adherence, commitment and genuine Artistic Achievement. If Evil were to triumph in this world then Life would be without beauty, unmotivated, mere drift and less than truly human.

Artistic Creation motivates human life and development in the intellectual, moral, and self-transcendent which all constitute Human authenticity. Evil is bereft in it's power to transform Human Life into something beautiful, Good and Right. The "macho" bias tends to disregard beauty as superfluous, ornamental and feminine.

This overlooks the power of beauty and Art and their abilities for the attainment of Human happiness and fufillment. We can not live without beauty. The need for beauty is felt in the most basic demands of the Human mind and heart. Art can satisfy these needs providing The Portal to the Transcendental Precepts. Be aware, alert and attentive. Be intelligent, contemplative and critical in thought. Be responsible, dutiful and Loving. Be Honourable, Right and swift in action.

Courage is the power of good to command. Responsibility is the power of focus and sustaining the attention neccsary. Respect is the power to motivate. Benevolence is the power to understanding. Honesty is the power to reflect and make judgement.

The Arts of Living and Dying should demonstrate Human Achievement and excellence, inspiring admiration and respect ... fear in your adversaries. True Love and Friendship along with commitment and community are all related to Art and Beauty. Plato maintained that beauty is the quality that makes someone or something the object of possible Love.

"Only the beautiful is loved ... we cannot help loving what is beautiful."


"pulchrum est quod visu placet" ... to be beautiful means pleasing to see.

The Creative Power of Beauty itself is reflected in the procreative power of Human beauty and sexual attraction. Aquinas on his commentary on the Divine Names of Pseudo-Dionysius ... claims that divine beauty is the motive of creation.

Being or "esse" comes from Form. Aquinas affirms that beauty is the course of the existence of all things. We associate beauty with images often. Yet when we speak or sing the Light of our minds shines forth in our words and gives them clarity every bit as powerful as an image. Our words are clear to the extent that our thinking is clear ... hence their image is clear.

The word of the Creator took visible form when it was made flesh and lived amongst us in the form of the Creator. Aquinas states that Christ had the beauty of the moral virtue, especially justice and truth.

The Art of Beauty entails definite presuppositions. Creation is where Creation acts. Creation acts wherever anything exists. We create by our inner seeing ... our painting is it's expression. The Artist does not merely see and record a scene of beauty ... they create it. What we see is enriched by our seeing and comes into it's own by our vision of it. It is the same with hearing and music. In all this our knowledge is finite.

Our creations are held into being by our Creator. There is a hierarchy in an absolute sense with Artistic Creations because they cannot be the final cause of all reality. No Creation is an inherently "good" creation in an absolute sense. It may be Good or Evil or it may be Good and then corrupted and used for Evil purpose. Conversely if it is Evil then it remains so and can not be used for any good due to the nature of it's conception. This is one reason why the world will ultimately fall to Evil.

Humanity is being transfigured by Evil. Denial of this only allows greater ease for it to become reality. The universal actuality of our Creator is the transcendent "Common good" towards which all good creations of the universe are oriented and from which they recieve their character.

The eventual Evil transfiguration of Humanity was the keystone of Byzantine Doctrines. These were the prototype of our future ... transfigured Humanity. The man-made icons of Byzantiuym-Constantinple-Istanbul clearly demonstrate this Evil being manifested in humans. Through these and other such icons the image of our Creator has been deeply engrained in us. All this has over time defaced the Creator's True Image. This Fall began with our First Parents.

The true resemblance of humans to their Creator results from Humans acquiring the sacred and holy development of Spirit. Those who do not achieve this revert quickly to an animal state which makes them susceptable to Evil and it's machinations. This results in a loss of ability to do so and an ensueing blindness to what is good and what is Evil.

By the act of Creation and it's nature Artists are not inherently Evil... yet. But once this world has Fallen sufficiently this will change and the Nature of Creation will no longer be pure and Good. This "change" has begun to occur now in earnest everywhere in this world. It is obvious in music and song.

This is why Artists have to date been immune to the Fall and not afflicted to the extent of others. In the act of creating, an Artist strives to achieve something. This process is never a simple one and often it is so difficult that it seems insurmountable to most. The masses look at this as obsession but in fact it is not. Failure to understand this results in failure to understand Art, Creation and Life itself. The masses work only in the physical and material world whilst the True Artist in striving exists within the Spiritual Realms.

Artists in this sense regard the physical and material from a Spiritual perspective. Most priests can not really even do this in their sheltered lives sucking upon the tit of the Monuments to Spiritual Slavery ... the churches and religions of man. An Artist possesses a keen sense of observation and independence ... a priest does not. There are now several human priesthoods aside from the catholics, jesuits and lucifereans. Scientists and techies are the newest group elevated by humans to the Priesthood of Man.

Artists need no lessons in "Sacrifice" or "Faith" or "Comminment". They do this daily throughout their lives to be able to create. Conversley the religions and churches of man do not create, they destroy, murder, steal, enslave and cannibalize Humanity. They are the most Evil Institutions ever created by mankind and have laid a bloody swath through all history which drips with pure Evil.

Most humans do not know the true meaning of strive yet most Artists do. The masses do not strive for they are inherently lazy and they only reject. Even the masses do not strive towards Evil. But they achieve Evil by not tending towards anything but by turning away from something and rejecting it. This mass rejection has been nurtured by Evil to include Duty, Responsibility, Right Action, Honesty, Honour, Loyalty, Respect and Benevolence.

Discoveries are now always utilized monetarily and weaponized. Just as a human or thing can be called Good by reason of it's participation in Goodness ... so a human or thing is called Evil by reason ot it's turning away from good. This rejection, denial and ignorance is cowardice to do anything in the face of Evil. For a dwindling number this remains personal choice but for the majority it is nonexistent now as the result of Evil using Conditionalism and Greed upon Humanity.

For me I realized the true nature and meaning of this blindness when at 9 years old I read John Wyndam's "Day of the Triffods". Since then I have yet to find someone who regards that book in a similiar way. I have known the reason for this since then ... do you ?

Spiritual Beauty and Ugliness are much different than physical and material Beauty and Ugliness. Hence the True Artist finds and sees beauty even in what others may percieve as ugliness and visa-versa. The cities have all been made now into "Hell Mouths". LEAVE THEM NOW. An Artist with no knowledge of History is but a Child. A Leader or Ruler without any knowledge of history is Evil.

Very few now recognize that Evil can be so powerfully attractive and seductive that most cede and consent to it's temptations. The Cities have been made the New Churches and as such are Evil places destined to be dead wastelands. They are being made and laid as traps and snares for the ignorant who flock to them for material gain. LEAVE THEM NOW.

Even the desert monks of Ancient Christendom associated devils and demons with seductive beauty. They described such as bequiling, tempting creatures who represented all the enticements of the world and it's beauty. They understood "The blindness" of which I have previously spoken of and knew in reality without their glamour these monsterous beings were Evil and would harm them.

The Political filth who rule over this dying world are the minions and representatives of the most diabolical and Evil Power that exists. They are Seducers and very soon there will emerge "The Grand Seducer" who will not be presented as human but as SupraHuman ... as a person of astounding beauty as an Angel of Light. This Seducer/Tempter will be presented as "Good".

Artists of the Middle Ages understood this and being so aware preferred to portray the Evil, the devils and demons ... as ugly horrifying monsters. This demonstrates that they were aware of the "rejecting" and it's effectiveness. So they stressed the effects rather than the cause of humans succumbing to Evil's temptations. Artists showed their True nature by "striving" in a most clever way to use the knowledge and the sight they possessed in the blindness of what is called The Dark Ages.

I believe that at this moment Humanity has entered it's Final Dark Age and so I have come to refer to it always as The Darque Age. The masses failed to see what the Artists saw even then, thereafter and at present. With knowledge and inspiration coming from the past, present and future ... Artists Create. One eye is in the physical and one eye is in the Spiritual to put it into simplistic terms. The same can appy to the ears by the way.

Understand what the Artists really portrayed in medieval times as deformed, quasi-bestial and less-than-human were not just representing the effect of turning away and rejecting what is Good ... but it was also a glimpse into the future or our world at this moment with it's cloning, dumbing down and polluting of humanity and life within our world. H. R. Giger was inspired by his dreams and visions which to others would be nightmares. He was not portraying aliens or alien worlds as you are told to think. He portrayed the future and the opening of the Abyss.

These monsterous images, subhuman shapes, part human, part animal, cloned and corrupted symbolize how Evil alters and deforms our natural corporeal and Spiritual integrity. Giger's babies were not aliens and neither were his aliens. In Art as in our existence ... If Evil were taken away from some part of our universe, then much of Evil's perfection would disappear. Evil's beauty arises from the orderly union of Good and Evil whilst Evil springs from the waning away of Good.

True Artists are not manufactured artists, employees, slaves nor demons. Our Creator in foresight assures that Good always follows from Evil just as the Song recieves it's sweetness from "The interval of Silence" Technology has long been compromised by Evil and as such "musicians" are either not or have lost their Souls to Evil.

Humanity has been led by Evil Love the Darkness.
to Love their lives
to Love Human approval
to love the world

These can be taken to a degree of disordered self-love ... becoming ego centric and independent of the Creator and all resulting in the "love" of the forces that resist and oppose what is beautiful and good. Refusal to accept the Light is motivated by the love of darkness. Artists have no choice in either accepting both light and dark and their relationships with colour and tones. or rejecting these and embracing Evil.

The masses flock now to the darkness dimming their world and ours. Artists have warned of this, seen this in vision and dream and now some have begun to deny the light without which there would be no colour in favour of embracing the darkness without which there would be no light. Because humans are free to leave the encroaching darkness, the refusal to represents a decision to remain in the darkness and embrace it. By remaining willfully in the state of darkness and walking in the darkness means living and acting in a state of opposition to what is Good, to Light and the denial of Reality and Spirit.

Darqueness is the state of human conciousness which results from an attachment to works done in opposition of the Creator. Evil loves the darkness and not the light. To make a choice one must be acutely aware of both Light and Dark. To see colour and use it creativly one must also have a sense of both. To express one or the other artistically then you must recognize both.

For the Artist every creation is a matter of choice and expression. Grey is my favourite in that it combines both light and dark into yet another noncolour but grey can be tinted, toned and coloured in such ways that the power of it's expression is far greater and widespread that any colour ... more akin to reality I feel. More like the world I have lived within. But now the grey is growing darker and quickly.

The Political Filth are liars, dishonourable and they seek only self-advancement and self-exaltation being primarily concerned with human approval and their own glory. This is all illusionary and false so they will fall victim to Evil. The longimg of the flesh and eyes along with the haughty airs born of ego are the prime enemies of the Artist in this world. Be wary of the craving for self-satisfaction and self-exaltation. These may condemn and restrict your spiritual development.

It is far better for the Artist to Love the Light and their Creator than any self-seeking Darkness. One must always retain the ability to return to the source ... the source of their being. Many Artists fall ... victim to wayward lives when seduced by the material and physical while being denied the Spiritual. This explains some of their rather tumultuous lives.

Some Artists glimpse Supreme Beauty whose vision inspires theirs. The Creator is the source of Beauty within the world. Ancient Pagans condemned themselves for believing and worshiping the sun, moon and stars as gods and creators in much the same way some Artists worship themselves.or Evil.

There is a nobility in conception and a beauty of the realization. To achieve Salvation from the Evil of this world, there are no classes, no priests, no popes, no leaders, no churches ... there is only the Self and the Realization of such which drives one to select their Path. The "Last Generations" are here and even dying now. True Artists have a keen sense of observation ... look around you and contemplate your life lived and most of all consider your approaching inevitable DEATH which is racing prematurely towards you faster and faster every day, every night.

I no longer have the time or luxury to trouble myself with the masses who flock to Evil. I am no Social Worker. I seek only those who "know" what TRUTH is and what GOOD and RIGHT ACTION is and in "Light" of this choose their own Path with their Hearts and understand that they live in the very midst of The End of this world. These are Epic Times and as such require Epic Art.
#276174 by Vampier
Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:13 pm

A house divided can not and will not stand. Trump actually made the most stupid statement i have heard from him thusfar ... He stated he was both a Globalist and Nationalist. This is impossible. Slacker is being proven correct on an almost hourly basis now. Trump is being used as a cardboard cutout and quite frankly I believe now that he sadly has always been a part of the NWO and it's Evil Agenda. We have been fooled yet once again and I apologize to those I had bitter words with supporting this "Spawn".

Trump's switch to support the Evil UN should be ample proof. The Wall ? Obama Care ? ...and all the rest. The American Patriots who supported Trump have helped raise the HAMMER of EVIL and now it is about to be dropped upon them. I AM NOW CONVINCED THAT I WAS MISTAKEN, WRONG, FOOLED whatever you wish to call it. My opinion of The Hag however has not changed in the least. Now all this waffling about how Trump is not being informed, worked against, being stopped from etc. ... it is all total garbage. One Big Lie.

The UN will be used to destroy those independent and sovereign nations remaining and the One World Order will be forced upon the WORLD. The USA will be destroyed in Civil Strife and War and extermination by it's very "government". COG as the excuse. Stop believing the LIE and PREPARE. LEAVE THE CITIES. The noose of Evil now tightens.

I believe Trump to be a Judas Goat leading the sheeple, the Patriots, the Constitutionalists and the Military slaughter. The Faith we all placed in him was born only of the Hope we shared for Evil to be stopped and the Lies he made telling us what we wanted so badly to hear. We are being laughed at now not only by the mockers and supporters of the Evil Hag but by Trump, The Black Messiah, Soros and all the political filth.
#276177 by DainNobody
Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:53 pm
still better than obummer..
#276179 by Vampier
Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:22 pm
Dayne ... I thank you for your Post. Better ? Yes so far but now the turning point has been reached and .... The Black Messiah is still deeply involved in the "government" and intends to remain so. His psuedo "Shadow Government" remains in Trump's "Administration" and are impeding and controlling much of it.

The Demoncrats are WarMongers and Trump make them ooze with delight when he moronically bombed Syria and the Russians. This ridiculous "Fiasco" will only continue to hound Trump to his grave. Give a Business Tycoon Armed Forces and he "makes a deal" with the Globalist Filth and starts the process for a massive WORLD WAR stabbing his "supporters" in the back and sabotaging any Detente with Russia and in the Final analysis it was a complete False Flag. Take his "toys" away from him before he starts a World War with the wrong people for the wrong reasons.
Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:42 pm
He didn't bomb babies and mommies. He bombed assad's war machine that clearly used chemical weapons. These were the same sarin gas weapons that hussein shipped out of iraq to assad when the UN weapons inspectors were looking for WMD. Everyone has forgotten that shiit.
Frankly war is hell... Frankly to kill more ISIS... We need more hooves on the ground... Pigs 1 ISIS 0! :)
There is no civilized way to kill anyone. The state of AR just put a few convicts to death using chemical weapons. WAR IS HELL!

Give President Trump a chance. This whole world has gotten so crazy that even our President is being hammered on every front and even he didn't think it would be this difficult.
Now you know why I didn't run for president last year... Besides I would have had to spend my dollar,two eight I have saved in the bank. (smile but not so funny).............
#276222 by Vampier
Mon May 01, 2017 3:05 pm
Glen Ta for your Post. " Hooves on the ground" ... what a great term. How many "Grunts" do you think it would take? I Love it.

No he did not kill any civilians. But I disagree with you ... respectfully, that Assad used chemical weapons...
1...The pictures clearly show that it was not Sarin Gas that was used. Those "cleaning" up were not protected and if it was Sarin then they would all be dead now.

2...It is believed to have been Chlorine Gas ... the same Chlorine Gas that The Hag gave the Rebels.

3... Also the pictures showing the "Bomb Cannister" indicate that it was not dropped from above but was set in place and activated.

4 ... Assad is an intelligent man and why would he screw up his position of having the USA and Russians both helping him get rid of the Muslim Filth in his country ?

5 ... The Globalists have all had their leaking knickers in a twist for years now to take over Syria and murder Assad so they can continue their long declared plans.

6 ...The Globalist filth has been caught previously doing the same thing and it was proven to be not done by Assad then as well.

Assad does not have a "War Machine" he has troops to defend his own country and not invade other ones. The USA has long had a "War Machine" and it is called the Military Industrial Complex" and has invaded many countries doing the Globalist's bidding. Eisenhower warned of it, Kennedy warned of it and many others have down through the years warned of this "WAR MACHINE".

The WMD's that Sadam had were a "Bush Joke" and a LIE. Where did he get what weapons he did have ? From the USA, Britain, Israel, Germany and France.

I do agree with you regarding President Trump but I have reached the conclusion that he is now being utilized and "kept" as distraction and false hope in order that the Globalist Filth can initiate their World Domination. He will be put down when he rebels or is no longer useful. He has been made into a Whore and FigureHead and stabbed in the back by his own Daughter and her Scummy husband. That is just my take now. I do not like it but I believe it. Trump has been terminally compromised. I do not see any of the Filth in Jail or Trial, I see no Wall, I see no repeal of ObamaCare and what I do see makes McCain, Graham, The Hag, The Black Messiah and even Soros dance for glee. It is Evil, it is Wrong and it is not at all RIGHT ACTION.

Perhaps you might understand my point of view better, if you agree or not, by thinking what will happen if Trump is "removed". The CIA are ready to do it in a moment. The Fake News has already conditioned the masses for his Death. The "Stars" call for it, the Demoncrats openly call for it and no one is punished or arrested ? The stage is most definately set. Trump's initial appointments have been taken away and replaced by Filth. Once he is "Removed" what will happen ? Who do you think will replace him ? His VP if he also is not "Removed"? What about a "New Election ? That is what is constantly being called for now. Will The Black Messiah have to be sprinkled with Blood and resurrected? Will the "Deep State" come back out of it's holes ? Will the Black Pope screech with Joy ? And more importantly will the USA become an absolute Tyranny ? Will the majority of those within the country not considered "Elite" be milked and done away with ?

I firmly believe that this is a very Great Danger and what could happen if Trump is murdered or rendered useless shoould be thought about, contemplated and used as motivation to turn things around and cleanse the USA of Muslim Filth, Globalist Filth and the Evil WAR MACHINE it has been made into for so long. More and more are coming out and exposing the crimes of the enemies of State both Foreign and Domestic ... but not arrests and no convictions and most importantly no EXECUTIONS. The idiotic "tolerance" of the "sheeple" needs to be be run over roughshod and put in it's quivering place by Patriots and Good Moral MEN.

HANGING IN THE BALANCE ... This World ... Your Country ... Your Species ... You

It matters not now what anyone of us may think in that The War started long ago ... The War has reached a Turning Point and at this precise moment does in fact "Hang in the Balance" ... for everyone.

As ridiculous as it is, Evil has made it's plan available since the very onset of this World. Step by step it has proceeded until now with very little opposition. But there is a an "Awakening" which is sweeping the world and it threatens to thwart this Evil. All this has long been foretold, by many cultures, civilizations and Prophecies. The Bible is but one.

My point here is that what is related in all this has not just started to happen but it has been happenning since the beginning of this World. It has reached a stage now where either Evil will triumph or Good will. This is a choice that each of us must make and even by refusing to take a choice you are making a choice ... and it is the choice of EVIL.

Nigel Farage made his choice ... Donald Trump made his choice ... Marine La Penn made her choice ... this they have in common. It is the choice of RIGHT ACTION.

..... George Soros made his choice ... Hillary Clinton made her choice ... Barry or Barrack made his choice ... this they all have in common. It is the choice of EVIL.

The Common Man before , now made retarded, diseased and immoral, never used to desire much more than a happy and wholesome life. But gradually Evil stained the populations, the countries and the World. Now all hangs in the Balance above the opening Abyss.

Materialism has become the Universal God to Humanity. But it is not their True Creator. Evil is bringing it's essence and forcing Humanity into SUBMISSION. The Churches of man are corporations. Luciferean Rulers flock to bring their Evil Lord into this World making it charnel ... they are suceeding.

Stop believing the Lies of the "established" fake media. They are like "Tokoyo Rose" blaring Lies in an attempt to undermine the success of those who oppose the Evil Machinations. This is always a sign of desperation. When Humanity unites and commits Right Action then Evilis put back and there is peace and prosperity. But now this World has been made TERMINAL. Now more than ever it is important to oppose Evil ... to make a Choice. Your Spiritual Fate is at stake.

Evil is to triumph over this World for a short time only. Do not let Evil triumph over you ... Eternally. Do not be a FOOL. Do not deny your True Creator. Live Well and Die Well. There are many ways to do these things and all have the same result and this result is GOOD not Evil.

So you hang in the balance at this moment. Death is also a beginning so make it a Good one. Speak, write, create, bind together and perpetrate RIGHT ACTION. Engage Evil as it engages you ...constantly and with No Mercy. Clean your body, your mind, your house, your neighbourhood and strengthen your door ... prepare for Evil to try and enter. Do not open it. Defend it. Defy Evil when and where you can. Others are doing this and their numbers grow hourly. This fuels the Lies, the overt and covert actions, murders and atrocities of DESPERATION ... the Desperation of Evil. If you do not Stand now in the Balance then later you will Stand and Fall in the Aftermath.
#276230 by MikeTalbot
Mon May 01, 2017 11:04 pm
Apparently Americans think it's quite alright to bomb anybody they feel like. With or without proof of wrongdoing. But I note for the record, It ain't our business regardless.

Consider the results of our murderous foreign policy: God knows how many dead, nearly twenty years of war, and we've still not harmed those Saudi perverts who took down our towers. Hilary mad a lot of dough and so did Bush and Obama. I guess that's the important thing.

Until the Bush / Obama / Clinton crime cartels led this country into this cesspool of violent murderous aggression at the behest of the Saudis there were lots of Christians in the middle east.

Now Egypt is the last country besides Syria that defends Christians and only because they threw out those Muslim Brotherhood freaks that Hillary and Obama had installed and even better, hanged a bunch of them.

Not so much now. Syria has been defending Christians for decades while America has seen to the utter destruction of the Christian community in Iraq. But that's just fine, Senor Bush said the Jesus is his favorite philosopher...But of course a man's got to do what he's told by his masters...Segue to film of Bush holding hands like a nancy boy with one of those Saudi freaks that own our leaders.

They will get to the Christians in Syria as well, the Saudis demand it and Trump has already caved - sending our so very rough tough general Mattis over to kiss their stinking asses.

Saudi Arabia Delenda Est

#276270 by Vampier
Wed May 03, 2017 4:21 pm
HANGING IN THE BALANCE ... This World ... Your Country ... Your Species ... You

It matters not now what anyone of us may think in that The War started long ago ... The War has reached a Turning Point and at this precise moment does in fact "Hang in the Balance" ... for everyone.

As ridiculous as it is, Evil has made it's plan available since the very onset of this World. Step by step it has proceeded until now with very little opposition. But there is a an "Awakening" which is sweeping the world and it threatens to thwart this Evil. All this has long been foretold, by many cultures, civilizations and Prophecies. The Bible is but one.

My point here is that what is related in all this has not just started to happen but it has been happenning since the beginning of this World. It has reached a stage now where either Evil will triumph or Good will. This is a choice that each of us must make and even by refusing to take a choice you are making a choice ... and it is the choice of EVIL.

Nigel Farage made his choice ... Donald Trump made his choice ... Marine La Penn made her choice ... this they have in common. It is the choice of RIGHT ACTION.

..... George Soros made his choice ... Hillary Clinton made her choice ... Barry or Barrack made his choice ... this they all have in common. It is the choice of EVIL.

The Common Man before , now made retarded, diseased and immoral, never used to desire much more than a happy and wholesome life. But gradually Evil stained the populations, the countries and the World. Now all hangs in the Balance above the opening Abyss.

Materialism has become the Universal God to Humanity. But it is not their True Creator. Evil is bringing it's essence and forcing Humanity into SUBMISSION. The Churches of man are corporations. Luciferean Rulers flock to bring their Evil Lord into this World making it charnel ... they are suceeding.

Stop believing the Lies of the "established" fake media. They are like "Tokoyo Rose" blaring Lies in an attempt to undermine the success of those who oppose the Evil Machinations. This is always a sign of desperation. When Humanity unites and commits Right Action then Evil is put back and there is peace and prosperity. But now this World has been made TERMINAL. Now more than ever it is important to oppose Evil ... to make a Choice. Your Spiritual Fate is at stake.

Evil is to triumph over this World for a short time only. Do not let Evil triumph over you ... Eternally. Do not be a FOOL. Do not deny your True Creator. Live Well and Die Well. There are many ways to do these things and all have the same result and this result is GOOD not Evil.

So you hang in the balance at this moment. Death is also a beginning so make it a Good one. Speak, write, create, bind together and perpetrate RIGHT ACTION. Engage Evil as it engages you ...constantly and with No Mercy. Clean your body, your mind, your house, your neighbourhood and strengthen your door ... prepare for Evil to try and enter. Do not open it. Defend it. Defy Evil when and where you can. Others are doing this and their numbers grow hourly. This fuels the Lies, the overt and covert actions, murders and atrocities of DESPERATION ... the Desperation of Evil. If you do not Stand now in the Balance then later you will Stand and Fall in the Aftermath.

TRUMP ... is not an innocent man. But he is not Political filth either. He does not regard himself as a god like so many other "Political Leaders" . Despite his Ego and Intellect he has not been compromised to the extent that others in his position have. As a man he has to relate to other men and many of these "men" are utterly in the service of Evil. The Halls of "Government" are diseased and infected with a terminal disease ... contaminated with Evil. This Evil is compromising Trump and he knows it. His Son in Law "Jared" is dirty and of Evil.

Trump is not Evil ... yet. He has put himself in a position of Sacrifice and Death. He has only to make the personal choice of which he will Die for ... Good or Evil. Whichever choice he will most certainly Die ... and not of "Old Age". He has made himself a Target and he lets himself continue to be. He must rid his Staff of the Filth, he must be true to his supporters, he must fulfill his Promises.

Trump is not a Satanist he is not within the Inner Circle of Filth. He is not a homosexual or a pedophile. He has a sense of Empathy ... he is Human. But as I have stated previously in other Posts, I believe he is divinely protected and as long as he stays True to course and his promises to those who elected him ... he will remain so. I also believe he knows this.

We must remember that he also is a mere Pawn. If of the Creator or of Evil ... he shall remain a Pawn. He seems to have chosen his Path sometime ago and the position he finds himself now in makes remaining upon that Path increasingly difficult. He is in a nest of Vipers and I believe his Daughter and her Husband to be a part of this Evil Nest as well.

Is it not poetic that he told a viper story in his Election Campaign ? He knows that he also now "Hangs in the Balance", is surrounded by vipers and is engaged in a fight for his Life as well as The Republics. There are many parallels in Ancient History of this situation and the outcomes of such swing both ways not only one.

Now the Trump Administration is disentergrating more and more rapidly. It is falling. Trump is falling with it. In my opinion Trump will become a short-lived spark which has ignited a worldwide ressistence against the Evil of this World. This spark has ignited brush fires all over the world and these are being fanned by the NWO's lust and desire for CHAOS as well as the revolt of those awakened against the Filth. One thig is certain ... Chaos and Mayhem are at your doorsteps and you must make ready. The Muslim, NWO, Political, Corporate and Globalist FILTH are about to move on you and they mean to exterminate you.

Are you going to sit there and watch them kill you on "TV" while eating chips ?
#276278 by Vampier
Wed May 03, 2017 7:29 pm
The Black Messiah is not only a LIAR but also a LOOTER (Freddie-May)

General Betrayus is in with the Saudis along with "The New York Times".

McMaster is getting a Fourth Star and "transferred".

Forget Afghanistan, Syria and Iran ... invade Saudi Arabia and behead the inbred False Royalty of Evil ... Remember 9-11 ?

Oh, and take out North Korea's subs that are nuclear armed lurking off the coast of the USA.
#276447 by Vampier
Tue May 09, 2017 6:38 pm






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