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#289020 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:33 pm
J-HALEY wrote:MikeB with the reading comprehension problem. Those are all LIES that do not deserve an answer and the reason I will not answer them. Get a life kiddo quit worrying, stressing, getting yourself all worked up about me giving an answer to a pack of LIES GET A LIFE MAN! :lol:

HAHAHAHAHA, I already knew you wouldn't answer Mark's question, you just proved that you've bought into the rhetoric, and the FACTS don't matter at all - everything Mark asked of you are FACTS from things T-rump has said ON CAMERA - it's all out there. To deny it just shows how your Trumpeters have buried your heads in the sand to the truth, and would rather believe the lies perpetrated by websites like Bretbart, et al.
#289024 by schmedidiah
Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:00 pm
J-HALEY wrote:
schmedidiah wrote:Haley, real question here. If you're making noise about Obama's birth certificate, am l correct in assuming you never actually voted against him? Because that's usually where this dumb birther stuff leads to. :roll:

The "REAL" answer is YOU'RE A LIAR! For today I am done with your PUNK ASS!

I love this reply. So do you want to tell me my music sucks as well? Or you never listened to it anyway, despite telling me you did? :lol:

I voted against Obama twice. How many times for you? Zero? :lol:
#289026 by schmedidiah
Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:08 pm
Planetguy wrote:t

As for another 4 yrs of that blowhard....i doubt it. In the last 6 out of 7 elections the public vote was won by the dems! Your hero is only in office because of the electoral college. The people actually spoke when the majority voted for Clinton! And that was Clinton.... a politician who many dems dislike and wouldn't vote for! And then there was Bernie, who took more votes away from her by waiting so long to come out and endorse her.

That, Comey, and the electoral college are the only reason trump got in. Well, that and most of his voters not realizing whatta huge douche nozzle he really is!

And now you have a large and significant amount of previous Trump supporters who now recognize him for what he is and who will NEVER vote for him again. (Hi Schmed!)

We'll have to see what kind of scumbag your party coughs up Mark. I don't have high hopes. I'll take the popular vote/ electoral college problem over what the Dems have going on. Needing a bunch of completely disengaged voters to come out of the woodwork to vote for Obama twice, then they take one look at Hillary and decide to stay home instead. Maybe go younger next time? Maybe nominate a human? IDK. I'm sure they'll figure it out. :mrgreen:
#289028 by Planetguy
Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:35 pm
hell, the whole country was disengaged w the last election when it came to voter turnout.

but i guarantee you....come next prez election, voters on both sides... dems, and the many repubs like yourself who've opened their eyes to what an incompetent, bungling shitbird Trump is....voters will be out in a RECORD turnout to show that bum the door.

it would be hard for the dems to come up w a scumbag half as bad as the scumbag currently playing at being president.
#289029 by Planetguy
Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:37 pm
hey everybody!

didja see that???? political conversation between two folks w different views and we never once insulted one another, nor did we call each other names!

Yes, CAN be done!
#289030 by J-HALEY
Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:34 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:
J-HALEY wrote:MikeB with the reading comprehension problem. Those are all LIES that do not deserve an answer and the reason I will not answer them. Get a life kiddo quit worrying, stressing, getting yourself all worked up about me giving an answer to a pack of LIES GET A LIFE MAN! :lol:

HAHAHAHAHA, I already knew you wouldn't answer Mark's question, you just proved that you've bought into the rhetoric, and the FACTS don't matter at all - everything Mark asked of you are FACTS from things T-rump has said ON CAMERA - it's all out there. To deny it just shows how your Trumpeters have buried your heads in the sand to the truth, and would rather believe the lies perpetrated by websites like Bretbart, et al.

Look at Barney Fife all proud of himself. I see Mark gave you back that one bullet.
Yeah those are only facts to a brain dead liberal such as yourselves. Misrepresented taken out of context perhaps?Twisted as you libtards love to do so much. You guys must be scared to death? Enjoy this new Supreme Court Judge you are about to receive and the 2cd term us "Trumpeters" are going to hand you! I am too busy to look up links and continue this endless back and forth. I do think this is hilarious given the PROVEN CRIMINAL you guys wanted for POTUS! :lol:
#289031 by schmedidiah
Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:42 pm
J-HALEY wrote:Enjoy this new Supreme Court Judge you are about to receive

*Supreme Court Justice :roll:
#289032 by Planetguy
Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:56 pm
J-HALEY wrote:Yeah those are only facts to a brain dead liberal such as yourselves. Misrepresented taken out of context perhaps?Twisted as you libtards love to do so much.

twisted? misrepped? really?

FACT: these are the EXACT words your dumbass hero had to say about heros. I'll put them in large letters so you might better understand them and perhaps understand WHY they ARE an insult to POW's and clear thinking people everywhere.

FACT: He said this about McCain in front of millions of people. FACT: Its up on Youtube in case you STILL want to refute that he said it.

“He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

now, wriggle out of that w some other lame sidestep maneuver. let's hear you make an argument about why that SHOULDN'T be offensive to POW's....and to anyone w any integrity to them. But no, that doesn't offend YOU at all does it?
#289034 by Planetguy
Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:21 pm
some more FACTS:

well this one is MY opinion and your's it seems might differ. My OPINION is that you never say ANYTHING to or about the family members of a fallen soldier that isn't 150% filled w respect and honor.

FACT: When the grief stricken mother of fallen Capt. Humayun Khanfather remained quiet to keep from losing her sh*t while her husband spoke's what your hero had to say on NAt'l TV about it.

"Who wrote that? Did Hillary's scriptwriters write it?"

he then went on to say....

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably — maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."

now regardless of how much you or anyone else hates muslims ( even those who serve in our military) you really believe those words show the proper Honor and Respect to the parents of a fallen soldier?

Or are you gonna wave this one away too as another lib "twisting of the facts"?

Live with those FACTS...those are the words of YOUR shitbird "hero". a man who has never served but can diss POW's and Gold Star families. How DO you continually bury your head in the sand (and up trump's fat ass) to justify and excuse that kind of behavior?????? How much kool-aide does one have to drink to grant a pass for that behavior from anyone...let alone our "president"????
#289035 by J-HALEY
Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:03 pm
schmedidiah wrote:
J-HALEY wrote:Enjoy this new Supreme Court Judge you are about to receive

*Supreme Court Justice :roll:

You told him Uh Hum! :lol:
#289036 by J-HALEY
Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:06 pm
J-HALEY wrote:
schmedidiah wrote:
J-HALEY wrote:Enjoy this new Supreme Court Judge you are about to receive

*Supreme Court Justice :roll:

You told him Uh Hum! :lol:

How does it feel to be a loser all you Liberal dumbass's. You lost, your Criminal LOST, and now your losing again! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah I misspelled you're on PURPOSE!
#289037 by J-HALEY
Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:11 pm
How does it feel to be a loser all you Liberal dumbass's. You lost, your Criminal CANDIDATE LOST, and now your losing again! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Your liberal agenda was STOPPED, yes your hatred of America, capitalism, This great Republic, your shame of being 3 whiteboy crackers, your overcompensation for that shame, YEAH BOYS THE GIG IS UP
#289038 by schmedidiah
Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:17 pm
Haley, how does it feel to become politically engaged decades after you drank away any and all memories of civics or history class? :lol:
#289039 by schmedidiah
Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:19 pm
J-HALEY wrote:
schmedidiah wrote:
I voted against Obama twice. How many times for you? Zero? :lol:

Refuses to answer the question. Birther trash. :roll:
Last edited by schmedidiah on Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#289040 by Planetguy
Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:20 pm
And still nothing to say about why you still support someone who disses our military and POW's, then.

nah....what COULD you do but to try to sidestep it?

see, jeff...this is the REAL reason you don't like to debate w me. not because i insult you or call you's because like you've demonstrated don't have a leg to stand on when you're called out and presented with FACTS that don't lie.

your hero FOR A FACT dissed a Gold Star Family.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably — maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."

He FOR A FACT dissed POW's when he said his heros are the ones who DON'T get caught.

“He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Last edited by Planetguy on Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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