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#288885 by J-HALEY
Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:49 pm
Planetguy wrote:
Support America... Buy US made guns and ammo.

and buy these caps....cos nothing "supports America" like buying caps made in China!


Yeah Mark and here is a video of a grown man, (one of YOUR people) assaulting a teenager for wearing that MAGA cap. This must make you so Proud! :roll:
#288886 by Planetguy
Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:53 pm
"one of MY people"?????

good grief, jeff. get a frigging clue man.

maybe YOU support the actions of everyone on your "team". i do not.

i do not support violence does your hero, trump, who regularly calls for it against those who disagree with him. but of course you have NO problem w that or anyone who speaks out against him at one of his "rallies" getting roughed up.
#288890 by J-HALEY
Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:32 am
Planetguy wrote:"one of MY people"?????

good grief, jeff. get a frigging clue man.

maybe YOU support the actions of everyone on your "team". i do not.

i do not support violence does your hero, trump, who regularly calls for it against those who disagree with him. but of course you have NO problem w that or anyone who speaks out against him at one of his "rallies" getting roughed up.

Mark perhaps you should get a clue? Liberals are roughing up, getting people fired from their jobs, WAaaay more than the few assholes you are referring too that went to a rally looking for a fight and got their ass beat.
What about the behavior in this video, do you condone this? Read the entire article it is more people than just Mitch McConnell. ... 058239.php
Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:04 am
Planetguy wrote:"one of MY people"?????

good grief, jeff. get a frigging clue man.

maybe YOU support the actions of everyone on your "team". i do not.

i do not support violence does your hero, trump, who regularly calls for it against those who disagree with him. but of course you have NO problem w that or anyone who speaks out against him at one of his "rallies" getting roughed up.

What violence MARK? Are you just making things up again?
OH... Maybe you are talking about NOKO threatening to kill Americans and President Trump says that will NOT happen.
Maybe your talking about illegal aliens in America killing American citizens.

You say you don't support violence, yet you support all sorts of killers by your political views. You have already forgotten 9/11, Kate Steinle, and Ambassador STEVENS.

So you go on and keep supporting, by your vote, all the professional politicians that actually support violence!

#288912 by Planetguy
Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:16 pm
J-HALEY wrote:
Planetguy wrote:"one of MY people"?????

good grief, jeff. get a frigging clue man.

maybe YOU support the actions of everyone on your "team". i do not.

i do not support violence does your hero, trump, who regularly calls for it against those who disagree with him. but of course you have NO problem w that or anyone who speaks out against him at one of his "rallies" getting roughed up.

Mark perhaps you should get a clue? Liberals are roughing up, getting people fired from their jobs, WAaaay more than the few assholes you are referring too that went to a rally looking for a fight and got their ass beat.
What about the behavior in this video, do you condone this? Read the entire article it is more people than just Mitch McConnell. ... 058239.php

Jeff, do you really believe Trump was/is justified in suggesting dissenters at his rallies get "roughed up a little"?

You believe those dissenters went there looking for physical altercation instead of simply to protest? Yeah, of course you do.

Look, you want to point at violence from the left.... yes, it happens from yahoos on the left and it happens from yahoos on the right. But there are NO stats showing it leaning one way or the other...only your OPINION. and as i pointed out...your opinion is one sided.

that's why you have a problem w protestors at a trump rally and can condone trump suggesting protestors get "roughed up a little"....yet you had no problem w Tea Baggers going to dem rallies and town hall meetings to disrupt things behaving like ill mannered children shouting from the audience so the speakers couldn't be heard. that's a double standard.

And as i recall, we never heard of even ONE instance where any Tea Bagger got physically roughed up.

ANGELSSHOTGUN wrote: You have already forgotten 9/11....

i forgot nothing. the difference is you use 9/11 to justify your xenophobia, your hatred of Muslims, a war in Iraq that never should have happened, and your hatred of immigrants. i do not.... that's not evidence of memory issues. instead, it's simply that unlike you...i have less of a need for targets to justify my seething anger and hatred.

So you go on and keep supporting, by your vote, all the professional politicians that actually support violence!

hey, it was YOU who voted for trump...not me.
#288921 by J-HALEY
Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:22 pm
Mark you are relying on the fake news for your source’s it’s quite obvious. Yes those assholes went to the rally’s looking for trouble. just as you radicals do. A Senator suggesting liberals physically attack every Trump cabinet member they see out having dinner in private time with their families. It is high time Pelosi, Schumer, and all high ranking representatives of the Democratic Party denounce these actions. Do you think they will? This includes Trumps spokesperson whom is only doing her job. It happened again last night. You know this is happening and yet you are fine with it! The way you stand by the criminal activities of your party borders on insanity! It has been proven Hillary deleted and destroyed subpoenaed evidence. It has been proven Mueller changed the wording to change the charges against her. This goes on and on yet you are fine with that Hypocrisy much?
#288922 by Planetguy
Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:18 pm opposed to YOUR fake news sources????

That sea monster Huckalie Sanders "only doing her job"???? yeah, i think "only following orders" also describes it.
#288925 by Planetguy
Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:04 pm
For the record I do not condone rude and uncivil behavior to any politicians nor their family members when they are out dining or what have you. You might want to point fingers at the left, Jeff but it's pretty obvious how we ALL got here....

Face it....we live in the Era Of Trump, a narcissistic, mean spirited, petty, and vindictive bully of a man. Like any other game show host....his only interest besides lining his pockets is his ratings. You don't think the uncouth behavior he models spills down to the masses?

Who ever heard of a PRESIDENT getting into twitter battles daily with celebrities and athletes, a PRESIDENT who insults Gold Star families, our military, POW's, the Mayor and citizens of Puerto Rico, whole countries by referring to them as "shitholes".....and so many, many more?

And you wonder why people are behaving badly? Really? One need look no further than the example that oaf of a president provides.
#288927 by J-HALEY
Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:57 pm
For the record Mark, I put him in office to stand up to the bad behavior and poor decision making process Obama and the establishment republicans that are so worried about getting reelected they are basically a bunch of Wimps! I'll answer your question with a question. Whoever heard of a president saying its against the law to do something then doing it? Obama did. Whoever heard of a president putting together a spy network to keep a duly elected president from being elected then sabotaging his term? Obama did. Whoever heard of a president hand picking a criminal over another democrat and sabotaging his candidacy? Obama did! I could go on and on! The bottom line Son is you had better get use to saying President Trump for another term! :lol:
#288928 by Planetguy
Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:31 pm
those are things Obama is alleged to have done....the fake news YOU subscribe has you believing them to be fact.

but you know what IS FACT, and what we know for sure happened.... that's Trump getting into twitter battles daily with celebrities and athletes, him insulting Gold Star families, our military, POW's, the Mayor and citizens of Puerto Rico, and referring to whole countries as "shitholes".....

But you're OK with him dissing POW's, insulting the men and women who serve in our military, etc. and you think that's OK.....or DO you have ANY problems w any of that?

Serious question...and one I doubt you'll answer...because you're one of the Kool Aide drinkers that Trump spoke of when he said he could walk down the street and shoot someone in the face and people will still love him!

As for another 4 yrs of that blowhard....i doubt it. In the last 6 out of 7 elections the public vote was won by the dems! Your hero is only in office because of the electoral college. The people actually spoke when the majority voted for Clinton! And that was Clinton.... a politician who many dems dislike and wouldn't vote for! And then there was Bernie, who took more votes away from her by waiting so long to come out and endorse her.

That, Comey, and the electoral college are the only reason trump got in. Well, that and most of his voters not realizing whatta huge douche nozzle he really is!

And now you have a large and significant amount of previous Trump supporters who now recognize him for what he is and who will NEVER vote for him again. (Hi Schmed!)

Hell, I bet that I could beat trump were I to run against him.
#288930 by GuitarMikeB
Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:53 pm
Mark - don't hold your breath for answers to your questions re T-rump. You know the Trumpeters always deflect the question by bringing up past things.
#288932 by J-HALEY
Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:55 pm
Mark, are you planning to take up a career in standup? You should because that’s about the funniest sh*t you have ever posted!
Can you please explain how Trump is lining his pocket when he is working for free?
The Obamas are the ones that lined their pockets they had a net worth of 1.3 million when he took office now they have a net worth of almost 100 million while Trumps net worth has declined.
#288933 by Mordgeld
Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:58 pm
Planetguy wrote:Hell, I bet that I could beat trump were I to run against him.

That's what they all said. Go for it next time, maybe you'll have better luck than Hillary. Be sure to try a platform that is more than just "I'm not Trump".
Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:24 pm
Planetguy wrote:those are things Obama is alleged to have done....the fake news YOU subscribe has you believing them to be fact.

but you know what IS FACT, and what we know for sure happened.... that's Trump getting into twitter battles daily with celebrities and athletes, him insulting Gold Star families, our military, POW's, the Mayor and citizens of Puerto Rico, and referring to whole countries as "shitholes".....

But you're OK with him dissing POW's, insulting the men and women who serve in our military, etc. and you think that's OK.....or DO you have ANY problems w any of that?

Serious question...and one I doubt you'll answer...because you're one of the Kool Aide drinkers that Trump spoke of when he said he could walk down the street and shoot someone in the face and people will still love him!

As for another 4 yrs of that blowhard....i doubt it. In the last 6 out of 7 elections the public vote was won by the dems! Your hero is only in office because of the electoral college. The people actually spoke when the majority voted for Clinton! And that was Clinton.... a politician who many dems dislike and wouldn't vote for! And then there was Bernie, who took more votes away from her by waiting so long to come out and endorse her.

That, Comey, and the electoral college are the only reason trump got in. Well, that and most of his voters not realizing whatta huge douche nozzle he really is!

And now you have a large and significant amount of previous Trump supporters who now recognize him for what he is and who will NEVER vote for him again. (Hi Schmed!)

Hell, I bet that I could beat trump were I to run against him.

Wow! we are witnessing someone coming unhinged. Sorry dude I never meant to push MARK over the edge.
Every point JEFF made is what is happening .

NOW how many times have you gone out of your way to call me a****** lier. 10, 20,30,100. Who gives a crap.
You are the ******* lier if you stand by that post.

I'm trying to go out of my way to stop myself from calling you a meaningless piece of piggy poop.

Mark... Being nice...Is not your strong point. You remind me of President TRUMP!
#288962 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:06 pm
J-HALEY wrote:Mark, are you planning to take up a career in standup? You should because that’s about the funniest sh*t you have ever posted!
Can you please explain how Trump is lining his pocket when he is working for free?
The Obamas are the ones that lined their pockets they had a net worth of 1.3 million when he took office now they have a net worth of almost 100 million while Trumps net worth has declined.

See, just what I said - no answers, just deflect deflect deflect....

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