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#279089 by DainNobody
Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:27 pm
yod, did you see that the city of Baltimore removed Civil War Memorial Staues in the cover of the night? now if they are removing them to keep them safe from vandals that would be ok, but to remove without the consensus of the majority of the people? that :) breaks the law.
#279091 by Badstrat
Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:55 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:
Badstrat wrote:No not all of them, but the KKK is a leftist organization created by the demoncrap party. And isn't the Neo Nazi party pretty much a leftist inspired creation?

Seriously? There's no hope trying to point out the obvious with you, then. Why would they call themselves the "alt-Right" and be pro-white (anti-everything else) if they were leftist? You're not making any sense slacker. I'm outta here on this one.

" Why would they call themselves the "alt-Right" and be pro-white (anti-everything else) if they were leftist?"

Are you kidding me? Gobble gobble gobble. The phrase "alt white" is a leftist tag used to politicize the right and paint a negative picture of the conservative opposition. Now if I was a paid leftist dissenter why wouldn't I profess myself as being "Alt White" in order to blow smoke up the a$$es of the gullible? Just like all the other riots, paid leftists are those causing the riots in every case.

By the way, why shouldn't Trump have left out "white" when BLM, NWP, and other black racist groups comprise most of the rioters / looters when civil unrest breaks out? Black Lives Matter Protesters Chant 'Pigs In A Blanket, Fry 'Em Like Bacon!' And those are seldom if ever called to account. What you saw on TV was a well orchestrated play staring the left. I'm surprised that they don't have an award show for the people orchestrating these events. It might be better than all those other "Lets pat ourselves on the back" award shows.

After trying to overthrow this Republic for over 100 years or more they feel they are too close to not go all out to achieve their goal. Even if it means civil war. As long as they sit in their ivory towers isolated from harm they would love to use a war to take over America.
Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:53 am
Planetguy wrote:
yod wrote:
This is not the morality of the Right. We police this kind of violence from our side, while the Left applauds and makes excuses for criminals on their side. If this guy would have been a member of BLM, the DNC would be calling him today to see if he'd run for Governor of Virginia.

that's laughable. anti gay...anti black....anti immigrant....those aren't the views of liberals...those ARE the views of (some, not all ) CONSERVATIVES.

note again...that i'm not trying to foolishly and naively trying to wrap all on that side into one neat, little one size fits all pkg.....that's the dishonest propaganda that YOU routinely toss off w lame genealizations.


Good grief! Once again the words ANTI IMMIGRANT come up!
When are you going to get it MARK!
We have illegal aliens in this country stealing everything from national resources to KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS!
This nation of immigrants is not anti immigrant... We just want the law supported, not the anarchy you keep supporting.
The first charge of a government is to keep it's citizens safe... TELL THAT TO KATE STEINLE!!!!! Oh, she is DEAD because of the liberal tyranny you espouse!
Glad you are out of it because the only usual response is vulgar insults and attacks!
#279140 by Badstrat
Sat Aug 19, 2017 1:19 pm
I want to be there to see them take the faces off of Mt Rushmore. ... t-rushmore
Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:01 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:Slacker, no we're talking about the neo-Nazi and KKK "demonstrators".
These guys:
And this guy who killed the person and ran over countless others:

Slacker - you can't seriously believe that all of these 'alt-Rights were Left-hired actors? Get your tinfoil hat back from Vampier!

What about when black panthers were chasing people away from voting poles. We had an attorney general that totally ignored this racist act. Totally illegal.
Is it OK to kill COPS? NNNNOOOOO!!!!
When the law breaks down... All hell will break loose.
If that is the new revolution... BRING IT ON!
Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:19 am
Good God... When are all people, of all sensibility, going to give up this crap and move on?
#279193 by Vampier
Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:41 pm
CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE ... using the finance and existing subversive organization of The Grand Puss Bag George Soros and the devious plans made and consistently updated by the NWO "Entities" ... the manipulation of the retarded and stupid masses through Antifa, BLM and a host of other "comic book" organizations ... along with the unawares ... YOUR GUNS WILL BE TAKEN . Who paid for the brand new Zodiacs ferrying "refugees" to Italy and Spain and Greece ? The Tragedy ... you did ... where did Soros get his money, Obama his, The Hag hers ?

This is slightly dated but it demonstrates exactly how EVIL The Black Messiah is and how he and his Man Wife have mocked, ripped off and destroyed ALL AMERICANS ... even those stupid enough to vote for him. HE IS NOT EVEN AN AMERICAN...

Everything is in a permanent state of "Flux" now and the holiday is over. From here on in "Life in America" will only become more dangerous, more difficult and more fleeting. Are you ready, CHOOSE. Stand up, organize with your neighbours as i have always stated or lay down, deny and perish like a Coward. America is being invaded by Muslim Filth just like Europe and very soon it will be the "United Nations". Rest assured that when this happens your guns will be taken along with everything else and your lives by foreign troops who do not give a shite about you, your children or wives. And the USA Troops will be far away "fighting" mythical enemies, kept busy doing the work of the NWO before they are no longer needed then nuked into nonexistence in a man-made "Armageddon"

Mega Death Begets Giga Death.
#279201 by Planetguy
Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:12 pm
george1146561 wrote:
They don't call themselves "alt-Right", that's a label hung on them by the fake news media. And, they aren't so much "pro-white" as they are "anti-whining-minorities".

and those lynchings that the kkk is responsible for.....i guess those who ended up swinging from a tree at the hands of the kkk were just too damn "whiny".

"we warned ya! if yer too're GONNA get a cross burned on your lawn. GETTIT? and maybe a lot worse. But really... it has NOTHING to do w you being a n-------r....we just don't like whiners"

riiiight, "they aren't so much pro-white"...and Nazis AREN'T about being, nor have they EVER claimed to be the MASTER RACE!!!! (fake news!) :roll:

they're as you said...just a bunch of chaps who don't like it when minorities whine a lot!! (fake news) :lol:

I have no support or respect for the KKK or the neo-Nazis. But I can recognize that they are acting like White people have been turned into a downtrodden minority and want to see that situation changed.

It's not that much different from the Civil Rights movement of two generations ago being mostly people who wanted to see equal rights for Negros....

"not that much different"???? why, its EXACTLY the same thing!!!! :lol:

let's not forget the yoke of burden whites similarly had to shoulder back in the day.....being forced to drink from "Whites Only" drinking fountains, having to sit in the "Whites Only" section of restaurants, being forced to swim in "Whites Only" swimming pools.....c'mon look at how much the White Man has had to suffer thru!

And make no mistake, those tiny little groups, the KKK and Neo-Nazis, are incredibly small and marginal. They know how to tone down their rhetoric to get reasonable people to march alongside them to make their numbers look larger.

do you mean when they "toned their rhetoric" by chanting "JEW S. A. , JEW S. A." or perhaps when they had the crowd chanting "JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US! JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!"

because if it was as you say, that only a handful of them were actual nazis, then they sure did a good job of getting a whole lot of the people who were supposedly there just to protest the removal of monuments to lend their voices to chant that hate mongering.

The fact that George Soros funds the KKK and the Neo-Nazis with well-laundered and untraceable money doesn't hurt their efforts any.
(fake news)

read and disseminate "Fake News" much???? well, i suppose with you George/'s no more than the other minions brainwashed by the (fake) "news" you all swallow and regurgitate as the gospel.

yeah, "the KKK and Neo-Nazis, are incredibly small and marginal". riiiight, there are hardly ANY members of the kkk and neo nazi groups around. :roll: (fake news )

why do i waste my time?

Say, George/Ivan... isn't it time you get back to work after your wodka and borscht break? :wink:
Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:46 pm
Mark, that was a great post about about violence, hatred, and death of civilization.I'm in favor of your first amendment rights..By the way... Don't phuck with with me. I will stand in front of of every cop instead of allowing the lawless anarchy you continuously support.
Thank you for your kind words and understanding.
BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!
#279204 by Planetguy
Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:54 pm
ANGELSSHOTGUN wrote:Mark, that was a great post about about violence, hatred, and death of civilization.I'm in favor of your first amendment rights..By the way... Don't phuck with with me. I will stand in front of of every cop instead of allowing the lawless anarchy you continuously support.
Thank you for your kind words and understanding.
BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!

stating that i support "lawless anarchy" makes you what??????


but history has shown time and again that lying, playing fast and loose with the truth, and being dishonest is how you play. good luck w that. :wink:
#279210 by Vampier
Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:01 am
Planet Guy ... you are digging a hole ... just sayin. My Father was a member of The John Birch Society ... I have seven Great uncles who as Germans served in the Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe, in U-Booten and even one in the Waffen SS.  Does that make me a Nazi ? Personally I would rather be a Nazi than an Antifa Scum. I also had two Great uncles who were Scots, one was a Sapper and another a Tanker. I hope you get my point.

Anyone dressing up like ISIS and parading around the Country as paid mercenary buffoons is in for some nasty shocks when they run into Patriots, Militia, OathKeepers and Ex-Military. All the masked idiots should be arrested on the spot for hiding their identities and being vandals, traitors and dishonourable Scum. Soros should be arrested and tried and sentenced to a most shameful Death. If anyone does not like the USA or approve of where it is going then they should leave as I did.

Freedom of Speech does not protect you as a vandal, a common Traitor and Coward or as someone who does not wish to be in the country. The military if engaged and diverted overseas will not be needed domestically unless the UN invades to "Assist". The common citizen or militiaman will suffice in a Civil War or Muslim Invasion ...
#279218 by Badstrat
Wed Aug 23, 2017 2:15 pm
Liberals make excuses for the BLM, New Black Panthers, and Antifa when they commit violence through destroying property, looting, and causing others physical harm. Yet they attack and conjure up lies and misrepresent the words of those who are acting peacefully only using their right to free speech. Go figure. They are their fathers children.

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