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#278965 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:33 pm
Planetguy wrote:i'm merely bowing out from wasting any more time in what i see as a pointless pissing arguing your case while i argue mine. i have a long list of OTHER useless crap to waste my time with. :wink:

Actually this is exactly how a holocaust starts. People stop seeking the truth and leave the wicked to what they do. There are people with an agenda to make us all angry and fight each other. That is Rule #1 for Dictators. It's how they emerge.

I'd rather fight you about exposing those people than on the battleground they would have us.

if we're gonna have a friendly disagreement over our views.... it'll have to be over covers or the merits of gtrsts that came after Hendrix. 8)

that's a different kind of bloody fight!

#278971 by Planetguy
Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:58 pm
yod wrote:People stop seeking the truth and leave the wicked to what they do. There are people with an agenda to make us all angry and fight each other. That is Rule #1 for Dictators. It's how they emerge.

i agree 100%....we just identify different tyrants, oppressors, and boogiemen.

my eyes are WIDE OPEN to those who do everything in their power to opress and control us by trying to shut down the press by denying them accessability...why would they do that? so this evil regime of oppressors doesn't have to account for their misdeeds and lies.....that's a big step towards dictatorship...added bonus: it's one you can plug RIGHT IN to your nazi germany analogy.

and the xenophobia that it daily forments, waters, and nourishes...where have we seen THAT before?

see, i TOLD you i was done, didn't i???? :lol:
#278999 by Vampier
Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:32 am
Willie , your pics look great ... just like I expected YOU to look like. A bit of airbrushing and you could look almost human ... but what to do about the brain and psycho problems ... perhaps you should consider becoming a Clown or a Politician.

This is for those like Glen, Slacker, Planet Guy and Yod who actually Post things not so repetitive, trite and randomly stupid ...
#279050 by GuitarMikeB
Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:16 pm
Ted - you realize that these white supremacists marching in Charlottesville were chanting 'blood and soil'? this is the Hitler-era Nazi slogan that was rising in Germany in the 1930s. It surprises me that you are so quick to defend these racists because they are the 'Right'.
#279063 by Badstrat
Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:51 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:Ted - you realize that these white supremacists marching in Charlottesville were chanting 'blood and soil'? this is the Hitler-era Nazi slogan that was rising in Germany in the 1930s. It surprises me that you are so quick to defend these racists because they are the 'Right'.

Mike.... Do you realize that they are the same bought and paid for leftist professional rioters that have disrupted and caused every riot in the last 5 years or more? You know, the looters, the fire starters, the cop hater bunch.
#279064 by GuitarMikeB
Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:02 pm
Slacker, no we're talking about the neo-Nazi and KKK "demonstrators".
These guys:
And this guy who killed the person and ran over countless others:

Slacker - you can't seriously believe that all of these 'alt-Rights were Left-hired actors? Get your tinfoil hat back from Vampier!
#279065 by Badstrat
Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:09 pm
No not all of them, but the KKK is a leftist organization created by the demoncrap party. And isn't the Neo Nazi party pretty much a leftist inspired creation? And most of the protestors in almost every riot have been funded through leftist organizations. Honestly I couldn't say how many of them are paid to be there. And I do put on my tinfoil helmet every time there is a news break.
#279066 by Vampier
Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:28 pm
BLOOD AND SOIL... if one looks at the context from which this slogan comes, then it is obviously applicable to the USA at this moment. The oversimplification of having only two sides or parties and making everything Black and White when in fact it is all obscured and "Grey" ... sounds like to me being controlled, manipulated and used like a good little sheepie. You know the kind of sheepie who still uses outdated and utterly destroyed concepts like "Conspiracy theorist" or even "Tin foil Hat". ONE CAN IN FACT BE A NATIONALIST WITHOUT BEING A NAZI. The Antifa Whores who are bought and payed for and who ultimately will be phucked by Soros ... a real life bonafide Nazi Collaborator, you know the scum and Cowards who mask themselves and spout what they are conditioned to ... these are the retards of this dying World. These are the dim witted enemies who should be banned and forbidden to mask. But it is so much easier to explain, justify and state what a good little sheepie is supposed to do and say ... using pathetic outdated and wornout terms like tin Foil Hat ... over and over again to attempt to discredit that which makes you uncomfortable with yourself within your psyche. Predictable ... ineffective ...utterly wrong ... infantile.
#279072 by J-HALEY
Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:47 am
My understanding is that this was suppose to be a White Lives Matter
Rally. Soros funded large groups of left wing nuts to show up, and they did in large numbers prepared with banner sticks that were designed to be used as weapons. They also had feces and urine filled balloons to hurl with helmets and shields. Just look at the fights it was both sides you would be a MORON and plain stupid not to see it. The left wing nuts started assaulting the WLM folks and it was on. All the while Neo Nazis were showing up then all hell broke loose! All of this makes me wonder why the leftist commie media is reporting so strongly and what BOTH sides are really doing under this smoke and mirrors bullshit!
#279078 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:34 pm
Badstrat wrote:No not all of them, but the KKK is a leftist organization created by the demoncrap party. And isn't the Neo Nazi party pretty much a leftist inspired creation?

Seriously? There's no hope trying to point out the obvious with you, then. Why would they call themselves the "alt-Right" and be pro-white (anti-everything else) if they were leftist? You're not making any sense slacker. I'm outta here on this one.
#279079 by DainNobody
Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:43 pm
ALT-LEFT the group that instigated the attack, without a permit to assemble.. lots of hatred with the left, they are trying to force their own values on to the traditionalists.. :)
#279080 by schmedidiah
Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:09 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:And this guy who killed the person and ran over countless others:

I like that license plate blurred out. that's a nice touch. what in thee fuuuu...... :lol:
#279086 by DainNobody
Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:18 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:Slacker, no we're talking about the neo-Nazi and KKK "demonstrators".
These guys:
And this guy who killed the person and ran over countless others:

Slacker - you can't seriously believe that all of these 'alt-Rights were Left-hired actors? Get your tinfoil hat back from Vampier!
Mike, they had a permit to assemble, and the photo showing the car leaves out the fact the ALT-LEFT with clubs attacked the car first..please show that too
#279087 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:47 pm
Soros is laughing at all of us today. Those are the exact optics he wanted and we are all falling into the trap. This is exactly how dictators emerge, and it sure looks like Soros has one in mind.

The "fuhrer" (leader) gets a large group of people angry (or in fear of) a small group. In this case it's most of America getting angry at Antifa or BLM, though the media would have you believe it's the other way around. Then they start a publicized fight to produce political instability and exploit it for widespread media propaganda to increase the number of people in the fight.

The Left has no chance of winning a civil war but that's "necessary" for their plan to bring a Statist government crack-down.

The people at the bottom of this fight (on both sides) don't yet realize they are being used as cannon fodder. They are useful idiots to help the media narrative that makes everyone angry enough to rush into a buzzsaw. The alt-Right is a minuscule group with no support or power but they have been given "leader" status by the alt-Left to help perpetrate the propoganda and widen the war.

They hope to narrow down and isolate white christians who overwhelmingly vote conservative, and will use any division of social measure to separate us. This particular Leftist strategy is pernicious in going after Christians, thinking America is secular enough to exploit that division among whites. No different than when Hitler started denigrating all Jews as blood sucking leeches on society.

This is not just a dangerous risk of violence possibly drawing us into civil war. No, it is a calculated plan to instigate just that. All brought to you by the same people who have been dividing us by race/economic status/gender for the last 8 years; Soros, Obama, and the DNC in collusion with Islam.

They will not win, but it will nearly destroy America to rid ourselves of this scourge from the Left and their ignorant minions. In the meantime, their efforts will bring out the worst in people and we have to be vigilant about stopping the bloodthirsty on every side, especially those we may have influence with.


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