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#241672 by Planetguy
Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:10 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:Obviously logic and reason have been removed.

thanks for acknowledging exactly what i was saying. you'll bitch about trolling, but you have no answer as to why it was ok for YOU to troll, or why YOU were such a big fan and supporter of the Willy troll.

where's YOUR "logic and reason" there????? :roll:

clearly that's just more of your two sets of rules hypocrisy and dishonesty. :oops:

Mark the more you write the more your logic gets twisted.

yeah, that's pretty "twisted". wondering why you endorse WIlly's trolling but condemn vinny's!!!
i put a very simple question to you and your team mates. is too "twisted" to follow that "logic"????

is that your excuse for not addressing the question????

(s'ok. we already know the answer....two sets of rules hypocrisy and dishonesty. )

Now why don't you just go back to writing and playing music.

glen...pls stop trying to CONTROL what i can and can't do. that's unamerican! and if you have a problem w america and hate it so much...don't let the door hit your fanny on your way out.

Thanks Mark... you really should tone down your hatred. It is way too obvious.

LOL! hey mike....glen's handing lectures on.....wait for it.......... "hatred" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

glen, you just might be THE biggest hypocrite i've EVER come across! :lol:
#241674 by Planetguy
Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:03 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:
Why did I put it this way... Because suddenly mike birch is back, complaining, farley is back complaining, planet whatever is back, complaining, and govt troll is back complaining... We were doing fine without them. Since the tactics have NOT changed I would suggest sticking to the side of the forum where you tend to remain respectful.

riiiiiight. i guess we all forgot how your team NEVER complains about anything in this forum! it's never anything but respect for those who disagree w you guys or hold different views! :lol:

afterall....w you guys it's all post after post of love and kisses and no complaining!

mah, gawd....does your bottomless pool of hypocrisy know no bounds? :oops:
#241699 by GuitarMikeB
Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:06 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:MY GOD , You really are bothered.

Oh, what a rip-roaring comeback! :lol:

#241807 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:03 am
Planetguy wrote:really...have YOU been "confused"? have you been thrown off topic or diverted from some point you wanted to make?

i doubt it.

was anyone else "confused" or "diverted"???? also doubtful.

Whatever this person's identity is, they are attempting to deceive when they keep coming back with a new one. I find that dishonest and lost respect for Vinnie or whatever he/she calls themselves now.

or.... they've been kicked off the board by mgmt and come back w a new acct and new screen name.

by that logic you can indite slacker. after all he's come back w a new screen name. have you lost respect for him and find it dishonest when he's changed his screen name and avatar???

no. nor have i. because, though he's changed his screen name, he still espouses the same views in the same way he did before.

can you think of anyone else you can apply that same logic to???? someone who's changed their screen name but still espouses the same views in the same way he did before???

here's a hint....starts with a "v".......

so we can file this under the same "two sets of rules" you guys like to play under. one set applies for your team and.....

the question i asked remains......why was glen's efforts to "confuse" and HIS "attempts to divert and derail conversation" OK.....but not so OK when you believe vinnie does it?

two set of rules.....that's why. and because vinnie ain't on your team. :wink:

oh baloney.

first of all there is a difference between a private citizen voicing their views in a public forum versus a paid government hack sent to muddy the waters whenever the truth exposes their agenda. Seems like you would be intelligent enough to know the difference?

But secondly, Glen would tell you that I have spoken to him several times before about the tactics he uses. I did so publicly and privately, but to be consistent, I allow for all people to speak their mind, so he has as much right as anyone else to be belligerent whenever he chooses.

Now, to show how you aren't a hypocrite that plays with two sets of rules, you will now show where you have ever attempted to address the belligerence coming from your "side".

But of course you can not.....
Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:24 am
The truth is when some one starts insulting another as a form of defense... The weakness is exposed. This is a public service announcement. :lol:

Yod are you really a pompous ass? Sorry I just don't want some of my core beliefs to be challenged... Next someone may call you stupid... I won't believe that either.
#241819 by Planetguy
Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:22 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:The truth is when some one starts insulting another as a form of defense... The weakness is exposed. This is a public service announcement. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: good one glen! YOU'RE" handing out lectures on INSULTS!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: i bet you don't think much of personal attacks either!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
#241820 by Planetguy
Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:31 pm
yod wrote:Now, to show how you aren't a hypocrite that plays with two sets of rules, you will now show where you have ever attempted to address the belligerence coming from your "side".

But of course you can not.....

"can not"??? actually i choose not to because your side does it enough already.

it's not my responsibility to point out the short comings of the left.....and by not doing so, that doesn't make me a hypocrite.

that's not even close to the same thing as when glen put WILLY the troll on a pedestal as he brayed about FREEDOM OF SPEECH .....but then condemns Vinny as troll when he exercises his.


or when glen disrupted thread after thread w his unrelated attacks and accusations against mikeb and george(sans) but then glen turns around and accuses vinny of trying to derail conversations! again...


as you're fond of saying.....

"Seems like you would be intelligent enough to know the difference?"

(and i can't help but notice that YOU never "attempted to address" glen's clear trolling but instead give HIM a pass....but Vinny is fair game? ) everyone say it w me now.... THAT'S TWO SETS OF RULES.
#241832 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:28 pm
Government Troll wrote:Yod, you are really a pompous ass if you think you have any proof that I am not a private citizen, any evidence at all that I am a paid troll, government or otherwise. You are just thrashing away in the dark.

Maybe calling me a troll was just your best come-back you had to that question regarding proof for your "33000 Christians killed in one day by Assad" BS propaganda.

Yod has expressed faith that I am a paid gov troll :P
I know, as factual certainty, that his faith is in an absolute falsehood.

Typical ridicule and personal vindictive. It's all you have.

Here are the facts:

1. This corrupt Administration has sent trolls into every discussion group that has a critical word about them for several years now. This not a secret, nor a theory.

2. They follow Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" in attacking people (because they're easier to destroy or discredit than institutions) and employing ridicule instead of addressing facts.

3. They are sent to derail and confuse any discussion that gets close to exposing the truth about their policies. Misdirection to end any examination.

4. That is an accurate description of exactly what you do. You don't seem to have any other personality or reason for being. You don't answer a factual debate with facts. You answer with ridicule and insults. can say that you do this without getting paid, but even if that is true, it only makes you an amateur tool propagating lies. Or, as Stalin called those kinds of people "Useful idiots"

I don't really see a reason to engage with with such a "person"
#241836 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:50 pm
Planetguy wrote:
yod wrote:Now, to show how you aren't a hypocrite that plays with two sets of rules, you will now show where you have ever attempted to address the belligerence coming from your "side".

But of course you can not.....

"can not"??? actually i choose not to because your side does it enough already.

No, it's because you can not...just like you could not show any proof of your accusations in our last topic of discussion. An accusation is not proof.

it's not my responsibility to point out the short comings of the left.....and by not doing so, that doesn't make me a hypocrite.

I didn't say it was your, quite the opposite you accused me of not be consistent and I showed you that I am and pointed out that you have TWO SETS OF RULES and are hypocritical.

Thanks for making that clear.

that's not even close to the same thing as when glen put WILLY the troll on a pedestal as he brayed about FREEDOM OF SPEECH .....but then condemns Vinny as troll when he exercises his.


Believe it or not, I'm usually way too busy to be here. I try not to pay attention to all the drama on purpose. I am pretty sure that I never talked to Willy. Seems like I remember thinking that it was Glen in drag, but the discussions back then were more argumentative than anything else, so I stayed out of it.

No proof of a double-standard (again) but it doesn't keep you from making the accusation.

Do you want to see what TWO SETS OF RULES really looks like? ... BkjKWoS.99

I'd be happy to hear you condemn the abuse of Government power in this case, or the IRS case, against political opposition. No doubt that you would protest this if it was the GOP doing the same thing in I would also.

(and i can't help but notice that YOU never "attempted to address" glen's clear trolling but instead give HIM a pass....but Vinny is fair game? ) everyone say it w me now.... THAT'S TWO SETS OF RULES.

That's just revisionist bullcorn. Another accusation without fact or reason, because the left has TWO SETS OF RULES and isn't bound by the truth.

Glen, not that it would do any good, but would you mind telling our confused friend here about how I came to your house and we had this conversation?

After he has done that, I'd like an apology Mark.
Last edited by t-Roy and The Smoking Section on Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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