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#241321 by DainNobody
Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:21 pm
I lived in a town in Louisiana with the same 70% black population, the arrest rate was about the same. I also knew several of the police, not a racist in the bunch.
Billy, how can you be so sure of that? KuKluxKlanners are notorious for being two-faced, they conceal their true hatred of blacks thru their secrecy.. put a blonde blue eyed fox of a white woman, together with the blackest well-hung male in the little downtown cafe, in front of these NON-RACIST officers, with the couple making eyes at each other and I wonder how long they (the nice white officers)could conceal their true colors..? everything in life is not a "given" as pointed out by the haters of the destitute known as Walker and Ryan.. and Rubio
#241322 by MikeTalbot
Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:58 pm
Planet I think you missed the boat on Ferguson - what the cops are doing there is acting the part of revenue collectors, not peace officers. They are looting those people just as NYPD loots New Yorkers.

But they are black - so what? They are no better than the white people who get looted by cops at the behest of political hogs. Why not identify the real problem or we can never solve it. That's called 'category error.'

What's ironic - that Brown kid got exactly what he should of got - then the whole world drops on a cop who actually did something right - and the first thing the Chief does is throw the cop under the bus and send in the paramilitaries, exacerbating the situation.

It's a mess. But that's my take on it.

#241326 by Planetguy
Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:39 pm
MikeTalbot wrote:Planet I think you missed the boat on Ferguson - what the cops are doing there is acting the part of revenue collectors, not peace officers. They are looting those people just as NYPD loots New Yorkers.

hah...i didn't miss it, that's why i mentioned that the "racist INDUSTRY" is alive and well. what makes it racist and not just 'revenue collecting' you ask....all the clearly racist emails and recordings that were discovered from that PD.

But they are black - so what? They are no better than the white people who get looted by cops at the behest of political hogs. Why not identify the real problem or we can never solve it. That's called 'category error.'
so, you're saying that the fact these people were targeted had NOTHING to w them being black, then?

What's ironic - that Brown kid got exactly what he should of got - then the whole world drops on a cop who actually did something right - and the first thing the Chief does is throw the cop under the bus and send in the paramilitaries, exacerbating the situation.

for the record...i do believe the kid got what he deserved. but what i find interesting here is that when obama comes down on the Ferguson PD he's labelled a racist fanning the flames of racism to further his agenda. yet, why is it when J Nixon....MO's govenor jumped in both feet first to blame the cop and Ferg one called HIM racist or questioned HIS motives? (hint: he ain't a brutha)

It's a mess. But that's my take on it.

same as it ever was, same as it ever was. (and will likely remain)
Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:14 am
I don't believe that's true. This has just been a few years of an attempt to divide our country.
Why may be the bigger question. We have a president that could have been the great uniter. Instead, IMO he has done more harm to divide our nation... Over something as stupid as racial lines.

No there is something far greater than just that. Race is just one issue that has been used to weaken the character of the American people. The resolve to push hate aside has weakened, the resolve to protect the minority has become unimportant, and the value of the law equally applied to all has been destroyed.

It has become one huge shouting match in the name of democracy... Meanwhile the agenda of hate, control, and the general advancement of evil continues.
#241328 by Planetguy
Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:28 am
glen, you speak of dividing the nation. this ferguson/racial stuff is relatively recent news what? yrs into obama's presidency.

you and others love to lay the division of this country at his feet. like HE is the only one responsible for it.

so, i'm curious....what responsibilty (if any) do you lay at his obstructionist opponents who vowed from day one not to work with him on anything?

is our counrty divided SOLELY because of obama....or do conservatives and the conservative media share ANY blame? what blame if any do you think the AM conservative radio pundits bear?

please don't list all of obama's crimes against humanity as an answer. my question, put another way....

my question...what responsibility do his opponents hold for how divided our county has become? is it ALL obama's fault?
Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:00 am
NO, Mark.
This starts at every town hall, passing ordinances to "control" the most simple of things such as cleaning up after you walk your dog. To me that would just be common courtesy.

This proceeds to state governments that allow private cameras to share in raising funds with an "I GOTCHA". Pay the fine or go to jail. No jury, No judge, No recourse to be able to answer the LAW. Red Light cameras.

Lets jump forward to where if you are an elected congressional leader, you can LIE and LIE again... Protected by the constitution, on the floor of our senate... Another human being is allowed to exert control over the American population, because of his very disrespect of the fundamental values of a REPUBLIC.

Mark. I only offer a view into the values that are not intended to hurt the few, but a view that will not permit the few to open the door to hell.
#241332 by Paleopete
Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:19 am
No he had a lot of help from his cronies n the democrat party.

Eric Holder - Charged with contempt of Congress over the Fast and Furious gun running program, never has and probably never will be held accountable, Obama was in on it too. Did a lot to "fan the flames" in Ferguson, I'm sure the one thing he hated most to do was admit the officer did nothing wrong after the DOJ investigation, which should have never been necessary. His comments at the time made it obvious he intended to rake the officer over the coals. He met and talked to MIchael Brown's family, and only mentioned officer Wilson to accuse him of wrongdoing.

Harry Reid - Mostly responsible for the perception of a dysfunctional Congress, at the time of the Nov elections he had blocked 380 bills passed by the House, while Obummer whined the whole time that those pesky Republicans "just won't work with me" and pushed the do nothing Congress idea every time he got a chance. Reid and Obummer have made a career out of blaming republicans and throwing someone else under the bus.

Al Sharpton - Charlatan, race baiter, instigator, all around disgusting critter, immediately decided the officer shot Brown for no reason other than race, instigating the riots that ensued, and vanished soon as they started.

Nancy Pelosi - Had the audacity to claim that over 50,000 "children" who crossed our border last year was an opportunity. While the majority of those were actually males aged 14-17 usually with ties to criminal gangs, numerous diseases not seen in this country in at least 50 years were being brought back here, and while border patrol was busy playing baby sitter criminals and drug runners were free to enter the US at will. While Pelosi continued to make nonsensical comments that helped in creating more dissent between the two sides.

And those are just a few examples I can remember offhand without spending an hour looking up references.

In other words the entire upper echelon of the Democratic party has been instrumental in dividing the country and not just along racial lines. They have used every kind of opposing view they can find. Racial, economical, gun/anti gun, religion, abortion, ficticious climate change, political, you name it they have exploited it to get people at each others' throats. And they love it. As long as we're fighting and bickering amongst ourselves, we're not likely to get together and do something about the greed and corruption that's destroying our government from the inside.

Obama is the primary instigator, yes, but he had a lot of help. The rest don't do a thing he doesn't tell them to do. Believe it or not I don't care. All his sycophants do exactly what he wants no matter the consequences for the country or its people.
#241335 by Planetguy
Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:29 am
angelsshotgun wrote:NO, Mark.
This starts at every town hall, passing ordinances to "control" the most simple of things such as cleaning up after you walk your dog. To me that would just be common courtesy.

common courtesy? yes...and common sense too. but w/o laws and rules expecting humankind to act w "courtesy".... and do the right thing...that's a pipe dream. just doesn't happen in the world i'm living in.

yep, in a perfect world we wouldn't need govt telling us we need to clean up after our dog....or to drive 25 mph in a school zone....not to beat on our wives.... or not drink a 12 pack and get behind the wheel.

maybe you think we don't need the govt telling us we need to abide by those things that should be so obvious.....sadly the reality is we do. you and i might know better, but do you really trust your neighbor down the street to play nice???? i'd like to think most have some common sense, but let's face it there's too many don't.

glen, you're always the one telling ME to move to another country if i don't like it here.....i won't condescend and turn that around on you.... but if you don't want to be straight jacketed by a govt telling you what you can and can't do....i'm sure there's a deserted isle someway you'd be happier at. :wink:
#241339 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:45 am
Planetguy wrote:
yod wrote:name ONE instance of an attack by a Christian on anyone based on their race or wicked behavior.

There are literally hundreds of instances of the reverse.

nice try. yeah....because for any and every example i give you, what are you going to come back with?????

wait for it.....

everyone say it with me, now.....

well, clearly that person isn't acting like a christian!

You should know me better than that by now.

C'mon give it a try.

There is Westboro, but I'd point out that they get more opposition from real Christians than anyone else. The point is that it is against the teachings of the One whom they claim as Lord to be hateful. We are told to love our enemies, to do good to those who despiteful use us. Turn the other cheek, do unto others as you would others do unto you, etc, know.

I will admit that's a tall order sometimes and I often fail at first....but the Spirit of Holiness convicts me and I eventually repent. That is what a real christian is commanded to do.

In my opinion, the guy should do the gay wedding and pass out salvation tracts. That would pretty much end him being asked to do it again.

Last edited by t-Roy and The Smoking Section on Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
#241340 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:21 am
obama comes down on the Ferguson PD he's labelled a racist fanning the flames of racism to further his agenda.

But he didn't just do that...?

The race war was started right before the last Presidential election. O and Sharpton had no history of friendship, but suddenly Al started showing up at the White House. Last count I've heard is that they have met more than 80 times since.

Then, a month after their first meetings a well orchestrated false-narrative came from Sanford, FL. They accused a security guard, George Zimmerman, for a crime that had allegedly been committed more than a month earlier and had been cleared by the Police and the FBI as self-defense.

This was followed by a pattern of repeated lies told by NBC (owned by G.E., Obama's biggest political supporter after Soros) and then the so-called "Justice Department" funds Al Sharpton to take a crew of thug activists to the tune of $100,000 of MY tax money to go and start trouble. After months of propaganda though the facts were available even for me, the Justice Department was proven to be casting a false-narrative all along.

This pattern of false-narratives followed by thug activism that inflames racial discord has continued since then. Maybe it is only coincidence but this also happens to be the Soros Modus Operandi in foreign nations....staged & sponsored events that lead to larger political instability when it can profit him.

yet, why is it when J Nixon....MO's govenor jumped in both feet first to blame the cop and Ferg one called HIM racist or questioned HIS motives? (hint: he ain't a brutha)

I questioned his integrity. He was pandering.

Planetguy wrote:so, i'm curious....what responsibilty (if any) do you lay at his obstructionist opponents who vowed from day one not to work with him on anything?

You mean like the Democrats have done to every Republican President since Nixon?

It is the President's responsibility to lead, whether he likes or is liked by, his political opposition. I wouldn't support ANY President who thinks the Executive Branch can work separate from the other two branches of government. That's not how America was founded.

This President did not make any attempt to work with, consider, nor compromise with any voice that disagreed with him. When he had control of Congress, they simply locked the elected Representatives of half the nation outside like bullies. THAT is the reason why there is a Tea Party. Gutless Republicans rolled over.

what blame if any do you think the AM conservative radio pundits bear?

They hardly make a dent in the propaganda of the left on every major network and newspaper. It is a proven fact that, on average, conservative citizens pay closer attention to politics. These radio programs have large audiences because it's the only place where conservatives are allowed to express their opinions without ridicule for having an opinion that differs from the DNC and GOP establishment.

what responsibility do his opponents hold for how divided our county has become? is it ALL obama's fault?

The point of politics is to represent the people who voted for you, not to "work together" necessarily. Our legislation system was designed to move slowly and laws are supposed to be decided on by a majority opinion; then balanced by three different branches of government involving hundreds of people.

One person making all the decisions is called a dictatorship.

Until the current resident of the White House understands that, I want nothing but obstruction of his destruction.
Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:46 am
Ted, I was asked not to go into boring detail about all this. It makes a plausible argument difficult.

Obama is the biggest racist out there. I am not surprised that there are that many easily swayed people in America.

That is why America is being fundamentally transformed to fit the needs of a few.

That is why people like Mark, will have to kill people like me. It is not the other way around. Violence and hatred only grow more violence and hatred.
#241370 by Paleopete
Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:26 am
What I find most alarming about all this is how many people blindly accept the talking points of a media and political machine so obviously biased without doing a little cursory research and finding out the rest of the story, which the news is not reporting. And in this case it's not hard at all to realize this is a blatant attack on Christians, one of many recent ones.

The original comment that started this was in reference to a hypothetical question, if the pizza place were asked to cater to a gay wedding, the answer was no. Simple enough, it violates their religious beliefs, they won't participate in an event that is considered a violation of their religion.

No new law was really needed, the constitution itself is supposed to back this up. The 1st Amendment is pretty clear:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. [bold text mine]

Free exercise of religion. That's the issue here. The right to follow your religious beliefs according to the doctrines of that religion. This is why Native Americans can still use hallucinogenic plants and mushrooms that are illegal for most people to use and collect Eagles' feathers, also illegal to you and me. While I see Native American beliefs as more a matter of spiritual beliefs than religion, still covered by the same amendment and just as valid.

Now we see this right being whittled away little by little by special interest groups that make it fairly obvious they hate your right to follow your religion. Atheists are doing everything they can to force the removal of any resemblance of religion from schools and public buildings, even demanding nativity scenes be removed from downtown courthouse squares, a tradition for 200 years.

The lesbian/gay community is trying to make this look like a violation of their rights. The mainstream news is probably trying to help them. If you take a closer look, it's another attack on religion. The lesbian/gay community is trying to force businesses to participate in their marriages, which Christians consider a violation of their religion.

According to law in a number of states, same sex marriage is now legal. OK so you have the right to get married. Nothing about that gives you the right to force someone else to participate. Christians (and Jews, Catholics etc) also have the right to observe their religion according to the doctrines of that religion. If that means they won't cater your wedding, which is a sin in their eyes, shut up and go find someone else who will.

And how many of you have ever seen anyone have their wedding catered by a pizza place?? Come on really...

All this started as a hypothetical question, and has been plastered all over the news lately, and very few are looking at the aspect of CHOICE...if a couple wants a wedding catered, they have a CHOICE of establishments to choose from. nobody forces them to use any specific baker, photographer, etc. Whatever happened to the signs I've seen in businesses all over the place stating

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

It's been done to me. It backfired, but it was done. I tried to get smokes at a tobacco shop, the idiot behind the counter had a boom box playing rap too loud, he asked me what I had wanted, I told him to turn the thing down and he might be able to hear me the first time. He told me I could leave, he didn't have to serve me. So I did. And immediately called the manager, who was furious, it turned out she had already told them not to play the rap CD that was playing, (I also heard a LOT of really vulgar language from that CD) which one the guy behind the counter was selling for a friend, he had also been told not to sell them from behind the counter, and the manager was not happy that it had resulted in a confrontation and the loss of a customer. I never went back, ever, and told the manager so. I don't know or care what was actually done about it...they lost my business on the spot. CHOICE again...I don't have to shop there.

All that because of the sign on the wall...we reserve the right to refuse service...

So far I've only seen one or two people in all the "experts" and celebrities blithering forever on TV about this point that fact out. Go somewhere else. Pizza is probably way down on the list of most popular foods at weddings, and if the place chooses to not go against their religion, it's not the only pizza place in town, go find another one.

OK so you have to right to enter into a same sex marriage. The business also has the right to adhere to their religious beliefs. You do not have the right to force someone else to participate in your wedding or religion.

And THAT is what this is about. Nobody has ever even asked the pizza place in question to cater a wedding, of any kind. All this uproar is over a hypothetical question. Nobody's rights have been violated. Nobody has refused to cater a wedding. The owners of the pizza place stated they didn't have any objections if a gay couple came in for dinner, they just do not wish to participate in a wedding that is a violation of their beliefs. And the bill of rights gave them the right to hold that position over 200 years ago.

And I'm not even religious...but I do very much support YOUR right to observe the religion of your choice, as guaranteed in the Constitution. And this is an attack on that right, plain and simple. If you are not outraged, you should be. It's an attack on your rights as well.

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