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#270744 by Badstrat
Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:35 pm
I have a great idea. Why don't we microchip everyone on the planet then they can track even those who are cell phone disabled. :)

The House Passes A Microchipping Law That Is Intended To Help Local Authorities Microchip Disabled People ... ed-people/

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill that would get the federal government heavily involved in microchipping disabled people for tracking purposes
Michael Snyder | End Of The American Dream - December 16, 2016 68 Comments
The House Passes A Microchipping Law That Is Intended To Help Local Authorities Microchip Disabled People
#270787 by Vampier
Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:40 pm
In increments ... step by step until all "have taken the mark". First the pets and now the "disabled". Rounding them up will be easily accomplished then.

Just wait until they put out chips for prisoners and the like that have a special feature built in ... do something wrong and they send a signal, release a poison and "turn" you off permanently. Those will be in the foreheads as it is easy to chop off your hand like Hannibal had to do.
#270788 by DainNobody
Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:47 pm
I used to be a believer in Verichip back in 2003?2004? that was the only online forum (MSN ADSX stock) I visited back then and also Raging Bull.. we made some money trading it.. it got bought out by Digital Angel. I think General Electric is eating everybody's lunch at RFID now..maybe it has changed though, last I heard GE was the 500 lb. gorilla :D
#270789 by DainNobody
Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:54 pm
what's really gonna be neat in my opinion, other than implantable RFID injected into everybody? well that will be a cashless society? the RFID in your arm will be your financial transaction tool also.. did you know that? goodbye to cellphone bank transactions..hello RFID and no more swap meets, gigs at pizza joints, etc.
#270793 by Vampier
Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:53 am
No more "gigs" at Pizza places ? Podesta may not go for that.
#270805 by GuitarMikeB
Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:59 pm
Did any of you bother to actually go to the link on the law amendment in the article, or did you just automatically believe the 'fake news'' headline from Infowars? :lol: :lol: :lol:

The amendment lets the states set grant money to have Alzheimer patients get chipped - meaning the families (who would have to request and authorize it) would not have to pay, or would pay a reduced amount of money to have their loved ones chipped.
#270813 by Badstrat
Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:47 pm
sorry mikey...

I guess the other posters who made a comment on this had the foresight to see where it will eventually lead, as with all government programs. No one said they were being FORCED to do anything.

I read the article and I saw where it could lead. And you couldn't? It isn't about a writer at infowars opinion, it is about passing legislation to allow micro chipping human beings FOR THE FIRST TIME and where that will lead with out of control governments.

I read this book where all the populations of the earth were micro chipped and heavy handed government used that method to rule over them in every way and persecute any of those that didn't go along with their decrees.

But I guess that if you can't look ahead and see that pattern in past government legislation you simply can't see it. :)
#270814 by Vampier
Sat Dec 17, 2016 5:26 pm
INCREMENTAL not simply mental. Guitar Mike believes there is no CENSORSHIP as well. So many have already been conditioned to get their "loved ones" chipped ... soon it will be standard when the new little tyke is cut out of Mommy because of the disappearing ability of women to "endure" natural childbirth. The notion that Science fiction is a precursor of what becomes reality is just "Fake News".

Of course many will have to be forcibly chipped for their own good because they will not possess the acumen or foresight that people like Guitar Mike have. Slacker perhaps we should seek therapy to help us deal with our inadequacies. HA HA HA HA AHHHHHHH. Pathetic.
#270891 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:31 pm
there's no current law AGAINST microchipping people. I ask again did any of you actually read the law amendment? Oh, why bother, you only believe the FAKE news of places like Infowars anyway. (Is it not censorship, when they only report things the "way" they see them? Of course it is!)
#270893 by J-HALEY
Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:55 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote:there's no current law AGAINST microchipping people. I ask again did any of you actually read the law amendment? Oh, why bother, you only believe the FAKE news of places like Infowars anyway. (Is it not censorship, when they only report things the "way" they see them? Of course it is!)

Now that is hilarious Mike! Hypocrite much?
#270895 by Vampier
Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:55 pm
Lies and "Fake" news about Russian Hacking put out by the Hag, the Black Messiah and the prostitute "Press" ... there is your "Fake NEWS" which the conditioned now parrot like the controlled idiots they are. Here is a "NutBall" Theory for you Planet guy ... the Chinese have been screwing with the internet the past few days using new "synthetic" methods that even the bumbling fumbling FBI and CIA have never seen before and of course were unaware of. In other words "weapons" that those "government" tit suckers did not even know existed. These disgusting nefarious bloated agencies which for years have been sucking in huge amounts of money to do their jobs "protecting America" ... can not, have not and are incapable of doing their jobs.

Guitar Mike and Planet Guy perhaps you start learning Chinese so you can continue your "activities" for your New Masters.
#270898 by Planetguy
Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:07 pm
note to self:

Lies about the Russians hacking the internet...FALSE

Lies about the Chinese hacking the interenet....TRUE

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

#270901 by Vampier
Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:30 pm
SYNTHETIC BANDWIDTH not Lies and not Fake News. Chinese communist Style Censorship is replacing the American Way. And the once Great Nation cowered, cried and whimpered unaware of their manipulation and retarded state. The "Peoples Army" readied itself to claim ownership of the Continental USA. The UN and it's Treaties which have wetted the diapers of The Hag and Merkel amongst other EU Bitches ... of both "genders" has it's equipment in place all over the Nation, it's Kamps ready and staffed and "The Mighty Executive Orders" decreed by the Great Traitor, Liar and Pretender ... the Muslim ... the illegitimate "president" and the Messiah of Migration\Invasion.

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