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#242014 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:57 pm
I did see one paragraph worth reading that says:

So, the best way to react to a troll? Don’t. They want your attention. Don’t give it to them. Don’t give them the satisfaction of bugging you. Ignoring them is the best way to deal with them. Starve them. They may not go away but you will know that you didn’t feed them.

The rest of this attempt-at-pretend-credibilty is ridiculous. Written by some EXTREMELY partisan woman on an EXTREMELY PARTISAN political website pretending to be impartial? The writer's only credentials seem to be that she is shill for Liberals. Hardly an expert and definitely not worth the time it took to skim over.

They have the right to be as stupid as they want, but it is dishonest (at the very least) to write propaganda and pretend that it has some basis in a fact somewhere.

Proving once again that lies and ridicule are ALL that the Left has. Well, that and a plan to destroy the USA.

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