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#241960 by Badstrat
Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:22 pm
School Officials Trying to Ban Off Campus Squirt Gun Game on Students’ Own Time
Posted 6 hours ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Education, Email Featured, Liberal Bullying ... -own-time/

Should public school officials have the right to dictate what students do off campus on their own time? You would think that the answer would be no, but not according to a growing number of school officials.

Over the past few years, there have been numerous reports of school officials monitoring students’ social media accounts. On a number of occasions, school officials have taken disciplinary action against students for activities that took place away from school on the students’ personal time or merely for their posts that the school doesn’t like.

I also recall one incident where a student received a phone call from a friend who was at a party and too drunk to drive home. The girl drove to the party to drive her friend home, but police arrived at the same time and made a number of arrests. At the time, the girl was detained but later released. When the school found out, they disciplined the girl.

Now school administrators at Cumberland High School in Rhode Island are trying to control what students are doing off campus and on their own time. It involves a game being played by students across the nation. The game is called ‘Senior Assassin’ where students hunt and shoot each other with squirt guns. The last one dry is the winner.

Kids have been playing with squirt guns for decades, but now because it involves something that involves a type of gun and uses the word assassin, school officials want to ban their students from participating.

Principal Alan J. Tenreiro told the local newspaper”:

“It is something that the administration does not condone or endorse in any way.”

“Given the safety issues and the amount of violence taking place at schools across the country, particularly with guns, Cumberland High School takes the position that the game is inappropriate and we strongly discourage participation.”

The school also sent letters home to parents reading in part:

“You have situations where students may be driving too fast or neighbors may see someone hiding in a bush aiming what looks like a gun at someone else.”

“These incidents have officers and the school administration concerned that someone may get injured.”

To add to the ridiculousness of the invasion of privacy by school officials, efforts have been made in Tennessee to pass a law banning squirt guns within 150 feet of school grounds.

When is the last time you heard about anyone attacking a school and killing kids with a squirt gun?

In 2008, the University of Nebraska placed a one year ban on their students participating in the Senior Assassin squirt game. The University of Texas and Loyola University has warned students that they will take disciplinary action against any student who participates in any game of ‘assassin, killer or variations thereof.’

If squirt guns are so dangerous then how did any of us survive our childhoods? Shouldn’t we all be running around missing eyes, arms and legs from the lethal effects of squirt guns?

It’s just another example of how out of control our nation has become once we chucked our moral and Christian standards out the window fifty years ago. As a nation we’ve lost touch with reality and common sense. We try to cure problems by imposing other problems or stripping Americans of their rights and freedoms instead of addressing the real cause of the problem. Until they do, school and government officials will continue to invade our privacy, rights and freedoms with their pseudo-solutions that only add to the overall problems they are trying to solve.
#241982 by MikeTalbot
Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:13 pm
I don't get it. Our leaders are themselves a bunch of pansies, our schools are doing their best to destroy the last vestiges of masculinity yet those same nancy boys are instigating wars all over the world.

Americans, knowing full well how pathetic our leaders are, line up for a hearty "Sieg Heil - Lets drop the nice guy sh*t and really flatten'em this time!" And nobody seems to care who 'them' are as long as we're killing somebody.

It's cognitive dissonance on a massive scale.

Maybe Slacker's 'control freaks' are having the opposite effect of what they want (nothing new for them) - and all this blood lust is a way re-asserting our maleness. If it was directed at those control freaks I'd applaud loudly - but why keep slaughtering foreigners?

Notice that I didn't mention liberals or conservatives - both sides seem to be onboard with all this. Could we have an opposition party please?


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