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#241897 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:54 pm
TheFarleys wrote:Israel has become as big a threat to Mideast peace as ISIS. It's time we stop cowtowing to them and cut the billions in aid.

Oh, baloney, Mr Farley. :)

If Israel had ever been a threat, there would be no other nations in the middle east by now. They would have been turned into Greater Israel, or fields of glassy sand when they invaded Israel in 1948, 1953, 1967, 1973 and all the subsequent invasion by proxy since then.

We spend 1/4 in Israel what we spend in Afghanistan, and the billions of aid spent in Israel have shown a return on investment in a multitude of ways; which can not be said about the billions aid spent in Palestinian territories, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, etc...

Do you not know that fully ½ of all money given to Israel is spent in the USA for mutual scientific and military research and development?

College campii in the USA have become a hotbed of Islamic rhetoric and rampant anti-semitism. Jewish students are being physically attacked and intimidated. It has to stop, in the name of truth and true tolerance
Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:02 pm
Poor palestine. They keep letting different groups in to start shelling and killing those pesky zionists. F, just remember that the next time your neighbor starts shooting at you because you didn't want his dog on your lawn.

Your hatred is blinding you. Go look at the flowers.
#241936 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Wed Apr 15, 2015 5:00 pm
TheFarleys wrote:Baloney? I presume that's Kosher beef bologna you're hankering.

The fact is the Zionists have been the aggressors, and continue their campaign to exterminate the Palestinians.

When NuttyYahoo came here and and helped the treasonous Boehner that was the last straw.

He can go to Jewish Hell as far as I'm concerned.

That is so far from the truth that I'm not sure where to begin. Can you back up any of your accusations with a fact? You have only repeated the propaganda of terrorists. When has the PLO or Hamas ever told you the truth?

I've been there several times and have seen the situation first hand in both the West Bank and inside the Green Line. The only people brutalizing the Palestinians are their own "leaders", and the Arab nations who have kept them in refugee status for political gain against Israel. If they drop their demand to push all Jews into the sea, and quit teaching kindergartners that Jews are pigs who should be murdered, they could have peace AND their own land by this afternoon. Until that happens Israel has no choice but to treat them all like potential terrorists..

Yes, it is a humiliating experience to go through the checkpoints so I understand why peaceful people would be very angry about doing that. But again...the blame falls squarely on the muslim terrorist agitators who only want blood.

Please...use a little common sense here

If Israel wanted to obliterate the Muslim-terrorists-who-call-themselves-Palestinian, they could have done so many times already. In my opinion, they SHOULD have but it's another discussion.

If Israel wanted to exterminate them, they wouldn't allow Palestinians who live inside the Green Line to vote and have elected representatives in the Knesset, a full 20% of the government, btw.

If Israel wanted to exterminate them, Ehud Barak would not have offered Arafat 97% of what they demand.

On the other hand, if the PLO truly wanted peace all they would have to do is be peaceful.


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