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#241840 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:59 pm
Government Troll wrote:
yod wrote: can say that you do this without getting paid, but even if that is true, it only makes you an amateur tool propagating lies. Or, as Stalin called those kinds of people "Useful idiots"

"33000 Christians killed in one day by Assad" seems to be a lie, one that you propagated ... and when called out on it, you began calling me names and chanting "troll".
So, what kind of useful idiot are you .. are you an amateur troll or a pro?

That was an honest mistake, and corrected by Mike Talbot. I never tried to prove a lie or confuse the issue, Mr Troll.

Again you show that personal attack and ridicule are the only tools in your box.
Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:30 pm
Yod... It is sad that when these people are confronted with intelligence, honor, and bravery... EVEN MORE, EXTREME MUSICAL TALENT, the response is disgusting. I know what one did... Does it matter to me. It does to give him enough pause to NOT DO IT AGAIN.

Obviously the intent is to censor every one they can. All you can really do is feel sorry for them. Pray for their souls and hope the greatest things they achieve, mirror half of your musical accomplishments.
#241895 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:44 pm
Government Troll wrote:
That was an honest mistake, and corrected by Mike Talbot. I never tried to prove a lie or confuse the issue, Mr Troll.

Again you show that personal attack and ridicule are the only tools in your box.

Only now do you admit it was an error (assuming that it was an error and not an intentional lie).
You did not acknowledge Tabolt's suggestion, that it might have been an error, in that thread, you did not take any responsibility of your own for the dis-info propaganda that you tossed off while accusing others of tossing off propaganda.

Duly Noted :lol:

Like I said earlier somewhere else, I don't really have the time to be here at all. Once the record was set straight, I didn't argue, but if it makes you feel better I will do what no liberals or trolls have ever done here before:

I admit I was wrong!

Again, it was an honest mistake on my part to repeat something in past memory that I had heard, without checking it out first. It's rare that I do that, but it sometimes happens.

And while I'm confessing and apologizing, I have only been able to check in and take summary glances at conversations since last December, due to a lot of international travel. I thought I had seen you confess to being a government paid troll and have been posting under that assumption. Heck, you even use that as your name now...and lately you've been posting so many articles on being a paid government troll that it still looks like an admission on your part.

But....if you are not actually a paid government troll, then I apologize for my mistake in not researching your actual identity better.

#241914 by MikeTalbot
Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:36 am

Yod is not 'backing down.' It's a thing call integrity.

Sometimes I've relied on memory when I should have tried Google instead. Sometimes we miss - not a huge deal but we must always correct that if we can - because we have no history if propagate a wrong figure. (disclaimer: I've done it and was mortified)

This is one of the reasons I respect Ted so much (even though we don't always agree!) - he conducts himself like a gentleman and rarely lets anger cloud his reasoned statements.

Our desire must never be to beat down our opponent in a debate - but rather to be correct. That's the point of the debate - or used to be.

Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:25 am
There is no reasonable debate with these people.
I have had too many "INCIDENTS" where troll and I have been on at the same time. I thought I was having computer problems. WRONG.
A troll with backing has only one post credited. You can go and ignore it. I'm not so willing. I wish some of you would stop backing down when these attacks happen.

No wonder why this country is being shut down. Grow something more than integrity.
#241933 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:39 pm
angelsshotgun wrote:There is no reasonable debate with these people.
I have had too many "INCIDENTS" where troll and I have been on at the same time. I thought I was having computer problems. WRONG.
A troll with backing has only one post credited. You can go and ignore it. I'm not so willing. I wish some of you would stop backing down when these attacks happen.

No wonder why this country is being shut down. Grow something more than integrity.

The only "side" I want to be on is the truth. I pretty much hate all politicians, some less than others.

Ultimately the truth is all that matters and we can't let our personality get in the way of others hearing the truth. Belligerence only begets more belligerence. Anytime you group someone into "those people" you have given in to fear.

Yes, I know it's frustrating that the truth doesn't seem to matter to our friends on the left these days...and I get upset about that all the time...but we mustn't let anger cloud the message of truth.

So don't fight the troll, whether real or imaginary. See your opposers as someone offering you the opportunity to explain your position to someone else, and give an answer for those who haven't made a decision yet, instead of answering an insult with an insult. We don't have to respect a dishonest person...but it doesn't help win the hearts & minds of others to get in the mud with them every time either.

Government Troll might actually be my enemy (if he/she is being paid to do so) but I don't think that Mark or Jimmy are beyond reason yet, or at least I'm hoping. Then again GT might just be a confused person still capable of reason, eventually. I am for all Americans, and against the destruction of individual rights in this country, so I would fight to the death for their right to speak, even if they are wrong. Intentional lying is another matter, so propagandists are another category that doesn't deserve the right to speak.

Both major political parties are playing us against each other to gain political power first & foremost. Throwing fireballs at each other over lies is exactly what the leftist politicians in this country want. I will not be their tool!

Dictators have always used our own anger to divide us from each other, so we are too busy to notice what they are doing. Don't let them make you angry, or you will be their puppet.

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